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Need a little informations about the Forum Ranks aka 'STARS'


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Hello guys,


As I mentioned in the title, I need some help and informations about the Forum ranks.


Far as I know, theres these ranks:

- 1 star for registering / linking your account

- 2 star for reply in 5 different forum topics,

- 3 star for being a member of the forum from 30 days


There another public ranks or not yet announced?


PS: I replied more than 5 times, but still, I'm only at R1, so I can't edit my previous comments only just within the time limit, so what I did wrong, or its just need some mins or hours to apply my new rank?


Thank you so much for your replies!

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I think increasing your rank is a combination of time on the forum _and_ number of posts. But I don't know exactly how long or how many posts are needed, or if there's different possible combinations.


I suspect time is the major factor though. The new forum happened to come out on a very dull day for me (and I'm a bit of a forum addict anyway), so I managed to get up to 100 posts on the first day, but my rank didn't go up any faster than many of the other people who joined the same day and posted a lot less. My guess is your rank cannot go up until a certain amount of time has passed (no matter how many posts you make), for both 2 stars and 3 stars, but you also need a minimum number of posts, so you can't simply post once and then not visit the forum for a year and come back to 3 stars.


If there's any more ranks after 3 stars then the requirements go up exponentially. There's people who have been on the forum for months, have over 2,000 comments and 12 badges and they're still at 3 stars.

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I don't know exactly how it works either, but there is a thread on general discussion where someone dug up all the forum badges you can earn. Each of them had a number of points listed. So I expect your forum rank is related to those points, but I don't recall ever seeing a list of the various point thresholds associated with rank.

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> @"levcsu.7892" said:

> PS: I replied more than 5 times, but still, I'm only at R1, so I can't edit my previous comments only just within the time limit

I don't know how it works either (and I didn't even know that there are some limitations based on your rank, but... hey, you are 2 stars now! Gratz =)

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I think @"Gaile Gray.6029" elaborated on the requirements, at least for the 1-star to 2-star change, when the new forums were being started up. If I remember correctly, it was a combination of time (3 days) and contribution (5 posts) that got you 2-star. Originally, this gave you a limited ability to edit posts, but with feedback, that edit window was opened up.


It's worth noting that you need to complete 3 days (all 24 hours of those days) before you'll be promoted. I see that you are now, but you weren't on January 11th. I think you joined/started posting on January 8th, so it makes sense that it promoted you at some point on the 11th.


If I can find the posts about forum ranks and promotions, I'll link it here.


Edit: It was this one: [Gaile's post that confirms Member rank requirement](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/118549/#Comment_118549 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/118549/#Comment_118549") This was part of the early forum, edit limit discussions.



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  • 1 month later...

> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> So apparently there is a 4th rank. I've not seen anyone with 4 stars until today and then suddenly there's a bunch of them, and today is the 6 month anniversary of the forum opening, so I'm guessing being on the forum for 6 months is one of the requirements.


I just got mine then and was looking for something to explain what it means and what we can do with it lol

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> So apparently there is a 4th rank. I've not seen anyone with 4 stars until today and then suddenly there's a bunch of them, and today is the 6 month anniversary of the forum opening, so I'm guessing being on the forum for 6 months is one of the requirements.

Yep looks like it. Got the "elite" rank too with no explanation other than "here, congrats" lol. This really makes me wonder how many stars there are because 6 months is nothing.

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Well the Elder Scrolls Online forum uses the same software and theirs goes up to 10 stars. But I think the way they're awarded is slightly different there, it seems to be more dependant on how many agree/insightful/awesome reactions you get (equivalent to helpful and thumbs up here) rather than how long you've been on the forum. I assume it's something forum admins can customise, which means they can probably choose how many ranks to have as well.


But considering it took 6 months (and possibly a minimum number of posts) to reach 4 stars I suspect we'll be waiting a long time to find out if there's a 5th.

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Based on a quick check of my own profile and a few others here, I would guess that it's tied to 6 months and # of comments. It doesn't appear to have a correlation to badges (interim counts for "Helpful" or "Thumbs Up" either). That would follow with the previous milestones, and I think it fits the status model that they've embraced.


I'm nearing a comment count of 250, so I'll confirm if that boosts me to 4-star... unless someone else confirms the mark before me (very possible).

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> @"crashburntoo.7431" said:

> Based on a quick check of my own profile and a few others here, I would guess that it's tied to 6 months and # of comments. It doesn't appear to have a correlation to badges (interim counts for "Helpful" or "Thumbs Up" either). That would follow with the previous milestones, and I think it fits the status model that they've embraced.


> I'm nearing a comment count of 250, so I'll confirm if that boosts me to 4-star... unless someone else confirms the mark before me (very possible).


I would imagine its partially based on the "points" instead. Would be interesting to know if anyone below 500 "points" has 4 stars even if they pass the 6 months requirement.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"crashburntoo.7431" said:

> > Based on a quick check of my own profile and a few others here, I would guess that it's tied to 6 months and # of comments. It doesn't appear to have a correlation to badges (interim counts for "Helpful" or "Thumbs Up" either). That would follow with the previous milestones, and I think it fits the status model that they've embraced.

> >

> > I'm nearing a comment count of 250, so I'll confirm if that boosts me to 4-star... unless someone else confirms the mark before me (very possible).


> I would imagine its partially based on the "points" instead. Would be interesting to know if anyone below 500 "points" has 4 stars even if they pass the 6 months requirement.


I checked out some of the earliest threads to see if any of the "earliest posters" automatically earned 4 stars; not all have. Some accounts still have three or even two stars. So far, every "early adopter" with 500+ posts has four stars and some with under have three stars. I did find [a three-star account](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/profile/discussions/particlepinata.9865) with under 100 posts (has over 100 thumbs up).




For those who want to investigate further, here are a few of the earliest posts:

* https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/435/new-forums-yay-thank-you

* https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/495/can-we-ever-expect-to-see-some-of-the-old-gw1-elite-armors-minis-weapons-outfits-return-to-gw2

* https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/505/my-eyes-they-bleed

* https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/513/i-think-we-need-a-night-mode

* https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/581/prophecy-of-fire

* https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/602/how-do-we-handle-the-upcoming-calamity

* https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/541/learn-from-battl-net-forums-re-thumbs-down



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Confirmed that I'm still 3 star with 250 posts, so it's likely a 500 count along with account age that triggers the Elite status.


Edit: See this thread too, if interested: [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/32356/has-anyone-an-idea-how-the-forum-rankings-work#latest](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/32356/has-anyone-an-idea-how-the-forum-rankings-work#latest "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/32356/has-anyone-an-idea-how-the-forum-rankings-work#latest") - Further indication that it's post count and account age that triggers the next rank

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