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So when is WVW actually going to get some changes?


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> @"MUDse.7623" said:


> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > I Speaking of cc's...the keep lords in DBL, for the love of god please tone these things down, all they do is spam cc's, they are just not fun. It's even worse when they have iron guards buff and you are trying to fight off an enemy blob.


> i would prefer to see the adds on alpine towers/keeps removed as well as their healing skill below 50% to make it easier / faster to kill them solo or in small group and even possible when a zerg is nearby. as currently that healing below 50% when there are huge blobs fighting in outer will make it impossible for me to sneak kill them solo, if i happen to still be inside from a previous unsuccessful attempt. while in desert, its possible.


I don't personally have a problem with those, they are always bunched up together which makes it really easy to kill them. The only annoying part is the blind spam from the scouts.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:


> > > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > I Speaking of cc's...the keep lords in DBL, for the love of god please tone these things down, all they do is spam cc's, they are just not fun. It's even worse when they have iron guards buff and you are trying to fight off an enemy blob.

> >

> > i would prefer to see the adds on alpine towers/keeps removed as well as their healing skill below 50% to make it easier / faster to kill them solo or in small group and even possible when a zerg is nearby. as currently that healing below 50% when there are huge blobs fighting in outer will make it impossible for me to sneak kill them solo, if i happen to still be inside from a previous unsuccessful attempt. while in desert, its possible.


> I don't personally have a problem with those, they are always bunched up together which makes it really easy to kill them. The only annoying part is the blind spam from the scouts.


well i am mostly on full berserk thief so if all of them at once hit me 1 time i am dead. while i can easily avoid all the CC in desert keeps.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> >

> > > > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > > I Speaking of cc's...the keep lords in DBL, for the love of god please tone these things down, all they do is spam cc's, they are just not fun. It's even worse when they have iron guards buff and you are trying to fight off an enemy blob.

> > >

> > > i would prefer to see the adds on alpine towers/keeps removed as well as their healing skill below 50% to make it easier / faster to kill them solo or in small group and even possible when a zerg is nearby. as currently that healing below 50% when there are huge blobs fighting in outer will make it impossible for me to sneak kill them solo, if i happen to still be inside from a previous unsuccessful attempt. while in desert, its possible.

> >

> > I don't personally have a problem with those, they are always bunched up together which makes it really easy to kill them. The only annoying part is the blind spam from the scouts.


> well i am mostly on full berserk thief so if all of them at once hit me 1 time i am dead. while i can easily avoid all the CC in desert keeps.


It can be done if you are quick to dodge, but it would definitely be easier with others.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > >

> > > > > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > > > I Speaking of cc's...the keep lords in DBL, for the love of god please tone these things down, all they do is spam cc's, they are just not fun. It's even worse when they have iron guards buff and you are trying to fight off an enemy blob.

> > > >

> > > > i would prefer to see the adds on alpine towers/keeps removed as well as their healing skill below 50% to make it easier / faster to kill them solo or in small group and even possible when a zerg is nearby. as currently that healing below 50% when there are huge blobs fighting in outer will make it impossible for me to sneak kill them solo, if i happen to still be inside from a previous unsuccessful attempt. while in desert, its possible.

> > >

> > > I don't personally have a problem with those, they are always bunched up together which makes it really easy to kill them. The only annoying part is the blind spam from the scouts.

> >

> > well i am mostly on full berserk thief so if all of them at once hit me 1 time i am dead. while i can easily avoid all the CC in desert keeps.


