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Sorry. Need to get this off my chest. I Hate the Guilds in this game


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@MattDu.7123, that's some bad luck on finding guilds :\


even the Pve/WvW guild were i am, we tend to help the pve players when they require assistence with anything ;\if we have the map or materials, some players even help other to obtain gears, ive donated a percursor, t6 mats etc, and i see this happening in quite some guilds that do pvp and wvw arround, they kind ahelp each other, even lots of decent guilds have game events with prizes as well.


This is somethign interesting that ive been spoting for quite some time, pve guilds look far awfull than most WvW or PvX guilds, still its interesting how Anet made this game for very lame players base, imo Anet kinda forces that players behaviour has the few they did they think they are great and demmand stupid thing like what happened to OP.


I would dare to say that the founding ideals of the game are stupid and lamer to start, since creates this kind of behavior more than we seen on other games.

Wonder what happened to Anet to become LamersNet(work).

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I have been in 3 guilds in my past 5 years. And all of them found me, not the other way round. I think it's more like a love relationship. You don't "find yourself" a girl/boyfriend. It happens. If you force it, it'll be an unstable relationship.


[2014] y first guild (actually FC in FF14) was checking who had no guild (it's possible in some sort of player listing) and I had good times I still remember as if that happened yesterday.



The second guild in FF14 was ran by a bunch of 30-year old women. Holy Moly, the slightest bad vibe in the chat has been shutdown by the female guild leader like a kindergarden teacher: Smooth but convinced. When I failed to get a dungeon done and said that, she waited until I was ready, already cooked buff food and sent me an invite. That was a very irritating feel to be mothered like that, but also very enjoyable.


And in 2015, I joined one guild here, also an advertisement. I am turned off very much by playing with strangers (too many bad experiences, I learned my lessons about the average video gamer in the 2010s) but I like to chat somewhat. Joined them, they were barely active and suddenly they asked me out of the blue if I was just there fighting for the guild hall. I was like ?????? and then I have been kicked "for inactivity". What the heck?


Since then, I am a lone wolf and I have big antipathy for guilds, groups, group contents, pugs. And that can hurt. Me and thus my Asura are both kinda broken, I often don't ressurect people nearby and just ride past them or don't engage in fights when they struggle. It's weird how those experiences really change my ingame behaviour that much...

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Oh, shucks, MattDu. I'm sorry you experienced those things. Those are really poor examples of how PVE guilds can be run. ? I am in five (one that I'm hardly active in and might leave, another for WvW and is actually quite noob-friendly, another that was started by a friend four months ago and hasn't been touched since, yet another that has members who quite like the guild I lead and therefore joined us and a few of us joined their guild, and finally one that I am the guild leader of). Of all the guilds I took part in, the one I lead bears the most fruit. Not because I am leading it, but because I am careful about who I invite to the guild. Sure, some players leave because of inactivity or because we aren't the right fit for them, which is totally understandable. And we do have our struggles as a guild. But, for the most part, we are growing together, making mistakes and learning from them, and treating each other like the adults we are.


I think many players, especially the guildies you encountered, forget that there's a human behind the avatar. Using voice chat really reminds you that the person you are talking to is real, which is why I heavily suggest joining a guild with voice chat (if or when you're ready). Being new to the game can be a hindrance to some players because, well, they want to get straight to the content they want to play. And gosh, that's such an elitist mindset, it upsets me to know that people like that exist in such an awesome community like Guild Wars 2.


Here is what I suggest (from a noob guild leader's point of view): Take the time to meet people, get acquainted with the game and its mechanics, and discover as much as you can. If you are looking for a guild, don't look for one that checks all your boxes. If there is someone you enjoy playing with and do so daily, ask for their opinion on finding a good guild in Guild Wars 2. Don't reply to guilds that spam map chat, instead (when you are ready to look) do some research on the forums or reddit to see what types of guilds are recruiting. You can tell the difference between ones that are recruiting for numbers and ones that are truly looking for YOU. And most of all, have fun! Let bygones be bygones and enjoy the game! I hope this helps and if I ever see you in game, I'll be sure to say hello! ?

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Our guild doesn't openly recruit. There's only 3-1/2 of us. Between us we've managed to get the GH to level 39. We chat about every 10-15 minutes maybe.


Sometimes we do things together, help each other out or just do our own thing. I spend a lot of time farming mats and whatnot that might be needed. Dabble in WvW some, used to be a lot.


