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Legendary weapons should be a step above ascended


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I agree, but only when legendary items become more accessible.


* A full craftable legendary set from crafting professions and open world PvE,

* A full legendary set for dungeons, fractals and raids.

* A full legendary set for PvP

* A full legendary set for WvW


As long as players do not have all these ways to make sure they can obtain their legendary set in **their own game mode**, legendaries should not have higher stats imo.

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Disagree vehemently. The whole purpose of Legendary items is for the wow factor, the respect of the dedication primarily *because* there is no stat advantage. I literally love walking around and seeing people with Legendaries - I'll never have one, I don't have the time or dedication to put in (and I don't want to buy one). Something about seeing people who have dedicated themselves to getting a single Legendary (let alone some who have billions) just makes me really respect their efforts *because* they're only doing it for personal enjoyment.

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Horrible idea. I don't want to be forced to make legendaries, most of them look kinda ugly, and i don't want legendaries to be mandatory.


Also, OP, are you insane? Do you know how much time commitment they require and how much they cost? Do you want to ruin every Fractal and Raid in the game? People who are genuinely interested in Raids are already struggling to cut trough the toxicity, imagine if all Raiders were now required to carry legendary weapons in addition to meta builds. Did you think this through?


WvW? Down the drain instantly if legendaries were stronger than ascended.


Dumbest idea i've ever heard. I seriously hope this was a troll post.

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> @"Greasy.7609" said:

> Legendary weapons are certainly a huge goal for any player. It wows other players with the visual and sound effects when your hero walks around with the rainbows of the bifrost or seeing firey footfalls of Rodgort.


> To make them even more super they should supply a 5% bump in combo stats and weapon damage above an ascended weapon or armor piece.


> Just something to think about this holiday season.


they are, select stats + addition effects.

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> @"LanfearShadowflame.3189" said:

> Absolutely not!

> There are plenty of _other_ games available out there if a gear treadmill is what you are after. They can leave anymore gear levels out of this one. I don't care how 'insignificant' or 'minor' you might feel "just 5%" is. There will be too many people that suddenly "require" that 5% for grouping purposes.

> So no. Just no.


> Legendary is fine remaining primarily cosmetic. The ability to stat swap out of combat is also a nice (non game breaking) feature. They should add the ability to add or build in swappable runes / sigils (depends on whether ur talking armor or weapons) as an additional 'perk' and that would ice the cake, imo. Without making them a "requirement"


That will not happen due to how long it takes to get legendary stuff...i feel like gw2 and gw1 is the only mmo people have played on this forum. Raid group tend not to ask for super insane things like that. What commanders are asking for is absurd but i'm pretty sure there will be a line in the sand for that given that legendary gear takes some time to build.

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> @"Bogy.2953" said:

> holy kitten no , the whole deal with gw2 is that item grind for stats is kept at a minimal and you only grind for cosmetics , please op never post again


Well, the item grind isn't really minimal in any way but ok...

Still. I agree, OP's suggestion is really bad for a variety of reasons.

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> @"Veprovina.4876" said:

> Well, the item grind isn't really minimal in any way but ok...

> Still. I agree, OP's suggestion is really bad for a variety of reasons.


Compared to other MMO's that take several weeks of grinding raids and relying on RNG to get the best end game stat gear makes gw2 pretty minimal in comparison. The fact I can grind RIBA, Lake doric and ls3 for about 3 days to and have a full set of Ascended gear is amazing.


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> @"Greasy.7609" said:


> To make them even more super they should supply a 5% bump in combo stats and weapon damage above an ascended weapon or armor piece.

They aren't meant to be "more super" — you described the goal for them yourself:


> Legendary weapons are certainly a huge goal for any player. It wows other players with the visual and sound effects when your hero walks around with the rainbows of the bifrost or seeing firey footfalls of Rodgort.




> Just something to think about this holiday season.

People have been asking for this since 2012. That doesn't mean it's good for the game. Discussing it during the holidays won't change that.


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> @"Vulf.3098" said:

> > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

> > Well, the item grind isn't really minimal in any way but ok...

> > Still. I agree, OP's suggestion is really bad for a variety of reasons.


> Compared to other MMO's that take several weeks of grinding raids and relying on RNG to get the best end game stat gear makes gw2 pretty minimal in comparison. The fact I can grind RIBA, Lake doric and ls3 for about 3 days to and have a full set of Ascended gear is amazing.



Well yeah, ascended isn't that hard to get. Hell, i even got an ascended weapon chest drop in WvW the other day. Wasn't expecting that lol.


But legendary? I'll take a few weeks of RNG grinding over a year of WvW grinding to get enough skirmish tickets...

Oh well... Anet's anti grind policy at it's best.

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They already are a step above ascended; you can change the stat combos & mix and match at any given time without having to waste a host of time, and/or materials & gold crafting ascended.


Also the additional problem with giving them a 5% bump is elitists will use it as a perfect excuse to lock people out of raids. Aka, "you need all legendary items to join" or you need "x" number of legendary items to join" You know that will happen... so there is in no way shape or form legendary items should be given a bump in stats.

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