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Sorry. Need to get this off my chest. I Hate the Guilds in this game


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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > My advice is not to join a guild that advertises unscrupulously in map chat. The best experience you can get with one of those is "neutral".


> I agree, mapchat recruiters always seem to either gather as many members as possible or have strange requirements or offer no help.


> The best way to join a guild, if you don't care about joining one fast, is joining one after a positive experience in instanced or group oriented content.


I'd assume the same, but now I'm in the position where I have to advertise through map chat, because recruiting solely from website is very slow and would probably kill the guild. But we are very friendly and have a lot of new players that are happy with us. And we don't just toss around invites, that's for sure.

OP, if you are on EU servers, feel free to message me if you want to give it another shot at finding a proper guild :)

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> @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> Let me ask a real life question here for all of you against use of third-party websites for information.


> Picture this, you're in school sitting in English(or respective language class.) and your teacher says that you need to do an essay project on, *Insert historical figure here*, are you expecting that the teacher gives you all the information for the project and you just need to piece it together in an essay, or are you going to go to the library and other sources to find the information yourself?


> I get it that people want everything given to them, so they can just go with it and play the game. But good gosh, do yourself some good and look this stuff up, that way in the future you won't be stumped, and won't remain ignorant of information that's available to all.


> Anyways @OP good luck in the future, and I hope you find what you're looking for in a guild soon enough.


> Cheers!


In an academic setting, the idea behind such assignments is to get students to teach themselves how to find information. Back when I taught, first recourse for many students was to ask the students with better grades. In GW2, the teacher is ANet. Guild members are ones' classmates.


I happen to believe that it would have been better for all of my students to learn how to gather information. That might also be the case in an online game. However, I've seen guilds where the leaders encouraged long-time players to be a resource to other members. If someone is used to that kind of helpfulness, asking **is** doing research. In GW2, the tack I took was often to link something like "type /wiki/subjectofinterest in chat and you can read about it." That approach points them to their answer, and plants the seed that they can look other things up in the same way.


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> @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> However the first reaction of someone who is stumped on something shouldn't be, "I'll just ask", it should be something more widely beneficial and, "I'll look it up".

> I get it that people want everything given to them, so they can just go with it and play the game. But good gosh, do yourself some good and look this stuff up, that way in the future you won't be stumped, and won't remain ignorant of information that's available to all.


I used Enigmius1's youtube to watch how to craft, and i read these forums and gw2wiki but not everything can be gained from a book. And just because i'm unsure how to do something doesn't mean I havent tried to discover how to do it for myself. For my HND practical i stripped to the screws and put a computer back together in 15 minutes but I'm never going to write a love song. In school they told you, that you could be anything you wanted if you studied hard enough but we all know thats a lie.


And if you can find anything in a book then as an example try telling a Welsh person that you understand what the word cwtch means or a Scandinavian what a hygge means to them.


> @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> Maybe it's just me though, being part of an older generation of gamers, who looked things up, read/watched walkthroughs and guides, and by the time I started a game or got into a rough spot, I knew and understood in general how things went.


If I start at the beginning on the atari vcs there wasnt really much of a manual with adventure and there wasn't much of a internet either. I do remember a magazine printing all the words you could use in Zork but back then it took longer to work out how to get a game to run on a pc. I think the Black Cauldron had a manual but dont remember having to read it. Of cause this game is far bigger and more compicated and i didnt go into it thinking I wouldn't have to look something up.

But nothing told me I was in a different instance to everybody else in the squad I had joined, i just couldnt see them. It didn't auto move me to them and even if i had right clicked on there picture or jumped to a portal by them to join them and the instance was full I still wouldn't of seen them and it wouldn't of told me why.


Or maybe I'm just an old dog with new tricks ;)






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It didn't take much for me to learn things. And often I was able to figure things out without being told. So I really don't understand why people seem to have much of a problem with things. And outside resources are standard for large games. It is very difficult for the game to explain every little thing about it. Although there are some things that Anet should do a better job of teaching, like defiance bars.