Either way pm or mail me in game if you want to fart around...

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For a game called guild wars 2, the guild system is one of the poorest aspects in the entire game. The whole 'representing' feature promotes a lack of loyalty and guild jumping, then the guild sizes mean that each member is as important as a skritt as long as they get the job done.


In 5 years I've never found a single guild where I felt at home. Or maybe it's that compared to other international clans I've had in other mmos, americans are simply colder.


Luckily, I managed to get my own solo guild going, with an upgraded clan bank before ANet "improved" the system by gating everything behind thousands of mats.

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> @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> I still expect people joining to understand the basics, I find Google, YouTube, Guild Wars 2 WIKI, and alike, to be very helpful in finding out the answers for yourself if you're the type of person who wants to do a bit of digging before just asking questions.


A game should not need an outside source to rely on to explain things that are in the game. That's poor game design. These things should already be in the game itself.

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> > I still expect people joining to understand the basics, I find Google, YouTube, Guild Wars 2 WIKI, and alike, to be very helpful in finding out the answers for yourself if you're the type of person who wants to do a bit of digging before just asking questions.


> A game should not need an outside source to rely on to explain things that are in the game. That's poor game design. These things should already be in the game itself.


Don’t make this post about the numerous helpful websites for gw2. There’s a reason for outside sources in MMOs.


OP, if you are on an EU server and want the benefits of being in a Guild (waypoint discount and Enhancements) just until you find your own roots in game, you can send me an in game mail. We’re a small social Guild with no rule, other than to be a nice and helpful to people.

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Just throwing this out there, but 3 guilds isn't really a big sample size. I think your luck has been pretty bad. The thing is in an MMO, there are plenty of guilds that will just take people to gain numbers without considering their infratructure. I act as a new player ambassador of sorts in my guild and make sure I spend time with them. I will make sure that if we're doing something like guild missions that someone is keeping on eye on new players making sure they can keep up or making sure they know what's going on.


I think this is a case of bad luck. I'm guessing there are tens of thousands of guilds in this game....I'm sure there are a percentage of bad ones....but I don' think it's that high a percentage.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> > > I still expect people joining to understand the basics, I find Google, YouTube, Guild Wars 2 WIKI, and alike, to be very helpful in finding out the answers for yourself if you're the type of person who wants to do a bit of digging before just asking questions.

> >

> > A game should not need an outside source to rely on to explain things that are in the game. That's poor game design. These things should already be in the game itself.


> There’s a reason for outside sources in MMOs.


Yes there is, and I acknowledge that, but the fact that people are expected to rely on them is beyond ridiculous.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> My advice is not to join a guild that advertises unscrupulously in map chat. The best experience you can get with one of those is "neutral".


If you jump to the first or even the 101st guild spamming map chat endlessly for new recruits then I guess you gotta treat like a PUG and always expect.. the unexpected!.


Desperado guilds that do this are doing it for selfish reasons, they want to get their guild hall levelled and deco'ed asap, they need materials for their guild stashes or they are run so poorly players jump ship faster than they can join it.


Best advice I can give is run with players in pugs, see how they play then if you feel they are the kind of thing your looking for, send a polite request, add friend and then look to join when your mind is at ease and an opening is offered.

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > > @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> > > > I still expect people joining to understand the basics, I find Google, YouTube, Guild Wars 2 WIKI, and alike, to be very helpful in finding out the answers for yourself if you're the type of person who wants to do a bit of digging before just asking questions.

> > >

> > > A game should not need an outside source to rely on to explain things that are in the game. That's poor game design. These things should already be in the game itself.

> >

> > There’s a reason for outside sources in MMOs.


> Yes there is, and I acknowledge that, but the fact that people are expected to rely on them is beyond ridiculous.


Using any resource avaliable to improve your experience and grasp of things is something extremely common in everyday life IE:


* good luck with passing your engineering (any career applies) course with JUST whatever info you get in class.


* good luck becoming an amazing cook JUST having a kitchen and ingredients (any manual labor applies).


Games are no exception to this.

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> @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > > > @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> > > > > I still expect people joining to understand the basics, I find Google, YouTube, Guild Wars 2 WIKI, and alike, to be very helpful in finding out the answers for yourself if you're the type of person who wants to do a bit of digging before just asking questions.

