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Is the game still active, or dead?


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Mainly asking to players,how you feel about gw2 in the actual state? do you think is going better or worst than before? a small explanation would be nice,for example better because new story new map ecc....


If someone feel to answer to the question,so i can see if there is someone that have same opinions or is just me seeing different :pensive:

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Right now the game is experiencing the lull between festivals and Living World episodes. In other words, most players have gotten their achievements and stories completed and mostly log in to get their dailies done. It is by no means a measure of the overall life of the game. Hardly. When new content arrives, you'll see a huge influx of players chasing the next carrot or achievement.


That's not to say the game is empty or dying. Again, hardly. But the players are now more spread out and busy with life in general. Once again, most of us have finished all the content from the Path of Fire expansion, current Living World episode, and the Wintersday events . . . so we're busy chasing carrots elsewhere for the time being. :)


Hope this answers your question.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> Right now the game is experiencing the lull between festivals and Living World episodes. In other words, most players have gotten their achievements and stories completed and mostly log in to get their dailies done. It is by no means a measure of the overall life of the game. Hardly. When new content arrives, you'll see a huge influx of players chasing the next carrot or achievement.


> That's not to say the game is empty or dying. Again, hardly. But the players are now more spread out and busy with life in general. Once again, most of us have finished all the content from the Path of Fire expansion, current Living World episode, and the Wintersday events . . . so we're busy chasing carrots elsewhere for the time being. :)


> Hope this answers your question.




For a game which does not add constant gear progression and does not devalue player gear it's quite normal to have people take breaks in between story and content releases.


On top of all, it's holiday season. Many people are occupied with family, friends, new games (which were available from sales for Christmas), new toys and in general end of year activities.

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Ardenwolfe just explained it best.


To me:


PvE is very alive just depends on what map or activity your doing, some maps or areas will feel dead. Updates to PvE will continue the quality varys but I think it's getting better, along with QoL updates aswell.


PvP feels dead, not been there since season 4 were I burnt myself out trying to get the wings.


WvW is alive, I always see zergs or roamers about.


But since the game is pretty much no sub drop in, drop out, it's easier for people to take breaks(which I am playing other games at the morment). So population will vary depending on the time of year. I belive GW2 has more years ahead if itself befor it truly dies



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There have been a lot of dumb design decisions that have certainly not helped with player retention and there are the usual indicators that the game is on the backside of it's "survival hill". When you start seeing changes, many subtle, pushing players to buy stuff from the store, you know the game isn't as financially solvent as the developers' parent company wants. When you start experiencing disconnects on a regular basis, you know the Internet pipe has been scaled back to a cheaper bandwidth (I haven't had a single HOUR of continuous connection in WvWvW for a significant amount of time).

I don't run into a lot of other players on most of the Central Tyria maps, but there are a lot of players in HoT (not so many in PoF), but I think that's primarily because HoT sucks... you can't get the mastery points and hero points without a zerg, so people coalesce around the locations where events are initiated. HoT is truly an anomaly. Unlike the main game, you must be in a group (or part of a zerg) to get much of anything done.

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> @"shinjin.3924" said:

> Mainly asking to players,how you feel about gw2 in the actual state? do you think is going better or worst than before? a small explanation would be nice,for example better because new story new map ecc....


> If someone feel to answer to the question,so i can see if there is someone that have same opinions or is just me seeing different :pensive:


I suppose none of us will know for sure until we see the trend in ANet's financials, but I feel PoF has been largely well-received. I'm seeing lots of new and returning players as well as strong player activity in general (guild membership/activity is up, starter zones are full of people, and I'm fielding regular questions in game and on the forums from new/returning players). I was a bit disappointed in the initial release (Specifically, the event structure in the PoF maps was a significant step down from HoT, in my opinion.), but the new map seems promising and I enjoyed the first part of the new Living World season.