But part of playing an MMO is having other people to ask questions of and receive help from. You may have had bad experiences with a few guild but I am really curious about how you joined these guilds. Requiring ascended sounds like a group doing fractals or raids, in which case that is reasonable for them to require before you can join them. If it was a guild you joined through map spam did you read the spam message? Did it say what level of experience they expect of players. Not every guild is meant for newbies, and that is perfectly okay, many guilds are based around the late-game content. There is plenty of helpful guilds out there.


The best guilds are the ones you find and join organically. My main guild is from a world boss they run and I regularly attended, so eventually one day after the event and they said they were looking for members, I joined. Everyone is friendly and helpful. And now that I am a pretty knowledgeable person I put it forward and am friendly and open to helping people.

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My guild's pretty good. There's usually only about 20 or so online though. We do missions on Tuesday nights and me and one other person have separate "sister" guilds just to have each of the guild halls.


I'm not as active with them as I probably should be but I'm generally busy doing my own thing or scribe/decorating stuff.

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> @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> Let me ask a real life question here for all of you against use of third-party websites for information.


> Picture this, you're in school sitting in English(or respective language class.) and your teacher says that you need to do an essay project on, *Insert historical figure here*, are you expecting that the teacher gives you all the information for the project and you just need to piece it together in an essay, or are you going to go to the library and other sources to find the information yourself?


> I get it that people want everything given to them, so they can just go with it and play the game. But good gosh, do yourself some good and look this stuff up, that way in the future you won't be stumped, and won't remain ignorant of information that's available to all.


> Anyways @OP good luck in the future, and I hope you find what you're looking for in a guild soon enough.


> Cheers!


Am I a weirdo for thinking that exchanging information freely helps to build a healthy community? I see this "look it up" attitude from vets in just about every MMO I've played. I've seen people in other games (here, they're sometimes ignored when they're not answered) getting trolled in Gen Chat for asking perfectly normal and reasonable questions.


The attitude is pervasive and it alienates new players like the OP. Instead of feeling like the community is a resource and an entity new players want to add to or take part in, they see it as a hostile. Like other players are the enemy. This isn't the environment any vet should want to foster, especially if they enjoy group content. Who's going to replace vets as they shift in and out of the game? New players-- if they stick around. If the community is too hostile, they won't.


It doesn't matter if the question can be looked up on a third party site. Logging in and out of a game just to find an answer someone on the map can answer in a couple of seconds is a pain at best. A deterrent to re-logging in at worst. A new player getting a friendly answer, OTOH, makes him or her trust the community. Makes him/her want to keep playing.


And to the first part about school projects-- this is a _game_, not work. Not an academic research paper. It's one thing to prefer to research things yourself, but hoarding the knowledge you've gathered like a miser instead of sharing it with those who ask questions only makes an MMO a less social space.


Disclaimer: Post written by an forever unguilded lone wolf who loves sharing information and traveling halfway across a map to res a downed player.

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> @"juhani.5361" said:

> > @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> > Let me ask a real life question here for all of you against use of third-party websites for information.

> >

> > Picture this, you're in school sitting in English(or respective language class.) and your teacher says that you need to do an essay project on, *Insert historical figure here*, are you expecting that the teacher gives you all the information for the project and you just need to piece it together in an essay, or are you going to go to the library and other sources to find the information yourself?

> >

> > I get it that people want everything given to them, so they can just go with it and play the game. But good gosh, do yourself some good and look this stuff up, that way in the future you won't be stumped, and won't remain ignorant of information that's available to all.

> >

> > Anyways @OP good luck in the future, and I hope you find what you're looking for in a guild soon enough.

> >

> > Cheers!


> Am I a weirdo for thinking that exchanging information freely helps to build a healthy community? I see this "look it up" attitude from vets in just about every MMO I've played. I've seen people in other games (here, they're sometimes ignored when they're not answered) getting trolled in Gen Chat for asking perfectly normal and reasonable questions.