> It can be done if you are quick to dodge, but it would definitely be easier with others.


i know it can be done, i did it alot - its just annoying and if i miss one dogge there i am dead, while i can dogge late on DBL without lethal consequences. i can upload a video showing how i survie despite reacting very slow on air keep (was at 5 am :D ) so its alot easier.

but the CC is alot stronger in zergfights, and i think it should be like this actually, you can simply ignore alpine lord if you fight in there as a zerg


if the average WvW player has issues tho in solo / smal goup DBL lords that should be adjusted then, as i do think they should be solo able while still be relevant in zergfights. i think they got a 5 target AoE cap for most attacks but that should be more like 20 or 50 like a siege weapon

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > >

> > > > > > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > > > > I Speaking of cc's...the keep lords in DBL, for the love of god please tone these things down, all they do is spam cc's, they are just not fun. It's even worse when they have iron guards buff and you are trying to fight off an enemy blob.

> > > > >

> > > > > i would prefer to see the adds on alpine towers/keeps removed as well as their healing skill below 50% to make it easier / faster to kill them solo or in small group and even possible when a zerg is nearby. as currently that healing below 50% when there are huge blobs fighting in outer will make it impossible for me to sneak kill them solo, if i happen to still be inside from a previous unsuccessful attempt. while in desert, its possible.

> > > >

> > > > I don't personally have a problem with those, they are always bunched up together which makes it really easy to kill them. The only annoying part is the blind spam from the scouts.

> > >

> > > well i am mostly on full berserk thief so if all of them at once hit me 1 time i am dead. while i can easily avoid all the CC in desert keeps.

> >

> > It can be done if you are quick to dodge, but it would definitely be easier with others.


> i know it can be done, i did it alot - its just annoying and if i miss one dogge there i am dead, while i can dogge late on DBL without lethal consequences.


Definately, I cant imagine how awful it would be when lagging. I would not even bother trying on dbl lords personally.

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Hello Raymond,


Thanks for taking part in that thread. It's a good thing to have some red bannered answers in the WvW section, and I'm really grateful for you to chime in sometimes.


> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > -AFK PIP farmers that get rewarded for doing nothing. How about rewarding people that actually do stuff. Literally the Q is taken up by a ton of dudes that are AFK!

> We're **talking** about some things to do for this. One thing we'd like to do is make OS better suited for people to afk out their participation and also do general WvW vendor work. We'd also display the participation UI so it's more obviously a map where you are still getting rewards. This doesn't fully solve the AFK issues but its something we're **looking into**.

> > -T3 structures and tactics need nerfing or at least give a better reward other than a champ bag for taking these things because some of these keeps and towers are harder to take than robbing a bank in IRL. What is the point of taking a keep or a tower anyways? No one cares about these things. Soon everyone will be hiding in their corners doing nothing but refreshing siege.

> We've been **talking** about this recently and I think we've got some **ideas** we're going to pitch internally and then **discuss** some options with you guys.

> > - Why isn't there some way to GVG people in other tiers without going to the crappy guild hall or OS? The game is like 5 years old godbless. It's called guild wars 2(don't care about the lore)

> We've been **talking** about some options with this as well. We like the idea of being able to GvG with more guilds. We're going to need to do some **more investigation** into the feasibility of this but it's already on our list.


I understand the previous topics may not be the top priority things, but as a message, your answer is a bit of a turn down. It shows that you're positive of some things that are discussed here, and it's a good thing. Unfortunately, it also shows that you still don't have a clear idea on these, which may lead people to fantasize that you don't care (which I doubt).


My suggestion would be to have sort of to do list, or work in progress list. Of course, it wouldn't disclose the exact status of a given topic, but some generic info wouldn't harm, would it ?



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> @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> > @"Drastic.8920" said:

> > I wouldn't mind having Emergency WPs having a longer CD say, 45 mins or an hour, if the WP stayed opened a little longer - extra 30 to 60s, respectively


> I would. I prefer having the old way point system back. Open every 3 min. Then we can extend emergency wp cd


Actually, just return the old system. The EWP wouldn't be needed. Maybe only as an option for towers.

