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Just for the sake of discussion is the downed mechanic healthy/ add anything to Pvp/wvw?


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Idk i just wanna hear you thought. Pvp in my view is competitive by nature, get good and be rewarded for it. I think someone dying all the time and then be ressed by a bunker healer fb or someone else 2 or 3 times is idk its meh. That player doesn't deserve to win the game at the end when he dies so many times. IMO always, i feel the devs thought its nice when they were like ye players will find you dead and ress you but idk in pvp i think it just makes players not care as much for the act of getting down since they will most likely get ressed if the pressure isn't insane.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Idk i just wanna hear you thought. Pvp in my view is competitive by nature, get good and be rewarded for it. I think someone dying all the time and then be ressed by a bunker healer fb or someone else 2 or 3 times is idk its meh. That player doesn't deserve to win the game at the end when he dies so many times. IMO always, i feel the devs thought its nice when they were like ye players will find you dead and ress you but idk in pvp i think it just makes players not care as much for the act of getting down since they will most likely get ressed if the pressure isn't insane.


I agree with downstate shouldn't be in pvp game mode. The truth is; Gw2 has too many free reward-'get-out-of-jail card' rewards instead owning up to your mistakes and to deal with it.


Remember; Gw2 has become a free reward only-'get-out-the jail card' game; risks and efforts are thrown out of the window resulting in toxic non-healthy environment.


Once again; I'm all for removing down state in pvp.


''Rewards only shouldn't ever be an option'"

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Downed state is a core part of GW2 combat. Without it, it wouldnt be GW2 combat. It can ruin your day or turn an outmanned fight, it adds another tactical layer. There are plenty of tools to stomp or res.


I mean I could argue that the necro is unhealthy mechanic. Why dont we remove the necro? Does the necro really add something to the pvp? Does guardian add anything? Does the mesmer? Would the game be any different without whatever class whoever reads this post consider their main and favorite? No. It wouldnt. Why dont we just remove that class? I am not getting rewarded for it being in the game.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Downed state is a core part of GW2 combat. Without it, it wouldnt be GW2 combat. It can ruin your day or turn an outmanned fight, it adds another tactical layer. There are plenty of tools to stomp or res.


> I mean I could argue that the necro is unhealthy mechanic. Why dont we remove the necro? Does the necro really add something to the pvp? Does guardian add anything? Does the mesmer? Would the game be any different without whatever class whoever reads this post consider their main and favorite? No. It wouldnt. Why dont we just remove that class? I am not getting rewarded for it being in the game.


The gw2 combat involves alot more important parts imo. The field system, the blasting, the way projectiles work, the mobility you have despite this being a tab target mmo. And alot more.


Also compairing a class with a universal mechanic just doesnt add up. Playing necro has a skill floor and ceiling downed is just a mechanic that gives you a second and third chance ever tho you failed. Its like participation medals and the dont make you any better at the game. I can see certain ways they Make the combat more skillful but again you can simply be outmatched even tho you performed you part and cced someone that was ressing but then another 3 power ressed or a guard just bubble ressed him instantly. Classes add overall diff ways to play and master the game. No one plays the game for the playstyle that being half dead on the floor provides.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Also compairing a class with a universal mechanic just doesnt add up. Playing necro has a skill floor and ceiling downed is just a mechanic that gives you a second and third chance ever tho you failed. Its like participation medals and the dont make you any better at the game. I can see certain ways they Make the combat more skillful but again you can simply be outmatched even tho you performed you part and cced someone that was ressing but then another 3 power ressed or a guard just bubble ressed him instantly. Classes add overall diff ways to play and master the game. No one plays the game for the playstyle that being half dead on the floor provides.


It add up perfectly. The discussion topic was whether downed state _add anything_ to PvP/WvW. Like you said, downed state isnt the most important mechanic, but it _is_ a core mechanic of GW2 combat... Just like 1 out of 9 classes is, but none of them individually add anything. GW2 was a perfectly fine game without the revenant and had plenty of different ways to play and master, dont you think?


You also seem to imply that ressing/stomping isnt a part of the mastery of a game. What's the difference from knowing what ability to pop when in combat, manouvering, etc (ie what most will refer to as "skill") and when to res/back off a player or when to pop stab/invoul and go for a stomp? In a comparison... I'd say that is the same thing.


So sure, you could take out downed state from the game. Just like you could take out any class. But either way, GW2 would be a lesser game.

