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Path of Fire Material Storage

Gaile Gray.6029

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First of all, thanks for the heads up about this. I'll be clearing some bank space tonight to make sure I have plenty of storage room for this stuff.


Second, I think you misunderstand the real cause of the problem. Others have covered this fairly well, so I won't repeat what they've said.


Finally... Are you serious? You want people to sell this stuff, so what are you going to do? You're going to do something with it that makes it stand out from every other generic material they find? That's basically slapping a big, red "Important Item!" tag on it. A lot of people will see that, and decide that if it's unusual, it must be important and hold on to it. I worry that this is going to produce the exact opposite effect of what you're after.


How would I have solved it? Well, remember that last BLTC update? I would have put a "Bag of Elonian Crafting Materials" into it as the bonus item, and started getting the items into the game early. No recipes for them yet, though they would have listed crafting disciplines, just start getting them into the game.

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I don't see how so many people have "inventory issues". All my toons carry 6 bags including the starter. One at the bottom is invisible for weapons/ food/ utility items. I have max shared slots for the essentials. Max material storage (2000) and a few extra bank tabs for keeping stuff sorted. I NEVER have issues with items piling up. Before Ls3 mats deposited, they were kept in shared slots as I farmed them and as I hit 200 I put em in the bank. Now this is the ideal method for everyone, but you veterens out there like me have seen coutless sales and opportunity to upgrade your storage/bank/bags. And seriously we are talking a few weeks to a month. C'mon and give it a break. @"Gaile Gray.6029" wonderful announcement and kudos for being proactive towards the economy!

Some must farm, so that all may craft. - unknown

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> @Khisanth.2948 said:

> Did you guys forget the fact that you had to add additional sources for flax?


The point is that they might not have needed to if people hadn't been accidentally hoarding flax in the first place.


This initiative isn't directed at those of us who deliberately hang on to stuff; it's aimed at the vast majority who follow an "out of sight, out of mind" philosophy with loot.

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Don't like it. Just when we made real progress in expanding the material storage this feels like a step back. I literally don't care about prices or the trading post, I want materials for myself and I don't want to have to lug them around in my inventory when a tool like material storage exists. That's... what it's for.

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Respectfully like the great majority of the community commenting in this discussion I have to disagree.


Firstly, this is pure market manipulation. There hasn’t been actions like these taken for items where the problem is more flagrant (looking at you Mystic Coin), but will be taken with new items for an expansion launch? Why?


Secondly, maybe the players value their inventory space so that they can acquire MORE items instead of playing Inventory Wars 2. The “Deposit to Material Storage” is a fantastic tool that Guild Wars 2 offers to the player base, I don’t see why it should not be utilized to its maximum potential instead of being limited. I think that what is most crucial is playing the game in order to obtain said items instead of relying on the Trading Post to acquire them. You make it sound as if it was handicapping the player base that they couldn’t get their items on the Trading Post mainly.


Thirdly, I highly disagree with the behavior that caused the expensive flax. If I recall correctly, there was numerous (because I dislike the use of terms like “most “ ) players that would park alt characters in flax locations with the intention of selling them on the Trading Post. Factors like high demand in Scribing and Guild Hall upgrades (major additions to the game with HoT) were a bigger contribution to the high price. In addition, many desired items like Nightfury (which requires 250 Vials of Linseed Oil or 5000 flax) were released simultaneously. In other words, this was just a result of M. Demand and Mrs. Offer. As time went by , more players had acquired those items/upgrades and the prices went down.


Lastly , as some players have mentioned , this practice will push players to hoard items in their inventories until they reach a stack before selling. This measure seems very paradoxical to me. Is this just a form of inflation control under disguise? Evon Gnashblade , we know you want your 15% per transaction to fill your coffers !


Despite the disagreement, I appreciate that experiments like these are displayed and explained to the community! Thank you ! =)


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I honestly dislike that you are shipping it this way. If this is really to counter another FLAX debacle...Why? think about it.... at HoT launch which coincided with Halloween we got some very large and costly sinks right off the bat. The the sinks being Guild Halls and Nightfury which total together need 1.3k+/- vials of linseed (20/1 flax). Expand that to thousands seeking/buying it up right off the bat for those and BAM we had the issue we all saw and/or dealt with. So long as you don't add something like Nightfury soon after and or new GH upgrades which need a excess i feel we'll be fine.