For me personally, this latest content patch has renewed my interest in an expansion that I already felt largely positive over. I've been putting in more time in the game. I crafted a legendary, developed a new main using one of the PoF elite specs, unlocked all of the mount skills, and I've even gotten back into fractals. So all in all I'd say that things are looking good for GW2 right now as far as I'm concerned.

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We literally just had an expansion and new living world. GW2 is still one of the most played MMOs, PoF just won best expansion on one of the MMO sites. It's extremely far from dead. It would be nice if people like you could stop asking this bs. Log in and open your eyes, try some of the HoT meta events and pray that you get into one of the squads because they fill up in no time... Sure, that's what happens in a dead MMO. /sarcasm


Edit: Also, go to the MMORPG sub on Reddit and ask what MMO to play. People will say WoW/FFXIV/GW2/ESO, I guarantee it. GW2 is among of the most recommended games because it's active and has no signs of dying anytime soon. Anyone who says this game is dead is a bitter person who had some kind of bad experience in GW2 and wants to take revenge by saying things that are not true.

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Player wise. With Mega server there is no lack of people to play with. ergo.. it is far from feeling like a ghost town.


Content wise, I can only speak for myself on this, but I have barely begun PoF, or the story line involved, so, for me. there is an Ocean of Sand of things for me to see and do.


With Wintrsday going on.. people are packed into Divinity Reach, never a dull moment there.


With the Holidays, well WvW has Ques' going on, so it's busy to say the least.


I can't imagine anyone thinking this game is dying while they are playing it.The community, the people, the places you want to be are bustling with life and other people all around you all the time.


I can however imagine that guilds or friends lists feeling void however, as people leave, they take breaks, and.. it's the holiday season, some people would rather spend that time with family and friends then on an MMO.

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The game is nowhere close to death. It's five years old so of course there are folks who are moving on to the other side of the fence (rumor is: the grass is greener there) or who have burnt out or who have found other things to do or who have had 'upgrades' in RL that are distracting them from having enough time to play.


The only important measure for _you_ is whether you find it fun. If you don't, it's worth taking some time to ask other people how they have fun, but if nothing resonates for you, then take a break. Start by giving up the game for a week or preferably four, then see how you feel about returning. At that point, you might decide to stop playing indefinitely, which is fine; the game will still be here when you get back. Or you might realize that there are a lot of things you do like about the game and return; that's cool, too.


> If someone feel to answer to the question,so i can see if there is someone that have same opinions or is just me seeing different :pensive:

It's you seeing different (although you're not alone: it's an MMO, so there are always others with similar experiences/opinions as well as others with completely different ones).


> @"shinjin.3924" said:

> Mainly asking to players,how you feel about gw2 in the actual state? do you think is going better or worst than before? a small explanation would be nice,for example better because new story new map ecc....

Some things are much much better. Some things are worse for reasons that I don't like or accept (or both). And some things are just different.



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I think it is you seeing things different. I see the game active all over the board. It never takes more then 5 minutes to find a pug for more popular dungeon paths. the less common once can be different. There are constantly lfg's for raids and fractals. The train for the world bosses is up and running. The elite world bosses are still being tackled by large groups. The expansion maps still are occupied with people doing them. WvW regular has queue times (and I'm not on a high tier world) and PvP also has lots of activity.


You might dislike certain aspects of the game that have been recently released (I looked a bit in your post history), but that doesn't go for the most.

My tip. This game is excellent to put aside. I have done it for a while. I kept it active to do daily and unlock the living world stories, but nothing more. After a few months I got back and found joy again.

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The game is fine. One small shred of evidence is the large amount of traffic here and on reddit. Both only encompass a small portion of the actual players as most people don't care about posting in game forums. So I would say GW2 is doing well.


I believe that it will be dwindling when we see an announcement for GW3.

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I dunno if it's as active as before, but it's very alive and healthy. I always see people in chat and running around, the only thing I miss is dungeon runs, people dont do them much anymore. I've heard PoF brought back a lot of players, which is nice.