> The attitude is pervasive and it alienates new players like the OP. Instead of feeling like the community is a resource and an entity new players want to add to or take part in, they see it as a hostile. Like other players are the enemy. This isn't the environment any vet should want to foster, especially if they enjoy group content. Who's going to replace vets as they shift in and out of the game? New players-- if they stick around. If the community is too hostile, they won't.


> It doesn't matter if the question can be looked up on a third party site. Logging in and out of a game just to find an answer someone on the map can answer in a couple of seconds is a pain at best. A deterrent to re-logging in at worst. A new player getting a friendly answer, OTOH, makes him or her trust the community. Makes him/her want to keep playing.


> And to the first part about school projects-- this is a _game_, not work. Not an academic research paper. It's one thing to prefer to research things yourself, but hoarding the knowledge you've gathered like a miser instead of sharing it with those who ask questions only makes an MMO a less social space.


> Disclaimer: Post written by an forever unguilded lone wolf who loves sharing information and traveling halfway across a map to res a downed player.


Isn't part of a, "Healthy community", encouraging individuals in their journey of self growth, such as attaining knowledge? I get that answering questions honestly when people ask them is also healthy, as it makes the community more, "Close knit", however always depending on another person or group of people, isn't healthy. It developes a sort of, "Dependency disorder", in the way of always depending on others, in this case, for answers. I'm not saying people should be afraid to ask questions, but, I find encouraging people to find a guide or watch a video over the topic, to be beneficial. Beneficial in the way that if that person ever finds themselves in a spot where they can't just /w someone, ect. they know where to look and what to read/watch to find out what it is they are struggling with. That way, when down the road when they are more knowledgeable and that random new player comes along, they can answer their question, along with providing them with helpful websites/videos to check out.

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> @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> Let me ask a real life question here for all of you against use of third-party websites for information.


> Picture this, you're in school sitting in English(or respective language class.) and your teacher says that you need to do an essay project on, *Insert historical figure here*, are you expecting that the teacher gives you all the information for the project and you just need to piece it together in an essay, or are you going to go to the library and other sources to find the information yourself?


> I get it that people want everything given to them, so they can just go with it and play the game. But good gosh, do yourself some good and look this stuff up, that way in the future you won't be stumped, and won't remain ignorant of information that's available to all.


> Anyways @OP good luck in the future, and I hope you find what you're looking for in a guild soon enough.


> Cheers!


Yeah but that's not how most gamers are I can't tell you how many people have asked me very involved questions that were exhausting to answer and I said "eh I don't have the time to show you and it would really be simpler if you would just google x and dulfy or wiki it" and they say they want to do it without having looked anything up. I explain to them getting help from someone who did look it up is pretty much the same thing but in their brain it's just not.

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > > > > @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> > > > > > I still expect people joining to understand the basics, I find Google, YouTube, Guild Wars 2 WIKI, and alike, to be very helpful in finding out the answers for yourself if you're the type of person who wants to do a bit of digging before just asking questions.

> > > > >

> > > > > A game should not need an outside source to rely on to explain things that are in the game. That's poor game design. These things should already be in the game itself.

> > > >

> > > > There’s a reason for outside sources in MMOs.

> > >

> > > Yes there is, and I acknowledge that, but the fact that people are expected to rely on them is beyond ridiculous.

> >

> > Using any resource avaliable to improve your experience and grasp of things is something extremely common in everyday life IE:

> >

> > * good luck with passing your engineering (any career applies) course with JUST whatever info you get in class.

> >

> > * good luck becoming an amazing cook JUST having a kitchen and ingredients (any manual labor applies).

> >

> > Games are no exception to this.


> Not in terms of basic mechanics.


> When a basic mechanic is in the game that isn't explained it either:

> a) needs to be explained

> b) needs to not be in the game


> I would say that things like break bars and instances are basic mechanics of the game. And they're not explained in the game. At all.


> If a game relies heavily on an outside source for basic information that should be explained in the game then that is *poor game design*. That's like relying on an outside source to explain how to defecate, eat, and breathe. You don't need an outside source for the basics of real life. Those are the basics.