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Downed state should be rework

_ Rally when someone die isn't healthy, it should heal a little (and rez if it heal you over 100%). You should be rez by your ally/self healing not by seeing someone dying (and deal 1 dmg to him)

_ Downstate skillset, they are unique and make every class different , but according to Anet the idea is that every class can archive the same tankiness by their own sgameplay (HP pool, substain, stealth, kitting, invu....). However all class have not the same survability in downstate. Some class can buy some time and some other class just pray "pls don t stomp me with stab"


For exemple team A start a team fight with team B, team A get a elem down and team B get a rev down. Both team send someone to stomp (with stab/elixir S/distortion...) rev get stomped and elem get instan rez thanks to it (unless he forgot to press 2).


Every class should have the same #2 skill a basic interrupt like warrior and get a unique #3 skill fitting with their class that they can use after a few second (4-5s) after they get in downstate.

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As other said, it is ingrained in the game combat mechanics. It is removal will require major combat adjustment.


Having said that, I think that the speed you lose hp when downed and the speed to revive should be decrease significantly. In addition. Rally should be restricted to one enemy’s just like WvW.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > As other said, it is ingrained in the game combat mechanics. It is removal will require major combat adjustment.


> Will it though? Like what, for example?


The hp levels factor in the down state as a second chance. Removing it will require major readjustment to hp levels and probably sustainability. There are tons of skills and traits that support Rez/stomp, that will require adjustment and/our complete overhaul.


This a major change in the game mechanics. I am not arguing for it as a good or bad mechanic, but it cannot be out right removed.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Also compairing a class with a universal mechanic just doesnt add up. Playing necro has a skill floor and ceiling downed is just a mechanic that gives you a second and third chance ever tho you failed. Its like participation medals and the dont make you any better at the game. I can see certain ways they Make the combat more skillful but again you can simply be outmatched even tho you performed you part and cced someone that was ressing but then another 3 power ressed or a guard just bubble ressed him instantly. Classes add overall diff ways to play and master the game. No one plays the game for the playstyle that being half dead on the floor provides.


> It add up perfectly. The discussion topic was whether downed state _add anything_ to PvP/WvW. Like you said, downed state isnt the most important mechanic, but it _is_ a core mechanic of GW2 combat... Just like 1 out of 9 classes is, but none of them individually add anything. GW2 was a perfectly fine game without the revenant and had plenty of different ways to play and master, dont you think?


> You also seem to imply that ressing/stomping isnt a part of the mastery of a game. What's the difference from knowing what ability to pop when in combat, manouvering, etc (ie what most will refer to as "skill") and when to res/back off a player or when to pop stab/invoul and go for a stomp? In a comparison... I'd say that is the same thing.


> So sure, you could take out downed state from the game. Just like you could take out any class. But either way, GW2 would be a lesser game.


Tbf i had it ez mode stomp coz i play mirage hehe.

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> @"Vitali.5039" said:

> No downed state = OHKO fiesta, better if from stealth

> No downed state = revive skills useless


i havent used a single rez skill in the last 3 years besides warrior banner and ranger shout skill, most have a long cast time or a dumb condition also countered with poison which is VERY common nowdays, but to remove downed state anet needs to rework all base game/skills.


imagine lasting less than 10 secs outside of your base only to a thief/mesmer 1 shotting you


inb4 "l2p issue" as always from this forum

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> @"Mirrodin.8729" said:

> > @"Vitali.5039" said:

> > No downed state = OHKO fiesta, better if from stealth

> > No downed state = revive skills useless


> i havent used a single rez skill in the last 3 years besides warrior banner and ranger shout skill, most have a long cast time or a dumb condition also countered with poison which is VERY common nowdays, but to remove downed state anet needs to rework all base game/skills.


> imagine lasting less than 10 secs outside of your base only to a thief/mesmer 1 shotting you


> inb4 "l2p issue" as always from this forum


Health pools would obv be abjusted. I dont treat this as a small feat its just for the sake of discussion. If anet was to go with it.

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This game has been built and balanced around having a down state removing it now will do more harm then good. But to be honestly i think anet needs to add more things to down state they were going well with HoT when they released ancient magics.


All i would like is to be able to crawl while downed and make it move slower and slower while your downed stay hp decreases, and maybe downstate abilities reflecting your elite specialization like as a chrono instead of summoning an illusionary rogue you summon a well under you which freezes your downstate bar for a little, things like that i would love to see.

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