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Which Elder Dragon do you want to focus on most after Kralkatorrik?


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After the Crystal Dragon, whatever may happen with the story, which Dragon are you most interested in seeing the story explore?


I have been waiting for The Deep Sea Dragon ever since I first learned about the Elder Dragons. It would be a dream come true to finally explore the oceans and everything about this dragon. If there is a battle with DSD it MUST be in the ocean! If they create some way to have us visit or fight the UW dragon somewhere on land, in an air bubble, or in... a dream/vision :/, it would be very disappointing.


![](https://i.imgur.com/iONCle5.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/tPABOZq.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/p892zp3.jpg "")


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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> The deep sea dragon.

> We do have 5 more episodes to kill him before the next expansion, in order to 100% avoid the possibility of an underwater expansion.

Wat?! There has to be an UW expansion! I want the battle with Bubbles and its minions to last a WHOLE expansion and maybe a LW season. Draw out the fight and make it extremely difficult and nightmarish being in the depths of the sea with a massive dragon swimming under you and around you... I've imagined this fight many times :p

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I think Primordus should be the ‘last’ we deal with. His nature is pure Ragnarok, and his name emphasizes Primordial.

Obviously he’s the first and last thing to exist


My theory for bubbles is that they’re a horror dragon.

A black pungent cloud of tentacles and eyes, from deep where the sun dont shine. And he creates horrors that puts cthullu to shame.

Anyone who sees him goes mad with terror.

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> I think Primordus should be the ‘last’ we deal with. His nature is pure Ragnarok, and his name emphasizes Primordial.

> Obviously he’s the first and last thing to exist


> My theory for bubbles is that they’re a horror dragon.

> A black pungent cloud of tentacles and eyes, from deep where the sun dont shine. And he creates horrors that puts cthullu to shame.

> Anyone who sees him goes mad with terror.


Yesss. A thing of nightmares. Ohhh so exciting!


Primordus would be a good finale dragon. I hope he grows larger than he was in Ep 5 tho.

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I think there's an obvious opportunity to do Bubbles in an expansion and develop new systems for mastery points underwater, as well as rework the underwater fighting system. Underwater sea mounts, immunity to piranha, wave powers, inking stealth skills--there's lots of fun to be had. Not to mention the art team for GW2 would make some pretty incredible underwater zones, and there'd be trapped bubble areas for jumping puzzles, and new music for the underwater environment, and a reason to have underwater legendaries, and a chance to learn about the largos and get lore that is not dependant on any land species.


And then when it's all over and we've swum there, we could go to Cantha.

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> @ananda.5946 said:

> None of the above. I’d like a break from dragons for a bit. Maybe something that’s not just one baddie.


I feel like we did get a break from the dragons with Balthazar and Joko and ultimately by focusing on antagonists that aren't the dragons, it feels like the story is going off track.


The dragons are the centerpiece to GW 2. They are what drives the story forward for most if not all the characters good or bad. They affect races and the entire world. They are what launched the GW 2 story and what our factions were organized to deal with in our personal story.


We don't necessarily have to be trying to destroy the dragons, but maybe we can battle them to control them, subdue them, or for some other reason in which they have to be stopped but not killed. I think GW 2 should always revolve around one or more of the dragons for their major story arcs, but in between in content like Living World episodes, raids, dungeons, zone story, ect. we can explore smaller antagonists like Joko, White Mantle, ect.

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My favorite dragon, so far, is Jormag, but I don't want him dead. I find primordius kind of uninteresting. This leaves the DSD as my answer.

I don't actually want to kill the elder dragons, though. Since we have already killed two, however, I kind of want their powers/realms to be passed on to another vessel. So we kill Kralk and Aurene eats the power and becomes a new elder dragon. This way we can solve the issues of the dragons destroying things without losing the elder dragons permanently. However, we'd need another dragon for Jormag, DSD, and Primordius. Also we'd have to somehow retroactively have them for Mordremoth and Zhaitan.


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While the DSD is certainly a foreboding problem on the horizon, the dragon I always thought more dangerous is Primordus because he can be _anywhere_.


Also, I have a unhealthy amount of respect for Destroyers after Gw1 were they were quite lethal, and they are certainly no pushovers in Gw2 either.

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Guys, you're too late, I've already killed the Deep Sea Dragon (see image below)

![](https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/10/01/10/26/blue-jellyfish-966808_960_720.jpg "")


It's time we deal with a real Dragon, a Cool Dragon! (See what I did there? Ice Dragon? Cool? haha...)

Seriously though, I love Ice Dragons and I want Jormag to drop a cool icy Aura thing or a special Backpiece or something cool!

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I would vote for no more dragons, undead, or gods. What else ya got? How about an invaders from the Mists? They could be mirror images of ourselves, and not really evil, but desperate, fleeing from a world laid waste by dragons, undead, or gods. Or overzealous dragon hunters. Or Braham. Alternately, we could be the invading force, I mean expeditionary force, seeking a new home because we woopsied and killed too many of our own dragons and now our dearly beloved Tyria is about to go Kryptonic. Boom! OR! Maybe we could do an about face and explore the Mists in search of (drum roll) NEW elder dragons, dragons we would woo to come back with us to replace the ones we so foolishly butchered and, so we hope, restore the balance before our dragon-deprived Tyria goes all, hey, Kryptonic. Instead of recruiting alternate elder dragons, we might sneak into alternate Tyrias to steal any spare elder dragon eggs left lying around.


Or maybe just go to the beach. Stop a grunion invasion, if needs be. Have a few drinks. Relax and listen to the music.


Ooh! What if suddenly, all the dragons went back to sleep, and in the joyous, prosperous, we don't have anything to worry about now aftermath, woo hoo, old rivalries begin to flare, old debts are remembered, old wrongs rise up and demand righting, and as a result....



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I love snow and ice locations so Jormag has been the one I've looked forward to most. Sadly they utterly ruined the whole breaking of the Tooth storyline which has taken out a major arc completely, but otherwise I'm ready for forge forward to the North.


I am having a hard job believing an underwater expansion will become a reailty. There are too many people will likely be put off by it to have the necessary mainstream appeal. Unless they can bring in the DSD absorbing other dragons powers to the extent he can come onto land, then I'm doubtful as to whether he is on the cards

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I have always tought that the mysterious Deep Sea Dragon would have been the last one. If anything, because all the other elder dragons were a more immediate threat than he was. But now that Zhaitan and Mordremoth are dead, Primordus and Jormag are in a coma, and we are currently facing Kralkatorrik, it seems pretty obvious to me the next dragon will be him.

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