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Winter's Presence collection too expensive to complete


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Ok I skipped last year's attempt to finish that collection because of ...cost. I thought I could manage it better this year but no. It costs about 600 gold to get the runes from the Trading Post as crafting isn't even a viable option economically (*wondering of its purpose).


So I am asking if I and other players that got into the game the last two years are going to ever get this. Can't Anet provide better means for acquiring those sigils/runes so that the costs become reasonable?

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Winter’s Presence always cost about 1000g. First year it was drinks for Masterful Toast, now it’s the Essences of Snowfall/Mischief. You can also finish both Essences outside of Wintersday. Given that you can get 2g per day doing just your daily (730g/year), that’s A-ok for me. I took 2 years to finish this collection.

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Shiny should never be gated behind gold-sink.

Shiny should be in reach for every one, even if you have 0g.

But shiny should also be given as a reward for tedious actions like it is the case here.

Shiny-situaton is fine in this case.

Shiny-legendary are another thing though.

Anyway shiny-presence is in reach for everyone, even if your wealth went fully down the drain.

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"Me take! you give!" - Wintersday skritt.... and many forumites it seems.


Me... I think I'd have less issue with the cost if it actually came on an ascended shoulderpad. As it is, it is just a skin. Skins on the TP have a wide range of values, and presences isn't a req for another piece. So my mind just puts it down to somewhere in the 400-600 gp range. *shrugs* Is what it is.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> We all bent over to pick up the gold, don’t be lazy now.

> Yes its expensive, but all the same the value when you finally finish crafting it. It’l feel like a jewel in your hands.

> Hard work makes roots taste sweet


I don't care about the cost ...

But this "Hard work makes roots taste sweet".

Isn't always true. Hardwork is very bitter if you don't get what you feel it's worth out of it.

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> Hardwork is very bitter if you don't get what you feel it's worth out of it.


Sure, so this particular item won't be worth the trouble for everyone. And I think it's good that the game has a few items like that.


PS historically, the prices for the sigil/rune goes down some time after Wintersday is over. Sellers are willing to accept less (particularly those who waited til later to open their Wintersday Gifts.

* The TP supply of the rune has increased to over 12k, whereas a month ago, it was 8.5k. The price spiked from ~0.7g to 6g and has fallen since to 4g

* For the sigil, the November supply was ~6k and now it's 2.3k, with prices spiking from 2g to the current 8g.


Last year

* Rune: November 2016 price was 18 silver, January 2017 it was 1g, and by August, prices dropped below 0.5g

* Sigil: November 2016 price was 20 silver, January 2017 price was 8g, and then by August, prices had dropped to below 2g


In other words, if the current price is too high, wait.

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If you do not want to spend a ton of gold you are going to have to wait. Complete all the wintersday exclusive achievements in the collection and wait until Rune/Sigil prices are under 2g during the summer and finish it then.


Alternatively you can buy the rune and sigils when they are low and flip them during the event for a massive profit which is what I did. Since this item takes up a shoulder slot I have no interest in it other than easy gold for when the demand skyrockets.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> Winter’s Presence always cost about 1000g. First year it was drinks for Masterful Toast, now it’s the Essences of Snowfall/Mischief. You can also finish both Essences outside of Wintersday. Given that you can get 2g per day doing just your daily (730g/year), that’s A-ok for me. I took 2 years to finish this collection.


Excuse me but I don't understand this argument. Prices in the game are not fixed but fluctuate. And it's not uncommon that many items get their price lowered. For example mystic clovers can be bought for about 1,5g in the fractals' NPC while personally I 've spent about 400g for making 77 of them in the forge - and not a single time. Does this devalue (in effort terms) legendary weapons that will be forged from now on?


> @"DakotaCoty.5721" said:

> I wish people would stop trying to devalue expensive items so they become common as sin. I've seen countless threads about this, infusions, invisible boots and much much more.

I also wish some time people stop arguing solely for protecting their personal (financial) interest.

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > We all bent over to pick up the gold, don’t be lazy now.

> > Yes its expensive, but all the same the value when you finally finish crafting it. It’l feel like a jewel in your hands.

> > Hard work makes roots taste sweet


> I don't care about the cost ...

> But this "Hard work makes roots taste sweet".

> Isn't always true. Hardwork is very bitter if you don't get what you feel it's worth out of it.


So.. you don’t want the winters presence? Then there’s no issue, no?

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > We all bent over to pick up the gold, don’t be lazy now.

> > > Yes its expensive, but all the same the value when you finally finish crafting it. It’l feel like a jewel in your hands.

> > > Hard work makes roots taste sweet

> >

> > I don't care about the cost ...

> > But this "Hard work makes roots taste sweet".

> > Isn't always true. Hardwork is very bitter if you don't get what you feel it's worth out of it.


