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Astral and Stellar weapons sets

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I think these two deserve a thread of their own!

You can find pictures of the new skins here:



They have animations so it's better to see them in a video:

Astral set: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtW39hs0gEA

Stellar set: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tIo9L6Gf9U


Personally, I must say I love these skins and that they look better than black lion chest weapons. I'm happy that these were in-game purchases, instead of sold on the gem store.

The other major "feature" of these weapons is how you get them. You need to play on the new map, and you need to complete a collection, that has some story about the weapons.

It's very rare to get some lore behind a weapon set, those on the black lion chests obviously can't have a story, but the acquisition method should be used in the future again.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> Projectile based weapons still use gunpowder animations / bullet sounds despite them obviously being energy based, am I right?


> Also, them not being a direct purchase for [insert map currency here] is a huge letdown and makes me want to skip them.


It requires completion of some collections but in general they do require currency available only in Istan.

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I think the models are quite ugly actually - and this is coming from someone who's styled their character in a "celestial" theme with dyes and weapon since shortly after HoT.


If the models were more refined - like Astralaria - then they would be cool. The auras and effects do look cool but I just can't see myself using any of them with those hideous bulky models.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> >they do require currency available only in Istan.

> Barely, the Astral weapons do but it's mostly gold for the Stellar ones.



They both require 50 kralk ingots per weapon. How is that "mostly gold"?

In fact, since the Stellar weapons are ascended, they are mostly 'free' if you already wanted an ascended weapon of that type, so the 50 ingot cost is the limiting factor.


At the rate I've been collecting kralk ore (which is faster than most of my friends), it would take me a year to have enough for even one set. And if LS4 follows the LS3 model, the next zone will drop something other than kralk ore, so my acquisition rate will probably slow down.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Have you looked at the kralk ore requirements?

500 for the Irradiated Vision Crystal, that's nothing. I just sold ~700 of them to the NPC cause gold >>>>>>>>> Kralkatite Ore.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> In fact, since the Stellar weapons are ascended, they are mostly 'free' if you already wanted an ascended weapon of that type, so the 50 ingot cost is the limiting factor.

There's no point since I (and many other players) already have ascended weapons, it's just a bunch of overpriced skins at this point. The good thing about the LW S3 ascended items was that I didn't have to compromise anything else to get them, it was a nice additional goal to work towards and this is also how it should have been for these items.

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I like their models (staff looks wow to me), but why oh why are they golden? :weary: Why couldn't they make them silver or something. And I dislike that these globs glow yellow too, would be better if they were pinkish/purplish (similar to Stellar's in-combat glow) imo.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > >they do require currency available only in Istan.

> > Barely, the Astral weapons do but it's mostly gold for the Stellar ones.

> >


> They both require 50 kralk ingots per weapon. How is that "mostly gold"?

> In fact, since the Stellar weapons are ascended, they are mostly 'free' if you already wanted an ascended weapon of that type, so the 50 ingot cost is the limiting factor.


> At the rate I've been collecting kralk ore (which is faster than most of my friends), it would take me a year to have enough for even one set. And if LS4 follows the LS3 model, the next zone will drop something other than kralk ore, so my acquisition rate will probably slow down.


Your "free" has a 39g price tag which is approximately a 2g saving for a shield.

For a longbow it goes from -1g to 2g. Didn't bother to check other weapon types.


If you wanted the weapon in any other stat besides Marshals then there is probably no saving since you'll have to pay for the stat conversion and that is only for the first one. For the rest you'll also have to pay for the irradiated vision crystal which is another ~12g


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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > >they do require currency available only in Istan.

> > > Barely, the Astral weapons do but it's mostly gold for the Stellar ones.

> > >

> >

> > They both require 50 kralk ingots per weapon. How is that "mostly gold"?

> > In fact, since the Stellar weapons are ascended, they are mostly 'free' if you already wanted an ascended weapon of that type, so the 50 ingot cost is the limiting factor.

> >

> > At the rate I've been collecting kralk ore (which is faster than most of my friends), it would take me a year to have enough for even one set. And if LS4 follows the LS3 model, the next zone will drop something other than kralk ore, so my acquisition rate will probably slow down.


> Your "free" has a 39g price tag which is approximately a 2g saving for a shield.

