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Piken & Gandara... WvW like they did


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Deso is bad, Drakkar is worse, tier 1 for the ppt, how mad is WvW. No Server double teams, No server is focused harder, but when I read this thread, I get r*tardeder and r*tardeder. Please stop the moaning, please stop the whining, making our game mode look stupid, you really are refining. So stop the salty comments, stop the salty words, pray that this thread will end, so we can all move forwards..

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> @"PrinceofPleasure.5270" said:

> > @"CharonXeno.4869" said:

> > Today I watched the Green (Gandara) zerg defend Osprey's Palace... which was a Red (Desolation) Keep.

> >

> > To give more Details, our zerg (Blue) breached outer and inner walls on the Southern side, but got wiped on the lord as more and more Red defenders arrived. No matter, we regroup and attack again (outer walls were still breached, inner walls 50%, zero supplies in Keep). We notice that the Green zerg is inside the outer ring too, doing only some minor skirmishing with the Red zerg (that is inside the inner ring). Seeing us Green pulls back. Ok, we figure, they will probably try to wipe us after we fight with the Red zerg, with the goal of mopping up the survivors and then taking the Keep. But, hey burning down a hostile Keep from fully built up to wood is fine, even if we risk not being the one to capture it, and we might have a slight number advantage, so we attack Red... for Green to attack us from behind.

> >

> > Ok, so maybe they figured they can take us and the Red zerg, no problem, now that they wiped us they will breach the inner walls and attack, right?

> >

> > Nope, I watched them for 5(!) minutes (I lay dead on top of a pillar and giving our commander info on enemy zerg position until the forced respawn) run back and forth killing our tricklebacks (and yes, true, the occasional random Red player too, I must be honest), but did they throw or build any siege? Nope. They only ran around before the inner walls of the Red Keep, without even trying to breach them - essentially defending the Red Keep against us. All the tactics (including EWP) had already been actived before, the Keep was at 0 supplies, Red had less defenders inside than the Green Zerg that ran around before the inner walls, AND THEY DID NOT ATTACK.

> >

> > That, is not "tactical play". That is not "let's you and him fight". That is not letting your opponents weaken themselves against each other, for your own gain.

> > THAT is simply collaboration of two zergs from diffent servers against the third server. If Green had attacked the Keep after wiping us, I would have understood. But defending a hostile Keep? That is just cheap.


> Or... and hear me out here, this might sound crazy to you... we care more about fighting players than capturing objectives. Sure, it can be seen the way you described it when its within the confines of a keep, but even the commander says things like "lets wait for them to run back, so we can fight them again". All a matter of perspective.


Well, there was a smallish Red Zerg inside the inner walls, why did you not try to get at them (hell capping the keep might have been a bonus) - after the 2nd wipe (We pushed at Red and Green pushed at us) the commander decided wait to regroup - so it was 2-3 minutes the Green Zerg essentially stood in Red's frontyard, with only the occasional random kill. If a fight had been the desire they could have easily forced the Red Zerg to fight by attacking the walls. But they stood around. Why?


Let me just say for clarity: Being tag-teamed is part of the game - hell, if we notice one opponent keeps the other one busy we WILL try to take advantage of that - and anyone going for a "fair fight" in a war is doing it wrong. But if one side so blatantly helps out the other side, it does feel rather crappy. Green might have gotten a fight with Red AND Blue and even might have captured the keep as a bonus, but they decided rather to wait around for Blue to come back, totally ignoring Red...

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"CharonXeno.4869" said:


> > That, is not "tactical play". That is not "let's you and him fight". That is not letting your opponents weaken themselves against each other, for your own gain.

> > THAT is simply collaboration of two zergs from diffent servers against the third server. If Green had attacked the Keep after wiping us, I would have understood. But defending a hostile Keep? That is just cheap.


> The reason why people do this isnt collaboration, it's the fact that only fights we can get against DL is if DL attacks our objectives. In any other situation, your server would just run away and waypoint instantly. There's no way to bring your blob on the map since each of your objectives has 10+ siege and 5+ players defending, which isnt attractive to any server.