I've never really considered the Wiki to be an outside source of information, considering you can type /wiki "what you want to look up" in the game panel and it will go to that page of the wiki in your browser. It is game integrated. Could the integration be better? Sure... could definitely open a specialized browser window like the BLTP does instead of opening in your browser... would be nice... but it is integrated. As far as things being better explained... yeah the game is reasonably lacking in tutorials for new players for certain mechanics... mostly ones that were introduced later in the game rather than from launch (Break bars weren't introduced until HoT, but should probably have a tutorial similar to the dodge one added somewhere in the world.) Would also be nice to see a combo field/finisher tutorial... possibly similarly laid out to how some of the pvp lobby tutorial areas are?


To the original topic... the best guilds that I have joined have been either a) the social guild I joined that was running a HP train in HoT a little while after launch, or b) the guilds I have joined when I ask about guilds, rather than searching for recruiting messages. This allows me to say exactly what I personally am looking for in a guild "Friendly, social, small to mid size, active, PvX, newb friendly". It tends to get way better results than just asking for invitations from people advertising in chat... and if you MUST join an advertising guild, interview the recruiter....PM them... ask them questions... get a feel for the person. It's not that hard to read context clues and determine if they are genuine or not if you ask the right questions.

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Just dont join random guilds. Do some research and find the guild that fits you.

And has similar goals to yours. There's ALOT of guild types.


RolePlay, PvP, Raid, WvW, PvE... Social, Casual, Hardcore, Semi-Hardcore etc etc.

Do research first. And also you have to know what do u want.

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I've never had any issues with bad guilds, personally. There was an rp guild that wasn't to my tastes, but it wasn't bad necessarily. I am loyal to two guilds and I wouldn't replace 'em for the world, i've never met nicer and funner people to be around. xD though i do need an rp guild still.

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> @"Xar.1387" said:

> Just dont join random guilds. Do some research and find the guild that fits you.

> And has similar goals to yours. There's ALOT of guild types.


> RolePlay, PvP, Raid, WvW, PvE... Social, Casual, Hardcore, Semi-Hardcore etc etc.

> Do research first. And also you have to know what do u want.


Even when you research you're not guaranteed to get a good one. That's happened to me quite a few times.

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I have been in one guild for about four years. Lots of helpful people. As long as you're not a dingus. If your are a noob there are many to help out. I have also tried many other guilds. Hit or miss really until I joined a guild on NSP that is more focused through WvW though many also do PvE content. So that is a secondary guild. A Christian based guild so there are stipulations obviously but a nice clean chat atmosphere.


Don't give up on guilds as though there are many people who are not kind there are many guilds that are helpful. Do not give up.


Strategic Suicide has been my guild for a long time that I run PvE content with when I can. Don't look too much into the name as it is more of a pun. The guild players there have been kind throughout the years and different players do different things covering all content.


You will find many of the larger guilds have been put together by players who have played either GW1 or another MMO and though ranking up may be difficult there are plenty of people to help out.


Don't give up!

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> > I still expect people joining to understand the basics, I find Google, YouTube, Guild Wars 2 WIKI, and alike, to be very helpful in finding out the answers for yourself if you're the type of person who wants to do a bit of digging before just asking questions.


> A game should not need an outside source to rely on to explain things that are in the game. That's poor game design. These things should already be in the game itself.


I have to disagree here. The game has been out for over five years and EVERYTHING has been explained either in patch notes, release notes or other forum outlets. This means that new players either rely on help from others or must research some aspect of the game as there is no way to cover every aspect of the game and mechanics in a simple manual of how to play. The WIKI is very useful and has much information. There have been Living Seasons and two content releases HoT and PoF coupled with holiday events, raid release, gliding and now mounts. Just a lot to take in if you are new.


Start here to maybe get some more basic info:



I had a brand new player whisper me last week and we had a long conversation to answer some of his/her questions. We are not all jerks :P Imagine if I went back to WoW after being gone five years what I would have to read up on, watch videos or any other outlet just to understand all the new content, areas and game play changes.