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> @Samnang.1879 said:

> Yall get upset when they tell u something and get upset when they don't say anything.

> They don't have to share this info... yknow.


We would be more upset if they didn't tell us stuff like this, but even so we're upset because it's a bad idea. If they don't want us to be upset at all, then the solution would be to not implement bad ideas at all.

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> @Ohoni.6057 said:

> > @Samnang.1879 said:

> > Yall get upset when they tell u something and get upset when they don't say anything.

> > They don't have to share this info... yknow.


> We would be more upset if they didn't tell us stuff like this, but even so we're upset because it's a bad idea. If they don't want us to be upset at all, then the solution would be to not implement bad ideas at all.


It's an inconvenience, but I don't think it's a bad idea. It seems reasonable to me in order to stabilize the price of particular items.

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> @Samnang.1879 said:

> > @Ohoni.6057 said:

> > > @Samnang.1879 said:

> > > Yall get upset when they tell u something and get upset when they don't say anything.

> > > They don't have to share this info... yknow.

> >

> > We would be more upset if they didn't tell us stuff like this, but even so we're upset because it's a bad idea. If they don't want us to be upset at all, then the solution would be to not implement bad ideas at all.


> It's an inconvenience, but I don't think it's a bad idea. It seems reasonable to me in order to stabilize the price of particular items.


If they're so concerned with such things maybe they should start with Mystic Coins. Solve a known issue rather than a possible one.

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> @Samnang.1879 said:

> It's an inconvenience, but I don't think it's a bad idea. It seems reasonable to me in order to stabilize the price of particular items.


It's not reasonable. It's an overreaction.


Using the material in question, flax as the defining example of this. What caused flax's scarcity wasn't hoarding, it was demand being multiple times greater than supply due to every guild and their mother needing thousands of it per upgrade. Those never saw the light of day on a market because they were directly created and removed from any chance of circulation.


If you bottleneck a material that hard, see leather well as for another example then of course the prices will spike. What caused leather to stay high (as opposed to flax) was meta shifts in content as well as the increase to the numbers required to craft a piece of gear and the again thousands required for guild halls (where everyone and their bank guild was leveling) and no reasonable farmable constant source.


If PoF doesn't have 5000 unique sources and increase the demand at the same time the overall circulation of goods will remain at a healthy constant.


Additionally, by saying this and having a system in place that runs counter to normal gameplay, people will do exactly the opposite of the proposed message and hoard these materials because they will have a value. The only way people don't hoard them is if they drop faster than Barbed Thorns or Leaf Fossils.

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I already have bag issues with the non depositable collectibles that we are forced to pick up, how am I going to survive with this little change? I don't have room in my normal bank, this hits those of us who haven't spent gems on inventory and bank expansion the hardest! Please reconsider this is really going to make inventory management a pain!

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> @"Celtic Lady.3729" said:

> Although, it might have the alternate effect of encouraging players to buy more vault space so they can hoard the new mats. lol :)


Well, I am already running out of vault space on my bank (i.e., it already has the maximum number of available tabs and it's already almost completely filled). Guess my one-woman bank guild will finally become of use regarding storage space. ;)

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Here's the thing, folks. While you may agree/disagree with Gaile on this, she is in fact, just the messenger. If you want to get mad, get mad, but don't blame Gaile for just relaying this. I do agree with some though, that if they don't want to allow us to deposit some new materials, they should at least increase the drop rates, at least in the first few weeks, kind of like the chests in the Silverwastes. Not saying this will be another "farm", but when Silverwastes first opened, chests spawned quickly and in many places. Then after awhile, they nerfed it. I can see this upsetting some if they did this too, but like the saying goes, "There will ALWAYS be someone who complains about SOMETHING". It's a no-win situation, to be sure.

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