> If you attack us in our keep, we see a loot bag farm opportunity and I'm pretty sure Gandara saw that too. They didnt come to help us, they came to fight you, and the reason why they didnt take our keep is because their spawn is very far from air and they didnt have any interest in taking keep.


I suppose we should be honored then that the loot bags we drop on death are better than the loot bags you drop on death? Or what is the explanation that Gandara did not care for the Red Zerg inside the walls? For being so fight hungry they sure seem picky on who they want to fight... (I have no complaints about Red not attacking the Green zerg when it was chilling around killing Blue players - if one of your opponent decides to solely focus on another opponent and has you outmatched, the dumbest idea would be to draw his attention by attacking him)


Also, on avoiding fights: I have seen quite a number of fights. Yes, many of them were around objectives - that is kinda the point of WvW, right? Fighting AND objectives. Fighting in the middle of nowhere might be fun for Scrim or something, but I wouldn't see it as the purpose of WvW (or Anet is doing something really wrong by putting distracting things like capture points on the map).

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I was online from 7pm to 4am yesterday, we had very few commanders online throughout the evening. Two fight commanders up until about 9pm, after that we had 1 PPT commander online, who stayed on from around 9pm to 4am. I scouted DL hills until 4.30am (7hrs ish), we defeated every DL zerg attempt to retake it, then I went to bed and let you have it back :P.


Gandara has a strong mix of PPT commanders and Fight commanders, we also have some dedicated scouts/roamers who are old hands and know how to defend keeps and put out good reports and predict attacks.


I didn't see or hear any evidence of double teaming last night, i zerg surfed for a few hours before scouting, and watched some good fights outside DL bay, and defended Gandara bay vs some strong DL guild raids (pv was particularly strong). 9hrs of roaming and scouting, and not once did I see any evidence of double teaming or scheming with Desolation. Chances are the commander was biding his time waiting for a good window to press an attack and not wipe our zerg vs defenders with buffs in the red keep.


Regardless of the thread, last night was alot of fun, ty for that :3


~ The annoying asura engineer what was in ur keep all night.

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There's no doubleteaming, not more than in any 3-way-matchup. Grow some bollz or go back to T95489254 where you can bash doors without mean ennemies disturbing you. Several times we (GanKdara) didn't cap or delayed capping objectives because that was the only way to actually have people coming & fighting. 1 or 2 nights ago I was in the team who did stay at Red Garri South outer because we had constant fights AND also, we didnt have the supplies to go for inner. So just stayed at breached outer & fought till we lost too many (nice amount of time, was only Deso there). Also on the way we wiped your vanilla golem-rush because we did arrive to south at the same time (no harsh feelings). Cmon you sound pathetic dear DL.

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Could we drop this subject? Everyone knows DL are efficient at taking objectives when severely outnumbering their enemy , at defending their own objectives with heavy siege and when an enemy zerg appears, they run away (unless,again, they severely outnumber their enemy). And they call this "tactics". Move on, please...

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I did saw DL zerg last night actually fighting, sadly that was first time this ever happened. So let's hope your comms are growing some balls finally and you will stop building ACs any time you see enemy around.


Guess what is the main theme in our EB raid? Yes, most common thing you will hear is "they are building ACs":

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Lol what do you mean? The guilds fight which ever guilds or blobs are on the maps and the open tags fight whatever puts up a good fight, or they try to flip something instead.


If we have to play the Desert Borderlands, even though they're kittening hard to navigate around, it would be a natural place to focus on would be the keeps, camps and Tower, I've seen all 3 servers fight each other, it's a part of the game mode to get focused sometimes, especially the weakest server.

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> @"polter.3241" said:

> Never saw Gandara and Desolation fighting each other.


I don't think Deso has any actual guilds we could fight. For some reason all their guilds run around with tons of pugs or merge the guild groups into blob after first wipe.


