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So when is WVW actually going to get some changes?


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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > -AFK PIP farmers that get rewarded for doing nothing. How about rewarding people that actually do stuff. Literally the Q is taken up by a ton of dudes that are AFK!

> We're talking about some things to do for this. One thing we'd like to do is make OS better suited for people to afk out their participation and also do general WvW vendor work. We'd also display the participation UI so it's more obviously a map where you are still getting rewards. This doesn't fully solve the AFK issues but its something we're looking into.


Please make the jumping puzzle rewards more proportional to its length so it feels more worth doing daily!


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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > -AFK PIP farmers that get rewarded for doing nothing. How about rewarding people that actually do stuff. Literally the Q is taken up by a ton of dudes that are AFK!

> We're talking about some things to do for this. One thing we'd like to do is make OS better suited for people to afk out their participation and also do general WvW vendor work. We'd also display the participation UI so it's more obviously a map where you are still getting rewards. This doesn't fully solve the AFK issues but its something we're looking into.


Maybe have it so if someone doesn't actively move or perform an action in a few minutes time to automatically move them to OS.


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> @"Northstrider.2456" said:

> I think WvW will get rid of his afk people if things such as Gift of War would not be gated behind reward tracks. Put them back into normal vendors and one big issue will be fixed instantly.


Most players in WvW for GoB don't really afk, but run around in a group while whining.


> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"RodOfDeath.5247" said:

> > I just hope they show some love to the little guilds out there that try to keep the game mode diverse instead of focusing too much on 30+ man group guilds.


> This ^


> Being in a guild that runs parties more than squads I can't agree more


But mate, ANet's ideal for WvW *is * about groups larger than 5. There's a reason sPvP is capped at a party-size.


I'm not discriminating against smaller roaming groups, but the vast majority of WvW's players and guilds are in it for the large scale combat rather than small-scale. There's a reason roaming is considered dead: either you're solo or you're nuthugging a bunch of other players as one of the 5 remaining 'roaming guilds'.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> -T3 structures and tactics need nerfing or at least give a better reward other than a champ bag for taking these things because some of these keeps and towers are harder to take than robbing a bank in IRL. What is the point of taking a keep or a tower anyways? No one cares about these things. Soon everyone will be hiding in their corners doing nothing but refreshing siege.


It's T3 with buffs, why should be nerfed and make it easier to take over? It's your fault if you have let the enemy to upgrade structures.

I'm so sorry that there obstacles in your karma train.

The feeling of success is good enough reward.



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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > > @Raymond Lukes.6305, t3 wals arent that strong >_> people cant even defend t there nor builds siege... unless they want to be wiped from aoe's from the ground.

> > > > > Strucures can be siege from above, due your keep and map design as well.

> > > > >

> > > > > And T1 walls are so strong. that 1 blob took keep arround 30seconds.. GG (this just happened while i was writing the post since defense was impossible due numbers ofc).

> > > > >

> > > > > Are u guys going to make ktrainers more rewerded, and people that dont want effort nor fight taking stuff making their gameplay more easy..?

> > > > >

> > > > > Are u guys gona make free takes to make player avoid defend so this game is pure ktrain??

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Whenever u guys talk that something that isnt that hard due how broken this game has becomes it already easy and u listen players that want it even easier....

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > The game had more action when there was nothing but k trains now, no one even comes out of their towers and keeps. This games major strength is it's combat so why would you even wanna sit in a tower defending it? what do you even gain? Did you build the tower or the keep(that would be cool if you could. Maybe this stuff would be more important.)? Winning means nothing and defending these towers and keeps is meaningless. If you can't fight you should lose all your towers and keeps and maybe all these players will start focusing on fighting rather than sitting on siege to defend. If they outnumber you so be it. you will lose but you can improve as a group. People are afraid to lose and that's the only way you can get better. God bless

> > >

> > > Ya don't agree here. If you live to just fight group against group then yes I see your point. But if you love the challenge of trying to keep a large group from taking over your tower or keep then there is some fun in that. Having a group inside that struggles for sometimes even hours and manages to send away zergs and blobs is actually quite fun. Call it "trolling the enemy"... or call it whatever you want. At the end of the day it's another way to have some fun in this game. If WvW was supposed to be just about groups fighting groups then it would be ... wait for it ... PvP! Period!

