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So... CANTHA? Would you like to explore Cantha in the next expansion!?


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> @"Finding Sanity.1283" said:

> I had to log in to comment on this because I notice a bunch of new people and possibly old players that are oblivious to what content they have played and gw lore. Im no lore genius, but I played gw since Factions came out. and Gw2 since beta. First off Cantha felt like home to me. Here's the wiki so I wont bore you with my explanations of the place. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cantha & https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Cantha


> I found it the most enjoyable content to date. Which is Including gw2 (but pof was/is interesting so far because I think Nightfall was pretty cool). Seems we've almost come full circle on the lore aspect of the game. And have pretty much covered all of Tyria, 3 fold.. and somewhat backwards, Which always made me anticipate that Cantha would eventually make a return. As for Humans, it would be kinda off topic to make an expansion based around a different race since gw is so human dominant. Although they wasnt the dominant race to start with. To people saying they need to explore more of the Norn or Charr, We've all been all over Ascalon, Elona, all of Tyria for going on 2 decades with only a brief layover on the Canthan island. Theres no more to explore with the Charr, we know their story, where theyre from, what they do. Theres not much else to know. Other than Rytloks time in the Mists to become a Revenant, that was kind of random. Maybe we could all go to the Mists and have the best of both worlds?

> The Norn, we had Eye of the North in gw1 which Norn'ed me to death. Then as a playable race in gw2 and learned more about Jora, Eir, Braham, etc. Theyre pretty much the dwarves of the shiverpeaks now. What we dont have or havent had much interaction with (although a few quests and interactions in gw2) are with the Dwarves. But according to lore, only the stone dwarves would be around in the current timeline unless the asura had some waygate to send us back in time. Which anything is possible in the world of game development. Monk and Ritualist class lore has barely been touched on like most elite specs, But there has been nods to the history with certain class specs and books or npcs here and there as of late.

> TBH im quite sick of risen, undead, elder dragons, branded, destroyers and mordrem. The Balthazar fight was at least a nice change back to the good old days of fighting a singular antagonist boss. (Abaddon, Shiro, or even Kanaxai ) Although, fighting his herald and himself many times throughout the story was redundant and annoying. I do miss the world bosses in gw1 with the glowing aura based on their class. So yea. Give me Cantha, monks, rits, slums and sewers, asian culture, dark gothic atmospheres of Echovald Forest, moody music, statue blessings, some dragon moss, kirin, Am-Fah to kill with a stack of rice wine red bean cakes with a modernized Shing Jea boardwalk and Canthan New Year and i'll die totally satisfied. :)



It seems you think about it the exact same way I do, lore-wise I had figured the same. And you're an gw1 vet as well :).

It would fit going to Cantha next. From all the dragons we've faced so far, I believe the only one left is the underwater dragon, which is supposed to roam around cantha regions if I'm not mistaking. I wonder though if this would make it a more underwater themed expansion then. And I wonder if an underwater themed expansion would be something Anet would want, though. Also I'm wondering if the playerbase would fancy something like it. Underwater doesn't seem like a popular place to be amongst the player-base.

The crowded, multi-level streets of kaineng and other cities however, would be a nice addition to what we have in GW2, I think. We already have the vast, dry and large landscapes of elona, HoT-jungles, shiverpeaks etc. An asian themed expansion would be something really nice imo.

Cantha is my favorite expansion of gw 1 as well, allthough I can imagine other people wanting something else (for now), the nostalgia of Cantha really wins it over for me. Starting on the relatively calm shing-yaaay! island, going to the crowded busy cities on the mainland with the nasty afflicted, towards the damp, dark old forests of the kurzicks in echovald, jade sea wasn't my cup of tea though. Oh, and Ritualists! Aaahh. And please, Tengu when Cantha comes!

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> @"Ariurotl.3718" said:

> No, I don't want another human-centric expansion, Elona was monotone and bland enough as it is.


Cantha doesn’t have to be.

The coastal city of kaineng is mostly human, but with the melting of the Jade Sea the Naga might return. And there’s the Wardens in the west. Cantha’s only as human as the writers will make it.

Xenophobia/totaliarism will have made the Kaineng and Bukdeck mostly human, but I wonder how easily the empire could’ve expanded beyond the Echovald and Jade Sea. Those lands are not exactly hospitable.

And I also believe Cantha would make for a great Empire story.

1. DSD corrupted the empire as a puppet nation.

2. DSD is tamed or killed by the great and mighty empire.

3. The empire is subject to civil war at large scale.


And I have this headcannon fanfiction where Zhu Hanuku is the DSD champion, because even in its frail weak state the luxons needed magical relics to fight it, and couldn’t kill it at all.

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Here are my thoughts on this:


I would love to explore Cantha. I would also like to explore a good many other places both either having been in GW1 or having been mentioned in GW1&2.


However, that said, I don't think it's a good idea. As it is right now GW2 has too many maps. Even with megaservers many of the existing maps are frequently devoid of player presence. Every time new maps are added to the game it exacerbates this issue, fragmenting the playerbase further as new maps are added and then subsequently completed and ignored. In many cases there are no reasonable incentives in place to reward players for revisiting maps that they have completed.


I think this is an issue that needs to be addressed as I feel that as more maps are added to the game the current playerbase is going to end up being splintered more and more. We saw it in GW1 with Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, and Eye of the North. We are seeing it now in GW2.

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since i see so many ppl still asking for this, let me be the butthole that points out why Anet will never even release cantha unless things change political.

1. China doesn't like their architecture to be mixed with other Asian architecture, cantha is exactly that.

2. If an any time Anet does decide to release GW2 with cantha, they need to exclude china from this expansion which is against their own MO.

3. Cantha is closed down completely and all non-human races are banned from there, this expansion would be filled with human-only cities and and non-human race would be heavily discriminated.


so if you really want cantha, you better be prepared for a crapload of problems coming from it, something Anet doesn't want to risk.

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No I dont trust them to do it right, story wise they would fuck it up so freaking hard because of how racist the entire continent is and we cant have that in hello kitty online 2. I would rather them take us somewhere we have not ever been then mess up the place that I started my guild wars journey back in GW1; I dont feel like they would offer everything I would want in a factions experience. Based on PoF which was a shit-show for the story department, I really just want them to quit trying to tell a tale in their game because the lore and the story are becoming completely ridiculous. Id rather go farther north than we have ever been to be honest, or return to the eye of the north areas as they have relevance to the current narrative.

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Tyria is a big planet. We have access to relatively safe travel between dimensions, not to mention we're on the verge of spaceflight. If we want to go somewhere, there's no reason to go to a place that doesn't want its own people, let alone visitors. "I", the Commander, might respond to a cry for help from within Cantha someday (Help me, Pact Commander! you're my only hope!).


Basically, I'd like more Star Trek; less Star Wars right now.

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By the way, there's a bit of altered dialogue for human female revenants. Shiro asks about cantha, and like all races and genders, the response is "we don't know, they closed themselves off basically". But then... for human females there's a line that says I HOPE TO FIND OUT MYSELF SOMEDAY! Keep in mind this would have been added with HoT in 2015 most likely (couldn't have been sooner at least), which indicates they considered cantha sometime after the things they said at launch. Now I will think it we should get a few more xpacs on tyrian supercontinent before we even CONSIDER cantha but I do want to go someday

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