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Bank tab offer in store: 14+ tabs possible?


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You can buy more than allowed but you can’t use the excess bank tab. You can either contact support to see about a refund or hold on to it in hopes they increase the max number of bank tabs allowed.


It’s best to buy bank tabs directly from your bank. If you can’t buy from your bank you’ve reached the max allowed.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> You can buy more than allowed but you can’t use the excess bank tab. You can either contact support to see about a refund or hold on to it in hopes they increase the max number of bank tabs allowed.


> It’s best to buy bank tabs directly from your bank. If you can’t buy from your bank you’ve reached the max allowed.


This is one of the things I've always felt was rather fishy about the gem store. It _feels_ like it's a setup, a scam, a way to make you throw away gems if you didn't know that you could purchase from the bank panel. However, although I imagine that's intentional, it might not be.

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> @"MattDu.7123" said:

> Sorry I know it doesn't help you but I didnt know it was on sale. Got three more. Thank you :)


Good for you, dude! I wish I could join you in getting more bank tabs... BUT.. like many other people, my bank tabs are maxed and my 3 mule toons have broken backs! :lol:


**ANET**... there's money to be made! **MONEY to be MADE!** :p Many of us are hoarders! :lol:

And I'd buy a new bank tab every time you put them on sale... BUT NOO:angry::astonished::open_mouth:OOOO!!! I'm maxed at 14!

Hint, Hint, Hint! :kissing_wink:

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