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Why are warriors absent in WvW?


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Another thing is damage is always viable in groups as long as you're supported. I play Scrapper often in WvW groups and I can top the dps meters with the reapers and stuff too, I bet warrior can also get up there. There are optimal classes but if your group has the roles filled out damage is always needed.

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> When you are loading WvW, you see this poster .

lol that poster,

its a PvE nub, who got lots of gold buying those fashion armors, suddenly picked up a Battle Standard he think is a tactivator which rezzed a downed typemander charging solo while the zerg standing behind because they know they'll die charging on enemies with their berzerker gears while absorbing the refreshing fires of arrow carts by X server


thats on my mind when i load WvW, and seeing them in action is priceless, its like a dream come true



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> @Spectre.5287 said:

> Use a rifle and longbow combo with battle standards to support your group as it will greatly help when under siege and laying siege to enemy forts. Avoid trying to roam around alone as that's when you're easy prey try staying in big groups as chances are people will ignore you or not notice you. Ranged is king in WvW and groups that travel in that comp have a very high chance of winning most of the time.


Best comment.

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> @Recursivision.2367 said:

> > @Spectre.5287 said:

> > Use a rifle and longbow combo with battle standards to support your group as it will greatly help when under siege and laying siege to enemy forts. Avoid trying to roam around alone as that's when you're easy prey try staying in big groups as chances are people will ignore you or not notice you. Ranged is king in WvW and groups that travel in that comp have a very high chance of winning most of the time.


> Best comment.


Holy moly I completely missed that, underrated comment for sure!

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> When you are loading WvW, you see this poster . All characters looking like warriors with axes, battle standards, swords, hammers, and the leading commander an imposing warrior. In fact that poster is a lie, warriors are absent in WvW! They are nowhere to be found, WvW is infested with necros, mesmers, and thieves.


> I would love to see warriors be more effective in WvW, the fact that people do not choose warriors tells a lot about the class! Warriors need to be war machines, the devs need to rework the warrior for it to be effective in WvW.


> What are your thought? What is the reason why people don't play warrior in WvW?


I see plenty of warrior roamers in WvW, just not that many in zergs. I mean less than 2 weeks ago I saw a warrior roamer on my side completely destroy 4 people in a 1 v 4. I was going to help the guy, but he clearly needed no help so I just watched. You're probably not seeing many entry level warriors in WvW because those guys are more likely to follow the zerg and would get wrecked easily when roaming. But still plenty of high skilled warriors around.

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> @Nate.3927 said:

> I see plenty of warrior roamers in WvW...still plenty of high skilled warriors around.

This. Experienced and skilled warriors are there and it's a great spectacle to watch them fight even when outnumbered. I can't think of a most appropriate class when it comes to roaming. Every class can roam but warrior is the 'roam class'.


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warriors generally don't have much use in zerg fights anymore, they roam around ganking little annoying daredevils or condi necro's. for zergfights yo'll usually find guardians, ele's, necro's rev's, since they bring so much more to a group then a warrior these days. they are only kinda good at bannering downed allies, if they aren't killed fast enough..

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I've actually seen a few rare condi berserkers doing quite decently during prolonged zerg fights - outside of the zerg though, they're kinda dead weight. You have to sacrifice quite a lot of your mobility and survivability to run condi decently. Other classes can just do more, and more effectively.


Power builds however are mostly relegated to roaming, but at least they're fairly effective at it.


Here's hoping that Spellbreaker will give Warriors a new role in zergs.

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warriors takes a lot of successful decisions to net a kill, and there's 5-6 specs, where, 1-2 or even zero good decisions net a kill.


even when berserk was good (maybe they should gut the other way more OP HoT specs before PoF??????????), you still had to time at least 2 things while being right in front of the enemy. Or just play one of the Blink Burst specs (Guard, Thief, Mes) and make 1 timing decision (are they dodgerolling? no? then go) for a kill. Or play a reaper and roll your face over abilities not caring whats going on around you and be 100% more useful.