We have had lots of fun fights in this week against DL guilds, and if some Deso group has shown up, fight them too. However, if you care only about PPT, then Deso has such a massive night/morning dominance, just like BB had couple months back. That has nothing to do with "fighting each other".

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> @"polter.3241" said:

> Tier 1 WvW is the biggest joke ever. Gandara and Desolation do their thing. Anyone joining from T2? >>> 2 vs 1. Ask Piken. Never saw Gandara and Desolation fighting each other.


> WvW in tier1 is a big joke. No fun. More and more ppl quit wvw.


We agreed to double team you cause you make too much AC and like to cry on the forums, so there you go, the answer of your problems.

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> @"polter.3241" said:

> Tier 1 WvW is the biggest joke ever. Gandara and Desolation do their thing. Anyone joining from T2? >>> 2 vs 1. Ask Piken. Never saw Gandara and Desolation fighting each other.


> WvW in tier1 is a big joke. No fun. More and more ppl quit wvw.


Cant tell if troll or not. DL cant even begin to speak of ruining WvW experience, with their early morning blobkarmatrains, resetting everything, building tons of acs on everything and running away when enemy zergs come. I mean, seriously? Dl speak of... T1 being no fun?

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is this game mode called " world vs world vs world " ?

that means everyone can decide who they attack. IF you try to hold 1 entire map , usualy both blobs will come attack it same time.

If you have tier 3 sm , both servers will try to attack you in eb to force you lose sm.

If you have only paper towers and others have tier 3 towers... you will be easy target for smaller groups or karma trainers

However if you play smart and upgrade you can hold your garrison tier 3 and both northen towers , eb keep and they close towers most of the time against double team.

Ofc that involve that you play better than your enemy, and you are not the ppt whore , who hide in the tower and avoid fights


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> @"Eleison.2918" said:

> Hey,

> I am from Drakkar Lake and since yesterday Piken and Gandara are both pushing against us.


> Ok, its WvW, but hey, is "this" Tier 1 WvW? Drakkar was a Tier 5 server month ago, we never want to rule WvW and now Piken and Gandra cant fight like real men? Are they soooooooo bad? Is this WvW? Two server pushing together against one server?


> Both server united, side by side. This is not WvW like it should be.


Its Tier1, and also Piken and Gankdara. Dont wonder, dont complain. No server wants to fight them since they just PPT all day long and gank the heck out of you. Theyre well known for that since years. Just try to tell your people to loose some games so you can drop again to have nice fights.

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> @"polter.3241" said:

> Tier 1 WvW is the biggest joke ever. Gandara and Desolation do their thing. Anyone joining from T2? >>> 2 vs 1. Ask Piken. Never saw Gandara and Desolation fighting each other.


> WvW in tier1 is a big joke. No fun. More and more ppl quit wvw.


I enjoyed the recent match up of Piken with Deso and Gandara. Plenty of good fun roaming and fights. Maybe I just got lucky at the time I was playing, but it was much more fun than our current match up with FSP and the [FR] triumvirate which both seem to blob a lot more and play for ppt.

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There's no organised double teaming happening in WvW but to be fair DL and various other national servers are terrible to play against. Stop porting whenever you see 8 people and fight a bit more.


Frankly whenever there is 2 EU servers and a national in a MU we should automatically be double teaming the national server to push them back down, least it would increase the odds of getting someone who likes to play rather than port or sit in keeps behind a maginot line of AC's/Trebs and shield gens

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Everyone gets double pushed, thats the way it is. we all want fights, many of which only happen with Drakkar if you siege a fucking keep.

you can complain all you want, but if it comes to complains, what about the many of thousands AC's drakkar builds each MU, the open field siege, the lack or over use of scourge / firebrand, the bubble. These things happen everywhere, you'll just see more of it since its top tier...


if you don't like it stop winning t2 mu so you don't end up in t1


the match up definetely has decent fights, but some of them are a little less shitty


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