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Getting stuck in wall.

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Fellow Revenants idk if you also have this problem but its fking annoying. every fucking time i use frigid blitz on an enemy thats near a wall i get stuck in that wall. it might not be a problem in open world cause you can you waypoint out of it, but if you're in a story mission its fking balls. you cant waypoint out of it and if you near the end of that instance you'll have to do it all over again. do any of you know if there is someway to, idk, not get stuck of at least a way out thats not a waypoint?

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/stuck — teleports the player to the beginning of the instance (it gets canceled if the player moves, gets into combat, or does any other action within 30 seconds after using this command, and has a cool-down of 2 minutes. Once moved back to spawn, the /stuck command has a cool-down of 10 minutes.)


If in the open world, you’ll have to WP.

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I just had to use /stuck in a story instance (yes on my revenant, after using Unrelenting Assault and getting stuck in a rock). It told me "Your position has been logged. You will be teleported after 30 seconds of inactivity." I was careful not to touch any keys (or the mouse) and 30 seconds later I was at the point where I started the instance. :)


Doesn't work in the open world though, it tells you to use the nearest waypoint.

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