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> @"Zephyra.4709" said:

> Agreed with _X T D.6458_ on many points;


> * Update OS parallel to PvP lobby (move players to OS once afk timer is over instead of kicking out of WvW entirely)

> * Structure/objective reward scaling in regards to tiers would be a step in the right direction

> * Guild hall arenas _need_ to have an _optional_ upgrade for assembling larger arenas catered to GvG; the arenas as they currently stand are far too small (irony of 'Guild Wars' in general when they don't even have enough space to GvG)


> Thanks Raymond for keeping us updated, hope we can work together to bring more ideas to reality.


Good points here.


I would add that it would be good to ask the guilds that GvG what size would be applicable. The OS arena area appeared big enough but how that truly compares to the current GH arena is not known to me.


IF OS arena is used for GvG, then it needs to be set up to allow for guilds from ALL tiers and servers to compete. Including guilds from your own server.


The mechanism that the GH arena allows with 'team colors' and a FFA option as well, would be vital in any solution for a GvG arena.

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@Raymond Lukes.6305, t3 wals arent that strong >_> people cant even defend t there nor builds siege... unless they want to be wiped from aoe's from the ground.

Strucures can be siege from above, due your keep and map design as well.


And T1 walls are so strong. that 1 blob took keep arround 30seconds.. GG (this just happened while i was writing the post since defense was impossible due numbers ofc).


Are u guys going to make ktrainers more rewerded, and people that dont want effort nor fight taking stuff making their gameplay more easy..?


Are u guys gona make free takes to make player avoid defend so this game is pure ktrain??



Whenever u guys talk that something that isnt that hard due how broken this game has becomes it already easy and u listen players that want it even easier....


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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > -AFK PIP farmers that get rewarded for doing nothing. How about rewarding people that actually do stuff. Literally the Q is taken up by a ton of dudes that are AFK!

> We're talking about some things to do for this. One thing we'd like to do is make OS better suited for people to afk out their participation and also do general WvW vendor work. We'd also display the participation UI so it's more obviously a map where you are still getting rewards. This doesn't fully solve the AFK issues but its something we're looking into.

> > -T3 structures and tactics need nerfing or at least give a better reward other than a champ bag for taking these things because some of these keeps and towers are harder to take than robbing a bank in IRL. What is the point of taking a keep or a tower anyways? No one cares about these things. Soon everyone will be hiding in their corners doing nothing but refreshing siege.

> We've been talking about this recently and I think we've got some ideas we're going to pitch internally and then discuss some options with you guys.

> > - Why isn't there some way to GVG people in other tiers without going to the crappy guild hall or OS? The game is like 5 years old godbless. It's called guild wars 2(don't care about the lore)

> We've been talking about some options with this as well. We like the idea of being able to GvG with more guilds. We're going to need to do some more investigation into the feasibility of this but it's already on our list.





Thats a whole lotta talking ! Is there some action under the way aswell ?

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> @Raymond Lukes.6305, t3 wals arent that strong >_> people cant even defend t there nor builds siege... unless they want to be wiped from aoe's fgrom the ground.

> Strucures can be siege from above, due your keep and map design as well.


> And T1 walls are so strong. that 1 blob took keep arround 30seconds.. GG (this just happened while i was writing the post since defense was impossible due numbers ofc).


> Are u guys going to make ktrainers more rewerded, and people that dont want effort nor fight taking stuff making their gameplay more easy..?


> Are u guys gona make free takes to make player avoid defend so this game is pure ktrain??



> Whenever u guys talk that something that isnt that hard due how broken this game has becomes it already easy and u listen players that want it even easier....



The problem is:


1) You make T3 walls and siege stronger. Then groups too scaredycat to fight openfield can sit inside towers _even more easily_ and make raids boring for those looking for active gameplay.


2) You make T1 Structures stronger, you also scale up T2/3 proportionally, rounding to the above issue, or you make T1 so strong that there's no point in bothering to tier up structures because the improvement would be marginal for the time spent.


As things stand, breaking a defended T3 structure during primetime is literally impossible. Buffing structures any more will continue to choke fights, which is what the majority of the guilds still playing the game play for.

