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How many Level 80 Characters do you have in the game?

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5 but i still almost exclusively play my Thief. I do swap to my Druid or Holo in Ranked SPvP if there's another Thief on my team (2x Thief is really hard to pull off with no coordination) but that's about it really.


I just dislike alts in MMOs in general. Clashes with the idea of building an alter ego in a virtual world to me, but i'm also part of the generation who misses when the genre was centered around the community aspect, when building a name for yourself was crucial to fully enjoy the experience.

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I have 2 Rangers and one of the remaining professions. The reason for the 2nd Ranger was that I wanted a Charr and read that medium armor looked quite good on them (in terms of clipping issues). Maybe I should have chosen an Engineer instead as I love my female Sylvari Ranger too much as to swap between them and I don't play my male Human Engi that often ;_;.

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21 80s fully ascended, 3 salvagers and 7 spots open to go. At least 2 of each class. Like to leave some in each spec (core/HoT/PoF) to enjoy, compare and contrast. Best way to learn to counter a class or decide if something is out of balance is to play it some. Plus they are all fun in some way and/or place.

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