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What Profession builds do you prefer to play?


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> @lothefallen.7081 said:

> With each mode in mind, there are builds that perform their roles (CC, DPS, bunker or tank) better than other builds would simply because traits and weapons are really limiting, even more so than the auxiliary combat systems in GW1. To clarify, you wouldn't use a Mace/Shield/Staff build on a Guardian if you were trying to maximize DPS just like you wouldn't use Sword traits if you're running a Hammer / Staff build. So essentially, when you say that "No matter what content I'm doing, I will NOT run a meta build," you're basically saying that you're willfully playing less smart, with less attention paid to synergy, which, in a closed and rigid auxiliary combat system like GW2 (because weapons are tied to skills as traits tied loosely to class mechanics and also weapons), means you are objectively playing sub-optimally because there is statistically less allowance for real depth, diversity, and variance. I'll never understand when people rally so much against meta builds, when they're pretty much the mathematical, logical default necessitated by the design of the modifiers available in the given system.


When I say "I will NOT run a meta build" I mean exactly what I said. I will not intentionally run the PREDEFINED "Meta" builds that are posted up on site like metabattle or qtfy. What you describe is what Meta used to mean, and the only definition of meta that I actually agree with. I do make synergetic builds. I learn and understand how different weapons, skills, and traits interact together and make a build that is not only fun for me but effective at what I want to do on that character. And, yes sometimes that might include using a "suboptimal weapon choice" according to most, but I will tell you right now, those "suboptimal weapons" are very much viable and can be very reliable and effective choices. Also, let me highlight something in my earlier post that appears to have been ignored, because if it was read, this little dispute never would have occurred.


> @Panda.1967 said:

> **If I am running a meta build, it's purely by coincidence.**


I play the builds that I enjoy, if one of them happens to be in the current meta, then the current meta is coincidentally in line with my playstyle. All of my builds are very much viable and some of which I would argue may very well be more optimal for various content than the current meta builds.

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> @Fermi.2409 said:

> "Discrimination: the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things"


> It's not unjust or prejudicial treatment, it's an objective statement that one set of weapons is capable of dealing more damage then another. Nothing more, nothing less.


Then people don't allow those weapons not to be taken hence the words weapon discrimination. I also advocate for those weapons to get buffed, so they will be taken more. As for the phrase "weapon discrimination", I am going to continue to use it whether you agree with it or not. You have already lost that fight with me on it, so you can either accept it or ignore me using it. It's up to you because I am not changing the way I describe the meta.

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Situational. I often go for meta stat combinations and runes, but always choose my skills and weapons myself, and might tweak a trait or two to fit my playstyle. However, GW2 is largely based on combat; killing players in competitive modes and killing AI enemies in PvE. So obviously I want to be effective at that (or supporting/healing allies/tanking damage, whatever it is I want to do with my build).


I don't see any reason to pick traits or utilities that have no synergy with the rest of the build, so you could say that I'm maxing out my efficiency, but not always how the meta tells me to.



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For WvW and Fractals, I start from meta build and adapt it so that it suits me, because in my case, a build will work great only if I understand it properly and manage it OK. It is rare that I am capable to use a build 100%ly set up as given per metta battle input. I test it, I see where are my weaknesses with it, and I modify to close the gaps. :)

For PvE, I use own builds.

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For **PvE** i play meta build/equip ( though with some pugs i have to make some modifies, but untill now it's always fine ). Mostly for respect towards my team mates.

**WvW** i tend to roam or assist the commanders from outside ( i play a thief, so there's no room for me in a organized squad ). Btw currently i am working on a revenant in order to teamplay.

**SPvP** Non meta build, cause i play staff instead of d/p ( but traits and skills are the same ).


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I'm mostly playing meta builds with a few tweaks.

Not because I'm letting someone dictate what I have to play, but because I like planning efficient builds and it just so happens that the meta produced a very similar build. When I first visited metabattle and similar sites I was like "So what's so special about this? I already knew this combination was good, but it's nice to see others think so too".


The only exception is my golemancer build. Complete with golemancer runes and racial elite skill. I wouldn't even dream about playing this in group content though.

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I will play meta builds if they are fun, but if they are not fun, I'll try to tweak them to fit the more fun aspects of the class. I do want my build to be capable of success though, so I try to take advise on how best to optimize things, even when I ignore it because an ability is too fun to not use.

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Im the type of idiot who like to try really hard to make my own ideas work.


Exception to that would be raiding since its a very static environement where you can figure optimal play entirely through mathing things out (which is also why this is a boring activity for me).


But for pvp/overworld etc i play my own builds. Made it from nothing to gold in my first season playing my self-made Deadeye build so im happy with that approach.

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> The poll is nonsensical.


> It asks which builds you want to play, and then defines one of the three options (poorly) as the one you want to play.


Don't you know?

Builds As Intended (How you Want to play) means non-meta because nobody would ever like playing a meta build, they are unfun builds that only the elitists run and casual players should avoid like the plague.

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I value meta because it gives me a baseline to start with. For example, my Mesmer and Thief hardly ever get play time so I don't know those classes well. I look up the meta and bam, ready to roll (but I usually start with Soldier or Carrion armor). I'll tweak it later as I learn the profession.

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Personally, I tend to think of "meta" builds as how a class was intended to be played (intended by Anet or not). It's just the logical extreme you'll eventually come to on your own if you hit a brick wall and aren't the sort to complain to ANET everytime something doesn't go your way. That being said, I think it's lazy to simply take guilds like Snowhawk or QTFY at their word - some specs are just too cool or aesthetically pleasing or fun to play to not be used. Perhaps raid builds are just utterly useless outside of their niche environments (PS Condi Warrior, I'm looking at you lol)


For an example of good off-meta classes, one need only look to the Revenant - Destroyer of Breakbars, bringer of boons, hearer of imaginary voices. If class nazi's had their way, this class would be deleted from the game. :s



EDIT: So long as a build has a "purpose" to help the group, and isn't played with random traits/stats/runes because "YOLO", I think it's okay.

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Not voting in this one because the options are poorly written.


I always build my own, but most of the time I end up using something fairly close to the meta with a couple tweaks to suit the situations in which I play it. Sometimes I deliberately depart from meta builds to try a specific idea, but unsurprisingly those builds end up being less effective (otherwise, they would be meta wouldn't they?)

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