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> @"Namer.9750" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @Raymond Lukes.6305, t3 wals arent that strong >_> people cant even defend t there nor builds siege... unless they want to be wiped from aoe's fgrom the ground.

> > Strucures can be siege from above, due your keep and map design as well.

> >

> > And T1 walls are so strong. that 1 blob took keep arround 30seconds.. GG (this just happened while i was writing the post since defense was impossible due numbers ofc).

> >

> > Are u guys going to make ktrainers more rewerded, and people that dont want effort nor fight taking stuff making their gameplay more easy..?

> >

> > Are u guys gona make free takes to make player avoid defend so this game is pure ktrain??

> >

> >

> > Whenever u guys talk that something that isnt that hard due how broken this game has becomes it already easy and u listen players that want it even easier....

> >


> The problem is:


> 1) You make T3 walls and siege stronger. Then groups too scaredycat to fight openfield can sit inside towers _even more easily_ and make raids boring for those looking for active gameplay.


> 2) You make T1 Structures stronger, you also scale up T2/3 proportionally, rounding to the above issue, or you make T1 so strong that there's no point in bothering to tier up structures because the improvement would be marginal for the time spent.


> As things stand, breaking a defended T3 structure during primetime is literally impossible. Buffing structures any more will continue to choke fights, which is what the majority of the guilds still playing the game play for.


Remove walls... problem fixed.. free cap for the blob.


The truth is walls cant be changed to weaker nor stronger w/o trade offs or adding better mechanics to the gameplay.


P.S Ive taken t3 keeps arround 1 minute as well due the amount of siege, the problem is that many players want to take out the effort on something that isnt that hard, unless ur facing a blob wich is actually what this game is ment for, blob, fucll stacked servers ktrain game, then later it is the other server timezone to ktrain.



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Meh @"Aeolus.3615", tbh if your server is completely dead in a timezone you might as well transfer off to elsewhere more active in that timezone so you can have fun playing with more even numbers. Or just roam; scratching your head about losing structures to superior numbers is a more futile activity than beating dead horses at this point.

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@Namer.9750Namer.9750, it has been always like that it is rare for NSP to have a decent group size and when we have it its just for 1h or 2h.


No.. i wont spend money transfering to another server while the problem is the game mechanics.

That also mean i would have to change guild, and i kinda like to play with some players on NSP(comunity wise might be one of the best servers if not the best).


Also being on the blob side Ktraining doors and champ is not good as well, that just show how bad players on this game are.

When that happens and its super super rare.. i logoff as well has that is not fun.

Basilcy change server mean be blobbed or blob... wich means a very awfull game design.


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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> In regards to GvG, would there be anyway to expand the size of guild arenas in guild halls? And just make them generally better suited for WvW style fights. I mean who really needs all the extra crap in there, just make it a large enough flat space that is more comfortable to fight in, and allows enough players to fit in.


Please do not comment on matters if you don't know what you are talking about. The size of the guild hall arena isn't even the main issue. It's the fact that it uses the PvE ruleset and the instancing issues. (trying to get all 30 people on a map is a PITA half the time)



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> @"RodOfDeath.5247" said:

> I just hope they show some love to the little guilds out there that try to keep the game mode diverse instead of focusing too much on 30+ man group guilds.


An idea to help small scale guilds with their stealthy playstyle :

Let ballistas damage spy balloons (from the watchtower upgrade). So the tactic is disabled for a few minutes once you shoot it out of the air!


Not my idea initially, but I think it's a good one.

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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > -AFK PIP farmers that get rewarded for doing nothing. How about rewarding people that actually do stuff. Literally the Q is taken up by a ton of dudes that are AFK!

> We're talking about some things to do for this. One thing we'd like to do is make OS better suited for people to afk out their participation and also do general WvW vendor work. We'd also display the participation UI so it's more obviously a map where you are still getting rewards. This doesn't fully solve the AFK issues but its something we're looking into.