> For a longbow it goes from -1g to 2g. Didn't bother to check other weapon types.


Oh I see the problem. I was using the wiki, which for some reasons doesn't include the cost of irradiating the vision crystal. That adds 10 ecto to the costs, which are otherwise nearly identical for Stellar versus e.g. Hronk. At current ecto prices, that's not a big price difference for an ascended weapon.


Overall, what I mean is: if your goal is to make an ascended shield with any stats and convert to the ones you need, then you might as well craft a Stellar. You get your ascended weapon and your unlock for what turns out to be a nominal additional cost in mats.


The only problem is you need 50 kralk ore per weapon and there's no way to farm that in bulk. It's very slow going waiting for meteors to strike. (You can speed things up with a good zerg, but that's still only 4-5 attempts every 15 minutes, a stark contrast from how easy it is to get LS3 mats.)



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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Have you looked at the kralk ore requirements?

> 500 for the Irradiated Vision Crystal, that's nothing. I just sold ~700 of them to the NPC cause gold >>>>>>>>> Kralkatite Ore.



You mean you exchanged them to the NPC for something? They can’t be sold directly for gold. Actually, just checked the wiki after posting this and nothing sellable can be exchanged with ore so you’re confusing this with powdered quartz (rose quartz which currently cannot be sold).


Obtaining 500 isn’t “nothing” as it requires you to do many of the meta events or the meteor farm for several hours.



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> @"Coulter.2315" said:

> Anet deserves credit for releasing weapon sets like this as in game rewards, with a nice questy achieve to unlock. I love the torch.


And yet, none. Youd think all the loot box whiners would be posting more positive messages than this so Anet knows that the players enjoy these types of things.



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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > @"Coulter.2315" said:

> > Anet deserves credit for releasing weapon sets like this as in game rewards, with a nice questy achieve to unlock. I love the torch.


> And yet, none. Youd think all the loot box whiners would be posting more positive messages than this so Anet knows that the players enjoy these types of things.




Players are quick to post about negative things but not about positive things :(

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > >they do require currency available only in Istan.

> > > > Barely, the Astral weapons do but it's mostly gold for the Stellar ones.

> > > >

> > >

> > > They both require 50 kralk ingots per weapon. How is that "mostly gold"?

> > > In fact, since the Stellar weapons are ascended, they are mostly 'free' if you already wanted an ascended weapon of that type, so the 50 ingot cost is the limiting factor.

> > >

> > > At the rate I've been collecting kralk ore (which is faster than most of my friends), it would take me a year to have enough for even one set. And if LS4 follows the LS3 model, the next zone will drop something other than kralk ore, so my acquisition rate will probably slow down.

> >

> > Your "free" has a 39g price tag which is approximately a 2g saving for a shield.

> > For a longbow it goes from -1g to 2g. Didn't bother to check other weapon types.


> Oh I see the problem. I was using the wiki, which for some reasons doesn't include the cost of irradiating the vision crystal. That adds 10 ecto to the costs, which are otherwise nearly identical for Stellar versus e.g. Hronk. At current ecto prices, that's not a big price difference for an ascended weapon.


> Overall, what I mean is: if your goal is to make an ascended shield with any stats and convert to the ones you need, then you might as well craft a Stellar. You get your ascended weapon and your unlock for what turns out to be a nominal additional cost in mats.


> The only problem is you need 50 kralk ore per weapon and there's no way to farm that in bulk. It's very slow going waiting for meteors to strike. (You can speed things up with a good zerg, but that's still only 4-5 attempts every 15 minutes, a stark contrast from how easy it is to get LS3 mats.)




Irradiated Vision Crystal also requires 50 Kralkatite Ingots which is another 50 ectos. That is a total of 60 ectos or around 13g.


Kralkatite Ore is very easy to get at the moment, that might change with tomorrow's patch. Meteors are not the place you want to go for them. The two Meta events are where you want to be. Just participating in the two events once a day should get you enough ore to make a weapon every one or two days(just looting whatever supply chests that appear, no multilooting involved). On the other hand you ARE going to need the meteors for the powdered rose quartz unless you want to buy these instead(I prefer selling sprockets and freshwater pearls to buy these instead).

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