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This balance patch = literally nothing?


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> @"Morwath.9817" said:

> Quaggan likes this balance patch, as small steps are the best steps. Quaggan only doesn't understand Firebrand buff.


What steps are you talking about, the OP Firebrand buff, ele nerf, or mesmer being untouched? :)


Nothing was done to solve problems whatsoever.

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My biggest complaint is that I still think they're missing the point on condi.


Conditions were not designed to work like DoTs in Everquest - they were given short durations with armor penetration. The problem is not that they were ramping up too quickly, it's that they simply were doing too much damage. If ramp up is the metric Anet cares about, what's the point of them ignoring armor? These condi changes do nothing but reinforce the sort of broken gameplay we have now where armor means next to nothing and you're forced to run a bunch of anti condi in your kit.


Everything would work way better if condi did lowish overall damage, but ramped up quickly with very limited target access to cleanse/immunity. They should have reduced the damage from condi and kept the same duration instead of increasing the duration and keeping the same damage. Makes no sense.

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> @"Morwath.9817" said:

> Quaggan likes this balance patch, as small steps are the best steps. Quaggan only doesn't understand Firebrand buff.


Quaggan must be a mesmer/scourge main who doesn't reallyl care about anything else. They actually nerfed ele and rev. Not only did they not nerf the profession that is on the winning team in 90%+ of games, they actually nerfed ele and rev. Baffling.

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Useless. The problems are inheret to the mechanics.


Changing numbers around will do absolutely nothing at all whatsoever. People will switch to spamming in a different way, but spamming nonetheless, and spamming will keep working.


Until changes are done so using defensive skills like stun breaks and condition removal does nothing in front of all the spam, nothing will change. People will just keep mindlessly spamming with no skill and get better results than they deserve.

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I don't understand the negativity. Granted, I think they didn't go far enough, but these are some significant changes to the viability of condition damage.


For example, doubling the duration but halving the stacks of condi reduces the chance that you will experiences the full affect of the condis before you can cleanse. This means that a burst of burning from a guardian or engineer won't be lethal in 3 seconds, but lethal in 6 instead. That's a game changer for condi in PvP, especially at higher levels of play.



Incendiary ammo did 6 stacks of burning for 3s each. (total)

Now it does 3 stacks of burning for 6s each. (total)


That means instead of having 3 seconds to remove that burning or face nasty damage, players now have 6 seconds before facing the same nasty damage. That's a massive deal towards reaching the ramp-up goal.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> I don't understand the negativity. Granted, I think they didn't go far enough, but these are some significant changes to the viability of condition damage.


> For example, doubling the duration but halving the stacks of condi reduces the chance that you will experiences the full affect of the condis before you can cleanse. This means that a burst of burning from a guardian or engineer won't be lethal in 3 seconds, but lethal in 6 instead. That's a game changer for condi in PvP, especially at higher levels of play.


I do agree with you and i think it has been a fair try...

... the only problem is about the confusion skill ( and more than that, the motivation the devs gave about... which shows that they, imho, probably don't understand what does confusion means in SPvP and WvW ).


Confusion apart, i do like the changes.

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> @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> My biggest complaint is that I still think they're missing the point on condi.


> Conditions were not designed to work like DoTs in Everquest - they were given short durations with armor penetration. The problem is not that they were ramping up too quickly, it's that they simply were doing too much damage. If ramp up is the metric Anet cares about, what's the point of them ignoring armor? These condi changes do nothing but reinforce the sort of broken gameplay we have now where armor means next to nothing and you're forced to run a bunch of anti condi in your kit.


> Everything would work way better if condi did lowish overall damage, but ramped up quickly with very limited target access to cleanse/immunity. They should have reduced the damage from condi and kept the same duration instead of increasing the duration and keeping the same damage. Makes no sense.


I think they still believe that there is fundamentally enough cleanse in the game to counteract condi spam. The change is really a token to give peeps more time to cleanse.


Problem is that they taken no account of the bee-hive condi spamming that occurs in PvP that has come to negate everything else in the game in terms of tactics and that the UI doesn't support such lethal condition damage.


Frankly it's one thing to be repeatedly slashed by a GS another to be pinned to the ground by ramping small numbers on very small red squares. Thing is the defence is passive with the onus on the receiver. This is why huge fast condi damage is so popular, the spammer doesn't have to think much about the opponent's actions - it's all very very marco friendly. Of course if instead of 'cleanse' you had a 'reflect' element - I have suggested a x% movement slow for every active condition on opponents - then the game would be a bit more interesting ...


As is - at the lower end anyway - PvP is just Spamwars2 and very poor gameplay, a complete mess and I suspect very marco driven - the team with the most condi specs/marcos pretty much always wins. Obviously when you get very skilled at PvP, this may not be the case, but peeps aren't going to make it that far are they?


Condi splatter is just turning the PvP gameplay into mush, maybe balanced mush, but mush none the less.




Regards the UI, I would suggest a set of different coloured bubbles that grow in size as per damage inflicted per tick.




Putting the onus on the receiver and camo-ing the application just isn't playing fair if the intent is to equalised dots and dd. Clearly there is no equality and the preference will be for condi splatter and marco driven gaming.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> I don't understand the negativity. Granted, I think they didn't go far enough, but these are some significant changes to the viability of condition damage.


> For example, doubling the duration but halving the stacks of condi reduces the chance that you will experiences the full affect of the condis before you can cleanse. This means that a burst of burning from a guardian or engineer won't be lethal in 3 seconds, but lethal in 6 instead. That's a game changer for condi in PvP, especially at higher levels of play.


> IE:

> Incendiary ammo did 6 stacks of burning for 3s each. (total)

> Now it does 3 stacks of burning for 6s each. (total)


> That means instead of having 3 seconds to remove that burning or face nasty damage, players now have 6 seconds before facing the same nasty damage. That's a massive deal towards reaching the ramp-up goal.


Cuz the condition builds hit are none meta ones, of which most pre the patch were barely viable. Scourge is probably stronger due to improvements in barrier. Mirage got straight out buffed. FB buffed. The changes did not only fail to address out performing builds, but made them even stronger.


The changes to condi application is controversial because it also impacts PvE. In all short encounters (like any open world PvE) most condi builds are noticeably worse off. Outside of guardian and mirage, It will be very disadvantageous to play condi builds. Not that open world is the standard of balance, but it is an important part of GW2.


The only positive thing in the entire patch was Ranger GS buff and I do not even play Ranger.

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You guys forgot that necros got put into the ground.

Conditions have across the board been weakened in end game PvE and PvP against anyone who's condi cleanse on there bar or is near a Tempest who sets the rune that allows for shouts to remove conditions, anyone who can constantly drop light fields.



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