> > -T3 structures and tactics need nerfing or at least give a better reward other than a champ bag for taking these things because some of these keeps and towers are harder to take than robbing a bank in IRL. What is the point of taking a keep or a tower anyways? No one cares about these things. Soon everyone will be hiding in their corners doing nothing but refreshing siege.

> We've been talking about this recently and I think we've got some ideas we're going to pitch internally and then discuss some options with you guys.

> > - Why isn't there some way to GVG people in other tiers without going to the crappy guild hall or OS? The game is like 5 years old godbless. It's called guild wars 2(don't care about the lore)

> We've been talking about some options with this as well. We like the idea of being able to GvG with more guilds. We're going to need to do some more investigation into the feasibility of this but it's already on our list.





While my post may not be a suggestion or what not, but I just want to say I really like seeing the interactions from you guys. Thanks for the responses and participation yalls have done.

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> @"mixxed.5862" said:

> > @"RodOfDeath.5247" said:

> > I just hope they show some love to the little guilds out there that try to keep the game mode diverse instead of focusing too much on 30+ man group guilds.


> An idea to help small scale guilds with their stealthy playstyle :

> Let ballistas damage spy balloons (from the watchtower upgrade). So the tactic is disabled for a few minutes once you shoot it out of the air!


> Not my idea initially, but I think it's a good one.


well there are already ways to work around that watchtower but i am not sure if they are intended.

the issue with ballistas shooting down the watchtower..for how long will that last? if its short, this will already be a signal to check the tower and if it is long, no point in watchtowers anymore. i do think with watchtowers people dont check their towers on the map as often as without them, as most got used to the tower doing the job for them.

good roamers are able to open any tower without getting marked on the map and with only few it is flipped really fast. so i think people letting the towers scout for them is an advantage for roamers while it is very obvious when a zerg is going to attack a tower as most zergs got pug that will get marked even if the commander tries to be sneaky.


i still hope they will change the rewards for taking an objective to become a total number of exp, karma etc depending on objective and tier and then distribute it between all the people that took part, this way you get alot more if you flip a keep with 5 people than with 50. but then again that is only wxp and karma while most of the reward is comming from kills, i am not sure if loot from kills could be done the same. like you get 10 heavy loot bags for a 1 on 1 roaming kill while in 50 vs 50 you only get one from every 5th kill on average. but this could cause too much work for the server as i am not sure how loot is generated.

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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > -AFK PIP farmers that get rewarded for doing nothing. How about rewarding people that actually do stuff. Literally the Q is taken up by a ton of dudes that are AFK!

> We're talking about some things to do for this. One thing we'd like to do is make OS better suited for people to afk out their participation and also do general WvW vendor work. We'd also display the participation UI so it's more obviously a map where you are still getting rewards. This doesn't fully solve the AFK issues but its something we're looking into.

> > -T3 structures and tactics need nerfing or at least give a better reward other than a champ bag for taking these things because some of these keeps and towers are harder to take than robbing a bank in IRL. What is the point of taking a keep or a tower anyways? No one cares about these things. Soon everyone will be hiding in their corners doing nothing but refreshing siege.

> We've been talking about this recently and I think we've got some ideas we're going to pitch internally and then discuss some options with you guys.

> > - Why isn't there some way to GVG people in other tiers without going to the crappy guild hall or OS? The game is like 5 years old godbless. It's called guild wars 2(don't care about the lore)

> We've been talking about some options with this as well. We like the idea of being able to GvG with more guilds. We're going to need to do some more investigation into the feasibility of this but it's already on our list.





I'd prioritize on fixing Necros because that class is killing WvW and partially the game faster than Balthazar's attempt.

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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > -AFK PIP farmers that get rewarded for doing nothing. How about rewarding people that actually do stuff. Literally the Q is taken up by a ton of dudes that are AFK!