> >

> > It is PVP. But when you "troll the enemy" All you're doing is boring them to death and when they quit who will you get to troll? You'll just sit in your tower or keep refreshing siege and asking yourself "Wish those big groups would come back but they quit the game because all they did was fight our arrowcarts all day and now i have nothing to defend against" this is the future of wvw. siege humpers will rule with a iron fist and even they will get bored since they never leave the tower.


> nah, you're missing the point of my note. I'm not talking about sitting in a Keep all day long seriously... I AM talking about active offense on a Keep and active defense of the Keep as long as it takes to make them give up... at least until they try sometime later when they believe it's all clear. For me, if they do go away and things appear clear then it's time to get the heck out of there and start pounding enemy stuff again, (or reclaiming our own), and so on. "Capture the flag"... is fun... it's what I enjoy. To me that equals fighting for and defending objectives... NOT the oh so boring pvd!


@Balthazzarr.1349, players dont care about active defense, they just dont want anyone on defense....


**I feel that every gw2 ktrainer actually doesnt wanna any kind of defense, they want just a free cap...**




**It is the behaviour of the players on this game... **


**To make T3 structures easy for blobbers Anet will have to make the walls larger so players can defend their PPT (seams logic right?????)...**


**T3 strucures are already more easiers to take since ANet increased damage on catas, and u guys want them to melt faster w/o effort AT least Anet needs to improve walls so they cant be aoe'ed from the ground**



ireally dont understand why u guys just want to keep farming w/o fight or effort.. seriously...

Game is already broken inm population and its BLOB or be BLOBBED, and u guys want to take structures even with less effort.....


Are the players on this game that lame???? lammerwars???? and dev's sure like they help this lammer ambient.


Sorry to be blunt but this is the atitute that leaded to WvW lost of populaton, it is due has become a noob mode more and more.


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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > > > @Raymond Lukes.6305, t3 wals arent that strong >_> people cant even defend t there nor builds siege... unless they want to be wiped from aoe's from the ground.

> > > > > > Strucures can be siege from above, due your keep and map design as well.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > And T1 walls are so strong. that 1 blob took keep arround 30seconds.. GG (this just happened while i was writing the post since defense was impossible due numbers ofc).

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Are u guys going to make ktrainers more rewerded, and people that dont want effort nor fight taking stuff making their gameplay more easy..?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Are u guys gona make free takes to make player avoid defend so this game is pure ktrain??

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Whenever u guys talk that something that isnt that hard due how broken this game has becomes it already easy and u listen players that want it even easier....

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > The game had more action when there was nothing but k trains now, no one even comes out of their towers and keeps. This games major strength is it's combat so why would you even wanna sit in a tower defending it? what do you even gain? Did you build the tower or the keep(that would be cool if you could. Maybe this stuff would be more important.)? Winning means nothing and defending these towers and keeps is meaningless. If you can't fight you should lose all your towers and keeps and maybe all these players will start focusing on fighting rather than sitting on siege to defend. If they outnumber you so be it. you will lose but you can improve as a group. People are afraid to lose and that's the only way you can get better. God bless

> > > >

> > > > Ya don't agree here. If you live to just fight group against group then yes I see your point. But if you love the challenge of trying to keep a large group from taking over your tower or keep then there is some fun in that. Having a group inside that struggles for sometimes even hours and manages to send away zergs and blobs is actually quite fun. Call it "trolling the enemy"... or call it whatever you want. At the end of the day it's another way to have some fun in this game. If WvW was supposed to be just about groups fighting groups then it would be ... wait for it ... PvP! Period!

> > >

> > > It is PVP. But when you "troll the enemy" All you're doing is boring them to death and when they quit who will you get to troll? You'll just sit in your tower or keep refreshing siege and asking yourself "Wish those big groups would come back but they quit the game because all they did was fight our arrowcarts all day and now i have nothing to defend against" this is the future of wvw. siege humpers will rule with a iron fist and even they will get bored since they never leave the tower.

