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Should there be a GW 3? - [Merged]


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> @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > @Orpheal.8263 said:

> > Nope, not at all..

> >

> > if Anet ever makes another game, they should make a completely fresh and new game franchise that has nothign to do with Guild Wars


> Imagine if they brought back City of Heroes. (We will never forget.) NCSoft put everything behind ArenaNet and GW 2 at the time and while I don't regret their decision to back GW 2, I've missed CoH ever since.




I’d drop GW2 in a heart beat if they brought COH back. I know it had its own issues, but no other game entertained me even half as much as COH did.

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A trilogy of expansions (meaning one more) sounds nice and round. I think GW2 has another few in it, but I could dig only one more if GW3 was around the corner. The game is what...6 years old? If another expansion came out in 6-18 months, weaving in an LS before and after to round it out...we are looking at another 2 - 2.5 yrs of GW2. ~8 years total? Maybe 9? Maybe push it to 10? Sure definitely.



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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

>There was a lot of hyper for games like Hellgate: London (from the creators of Diablo!!!), Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, Lord of the Rings Online, Aion, Fury, and so on.


> Now we know that most of those failed; Hellgate: London closed in less than two years, just to give one example.


I think you mean Hellgate: Global here, London was a singleplayer/coop game pretty much diablo with guns, Global was attempt at converting that into mmo-esque thing.... that failed miserably.


as for topic on hand:

frankly I do not believe in real need of gw3 to ever become to be, alot of people here uses argument of dated graphics/engine and yet there is a handfull of mmos that are much older and have actually gone through (in some cases multiple) engine migrations.


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> @"Diabolos.6042" said:

> Graphics are fine... I'm not sure what is wrong with 2...

> I feel that the better the graphics in a game, the more it lacks in other areas.

> I would play a text only guild wars if it had a fantastic story and content. :)



I assume you mean in MMOs, because I can think of hundreds of games that had great graphics, and awesome gameplay.

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The game would need to be run/designed by a company that doesn't abandon half of their ideas when they don't work out and take ages to adjust broken parts of the game; lazy and poorly executed approaches to balancing the game between all modes. Lack of progress and inconsistent content releases are another massive problem.


If ANET wasn't behind a potential GW3, I might have said yes.

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The problem with a GW3 is that it would need the same amount, if not more, content than GW2 when it realeses. Ideally, I'd like to see a huge graphics update to the GW2 engine. WoW has done some incredible graphical updates over the past few years. GW2 needs to keep up with the eye candy. The whole point of vistas is to say to the player: "hey, stop and look around at how beautiful our game is." I love the vistas. GW2 just needs a major graphics update. The cadence of LW updates and expansions currently employed are perfect. GW2 had seen a tremendous amount of polish since it's debut, so let's continue that with graphical improvements, server and game optimization, and continued story developments. The game seriously needs to be optimized much better. My system is top notch, but will still drop to the 20s fps in WvW, on some map events in HoT, and definitely in some of the newer maps in PoF. A 2012 game should be running at 60 fps at all times in 2018. Not to mention, GW2 takes 150 GB on my SSD. WoW takes half that much and is a much larger game. Anet, please optimize!


Instead of a sequel: update the graphics engine and ensure that a 2018 mid-range PC is capable of 60 fps in all game modes at all times. And gives us some more sPvP game modes, please! 1v1 would be awesome!


I would love to see Anet create a new MMO with the combat and game design philosophy of GW2 in the Star Wars universe.


Combat in GW2 is supreme. Best part of the game. Hands down.

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I agree more with "When the time is right" but I selected "Other". I think Gw3 should happen when the story of gw2 finally stalemates, and a new improved Futureproof Game Engine can be utilized. There is no reason to start another game until technology dictates the time is right. Gw2 still stands as a good looking and running game. So for now gw3 is of no need.

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> No. Improve GW2 and release more content. It's only 5 yrs old. WoW is like what, 13 yrs old and still no WoW2. So let's talk about GW3 maaaybe around 2030.


Nice work comparing GW2 to the biggest MMO in the market for years that has the entire 3-game Warcraft series behind it.


This game does need a GW3 eventually, with a better engine, a much better grasp at what they want the classes to be since they seem to have forgotten and a better story that won't devolve into "have an Asura fix things".

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:


> > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > No. Improve GW2 and release more content. It's only 5 yrs old. WoW is like what, 13 yrs old and still no WoW2. So let's talk about GW3 maaaybe around 2030.


> Nice work comparing GW2 to the biggest MMO in the market for years that has the entire 3-game Warcraft series behind it.


> This game does need a GW3 eventually, with a better engine, a much better grasp at what they want the classes to be since they seem to have forgotten and a better story that won't devolve into "have an Asura fix things".


Well, I like the engine, story and professions the way they are, so whatever. :) I don't want GW3 but if there will be GW3 then I'm OK too. -shrugs- It's not like we can control Anet's decisions.

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The game doesn't need it nor am I convinced Anet has the money or talent to build a brand new, better engine to make a 3rd game justifiable.


Pushing out a new game just to jam more generic "muh graphical fidelity" graphics down peoples' throats is a huge mistake.


Ypu'd make more money with less cost putting out a Fortnite visual style game than one that requires it's massive user base to buy $1500 PCs to run at reasonable settings.



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GW3 will need to be radically different from GW2. this mean it would be cheap and short to develop, we are talking about 5 years of investment.

it would have to be set in a new era, a new setting. there is currently no need to abandon this setting as they still have story to tell.

I am unsure if anet has made enough money to justify a new engine and a new world...

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > @"Magek.4718" said:

> > They literally said that there will never be a Guild Wars 3 a long time ago.


> They also said there will never be mounts and that the trait system was originally the reason why they removed the dual class system of GW1.


They never said there will never be mounts. They went out of their way to say nothing about mounts. And after mounts were in the game, they said they had planned on including them from long before launch. They just hadn't figured out how (plus needed new tech to make it possible to do it, GW2 style).


And they removed the dual class system of GW1 because it was a nightmare to balance. Which is why there are fewer skills overall, why elite specializations can't be combined, and why we can only equip 3 trait lines. That is, removing the dual class system of GW1 was a reason for introducing traits.


Still, they also haven't said there won't be a GW3. They've said that they have plenty of plans for GW2 and see no need to start over any time soon.

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