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Please give a build limit indicator in toypocalypse


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So not everyone knows this, but there is a limit to how many things can be build in Toypocalypse. When this limit is hit, any new thing built will despawn the earliest thing built. This could mean someone placing a snowman could despawn a fully upgraded catapult.


I keep having instances where people will join and start building a whole lot all on one side, this ends up despawning all the defenses on the opposite side. I have tried telling people when I see them going over the limit but my words are rarely listened to. I feel some kind of indicator bar on the screen showing how close the instance is to having the maximum number of placed defenses might help this a little bit. It would at least let people know there is a limit so they don't spam build a million things and neglect upgrading what is already placed.

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I've seen them disappear but I thought it was timed, like engineer turrets which despawn after a while. Otherwise once you've got your defenses set up you could just afk until it's over.


Toypocalypse isn't difficult enough to require a lot of coordination, but info like this would make it much easier to coordinate and to know what needs to be done.

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I have just been watching the main locations for catapults and rebuilt them when they have started to despawn because of the cap. Easier than trying to explain the cap to others and usually there is only few rounds left when it starts to happen.


Counter could be useful. Tho I think most people would still ignore the cap, but it would not hurt. Maybe some more would be aware of it then :)

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If it's easy to add, sure. It's not that big a deal to me, though, so I'm not sure it's worth that much effort on ANet's part.



Are you sure the limit is on how many are built? I suspect it might be a hard limit on how much scrap/snow there is, as I've had the resource disappear out of my hand. My little group has tried reducing how often we smashy-smashy. That is, instead of smashing lots of stuff and collecting over time, we just smash as we need stuff. We still run into the limit (because each of us is building our own little minecraft demo) but it happens more slowly.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> If it's easy to add, sure. It's not that big a deal to me, though, so I'm not sure it's worth that much effort on ANet's part.

> ****


> Are you sure the limit is on how many are built? I suspect it might be a hard limit on how much scrap/snow there is, as I've had the resource disappear out of my hand. My little group has tried reducing how often we smashy-smashy. That is, instead of smashing lots of stuff and collecting over time, we just smash as we need stuff. We still run into the limit (because each of us is building our own little minecraft demo) but it happens more slowly.


Yep there is a limit of things. At some point old stuff starts to despawn when new is built. Limit has always been there ever since the first wintersday. It was even more noticeable actually at first wintersday because the whole thing was harder and needed some tactics how to build.


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To add onto my own suggestion, could there be some way anet could make it more well known that standing around the middles gives you regen. I hate seeing people die over and over when they could have just healed up occasionally and not had to waste time waiting on waypointing. People don't seem to pay attention to what others are saying so times I have tried to tell people falls on deaf ears.

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> @"Ameepa.6793" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > If it's easy to add, sure. It's not that big a deal to me, though, so I'm not sure it's worth that much effort on ANet's part.

> > ****

> >

> > Are you sure the limit is on how many are built? I suspect it might be a hard limit on how much scrap/snow there is, as I've had the resource disappear out of my hand. My little group has tried reducing how often we smashy-smashy. That is, instead of smashing lots of stuff and collecting over time, we just smash as we need stuff. We still run into the limit (because each of us is building our own little minecraft demo) but it happens more slowly.


> Yep there is a limit of things. At some point old stuff starts to despawn when new is built. Limit has always been there ever since the first wintersday. It was even more noticeable actually at first wintersday because the whole thing was harder and needed some tactics how to build.



Sorry, my question was slightly different. Yes, there is definitely a limit. My question is: are you sure it depend on what is _built_ ? I strongly suspect it's affected by what resources are made available. As I said, scraps & snow have disappeared from my character _without_ being used, right as someone destroyed more decorations. (And without nearby siege or other resources disappearing.)



Separately, I wonder if this is related to the decoration limit we see in the guild hall, i.e. if the limit is of similar number for similar reasons. It might be the case that current Wintersday programmers were unaware of this limit and perhaps they might be able to update it to a new number (or perhaps it uses the same limit as we have in the GH).

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  • 11 months later...

> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > I suppose it's time to bump this thread.


> Devs are on holiday. Even if there is some easy fix for this, it won't be seen this Wintersday.


Even if there isn't some easy fix, it's still something that I feel should be brought up every year.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > > I suppose it's time to bump this thread.

> >

> > Devs are on holiday. Even if there is some easy fix for this, it won't be seen this Wintersday.


> Even if there isn't some easy fix, it's still something that I feel should be brought up every year.


This *really* needs to happen, had a group last night that made the final round stupid annoying simply because they kept building after the limit was hit(Didnt listen when i said stop building either..) and it got rid of all the fully upgraded turrets on the side Tixx spawned at.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> This can also be avoided by playing with friends instead ...


Not everyone has four friends who play all the time you know that right? Due to my time zone im heading off to go to bed by the time my friends who love doing Toypocalypse get online, and even in my active guild nobody rogers up to run the instance when i ask.

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I agree it would be helpful to have an indicator of when you've reached the limit.


I had a group the other day who almost lost a dolyak on one of the later rounds because we reached what one person called "Eezzze mode" - where we had enough defenses around the middle and along common pathways that none of the toys ever got to the middle and we just needed to keep an eye on things and refresh any which were destroyed. Then two players started building their own little fort on top of the Divinity's Reach/princess doll section (presumably just as something to do while we waited for it to end) and of course that started removing the older defenses from around the dolyaks. The rest of us tried to explain why it was happening but they didn't believe there was a limit and we ended up in a stupid race to "steal" defenses back from them to put around the dolyaks.


Admittedly it did make the game more interesting, but having to fight your own team to complete the activity isn't great.

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  • 1 year later...

Yeah we've needed this for years lol


Tbh though Toypocalypse could use some general upgrades too, it's a pretty tedious event atm.. unnecessarily long and uneventful for the most part.


I'd much rather have 5 phases instead of ten with each phase getting progressively more difficult so basically by the 5th phase your defenses should be setup and all players should be fighting, defending and healing stuff :)

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