Warrior is more risk:reward and more effort:payoff than a large amount of specs. Also, I'm talking about facing good opponents not base ranger moms that you can bull charge 100b's.


edit: oh yeah and they have a lot of really shitty 1v1 matchups against popular specs

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What Drawing Guy said.


Warriors just dont provide the things needed for groups in WvW anymore.


I play my warrior all the time, since I find it more fun to play than a guardian or rev, but we get thrown into thrash groups in zergs. And it's perfectly understandable that the melee sub groups want stability and resistance.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> I've had the exact opposite experience. I play rev in WvW, and I see warriors everywhere. It is one of the few classes that can reliably kill me while roaming. It wins the auto attack war, while also out-pacing my mobility and my defenses. I mean, in a gigantic zerg the warrior isn't too useful, but it is far from useless. I lament whenever I see a warrior come over the hill.


My agony with rev is this perception that we somehow get a lot of stab. We have one reliable source to gain stab with evade in one specline or stay on the dumb dwarf path (but dont go off it or death). It takes a really generous guard to keep me from banging around like a bouncey ball if i try any other traits.


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empowering allies and ps are good in zerg, perma might. just ask your warrior to run stuff that assists.


having a good warrior pretty much mows alls the downs with hundred blades and berserk f1.


what matters is you make such fit the team.


20 man squad could go


guard guard rev necro ele

guard war rev necro ele

guard guard war rev mesmer

guard rev war thief engi


guards base guard for sin. 2 guards for block burn or mercy revivers. revs cele hammer condi. necro for them chills, ele for water rotations and meteors, mes and engi for hide and seek, wars for consistent dps theif and engi for harassing.


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Warriors are only absent in zergs and blobs. Outside of that, warriors are wrecking roamers. They have so much mobility, stuns and stun-breaks it's pretty much one sided in most duels. Not to forget that they are naturally tankier (cuz warrior?). I often see warriors taking on a few enemies and come out the winner. I even went 2v1 against a warrior and he beat both of us (daredevils).

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> @Roxanne.6140 said:

> Warriors are only absent in zergs and blobs. Outside of that, warriors are wrecking roamers. They have so much mobility, stuns and stun-breaks it's pretty much one sided in most duels. Not to forget that they are naturally tankier (cuz warrior?). I often see warriors taking on a few enemies and come out the winner. I even went 2v1 against a warrior and he beat both of us (daredevils).


Unless you run into a daredevil, who's invisible 99% of the time, as a result, these stuns of ours don't land, and we can hardly run away because daredevils can literally spam stuns

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > > Wh I'm absent in WvW? gee, I dunno, I guess you'll have to ask all the many daredevils ganking us at the spawn points

> >

> > *psssst*: three exits....


> ppssssttt: three daredevils who know where these exits are


they are pesky. But I haven't run into one who is stealthed 99% of the time that spams stuns that can out do 3 semi competent players.


If it's a problem, move in small groups, and if they are outside of your spawn, their respawn time is longer.



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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > @Roxanne.6140 said:

> > Warriors are only absent in zergs and blobs. Outside of that, warriors are wrecking roamers. They have so much mobility, stuns and stun-breaks it's pretty much one sided in most duels. Not to forget that they are naturally tankier (cuz warrior?). I often see warriors taking on a few enemies and come out the winner. I even went 2v1 against a warrior and he beat both of us (daredevils).


> Unless you run into a daredevil, who's invisible 99% of the time, as a result, these stuns of ours don't land, and we can hardly run away because daredevils can literally spam stuns


Share this build with me, this l33t build that stealths 99% and spams stuns, preferably spams stuns while stealthed and remains stealthed

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Its not that you cannot zerg with warrior, I did a single vid on it a few months back but did not pursue it due to lack of interest.


I think the problem is that it doesn't incorporate the elite spec. And now the better warrior roamers also are not incorporating the elite spec. Who wants to actively choose a class and not choose the elite spec?

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