> We're talking about some things to do for this. One thing we'd like to do is make OS better suited for people to afk out their participation and also do general WvW vendor work. We'd also display the participation UI so it's more obviously a map where you are still getting rewards. This doesn't fully solve the AFK issues but its something we're looking into.

> > -T3 structures and tactics need nerfing or at least give a better reward other than a champ bag for taking these things because some of these keeps and towers are harder to take than robbing a bank in IRL. What is the point of taking a keep or a tower anyways? No one cares about these things. Soon everyone will be hiding in their corners doing nothing but refreshing siege.

> We've been talking about this recently and I think we've got some ideas we're going to pitch internally and then discuss some options with you guys.

> > - Why isn't there some way to GVG people in other tiers without going to the crappy guild hall or OS? The game is like 5 years old godbless. It's called guild wars 2(don't care about the lore)

> We've been talking about some options with this as well. We like the idea of being able to GvG with more guilds. We're going to need to do some more investigation into the feasibility of this but it's already on our list.





Have you considered changing how we aquire WvW legandary armor? as it is now, it's only about saveing up currencies and materials to get them. no need to be skilled in the gamemode at all. currently grinding those tickets and it takes ages. am not incentivized to play even, just get partisipation and i can stand afk, wake up when partisipation runs out, afk more if i want to.

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Some of you guys man...

He came in here and answered some questions about potential future plans, something they don't do, take it as an early Christmas gift that they are actually talking and planning on what to do next, and not just sitting there letting wvw slide on it's current way with links for the rest of it's life like we all normally think.


A revamp of wvw will take a lot of time and planning, it's not something you flip a switch and do overnight, do something wrong with the revamp and you risk losing the rest of your players in wvw, they have to make sure they do it properly to make most of the players happy to move to a new system. Sounds like they probably need to finalize ideas and plans to take to the higher ups before making changes.


So cut them some slack and be glad to know they're working on changes.


> @"Zenral.3958" said:

> I'd prioritize on fixing Necros because that class is killing WvW and partially the game faster than Balthazar's attempt.


They're the wvw team, not the balance team.


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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Some of you guys man...

> He came in here and answered some questions about potential future plans, something they don't do, take it as an early Christmas gift that they are actually talking and planning on what to do next, and not just sitting there letting wvw slide on it's current way with links for the rest of it's life like we all normally think.


> A revamp of wvw will take a lot of time and planning, it's not something you flip a switch and do overnight, do something wrong with the revamp and you risk losing the rest of your players in wvw, they have to make sure they do it properly to make most of the players happy to move to a new system. Sounds like they probably need to finalize ideas and plans to take to the higher ups before making changes.


> So cut them some slack and be glad to know they're working on changes.


> > @"Zenral.3958" said:

> > I'd prioritize on fixing Necros because that class is killing WvW and partially the game faster than Balthazar's attempt.


> They're the wvw team, not the balance team.



Xen, we disagree on many things but you truly nailed this.



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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Some of you guys man...

> He came in here and answered some questions about potential future plans, something they don't do, take it as an early Christmas gift that they are actually talking and planning on what to do next, and not just sitting there letting wvw slide on it's current way with links for the rest of it's life like we all normally think.


> A revamp of wvw will take a lot of time and planning, it's not something you flip a switch and do overnight, do something wrong with the revamp and you risk losing the rest of your players in wvw, they have to make sure they do it properly to make most of the players happy to move to a new system. Sounds like they probably need to finalize ideas and plans to take to the higher ups before making changes.


> So cut them some slack and be glad to know they're working on changes.


> > @"Zenral.3958" said:

> > I'd prioritize on fixing Necros because that class is killing WvW and partially the game faster than Balthazar's attempt.


> They're the wvw team, not the balance team.



Oh yes i felt blessed with an official Anet answer that theyve been Talking about this and that,as we all should !...Ive been waiting since 2013 for something magically to happen.Patience is up,and some of the changes described that;s been talked about won't do a whole lot to stirr things up.

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