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Promoting positivity in the forums

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Just a shout-out to not be stingy with the up-votes and thumbs-ups if you see a decent post.

Promotes more positive contributions in the forums.


I've seen posters change from non-constructive immature criticism to progressively helpful and positive comments.

It is just one extra click to up-vote or thumbs-up a post.


Don't hold back on promoting positivity!

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Noooo don't do that!

Receiving "Thumbs Up's" or even "Helpful's" makes me feel as if my posts are beeing appreciated!

I hate positivity aaaaaaah!


Now that I have your attention: YES! Positivity is so important in life, another advice for people who struggle with beeing positive:

Stop apologizing so much and instead start looking for things to be grateful about!

Saying "Thank you" is worth so much more than saying "I'm sorry" !!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I guess it is something that comes with age and experience.

The longer you live, the more you see and experience the effects of bad responses and the good responses from people.


It is easy to be critical of others but it is not easy to see that you yourself are flawed too.

We could go around and hate on everything and partake in a negative life.

Or we could reach out and help provide others the encouragement to be positive.


I think life is too short to live it in unhappiness.

So as much as possible, be happy, and make the lives of others around you better too.

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I do read and reread all my posts and then still worry that it comes over as antaganistic, if I express a different opinion. Especially if I quote them first.

I also hate bumping my own discussion back up to the top when I answer a reply as if i'm only in it for self promotion.


You dont have to hit someome to hurt them, but you can't please everyone either.


And off topic can't remember how you put the quotes at the bottom of your posts.

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I do klick when I like something I read, but in all honesty, I believe that when you give ppl the opportunity to upvote/helpful posts, you'd also need the possibility to downvote/nothelpful posts. Maybe this would lower the numbers of "I'll just post to disagree, not to offer any insight or alternative"-replies...


Don't forget to like and subscribe, kthxbye ;)

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The problem I see is it DOES seem like people at times try to "farm" the helpfuls or thumbs up by trying to say things they hope others want to hear and get thumbs up for it.

I am not saying a lot or many do it either, I just know certain ones do it. Some even mentioned it that "I only say certain things during the whole mountgate thing so I can get some thumbs up from it when I don't care about the matter."


The way I see it though is, people should just be however they are and not truly care what other people think (I know there's those that do this already... or at least one as that's how I do it).

Sometimes people will like what you say, sometimes they won't.


A community or a company or whatever can't progress or go forward by just positivity... BUT at the same time can't go forward only in negativity.

Need a mixture of both. Remember what the Kodans say (Gods, I really like that race), it's all about balance.


If someone say something like "WINTERSDAY SUCKS!" it would be an opinion, but if you agree with that... by all means, thumbs it up. If someone also say "THIS WINTERSDAY WAS AWESOME!" thumbs that up if you agree too.


Don't like what certain things Arenanet doing in game or on the boards or whichever? At least speak your mind and at least be tasteful. The fastest way to get someone to turn off from your comments is to just be vulgar or nasty about it for the sake of being nasty...

...like some of those topics I saw about, "Someone should get fired over this" or "This is bad and Arenanet should feel bad about this."

When you come off a bit too angry or whiny or braham-y... the most you get will be negative feedback which is not something we should promote.


Yes, I've seen a lot of negative and toxicity in this game, but I would say it's about 25% (if not less) of the time while the other 75% (if not more) is the nicest group of people I've seen online... well at least in an online game.


But look who's talking, I'm sure a lot of people are pissed off at a lot of the things I say on these boards so I might be a negative nan... Negative Yumi (Who's Nancy? Kerrigan?)

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Meh. I dislike PoF maps and story. S4 episode one was the worst content in the game to date. Class balance is a kitten mess.


I want positivity, but the content has been significantly disappointing. Then Anet, in their infinite wisdom, decided to nerf all none meta condi builds, and buff the only two over performing ones.


I am considering dropping the game for a while. Positivity? Maybe in year class balance will be somewhat balanced.

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> @"Mourningcry.9428" said:

> It's not a contest.


> Would rather see honest feedback rather than echo chamber fodder for thumb candy...


This. Positivity isn't always a good thing. If people recieve nothing but positive feedback they're inclined to believe everything they do is fine. Disagreeing with an idea or giving criticism isn't "negative" or "toxic".


That is of course unless you're of the mindset that "If anyone disagrees with me then they're just a negative hater!", in which case you should probably check your ego.

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The problem behind that is more that neither do I care about upvotes since I never check back on my own posts and their responses (it's a huge timesink and after realizing I spent too much time on Youtube's and Disqus' comment respond system I post my stuff and never look back) and that's good, because it keeps a good level of objectivity. As in: You get to hear 100% true statements. This U.S. level of fake politeness is nothing for my very "German" attitude of telling and being told things (good and bad) directly into my face. This is often called "rude" or "harsh" and won't get me any upvotes, despite being the most sincere and honest responses.


Second thing I have noticed is that many people upvote by reputation. Gaile Gray's posts are often pretty mediocre judged by content, but it's a aNet person, so it gets 50 upvotes. Same with RIOT Game's "red responses" or any GM in any game. Also, forum participants with no reputation get less upvotes than well-known people. For example, "Ill Convinced I Was" or whatever that guy's name really was (No offense) gets frequent upvotes for basic stuff. A guy without avatar a few posts **ABOVE **did not get any. Because the latter is a nobody.


I was strongly for dropping the downvote button, because it it's an opinion after all, and if it does not contain reportable stuff, an opinion is not less worth than others. It should stay at default. But seeing how random upvotes are dished out, we don't need to promote or even enforce this any further.

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What if I positively love negativity though...is it possible to be positive about all the negatives? Apparently according to our friend Zedek above being Direct is not in the nature of people from the U.S....I beg to differ, it's a personality type that exists everywhere in the world, along with 3 other main ones, which I don't remember nor do I care to because they aren't me. I'm direct, if you don't want to hear something then don't ask...sugar coating is not in my dictionary, neither is political correctness.

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> @"Arzurag.7506" said:

> I upvote if I see a comment I agree with. if not then........the downvote-button doesn´t exist anymore so I do nothing.




I say it's the atmosphere and purpose of a thread that determines if you should up vote or not. In a less debatable topic like this one, an up vote amounts to "yay positivity" and I doubt people would disapprove of positivity. In a thread with a debatable topic, depending on the type of posters involved, I will up vote someone who states their perspective well, even if I don't agree with it... But more often than not, I will just up vote the people I agree with because the opposing argument literally repeats while disregarding points about their argument.


As for this thread, just like my stance on polls, the usefulness of this thread is limited so my up vote went to the quoted post as I feel it is a worthwhile and more nuanced position to acknowledge.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> I guess it is something that comes with age and experience.

> The longer you live, the more you see and experience the effects of bad responses and the good responses from people.


> It is easy to be critical of others but it is not easy to see that you yourself are flawed too.

> We could go around and hate on everything and partake in a negative life.

> Or we could reach out and help provide others the encouragement to be positive.


> I think life is too short to live it in unhappiness.

> So as much as possible, be happy, and make the lives of others around you better too.


It's not the prospect of living in happiness or unhappiness, but understanding both and embracing the dichotomy to make you more resilient and appreciative.

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> @"Arzurag.7506" said:

> I upvote if I see a comment I agree with. if not then........the downvote-button doesn´t exist anymore so I do nothing.


Even if sometimes I disagree with an opinion, thats all it is there opinion. And I've been persuaded to change my opinion by a good argument. So I'm happy that there's not a downvote-button it would put people off making an arguement that may be against a popular opinion. Forum are for discussions to see other peoples views not to impose our own.

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