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Do people play Necromancer because they have a low end pc / bad connection?

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

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I kinda went around asking necromancers why they play it.

A few times I heard the answer, "it's the only class that provided a possibility to survive when spiked with low FPS"

Iow. when focused your pc starts grinding and calculating resulting in low reaction speed / activation time when using skills.


Some players, who play since start, told me that gradually it became the only profession they play because of the higher requirements their system needed to continue playing the game.

Turning settings to low leaves no effects or animations to react to, hence they went for the oh shit, lag button that only one profession has.. (had) DS. Necro.


iow spikes on other professions played on low end systems mean insta-death, unplayable gamemodes for them.

Necro gave some margin of survivability due to DS.


This could explain the large amount of people playing necro.


Hence my question.

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You raise a very interesting and important issue, particularly for competitive modes (so don't expect anything to be changed).


I've moved from Necro (because of the Reaper nerfs) to the Druid. I find that I am often killed by a thief before I can react - I think it's the designers' fault, though, not the PC/internet connection - those things should certainly be in the designers' minds when creating their classes and combat style, but don't seem to be.



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Its a good possibility that some people choose a Necro for such reason; seems viable at first.


However, having played ALL classes, regularly in PvP/PvE....either, immunity/stealth/portals/etc a player has access to (either passive/active) in order to survive/escape, is better achieved on classes other than a Necro, imo.

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I don't know where you're asking that question but I can guarantee you that a lot of people play necros for the flavor of the necros. That is to say the dark spooky thing is popular with a lot of people. Other reasons to play is the large health pool. It's in general a more forgiving profession to play, especially with death shroud, which acts as a second health bar.


Answers may differ in PvP, I don't know, but in PvE at least, I run a casual guild and a lot of people play necros. None of them are playing necros because of lag spikes. In fact, necro was one of the professions I wanted to play because I played a necro in Guild Wars 1 and I wanted to like it but didn't. I ended up maining a ranger and a mesmer. But it's not due to lag spikes or anything, it was due to the flavor of the class, the whole contact with the dead, which fascinates lots of people. People like to identify with characters. The same people who love Halloween are probably quite likely to play necromancers. It's just a natural fit.

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I played Necro because I liked the concept. I finally gave up on Necro because it became obvious that a power or support Necro was never going to be a real thing. Apparently Necro is never supposed to be anything more than a condi class.


Also on a side note, that "second life bar" that people strangely praise is not all that it is cracked up to be. I can survive much better while doing more damage or providing useful support on my Engineer, Ranger, or Guardian. I'll take blocks, invulns, teleports, healing, stealth, boons, constant evades, and/or mobility over that "second life bar" any day.

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I played Necro because of the Shroud mechanic, as in WvW it was a good oh crap button but with the latest elite spec getting rid of shroud and the increased shroud degen on Reaper I no longer find playing it enjoyable.


Now im mainly on my Guardian (Firebrand) as I find that more enjoyable to play.

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I play reaper because it's the most enjoyable class to me.


I also find it a bit simpler to play than other classes, and as I don't have a good reaction speed, simpler is better. I get flustered on some of the more complex classes.


I don't enjoy warrior at all. I even tried level 80 boosting one T.T, I hate it, what a waste. lol.



I actually think gw2, aims for too much complexity in classes.


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> @"Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046" said:

> A few times I heard the answer, "it's the only class that provided a possibility to survive when spiked with low FPS"

> ...they went for the oh kitten, lag button that only one profession has.. (had) DS. Necro.


First of all, every class is equally unplayable with lag.

Secondly, every other class has ways to avoid damage entirely, some of which even get stuff like auto proc Endure Pain or Elixir S, meaning they can afk and not die during lag spikes.


Either the people you asked that question don't know what they're talking about or you just wanted to ask the forum "is necro easy to play?" - concealed by a made-up survey. :P

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MDA, I think the people who gave you those answers might be drawing the wrong conclusion.


If frame rate is capped due to hardware, most players will turn off some graphics features, then decrease resolution. If internet lag were an issue, no profession would be safe.


However, there is one caviot. Players with low-spec machines and/or lag would be expected to favor playing minions, pets, turrets, and other automated dps skills along with ranged damage. Keep in mind the pet actions may not originate from the server, though. If automatic pet actions originate from the local client, they may still have some response time benefit over user-initiated actions.