MMO population also goes up and down a lot, between events/expansions you will see less players, but tons when something new is released.


And GW2 is still in the top 3- WoW/FFXIV/GW2 and then ESO a little after that, the game is far from being dead. And please dont give rude responses to OP's question :)

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Almost death? No. (My opinion) pof was easier then hot but, even though it was easier the enjoyment of pof was far better. The traveling. Getting mats faster. The long journey of getting gold for the griffin. Getting elites for my characters. It was easier than hot. But I enjoyed it a lot more. I can see why older players are taking breaks because they probably have way more done then I do.


Since iv barely played for two years I even took a lil week before just doin plain dailies because of me finishing all crafting to 500. Then I found out the griffin took 250 gold so I went into another grind. But it just tired me out. The game isn’t boring or anything like that. Just the grind is real.


To me pof and the new episode is been probably far better then hot and living world season 2 and 3 also. So by thinking it will die? No. I think it’s a new starting for most people. For me too. Iv played almost two years and still feel like my accomplishment is very small. I’m still working on getting ascended gear so my process of thinking it will die. I’m not even thinking about leaving to another mmo. If I was I would probably leave really quick to do a different story then hop back.


As for thinking it’s getting empty. Personally I don’t. Even though I’m only active in 1 guild. However I am in three. And those other two guilds are stacking players. And the main guild I am in are getting more players than before. So I would say it’s accumulating more players then people can see. While the old player take breaks. New players will stay and then a new episode will come in then we’re flooded with people again.


Honestly the fact that gw2 has no sub makes it seem like it’s empty. So people don’t feel obligated to be there 24/7. But that’s not bad. There are rarely mono players. Even though I have an mmo I still have an Xbox one. A 3ds and a Wii U. So sometimes u just want to get your mind out and then come back in. But everyone does it. Death is no where near. If arenanet said new expansion in 2 months this game will be flooded again.

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Now is not a good time to try and judge the games population, at least not by looking at the number of people in game. Many people are off work for the holidays which means peak time players are spread out through the day, and many are away or busy with other things.


I wouldn't be surprised if the number of people online at once is lower but it will go up again after new year and then again when the next update comes out.

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Path of Fire, the latest expansion, is a big bump in terms of quality of new content, the game itself is as alive as I want it to be, and due to dynamic management of maps there will always "be someone". Due to the very different nature of the expansions and their areas, the players split up between the Heart of Thorns content, a jungle/rain forest theme, with its big meta events or people like me, that enjoy the wide, open plains of the Path of Fire maps, with its bright weather and more focussed on smaller groups. For people that dislike the night/day transition in HoT which forces me to play at certain times, PoF is better and so we players split up. Some people are on a freebie and can only be found in the core Tyria (base game) maps. Diversification might hit sometimes as if it's empty, and the map chat is often dead, even with simple questions being asked. But that doesn't mean it's underpopulated.


Despite a big, uh, I call it simplified "whine" now, the new professions were at least good, I love Deadeye. The ability to snipe rekindled the love for the game even more than before, the mounts are great and very valuable for certain terrain and not just simple speed boosts. The German dubbing increased in quality a lot as well, so I guess they paid a bit more (?) in that matter. Something has changed since I started, PoF was really a fresh wind in my opinion and it made me also spend more and more money on shinies (to this day additional 55€), the ultimate sign to me that I really enjoy it.


If GW2's new content keeps up the great pace, quality and value for PvE, I think it might actually get more players. When I compare it to the BS content FF14 gets, for a subscription game with a ridiculously overpriced cash shop, which is driving people away more and more, I think GW2 might stand solid and stable :-)



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Honestly, it is really going to depend on what you play in game, if your into PvE ( fractals, raiding, open world ) then the game is rather active.


If you are only in it for WvW/PvP you may want to hold up, WvW is suffering badly at the moment, and PvP isn't much better, id wait to see what Anet's plans are for these to parts of the game before making any decisions if that is your preferred game mode.

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