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PvE Players... Do you think GW 2 would be better without PvP and WvW?


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> @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> If they remove PvP and WvW, it would reduce GW2's revenue. Reduced revenue means budget cuts. Budget cuts mean layoffs. I say let's keep the devs employed and keep PvP and WvW. It's the most socially responsible option.




So many people seem to think that removing wvw and pvp would result in more dev resources for pve. When a company downsizes their operations, eliminating revenue sources, they downsize their expenses as well (usually). In this case that would likely mean staff reductions.

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I’m a fan of all game modes. But I haven’t done much pvp and no wvw due to the current poor state of those game modes. Removing those modes would only enhance pve since dev time could go strictly to pve instead of failing game modes. I would prefer they fix wvw and pvp but that’s not going to happen. In lieu of that, just taking them out of the game would be better.

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