> >

> > nah, you're missing the point of my note. I'm not talking about sitting in a Keep all day long seriously... I AM talking about active offense on a Keep and active defense of the Keep as long as it takes to make them give up... at least until they try sometime later when they believe it's all clear. For me, if they do go away and things appear clear then it's time to get the heck out of there and start pounding enemy stuff again, (or reclaiming our own), and so on. "Capture the flag"... is fun... it's what I enjoy. To me that equals fighting for and defending objectives... NOT the oh so boring pvd!


> "active" offense and defense on keeps is a bunch of pvd and siege with no reward. It's not fun for any guild or decent commander it's only fun if there is a fight between 2 groups in the keep but they could just do that outside the keep lol. Sounds like a nsppt style of play that you're describing





okok... it doesn't matter what type of play style someone likes I suppose there is always a way to make it look useless and bad so to that end I will drop the back and forth. I will let you "win" this argument in your mind at least since I know you won't see or understand what I'm trying to say. It's not as all ridiculously bad as you say it is but that's how you feel and I'll respect that and move on. Bottom line.... have fun!

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > > > @Raymond Lukes.6305, t3 wals arent that strong >_> people cant even defend t there nor builds siege... unless they want to be wiped from aoe's from the ground.

> > > > > > Strucures can be siege from above, due your keep and map design as well.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > And T1 walls are so strong. that 1 blob took keep arround 30seconds.. GG (this just happened while i was writing the post since defense was impossible due numbers ofc).

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Are u guys going to make ktrainers more rewerded, and people that dont want effort nor fight taking stuff making their gameplay more easy..?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Are u guys gona make free takes to make player avoid defend so this game is pure ktrain??

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Whenever u guys talk that something that isnt that hard due how broken this game has becomes it already easy and u listen players that want it even easier....

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > The game had more action when there was nothing but k trains now, no one even comes out of their towers and keeps. This games major strength is it's combat so why would you even wanna sit in a tower defending it? what do you even gain? Did you build the tower or the keep(that would be cool if you could. Maybe this stuff would be more important.)? Winning means nothing and defending these towers and keeps is meaningless. If you can't fight you should lose all your towers and keeps and maybe all these players will start focusing on fighting rather than sitting on siege to defend. If they outnumber you so be it. you will lose but you can improve as a group. People are afraid to lose and that's the only way you can get better. God bless

> > > >

> > > > Ya don't agree here. If you live to just fight group against group then yes I see your point. But if you love the challenge of trying to keep a large group from taking over your tower or keep then there is some fun in that. Having a group inside that struggles for sometimes even hours and manages to send away zergs and blobs is actually quite fun. Call it "trolling the enemy"... or call it whatever you want. At the end of the day it's another way to have some fun in this game. If WvW was supposed to be just about groups fighting groups then it would be ... wait for it ... PvP! Period!

> > >

> > > It is PVP. But when you "troll the enemy" All you're doing is boring them to death and when they quit who will you get to troll? You'll just sit in your tower or keep refreshing siege and asking yourself "Wish those big groups would come back but they quit the game because all they did was fight our arrowcarts all day and now i have nothing to defend against" this is the future of wvw. siege humpers will rule with a iron fist and even they will get bored since they never leave the tower.

> >

> > nah, you're missing the point of my note. I'm not talking about sitting in a Keep all day long seriously... I AM talking about active offense on a Keep and active defense of the Keep as long as it takes to make them give up... at least until they try sometime later when they believe it's all clear. For me, if they do go away and things appear clear then it's time to get the heck out of there and start pounding enemy stuff again, (or reclaiming our own), and so on. "Capture the flag"... is fun... it's what I enjoy. To me that equals fighting for and defending objectives... NOT the oh so boring pvd!


> @Balthazzarr.1349, players dont care about active defense, they just dont want anyone on defense....


> **I feel that every gw2 ktrainer actually doesnt wanna any kind of defense, they want just a free cap...**




> **It is the behaviour of the players on this game... **


> **To make T3 structures easy for blobbers Anet will have to make the walls larger so players can defend their PPT (seams logic right?????)...**


> **T3 strucures are already more easiers to take since ANet increased damage on catas, and u guys want them to melt faster w/o effort AT least Anet needs to improve walls so they cant be aoe'ed from the ground**



> ireally dont understand why u guys just want to keep farming w/o fight or effort.. seriously...