> > > >

> > > > A game should not need an outside source to rely on to explain things that are in the game. That's poor game design. These things should already be in the game itself.

> > >

> > > There’s a reason for outside sources in MMOs.

> >

> > Yes there is, and I acknowledge that, but the fact that people are expected to rely on them is beyond ridiculous.


> Using any resource avaliable to improve your experience and grasp of things is something extremely common in everyday life IE:


> * good luck with passing your engineering (any career applies) course with JUST whatever info you get in class.


> * good luck becoming an amazing cook JUST having a kitchen and ingredients (any manual labor applies).


> Games are no exception to this.


Not in terms of basic mechanics.


When a basic mechanic is in the game that isn't explained it either:

a) needs to be explained

b) needs to not be in the game


I would say that things like break bars and instances are basic mechanics of the game. And they're not explained in the game. At all.


If a game relies heavily on an outside source for basic information that should be explained in the game then that is *poor game design*. That's like relying on an outside source to explain how to defecate, eat, and breathe. You don't need an outside source for the basics of real life. Those are the basics.

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Some guilds are cool, some aren't right for you, and some just plain aren't right for anyone. The key is to not become jaded, so you don't miss out on that one guild that'll make you happy. B) Guilds are give and take relationship; if you're so guarded that you don't invest time and feelings, you won't see any return.


My tip? Wear your heart on your shoulder from the get go. If you fit in, bully for you. If you don't, then they don't deserve you anyway~!

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > > > > @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> > > > > > I still expect people joining to understand the basics, I find Google, YouTube, Guild Wars 2 WIKI, and alike, to be very helpful in finding out the answers for yourself if you're the type of person who wants to do a bit of digging before just asking questions.

> > > > >

> > > > > A game should not need an outside source to rely on to explain things that are in the game. That's poor game design. These things should already be in the game itself.

> > > >

> > > > There’s a reason for outside sources in MMOs.

> > >

> > > Yes there is, and I acknowledge that, but the fact that people are expected to rely on them is beyond ridiculous.

> >

> > Using any resource avaliable to improve your experience and grasp of things is something extremely common in everyday life IE:

> >

> > * good luck with passing your engineering (any career applies) course with JUST whatever info you get in class.

> >

> > * good luck becoming an amazing cook JUST having a kitchen and ingredients (any manual labor applies).

> >

> > Games are no exception to this.


> Not in terms of basic mechanics.


> When a basic mechanic is in the game that isn't explained it either:

> a) needs to be explained

> b) needs to not be in the game


> I would say that things like break bars and instances are basic mechanics of the game. And they're not explained in the game. At all.


> If a game relies heavily on an outside source for basic information that should be explained in the game then that is *poor game design*.


Whether it's poor design or not is of course your opinion, not a fact. Though I completely agree breakbars should be better explained overall, I get the impression it wasn't a launch concept and it never got a proper in-game tutorial.

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > > @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> > > > I still expect people joining to understand the basics, I find Google, YouTube, Guild Wars 2 WIKI, and alike, to be very helpful in finding out the answers for yourself if you're the type of person who wants to do a bit of digging before just asking questions.

> > >

> > > A game should not need an outside source to rely on to explain things that are in the game. That's poor game design. These things should already be in the game itself.

> >

> > There’s a reason for outside sources in MMOs.


> Yes there is, and I acknowledge that, but the fact that people are expected to rely on them is beyond ridiculous.


Actually it's not beyond ridiculous. It's relatively common and it was common even in Guild Wars 1 many many years ago when many people used a site called PvX Wiki.


Anet back then, in Guild Wars Beyond added a chapter called Hearts of the North when they hid things in the open world and you had to just run around until you found them. I thought there are no clues, there's no real way to find it on your own, this is ridiculous. But a dev came out at the time and said we want the community to come together and solve this together and work together as a community.


We used to have Nicolas the Traveler in Guild Wars 1, and he's move to a random place every single week. Your chances of finding him in the huge world was tiny, but we had the wiki and looked it up every week ,because someone would update the wiki when he was found.


Most MMOs are much much better when you use extermal resources to play. It's always been the nature of the genre.

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I am sorry to hear that many of you couldn't find a guild which you called home.

I have been in my guild since gw1 and it will always be my primary guild that I represent. I rep other guild sometimes to help them out to promote their guild during certain missions, but otherwise I am with my primary guild all the time. I know the leaders and his brothers for many years, although they do not play the game much now but I helped to maintain the guild with everyone else and keep it going. :)

I don't think the game has very poor guild system at all. it has a lot of freedom allow guild leader to set up rules and what not to manage his own guild. totally up to individual..

