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You can only save one life... who will it be?


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> @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> Wasn't the last ally to die Eir? And she's been basically the only major ally character to die. So how is anet just killing people off to make the story more serious?


There was also Trahearne. And one thing that the PS got criticized for is that it has quite a few cheap deaths, usually of people who were introduced only to get offed five minutes later for an attempt at "shock value", and sometimes in really dumb ways. Norn women especially racked up quite a death toll up to and including Eir, though maybe that was just my impression.


Anyway, I'd be absolutely _delighted_ if the story got rid of both Taimi and Braham. And I say that as someone who liked Trahearne. Rox is ... okay I guess, but pretty much a non-entity. Ever since she stopped giving up finding a new warband, she's basically existed only to tag after Braham. Much like Kasmeer seemed to exist primarily to orbit Marjory before PoF gave her a bit more to do by making her the only character to react to the gods issue (human PCs included). So Rox' death would garner little more than a shrug from me at this point.


As for the rest, I never really cared for Kasmeer because her biggest problem was not being part of the 1% of the 1% anymore, plus the frequent "supermesmer ex machina" arsepulls, which is an issue I have with NPC mesmers in general (_ugh_, Jenna and Anise). But she is a bit less of a non-entity now and gained some bonus points as the one and only character who cared a whit (however briefly) that the PC _bleedin' DIED_. I always disliked Marjory -- not to anywhere near my degree of loathing for Taimi and Braham, but she always struck me not really giving a toss about anyone except for her family and her girlfriend. Moreso than most NPCs, that is. She also had a bit of a history of being dismissive of things she didn't know, was particularly hostile to sylvari in HoT and never apologized to a sylvari PC, so ... kinda on my blacklist, that one.


Rytlock's secrecy ticks me off -- after what Mama Tree and Caithe kept from me (and that we still can't talk to them about; Caithe's apology was for other behavior), I'm _really_ twitchy about secrets and their disastrous consequences, and Rytlock added a lot of fuel to that fire. Though it strikes me as odd and kinda OOC that a veteran officer from a culture that is deeply suspicious of magic and has long had issues with ghosts would just blithely and unthinkingly do what some suspicous imprisoned spirit told him to do. I also feel that he's getting written into the "gruff comic relief" role too much and would like to see more of that "veteran Legion officer" side of him instead. Or the revenant-lore side. Still, I'd save his big furry arse, even though my primarily sylvari characters would make it look as silly as Logan saving him in storymode CoF. :P Plus, he cut Braham off in the last mission in Daybreak, making him the only one to stand up for the Commander in any way.


That leaves Canach, who got big props for being the only character to support a sylvari commander's inner struggles towards the end of HoT ... and in fact pretty much the only NPC (certainly among the "biconics") who ever bothered to support the PC at all. I was hoping there'd be a bit more of a bond between him and the Commander afterwards, but he's pretty much just snark again and had zero reaction to our death, so ... meh. I still like him, though, just a bit less.


I still/again like Caithe as well and would definitely both save her and like to see more of her again. LS2 and early HoT tanked my opinion of her quite a lot, but her genuine remorse helps heal that and makes her the only character to ever apologize to us, if memory serves.


Logan is "meh" at best due to his betrayal of Glint and DE and his "JENNAH!!!" obsession in general, though being out from under her heel now can only make him better, if it sticks.


I'm still mad about Eir. None of the DE people really got to do much in the PS unless they were your mentor, and then only very early on, and Eir as the supposed leader and a "force of nature" who was so shamefully fridged stands out as a particularly wasted opportunity I'd have like to get to know better and cheer for kicking arse up and down the world.


Zojja is an asura, and I _really_ don't like asura. My only experience with her was being a Braham-style angry tosser during the dungeon storymodes. So I wouldn't care one way or the other if she snuffed it, though I feel for asura mains who have heard and seen the least of their mentor among all races post-PS.



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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> I love how "Other" votes didn't read the writing prompt. :P

> Though, why is the "Other" option there:grey_question:


> But lesse, in a game of _Save, Funeral, Kick_:

> Save Taimi. She's cheerful and relevant.

> Funeral for Rox: She wanted better for all of us, but one ex-miner isn't quite enough to help us save the world.

> Kick Braham off the kittening cliff.


Lol. Thanks for pointing that out. The "other" option was meant for other ways (clever, hilarious) in which you would save one of those 3, but also interesting to see which other characters players would want to save.

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Either Rox or Taimi.. Taimi is Helpful and she is a little girl

I like rox better than Braham, she is not a show off..and her pets would be left alone :'(


And braham is a man! If i was him i would like someone to rescue any of the girls over me..Thats real chivarly

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From a practical standpoint it's the only one who does something for the group that can't be replaced. Braham and Rox have their place but a warrior and ranger are easily replaceable. The research and knowledge Taimi possesses is far more vital to the story, whether you like her or not. Now if only she could be out in the field with the rest of us instead of always being delegated to narrator, that would be awesome.

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I'd pick Taimi, for several reasons.

1. She's still a kid, so infanticide isn't my thing.

2. She's disabled... COME ON!!

3. She's smart as hell, i don't mind know it alls, as long as they're right!

4. She's actually helping, in fact except for Ritlock and Canach all other "members" of Dragon's Watch are pretty much just filler and complications at this point.

So yeah. I think that i'd pick Taimi over any other character, except maybe the two guys i've mentioned before. Even still, if Taimi dies we're screwed out of a solution to the Elder Dragon problem.


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Braham has been a pain lately and I really feel he should know better. Admittedly, it's partially my own fault for not actually putting him in his place back before he became a DragonHunter, but still. Rox has just not been helpful or useful to the group so I feel no incentive to save her. Taimi is the team. Marjory brought us together, but Taimi is the glue that binds us.

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I'm going against the grain here and saying Rox. Despite being a dang good Ranger, she doesn't grow into someone arrogant with power and ignorant to their weaknesses. In this sense, I see her as incredibly balanced both plot-wise and NPC-wise. I think there's a reason she stays out of the limelight, I mean, she turned down a _huge_ offer by sticking with those she care for. That speaks volumes of her character, in my opinion.


*Charr Mom? Is that you?!

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