> Game is already broken inm population and its BLOB or be BLOBBED, and u guys want to take structures even with less effort.....


> Are the players on this game that lame???? lammerwars???? and dev's sure like they help this lammer ambient.


> Sorry to be blunt but this is the atitute that leaded to WvW lost of populaton, it is due has become a noob mode more and more.



Hey I agree with this a lot. I see so many zergs and blobs avoid the T3 structures until there's nothing left to pip farm, then the go after them as well. Even the so called fields fights are laughable a lot of the time. As I said in my other note, it doesn't matter what you or I like... there will always be someone to tell us how dumb we are for liking it and why we should do it different. I gave up on hoping WvW would change to something that felt "worth going in to". I go into WvW for fun with friends. "For the Server" doesn't exist anymore. Even the score keepers don't keep the linkings up to date anymore in the online scores because I think they just gave up caring. So all we're left with is the ktrain/piptrain thing... Nothing else seems to matter to most people except a few that like and know how to zerg fight.

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I don't care in the slightest about the pip farmers, if the only way to get rid of them is to punish scouts and defenders. Let them pip farm. And yes, I have been in a zerg that can't get people into the map, and yes I have been in a queued map where no one will help defend, and I still think punishing people is a terrible way to 'correct' player behavior. You want people to do more than pip farm? Engage them. We don't want them to leave, we want them to help. Also, plenty of people bragging about pip farming are helping more than you think they are; they just enjoy making people mad in map. They are piptrolls. Whatever. Making up convoluted ways to punish them is just going to have unintended effects on players with different playstyles than yours.


Having OS be a real, fully-equipped wvw lobby with jumping puzzles would be absolutely awesome. I like to clear bags etc. while my pips run down so it isn't just wasted time. Being able to do that in OS is an excellent idea. Hopefully this can get implemented ASAP.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> -T3 structures and tactics need nerfing or at least give a better reward other than a champ bag for taking these things because some of these keeps and towers are harder to take than robbing a bank in IRL. What is the point of taking a keep or a tower anyways? No one cares about these things. Soon everyone will be hiding in their corners doing nothing but refreshing siege.


its all about supply and the size of ur mob, build 5 shields + 10 cata, u can down almost anything in a min, no one could save ur t3 tower/keep without a huge size of zerg. imo t3 structures needs more buffs than nerfs.

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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > -AFK PIP farmers that get rewarded for doing nothing. How about rewarding people that actually do stuff. Literally the Q is taken up by a ton of dudes that are AFK!

> We're talking about some things to do for this. One thing we'd like to do is make OS better suited for people to afk out their participation and also do general WvW vendor work. We'd also display the participation UI so it's more obviously a map where you are still getting rewards. This doesn't fully solve the AFK issues but its something we're looking into.

> > -T3 structures and tactics need nerfing or at least give a better reward other than a champ bag for taking these things because some of these keeps and towers are harder to take than robbing a bank in IRL. What is the point of taking a keep or a tower anyways? No one cares about these things. Soon everyone will be hiding in their corners doing nothing but refreshing siege.

> We've been talking about this recently and I think we've got some ideas we're going to pitch internally and then discuss some options with you guys.

> > - Why isn't there some way to GVG people in other tiers without going to the crappy guild hall or OS? The game is like 5 years old godbless. It's called guild wars 2(don't care about the lore)

> We've been talking about some options with this as well. We like the idea of being able to GvG with more guilds. We're going to need to do some more investigation into the feasibility of this but it's already on our list.





umm.. wow.. im really impressed... a dev actually replied on this thread and didnt just delete it like they usually do

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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > -AFK PIP farmers that get rewarded for doing nothing. How about rewarding people that actually do stuff. Literally the Q is taken up by a ton of dudes that are AFK!