The little extra health on Necro does not seem to me as significant as pet auto attacks. Check your sources to see what their most used builds are.

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I played Necro and Monk in GW1. I only play Necro in GW2. I raid as Scourge with all settings on ultra.

I play because I enjoy the life/death themes in characters.

I would love it if Necro was given a protection traitline (not healing) with things like bone walls and something similar to Ritualist calling on spirits and dead to protect the team.

Necro is currently very selfish. Would be nice to get next spec with something that contributes to a group.

I play Necro because it's fun. Would still play it if they made it more complex.

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I like to play (what I still call my main) the Necro because of the look & feel. At the very moment I hardly play it anymore though, cause of the viability in end-game PvE (raids/t4 fractals), which makes it one of the worst classes around ...


OT: The funny thing is that back in the days (not sure if that's still the case though), Healing Signet was a well know choice to go for if you knew lag spikes could take over in competitive play, so Warrior was your best bet, definitely if it came to WvW. Also the Guardian's Virtue of Resolve helped with that. The only defensive solution that Necros have (if you can even call it that) is Death/Reaper Shroud (and Barrier with the Scourge), but that's active (and crappy) defense in comparison with the passive defense you get from HS and VoR, which obviously makes the most sense to go for if you expect heavy lags ... in combination with the fact that the warrior has the biggest health pool _and_ the highest armor rating makes them the best choice to go for in laggy fights, imo (and I forget to say that their (passive) traits are quite helpful with that as well).

But all that aside, I would actually never choose a profession onto such criteria ... but hey, that's me :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

For me, Necro as a profession is the one that is least impacted by bad ping.


So in WvW for example I have a consistent 280ms ping.


I'm in Australia and I have fibre optic straight to my house (fibre to the premises) but it doesn't help unfortunately that's just how long it takes light to travel from Perth to the USA.


I heard people complaining of a 50ms ping on in USA -- I dream of having a 50ms ping!


In the old days of playing thief (I played 800 hours on thief) it required you to heartseeker through your field 3 times in order to gain permastealth, but due to my ping the field would expire before I could achieve 3. In the end I realised why all the youtube hero thieves could do things I couldn't do is that they had a much better ping than me.


With a necro it is still impacted by ping BUT because almost every skill is AoE, it is far more forgiving of my bad ping, I can drop an AoE and the radius is quite large because the player only has to be in the general area of my bomb for it to hit them.


So definitely I choose necro because it has the most impact on the battlefield for someone with a bad ping.


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Lol. I play necro, because you need some skill. Not how power ingi was played to reach 30k dps by just spamming bomb kit 1.


Necro actually needs a pretty good connection. If you want to play it in raids or so. To be more precise, to play a little bit progressive.

Even for pvp modes you really need that good connection, cause you cant rely on a automatic invincibility, cause necro doesnt have one. If its lagging you basically die.


And for pve. If you really want to do good dmg and try to compete with other classes, you have to do your rotations correctly. That includes: never interrupt that aa-chain. If ita lagging, u will do this pretty often, wich is a high dps loss.


I play necro because i like the idea of it and the general design. And because it is a challenge, (thanks to the devs) to convince people taking a necro with them.

You ask me why thanks to the devs? Cause necro never has been in a great spot dps wise for a longer period of time. So you need to play necro much better than any other class. Dont you dare make any rotation mistakes.

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I played necro because i like evil caster themes, and caster in general.


I'm not fond of melee at all, and really enjoy evil casters.I got a mesmer as well and i haven't played much due to being low level, but i plan to get to max level and play it eventually.


I really like ele so far and i enjoy playing druid.I am also fond of healer support classes, like shamans in everquest, which is a offensive support.


Also:I grew fond of reaper and the way it worked for fractals.It was fun to deal damage while also turning conditions into buffs on players.

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I dont have a high end pc but i wouldnt say i have a low end one either and i still play it. I like how core and reaper plays but not scourge. While i do have my hickups with how they balance things out with necro its probably the only interesting that i find unique enough to want to play for any long period of time. ITs visually appealing to my taste though almost a bit too slow for my taste but i deal with it for the time being.