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > > > @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> > > > > I still expect people joining to understand the basics, I find Google, YouTube, Guild Wars 2 WIKI, and alike, to be very helpful in finding out the answers for yourself if you're the type of person who wants to do a bit of digging before just asking questions.

> > > >

> > > > A game should not need an outside source to rely on to explain things that are in the game. That's poor game design. These things should already be in the game itself.

> > >

> > > There’s a reason for outside sources in MMOs.

> >

> > Yes there is, and I acknowledge that, but the fact that people are expected to rely on them is beyond ridiculous.


> Actually it's not beyond ridiculous. It's relatively common and it was common even in Guild Wars 1 many many years ago when many people used a site called PvX Wiki.


For **basic mechanics** of the game? Yes it *is* beyond ridiculous. You're using the example of a website that works similar to metabattle regarding builds. That is more than the basic mechanics of the game. That's delving into building your character, which I understand people going to third party sites for.


> Anet back then, in Guild Wars Beyond added a chapter called Hearts of the North when they hid things in the open world and you had to just run around until you found them. I thought there are no clues, there's no real way to find it on your own, this is ridiculous. But a dev came out at the time and said we want the community to come together and solve this together and work together as a community.


> We used to have Nicolas the Traveler in Guild Wars 1, and he's move to a random place every single week. Your chances of finding him in the huge world was tiny, but we had the wiki and looked it up every week ,because someone would update the wiki when he was found.


I'm well aware of these things. I have played and continue to play gw1. Both examples you gave are things that are *intended to be scavenger hunts* - again, they are not **basic mechanics** of the game!

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> I am sorry to hear that many of you couldn't find a guild which you called home.

> I have been in my guild since gw1 and it will always be my primary guild that I represent. I rep other guild sometimes to help them out to promote their guild during certain missions, but otherwise I am with my primary guild all the time. I know the leaders and his brothers for many years, although they do not play the game much now but I helped to maintain the guild with everyone else and keep it going. :)

> I don't think the game has very poor guild system at all. it has a lot of freedom allow guild leader to set up rules and what not to manage his own guild. totally up to individual..


My guild was formed during the early days of an old MMO called DDO.. we've been together almost 12years now across various games... never once had to spam map chat to recruit and never foresee having to....

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Its not just your opinion, its a complaint that this game has been receiving since its launch. The game overall is amazing and honestly cant be compared to any other game and cant be topped in terms of quality and content, but the Guild side of its a horribly lacking, it always has been this way.

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> @"Adry.7512" said:

> Its not just your opinion, its a complaint that this game has been receiving since its launch. The game overall is amazing and honestly cant be compared to any other game and cant be topped in terms of quality and content, but the Guild side of its a horribly lacking, it always has been this way.


Have to agree with here.

Guild functionality/tools are sorely lacking.

Guild Halls.. sounded awesome at the big announcement stage.. but right off the bat they immediately proved tedious and almost impossible to get for small sized guilds.. cost and initial quest being tricksy without asking for help.

Guild Levelling is overly time gated and seriously expensive, again stopping many small guilds in their tracks beyond the first few levels or at best consigning them to years of farming.

Decorating is again a huge time/cost strain on small guilds killing the fun of having the guild hall in the first place.. Scribing was so badly thought out imo.


ANET for me put very little thought beyond the initial graphics.. yes the halls look great but are so large I don't think they really planned how the deco system could work properly and just threw it out there.

Guild Halls could of been a big money earner for ANET.. the fact they haven't bothered with Trading Post sales of decorations tells me they just couldn't be bothered or lacked the creative juice to implement and develop it..


As for Guild content.. again predominantly focused around large fortune 500 guilds otherwise smaller guilds are limited to a few bounties without then asking for help from pugs or guild alliances.. not impossible but many small guilds stay small for a reason.. better scaling of guild bounties, races and mini dungeon challenges should of been a gimme based on guild size.. but no, like everything guild related they based it off large scale guilds.