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> @"MattDu.7123" said:


> The first told me to jump to this location, then 20 minutes later to a second after 20 minutes I said i still couldn't see anyone and what do i do. The answer was "your in the wrong instance", "dont you know what your doing?" .


A terrible guild. Flat out. If you don't know, then someone from the guild should have told you how to enter their map instance. Or should have left their current party, partied up with you and then joined/merged with the guilds party.


> The second expected me to have reached Ascended weapons to play with them. I could stay in there guild but not join in till i got there. I left.


They actually expect you to have ascended?. Are they a raid guild or something?. If not, then wow another terrible guild.


> And the reject 'No Mount'. Yes i own the expansion and no i'm not willing to do the story out of order. (how did they manage before september)


That's the most stupidest rule I've come across for a guild on this game.


> Thank you for reading my rant. No thank you to any requests to join a guild. Maybe in the future i'll give it another go.


Understandably you've had a bad experience with some really terrible guilds. Don't let it deter you, take your time in finding a guild that you can call home.

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There's nothing to feel sorry about.


Nowadays most guilds are run by second-in-charge or officers. Many of the original guild creators are gone or inactive. And most of these 'leaders' are... well. Sigh. They demand donations, active guild run participation and some will even enroll only selective professions. Even if they tell you that nothing is compulsary, you will be treated differently if you believe that : D Your chats will be ignored, your presence will be ignored and you will not be invited to any group event, big or small.


Some guild members, maybe most guildlies, sized you up according to your APs, your crafting levels or do you own a legendary. You will be treated with more respect and response if you have decent achievements in those areas. But then this is expected, I guess. After all, we are human beings and most humans are... ugly by nature. : P


I have gone in and out of countless guilds over the past years and still, I have not come across one that delivers what they promote. Just my opinion and experience.


Edit: And if you are a senior member in tbe guild, your greetings will be responded, otherwise, everyone did not see your chat or is afk lol

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> @"usnedward.9023" said:

> > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> > > I still expect people joining to understand the basics, I find Google, YouTube, Guild Wars 2 WIKI, and alike, to be very helpful in finding out the answers for yourself if you're the type of person who wants to do a bit of digging before just asking questions.

> >

> > A game should not need an outside source to rely on to explain things that are in the game. That's poor game design. These things should already be in the game itself.


> EVERYTHING has been explained either in patch notes, release notes or other forum outlets.


AKA outside sources that new players might not even know exist :ok_hand:

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > @"usnedward.9023" said:

> > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > > @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> > > > I still expect people joining to understand the basics, I find Google, YouTube, Guild Wars 2 WIKI, and alike, to be very helpful in finding out the answers for yourself if you're the type of person who wants to do a bit of digging before just asking questions.

> > >

> > > A game should not need an outside source to rely on to explain things that are in the game. That's poor game design. These things should already be in the game itself.

> >

> > EVERYTHING has been explained either in patch notes, release notes or other forum outlets.


> AKA outside sources that new players might not even know exist :ok_hand:


That's a little unfair to pull one sentence out and make it seem as if it not from INSIDE sources. All those listed in that quote are not outside sources but can be reached at one point and time through the forums which IS part of the game. So let's finish the "quote" properly where I said right after that.

_This means that new players either rely on help from others or must research some aspect of the game as there is no way to cover every aspect of the game and mechanics in a simple manual of how to play. _

What that means is is yes new players must rely on help whether internal game mode by users including forums or must go outside for additional resources because you simply cannot pack GW2 playing, rules, mechanics and whatever in some manual. Sheesh.... To simply install and know what to do in any MMO requires some effort to learn especially after this game has become so large. I see people posting wiki links in map chat all the time when new users pop questions it is on them to utilize and research the game. Spoon feeding isn't the answer or no one would play and simply chat on how to play.....