> We're talking about some things to do for this. One thing we'd like to do is make OS better suited for people to afk out their participation and also do general WvW vendor work. We'd also display the participation UI so it's more obviously a map where you are still getting rewards. This doesn't fully solve the AFK issues but its something we're looking into.

> > -T3 structures and tactics need nerfing or at least give a better reward other than a champ bag for taking these things because some of these keeps and towers are harder to take than robbing a bank in IRL. What is the point of taking a keep or a tower anyways? No one cares about these things. Soon everyone will be hiding in their corners doing nothing but refreshing siege.

> We've been talking about this recently and I think we've got some ideas we're going to pitch internally and then discuss some options with you guys.

> > - Why isn't there some way to GVG people in other tiers without going to the crappy guild hall or OS? The game is like 5 years old godbless. It's called guild wars 2(don't care about the lore)

> We've been talking about some options with this as well. We like the idea of being able to GvG with more guilds. We're going to need to do some more investigation into the feasibility of this but it's already on our list.





afk pip farmers are always going to be a problem.. all they have to do is move around, cap one camp etc and any measures you put in will be subverted.. WHAT I WANT TO SEE is a price reduction on the mats for the legendary armor.. it takes SOOOO much to make it, it is just not feasible for a world v worlder like myself.. I rarely ever play PVE and dont farm gold a lot.. i barely make even enough to cover the cost of food now days. The reward tracks were a nice start.. but there needs to be a cheaper more viable way to get the legendary armor... maybe a price reduction for crafting it if you have a higher level... some already takes rank 3000 or so to even wear i have heard.


T3 structures are not the problem... the number of people on higher tier servers is... Servers like Mag who already have a HUGE wvw population... lie down for a month or two and get a linking... and ZIP they are in tier 1 again.. just rolliing over other servers becuase of superior numbers... this needs to be addressed and addressed soon before it kills the game. Yes.. i know anet makes a lot off server transfers.. but come on.. all 8 of the top tier servers have been locked for MONTHS (a few came open last week) but it will not solve the population imbalance nor will linking small wvw population low participation to servers struggling to stay in tier 1 or 2 like YB.. even with the link we still cant match the numbers of the linked servers. The level of the tower doesn't make the difference when you cant even get near it to drop siege.


GVG... yes the game is called guild wars... people like to GVG... obsidian sanctum was supposed to be the answer to that.. but making the entire zone so small.. and you can attack people anywhere.. just made it a gank fest on most servers. How about this for OS.... Make the entire area a HUGE underground cavern... but you can NOT attack anyone who isnt in the main area... if you step out of the circle.. you cant get back in for say 30 seconds at least. The area would have to be equal to the old dueling gvg area near the windmill on the alpine borderlands though.. with seating around the outside for spectators... or just do a damn huge combat arena already!.


The last condi nerf killed a lot of classes.. mainly necro.. Shroud is worthless now and with no real shield, run buff or escapes.. a lot of people are just straight up leaving the game. It takes me a full 2 rotations of skills as scourge to get anyone even remotely hurting, and i cant even get a full rotation off as reaper anymore.. while other classes like mesmer can walk in and burst me down (with 31k hp) in under a second... there is no balance there.


One last thing.. Anet needs to really bring down the ban hammer on people who hack, especially in wvw and pvp... There is no competition when someone just walks away from you while in downed state laughing, or walks into your keep walls and contests it... sometimes they are unhittable under the map .. and the LoS obstructions are ranged classes are a pain... I never understood this.. before as a mesmer i could send clones around a wall... which made sense.. now i have to be in direct line of sight and if there is a small rock in the way or a blade of grass.. i cant cast my clones?? or as necro i cant drop my marks.. wells etc?? Whaaa?? AND.. why dont shades work on top of walls while every mark i have does?? everyone else skills work perfectly on walls but necros shades dont!


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> @"MightBeAqua.7913" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > In regards to GvG, would there be anyway to expand the size of guild arenas in guild halls? And just make them generally better suited for WvW style fights. I mean who really needs all the extra crap in there, just make it a large enough flat space that is more comfortable to fight in, and allows enough players to fit in.