Now having done away with the guild team, they have effectively killed any further development/re-development or progression of the guild system full stop... big mistake imo as guilds are the backbone for a lot of the content being replayed, player retention and revenue stream.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Adry.7512" said:

> > Its not just your opinion, its a complaint that this game has been receiving since its launch. The game overall is amazing and honestly cant be compared to any other game and cant be topped in terms of quality and content, but the Guild side of its a horribly lacking, it always has been this way.


> Have to agree with here.

> Guild functionality/tools are sorely lacking.

> Guild Halls.. sounded awesome at the big announcement stage.. but right off the bat they immediately proved tedious and almost impossible to get for small sized guilds.. cost and initial quest being tricksy without asking for help.

> Guild Levelling is overly time gated and seriously expensive, again stopping many small guilds in their tracks beyond the first few levels or at best consigning them to years of farming.

> Decorating is again a huge time/cost strain on small guilds killing the fun of having the guild hall in the first place.. Scribing was so badly thought out imo.


> ANET for me put very little thought beyond the initial graphics.. yes the halls look great but are so large I don't think they really planned how the deco system could work properly and just threw it out there.

> Guild Halls could of been a big money earner for ANET.. the fact they haven't bothered with Trading Post sales of decorations tells me they just couldn't be bothered or lacked the creative juice to implement and develop it..


> As for Guild content.. again predominantly focused around large fortune 500 guilds otherwise smaller guilds are limited to a few bounties without then asking for help from pugs or guild alliances.. not impossible but many small guilds stay small for a reason.. better scaling of guild bounties, races and mini dungeon challenges should of been a gimme based on guild size.. but no, like everything guild related they based it off large scale guilds.


> Now having done away with the guild team, they have effectively killed any further development/re-development or progression of the guild system full stop... big mistake imo as guilds are the backbone for a lot of the content being replayed, player retention and revenue stream.


Yes I think you hv covered it all...It's true.. there's many other part of game needs improvement and update .. lets hope they do something for guild and guild hall soon. :) Some guilds are dying :p for many reasons but yeah it takes effort to keep a guild up running. Anet can make the up keeping easier.

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Let me ask a real life question here for all of you against use of third-party websites for information.


Picture this, you're in school sitting in English(or respective language class.) and your teacher says that you need to do an essay project on, *Insert historical figure here*, are you expecting that the teacher gives you all the information for the project and you just need to piece it together in an essay, or are you going to go to the library and other sources to find the information yourself?


I get it that people want everything given to them, so they can just go with it and play the game. But good gosh, do yourself some good and look this stuff up, that way in the future you won't be stumped, and won't remain ignorant of information that's available to all.


Anyways @OP good luck in the future, and I hope you find what you're looking for in a guild soon enough.



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> @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> I get it that people want everything given to them, so they can just go with it and play the game. But good gosh, do yourself some good and look this stuff up, that way in the future you won't be stumped, and won't remain ignorant of information that's available to all.


I agree to a point but you dont pick up a book and learn to drive. Reading and doing are completely different.

And I dont think you will stop what you are doing while I read up how to kill the world boss.


There's a great community on here that rallied to help me before and since i posted this thread. And I have to say that I now think I was unlucky with my first impressions of guilds. But without discussion on what are stumbling blocks for new players and ideas to improve the way things are done, this game will have a lower retention rate and will suffer and decline. Go read a book shouldn't be the answer.

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> @"MattDu.7123" said:

> > @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> > I get it that people want everything given to them, so they can just go with it and play the game. But good gosh, do yourself some good and look this stuff up, that way in the future you won't be stumped, and won't remain ignorant of information that's available to all.


> I agree to a point but you dont pick up a book and learn to drive. Reading and doing are completely different.

> And I dont think you will stop what you are doing while I read up how to kill the world boss.


> There's a great community on here that rallied to help me before and since i posted this thread. And I have to say that I now think I was unlucky with my first impressions of guilds. But without discussion on what are stumbling blocks for new players and ideas to improve the way things are done, this game will have a lower retention rate and will suffer and decline. Go read a book shouldn't be the answer.


Alright so I agree up to a point with you as well.


However the first reaction of someone who is stumped on something shouldn't be, "I'll just ask", it should be something more widely beneficial and, "I'll look it up". Maybe it's just me though, being part of an older generation of gamers, who looked things up, read/watched walkthroughs and guides, and by the time I started a game or got into a rough spot, I knew and understood in general how things went. Also, maybe it's just my learning style, as I like to look things up to understand them better as opposed to taking the easier route and just being told the answer.


Anyways, good luck.

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