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> @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > > > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > > > > > @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> > > > > > > I still expect people joining to understand the basics, I find Google, YouTube, Guild Wars 2 WIKI, and alike, to be very helpful in finding out the answers for yourself if you're the type of person who wants to do a bit of digging before just asking questions.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > A game should not need an outside source to rely on to explain things that are in the game. That's poor game design. These things should already be in the game itself.

> > > > >

> > > > > There’s a reason for outside sources in MMOs.

> > > >

> > > > Yes there is, and I acknowledge that, but the fact that people are expected to rely on them is beyond ridiculous.

> > >

> > > Using any resource avaliable to improve your experience and grasp of things is something extremely common in everyday life IE:

> > >

> > > * good luck with passing your engineering (any career applies) course with JUST whatever info you get in class.

> > >

> > > * good luck becoming an amazing cook JUST having a kitchen and ingredients (any manual labor applies).

> > >

> > > Games are no exception to this.

> >

> > Not in terms of basic mechanics.

> >

> > When a basic mechanic is in the game that isn't explained it either:

> > a) needs to be explained

> > b) needs to not be in the game

> >

> > I would say that things like break bars and instances are basic mechanics of the game. And they're not explained in the game. At all.

> >

> > If a game relies heavily on an outside source for basic information that should be explained in the game then that is *poor game design*.


> Whether it's poor design or not is of course your opinion, not a fact. Though I completely agree breakbars should be better explained overall, I get the impression it wasn't a launch concept and it never got a proper in-game tutorial.


Breakbars totally need to be explained. Anet really has dropped the ball on this one. We need a new, new player experience.

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Well safe to say our guild doesn’t do that. But I have encountered guilds that are pretty dusche. They recruit firm handed then say very active then you never get an invite. Or when they do something and u say you want to join but never add you. Yea that’s fun. Or when your a beginner and you get yelled at for one failed try even though you were good the other times. That’s just those groups that think they are good but suck with team work. Stay away from those. Those guilds bring bad names to gw2.


The reason I stayed with one because me and my friend did lots of things together and got people into the guild together. But for some reason when you go to a different guild you realize that not all guilds are chill. Not all guild are nice. Not all guilds will go out of their way just to help you do main story and help you finish. Guilds that’s don’t help or trash talk. I leave those. Guilds that say we will do it next time after a failed fractal and then do it again the next day to get it right are the guilds you should be in.


Iv only played close to 2 years. But within that time iv probably joined 8. Out of those 1 I am with everyday but another is when I want to try something iv never done before. The rest are open to join more guild. Hate to say it but there’s a lot of salty guilds. Hopefully someone finds a good guild sooner or later. That’s probably why there are 5 slots. Because there are so many bad guilds.


However there are a lot of good people in the game. Just wish that everyone in the game is willing to put as much time always into new players. Which would make much more people happy. And make much more players more loyal to your guild.

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> @"blambidy.3216" said:

> Just wish that everyone in the game is willing to put as much time always into new players.


Some people may not have the time, or the patience to do that. Sure, there are people out there willing to do so (and I fully respect those who do that), but to expect every single player to do it is absurd.

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > @"blambidy.3216" said:

> > Just wish that everyone in the game is willing to put as much time always into new players.


> Some people may not have the time, or the patience to do that. Sure, there are people out there willing to do so (and I fully respect those who do that), but to expect every single player to do it is absurd.


Not only that, but for example if people didn’t tell other new players about these outside resources to find stuff out about what they’ve currently encountered, it gets very exhausting explaining everything. The new player then becomes dependent on the few people in a guild that offer up advices/answers to them. Being that person SUCKS.

I like to help out like most people, but I also want to enjoy my own game time without doing research for other players, it is not nice to expect someone else to do the digging for you, nor to expect every veteran player knows absolutely everything about everything in game.

I’m sure many players have experienced this type of new player that expect veterans to tell them everything, being in a small Guild, if we invite new players we do get this type sometimes. We do tell them the good outside sources, so they can find their way in game, it is still helping players to refer them to use sites like the Gw2Wiki, it’s one of the best things you can tell a new player to start using. If I know something off the top of my head then great. If not, THEY can use the Wiki.

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