> Please do not comment on matters if you don't know what you are talking about. The size of the guild hall arena isn't even the main issue. It's the fact that it uses the PvE ruleset and the instancing issues. (trying to get all 30 people on a map is a PITA half the time)




really.. pushing that little YES button isnt that bad.. come on.. this is the least of the worries for someone who plays competitive game modes in this game LOL

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> @"Shadowzerk.4715" said:

> imo t3 structures needs more buffs than nerfs.


No! If defense is buffed more, attackers need to bring even more people to take them. I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but this has happened already. When the arrow cart damage was increased in 2013, zergs turned into blobs. Then defenders complained about wanting to buff defense more because of the blobs so HoT brought more buffs to defense via tactics and improvements. You cannot keep buffing defense and then expect that attackers will only bring a small number of people. Eventually attackers run out of people, making offense/defense balance completely unbalanced.


And honestly offense/defense is already unbalanced since we're seeing a lot of comments in this and other threads about servers that don't come out to fight and instead wait for someone to attack one of their numerous T3 structures. If people are not attacking T3 structures much, then defense is too high.

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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > -AFK PIP farmers that get rewarded for doing nothing. How about rewarding people that actually do stuff. Literally the Q is taken up by a ton of dudes that are AFK!

> We're talking about some things to do for this. One thing we'd like to do is make OS better suited for people to afk out their participation and also do general WvW vendor work. We'd also display the participation UI so it's more obviously a map where you are still getting rewards. This doesn't fully solve the AFK issues but its something we're looking into.


Hi Raymond. I'm almost sure the reply will be buried, but just in case...


You already have the mechanism similar to "participation saving" - Potions of Attunement, like [this one ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Potion_of_Verdant_Attunement "this one ").


On WvW leave, you can add to the inventory or mail to the player those "Potions of WvW participation" that when drunk will restore approximately the amount of participation they had. This will have a positive side-effect that the people on their next login can start with max participation immediately, so time spent running to their first objective is not wasted.

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The many different styles of play is what makes WvW so interesting to me, and I'm only talking from my perspective.


I like fights but I will caveat that by saying only against even sized groups, if not then I am forced to blob. I like taking objectives but only against reasonable defense, otherwise I am forced to blob. There is a pattern here.


If I hit a borderland and nobody comes out to play then I have to hit something because the afk pip farm kids keep the other maps queued during NA prime.


To the defenders, I and most like me, don't give any flying kittens about your keep or tower, we just want a group to fight open field without siege. You can keep your towers and stuff til Hell freezes over. Please do, it is impressive.


Some of us, and not all of us, want to engage an enemy and test our abilities and try and get better while doing so. That should be respected as much as where to put your arrow cart.

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@trueanimus.4085 Saying


"The last condi nerf killed a lot of classes.. mainly necro.. Shroud is worthless now and with no real shield, run buff or escapes.. a lot of people are just straight up leaving the game. It takes me a full 2 rotations of skills as scourge to get anyone even remotely hurting, and i cant even get a full rotation off as reaper anymore.. while other classes like mesmer can walk in and burst me down (with 31k hp) in under a second... there is no balance there."



Thanks for the fucking laugh bud,good to know alot of condi spammers leaving the game though !

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> @"Caedmon.6798" said:


> @trueanimus.4085 Saying


> "The last condi nerf killed a lot of classes.. mainly necro.. Shroud is worthless now and with no real shield, run buff or escapes.. a lot of people are just straight up leaving the game. It takes me a full 2 rotations of skills as scourge to get anyone even remotely hurting, and i cant even get a full rotation off as reaper anymore.. while other classes like mesmer can walk in and burst me down (with 31k hp) in under a second... there is no balance there."



> Thanks for the kitten laugh bud,good to know alot of condi spammers leaving the game though !


Extremely good to hear. You ppl are CANCER.

Omg it takes you 2 rotation to apply 10+ stacks of 5+ different condis. What a shame. Come on, stfu plz. Condi necros and theirs specs were cancer on wvw for ab entire lifetime. It is about time they get a kick ob the nutts.