> So.. you don’t want the winters presence? Then there’s no issue, no?


I think the work involved is fine for the WP. Other people don't. They still want it, they just may not agree it's worth the work involved.


Wanting something and wanting to grind for it, are two very different wants.

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> > @"DakotaCoty.5721" said:

> > I wish people would stop trying to devalue expensive items so they become common as sin. I've seen countless threads about this, infusions, invisible boots and much much more.

> I also wish some time people stop arguing solely for protecting their personal (financial) interest.


So who's wish should matter more and why?

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The winter's presence was NOT 1000g in 2015. I have never had that much gold on my account ever, that person is massively misinformed. I spent at most 50g the first winter it came out. That collection was terrible due to the horrid mario puzzles they put in the game, if I didn't get help with it from a good friend I never would have completed it. If anything they should remove all mario-esque achievements for rare skins, I'd rather spend gold then be forced to jump around impossible obstacle courses. I was so frustrated with it I cried for hours because it was the only thing in that entire collection I could not personally do. Not everyone has the manual dexterity to do them. I was very happy to get the skin when it first came out but it really wasn't worth the bother looking back.

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It's actually not that bad if you planned ahead - I didn't and now I am paying the price via time. Snowfalls were about 1.2g/e now they are 4g, Mischief 3gish now they are 8g. I completed everything, even forked out the snowfall prices then when i was starring @ 400g+ just for 50 mischiefs runes/sigils so I decided to cut my losses and I will have to wait probably 3-4 months before they come down in price. So now I am stuck @ 90% done, have to wait 3+ months and I wasted 150g more on snowfall runes.

A bad mistake, I thought the achievements would be hard and I didn't think the prices would spike THAT much otherwise I'd have bought them before the 12th and I'd have my Winter's Presence now. :(

It's actually one of the cheapest auras, you have infusions that cost more etc. If you're farming gold whether it's wood runs or SW you should be making about 15g/hr comfortably, and this aura costs about 550-600g during the offseason given you have all achievement done ofc.

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> @"nekretaal.6485" said:

> Drinks were 8s the first year, now the drinks are down to less than 2s. The collection gets cheaper and cheaper every year.


Yeah, this.

I mean, remember when mawdrey was expensive, and the firefox clusters were like 4g each? Look at it now.

Eventually everyone will get the stuff done and prices will drop.

Not to mention, why would you even want that thing?

I mean invisible shoulders?? Bah.

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I may be repeating what other posters mentioned, but isn't the price mostly market driven? Players are the ones who chose the price of various materials. The drinks for the collection have no merchant sell price so the value is determined by players completely. For example if players chose to sell them for 1c each - 10,000 would cost just 1g total - but they don't.


Personally I don't agree with making this easier to acquire - I have no financial/economic stake in this, but I can see how people who acquire the item should feel like it's an achievement and something special which not everyone will have. How much of an outrage do you think there may be if suddenly tomorrow they changed the recipe and it only cost 10g to complete everything? hundreds of people have already completed the grind, do they get compensated? refunded?


To the person/people saying that "the final prize is not worth the effort" - I don't understand the logic - if you don't agree with the value/price, then don't acquire it. Cosmetic auras hold different values for different people - some would be willing to pay up to 100g, some up to 2000g - that's their preference.

I don't see why any cosmetic item at all should be made easier to acquire when it has 0 impact on actual gameplay mechanics and gives no advantage over other players.


Note: I don't see that many people complaining how hard it is to get confetti or any other infusions for that matter - at least WP has a non-RNG method.

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> @"nekretaal.6485" said:

> Drinks were 8s the first year, now the drinks are down to less than 2s. The collection gets cheaper and cheaper every year.


Umm no..


The drinks we're manageable if you mastered that Jp.. if not, bell choir wasn't a bad option either.. other wise a few friends to help with drinks..


The sigils/runes on the other hand.. hooboy. In 2015 guess how much I spent for 50? yep 39 silvers for each, so that was about 19-21 gold for 50 and 42-50 for both sigil/rune 50 gold at most for both 50 gold man!!!


So here we are 2017, where you're paying 7.6-8 gold for 1 sigil/rune.... Soooo 400 gold for one stack of 50 and another 400 for the other stack.. so 800 total..


How is 50 vs 800 gold getting cheaper each year? And I don't want to hear that oooh this is a prestige shiny thingie... it shouldn't just be given away.. seriously shut up with that. I got mine for a reasonable 50 gold, and put in a ton of work on doing the jp to acquire the jp.. it felt good and fair getting all 10k drinks working hard each day and coming closer and close..


Now I see my friends.. with sad faces.. cause the poorly handled sigils/runes we're grossly implemented to have a value that went way over the radar and heavily punishes those that did not acquire it in 2015 and those new to the game.. and for what? A mystic coin sink?

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