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I remember when the game came out, and my friend urged me to try it. Sitting at the selection screen, I was thinking i wanted to play a caster. Elementalist seemed to generic to me, and I wasn't sure if Mesmers were damage or more crowd control (Like Chanters were in Eq) Plus I had enjoyed playing Shadow Priest and Warlock so I went with Necro. I did try the other two at some point, but I still preferred Necro. Easier rotation, and i liked the fact that I had a decent health pool to work with. Thinking on your post though, I guess your theory does have some validity, as I am older and my body (hardware?) has slower reaction times, so I would appreciate playing something more forgiving.

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Naw they play a necro because in any other game they are actually balanced and are competitive. Here in GW2 they are like any other class: poorly thought out and never balanced.


The brain donors at ArenaNet cannot and will not balance this game. They will keep reintroducing new METAS and keep players chasing a carrot to be competitive rather than just making the game fun for all and for a while.


Instead Arena Net feels that changing METAS brutally every few months somehow helps them balance their in game economy by causing HUGE money sinks that players have to heavily invest in the game with time and money to adjust and keep up with.



Wouldn't it just be nice to log into the game and find your necro, or engi or guardian, for example, was competitive? For months an months maybe even most of the time? well you won't find that here. Arena Net is incompetent to the extreme and cannot balance this game.



Try Dark Age of Camelot seriously, best skill based pvp game ever.

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> @"Aegis Fang.5394" said:

> Naw they play a necro because in any other game they are actually balanced and are competitive. Here in GW2 they are like any other class: poorly thought out and never balanced.


> The brain donors at ArenaNet cannot and will not balance this game. They will keep reintroducing new METAS and keep players chasing a carrot to be competitive rather than just making the game fun for all and for a while.


> Instead Arena Net feels that changing METAS brutally every few months somehow helps them balance their in game economy by causing HUGE money sinks that players have to heavily invest in the game with time and money to adjust and keep up with.



> Wouldn't it just be nice to log into the game and find your necro, or engi or guardian, for example, was competitive? For months an months maybe even most of the time? well you won't find that here. Arena Net is incompetent to the extreme and cannot balance this game.



> Try Dark Age of Camelot seriously, best skill based pvp game ever.


Maybe if you weren't so short sighted you'd realize that because something isn't optimal doesn't mean its unusable. The way you're going about raging against Anet because Necro isn't "competitive" is just as absurd as people that exclude Necro because it apparently isn't. I'd suggest instead of shilling a random game no-one here has heard of maybe spend more time playing the game that you apparently can find time to advertise on a forum for a different game.



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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> I don't know where you're asking that question but I can guarantee you that a lot of people play necros for the flavor of the necros. That is to say the dark spooky thing is popular with a lot of people. Other reasons to play is the large health pool. It's in general a more forgiving profession to play, especially with death shroud, which acts as a second health bar.


> Answers may differ in PvP, I don't know, but in PvE at least, I run a casual guild and a lot of people play necros. None of them are playing necros because of lag spikes. In fact, necro was one of the professions I wanted to play because I played a necro in Guild Wars 1 and I wanted to like it but didn't. I ended up maining a ranger and a mesmer. But it's not due to lag spikes or anything, it was due to the flavor of the class, the whole contact with the dead, which fascinates lots of people. People like to identify with characters. The same people who love Halloween are probably quite likely to play necromancers. It's just a natural fit.


--> especially with death shroud, which acts as a second health bar.

--> especially with death shroud, a second health bar.

--> Deathshroud, a second health bar

--> A second HEALTH bar


I cant even.

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I think most people that play necro over the years play necro because they like the concept. Its easy to survive on in 1v1 situations not so much in focus fire situations so it may be good for people with low end connections that are PVEing randomly or like to 1v1.


However, In general in order to truly find out if your theory is true you would need to go around asking every class, and I would imagine you can't ask enough of the population to get a true number count. Though Anet probably has these numbers.


Warrior and guard would be my other guess of a good survival class that you don't need a good computer to survive on. In the end your build makes alot of difference to.

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> @"Nightshade.2570" said:

> I think most people that play necro over the years play necro because they like the concept. Its easy to survive on in 1v1 situations not so much in focus fire situations so it may be good for people with low end connections that are PVEing randomly or like to 1v1.


You got me hats off to you.

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