It was not fun. Deal with it. Doesnt mean i agree with mesmer still being op but at least 1 of the main problems was reduced. Noe adapt to it , reroll another class or leave the game if you just played it cause of godmode scourge spec

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> @"BassHunteR.7246" said:

> > @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> >

> > @trueanimus.4085 Saying

> >

> > "The last condi nerf killed a lot of classes.. mainly necro.. Shroud is worthless now and with no real shield, run buff or escapes.. a lot of people are just straight up leaving the game. It takes me a full 2 rotations of skills as scourge to get anyone even remotely hurting, and i cant even get a full rotation off as reaper anymore.. while other classes like mesmer can walk in and burst me down (with 31k hp) in under a second... there is no balance there."

> >

> >

> > Thanks for the kitten laugh bud,good to know alot of condi spammers leaving the game though !


> Extremely good to hear. You ppl are CANCER.

> Omg it takes you 2 rotation to apply 10+ stacks of 5+ different condis. What a shame. Come on, kitten plz. Condi necros and theirs specs were cancer on wvw for ab entire lifetime. It is about time they get a kick ob the nutts.

> It was not fun. Deal with it. Doesnt mean i agree with mesmer still being op but at least 1 of the main problems was reduced. Noe adapt to it , reroll another class or leave the game if you just played it cause of godmode scourge spec


Its the most noobfriendly spec there is yet they complain.Throw out some random aoe's here and there with no target needed and ul be fine ! Dont forget to throw some aoe's on yourself aswell incase someone comes at you.Ive literally seen necs in wvw not dodging Once,just throwing aoe's without any second though.The bad things is,its Still effective vs classes that need to be in their face.


The aoe's just do way too much for how easy it is to throw around with no target needed,it promotes braindead gameplay as we see in wvw.

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Remove the watchtower buff already.


At least this gives a little strategy back to the game mode so you can (potentially) sneakily take a tower again. For small groups this used to be such fun. Even enable roamers to be of some use if they wanted to so they could clear siege for their zergs without being ganked by 5 people. I think the watchtower buff is up there with the top 5 most destructive things for small group/roaming players. It actually would bring a bit more diversity to WvW again rather than having to be in a zerg to achieve anything.

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> @"Vaga.5174" said:

> Remove the watchtower buff already.


> At least this gives a little strategy back to the game mode so you can (potentially) sneakily take a tower again. For small groups this used to be such fun. Even enable roamers to be of some use if they wanted to so they could clear siege for their zergs without being ganked by 5 people. I think the watchtower buff is up there with the top 5 most destructive things for small group/roaming players. It actually would bring a bit more diversity to WvW again rather than having to be in a zerg to achieve anything.


Actually, the watchtower buff helps my havoc group. People rely on it too much. Most towers have areas that it can be cata'd from at about the same speed without being seen from watchtower. Plus, with the damage changes on cata, it doesn't slow you down from range.


Most people won't check a watchtower'd tower until it has swords. By then, three guild cats can have the wall pretty low.


Also, swords can be placed by one toon. And if you see one toon run by a tower on watchtower and he stops briefly and runs past, you are going to ignore the swords.


Watchtower tends to hurt when used against art havoc teams.

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"Shadowzerk.4715" said:

> > imo t3 structures needs more buffs than nerfs.


> No! If defense is buffed more, attackers need to bring even more people to take them. I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but this has happened already. When the arrow cart damage was increased in 2013, zergs turned into blobs. Then defenders complained about wanting to buff defense more because of the blobs so HoT brought more buffs to defense via tactics and improvements. You cannot keep buffing defense and then expect that attackers will only bring a small number of people. Eventually attackers run out of people, making offense/defense balance completely unbalanced.


> And honestly offense/defense is already unbalanced since we're seeing a lot of comments in this and other threads about servers that don't come out to fight and instead wait for someone to attack one of their numerous T3 structures. If people are not attacking T3 structures much, then defense is too high.


actually the best option is a trade off, make t3 walls weaker but make them way more larger so players on top can actually defend their stuff and not be farmed... and dont forget that most stuff can be sieged from above or has some idiotic broken way to enter...


But i know Anet hates trade offs, they love to put no effort in most of things they do... proabaly they will just make t3 walls almost as t2 so blobbers can take it in a flash..

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