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Season starts 16th so...when balance patch?

Mr Godlike.6098

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The Thing i do not understand is: What is the Problem with more frequent smaller changes? Especially for pvp where you do not even have equip that is almost no big Thing.

Change something here and there. See if it works. If not reverse or try something else. If yes, just leave it. Smaller changes are also unlikely to Change the Balance of the other game modes. (talking about things like number changes). Big reworks in the regular way every three months. eveyone would be happy.

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > @"Erzian.5218" said:

> > I remember the last mid-season balance changes (PoF). They turned one of the better meta games into the complete dumpster fire we have now. On the bright sight, It can't get much worse.


> This really.


> The lack of a balance patch before the next season wouldn't be half as infuriating if it wasn't for the fact that the 12/2017 "balance" was based off completely misguided reasoning and did more harm than good. I actually extensively covered this in another thread:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/20963/major-suggestion-revert-the-entire-12-2017-balance-patch#latest



> -Changes to condi did not accomplish stated goals

> -Buffed overperforming specs

> -Nerfed underperforming specs

> -Nerfed core builds ( Buy the expansion if you want to stay viable plz kthnx -Anet marketing team )


> Most bad patches are one step forward one step backwards. But the last patch was just one clumsy step backwards for absolutely no reason. I still stand by my claim that the patch should just be reverted. In fact, anet could revert that patch tomorrow instead since there is no balance update. Deletion of that garbage patch would better than nothing.




You know that you are actually wrong about this? In WvW, the patch bróught a lot in line. Especially the condichange was very important. If they reverted the 12/17 Change the whole wvW comm would go enrage. And even though they are dying out as well i guess they are still a lot more than pvp. ^^


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> @"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:

> Shouldn’t the strategy be providing a balance patch at the start **and** mid-season?

> Since you already **know** at the start, what isn’t working as intended – *Mirage, Scourge & Firebrand* – and have to be changed with the new season. And once the seasons runs, your balance team should observe the introduced changes and provide a *light* balance patch in mid-season. These changes can also be observed again in order to provide a *big* balance patch for the next start of a season.

> This shouldn’t be too complicated, if you really have full-timers doing balance, which you should have.


This is exactly how it should be imo. Unfortunately Anet is obviously not giving a single shit about competitive game modes since the whales are most likely playing casual pve.

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Im> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> > @"PaRaPhReNiA.8763" said:

> > > @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> > > Hahahahahahahaha I'll be enjoying my time in unranked again this season. Not worth playing in the cesspool of ranked if we aren't getting a balance patch or real maps / game modes to play in ranked.

> >

> > U get flamed in ranked anyway. Go stronghold 11111 some skritts


> Wow it's creepy your stalking me now. Lol child please go fight a circle that can't fight back since you can't fight anything else haha ? I'll fight my player vs player 2v1 and 3v1 fights while still defending or on offense.


> Better run bucko mama has your pizza rolls ready.


I'm not stalking you, you are just in every thread talking about your nonsense ideas lul

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"dagger dave.5201" said:

> > Mid season makes a lot of sense lol


> The competitive team has been pushing to get more frequent balance patches, but we've also decreased the off-season time from 4 weeks to 2.


> In the end, we decided that getting more frequent balance is worth the mid-season shake-ups.


More frequent balance patches is definitely good, but you can't change the meta with the season ongoing.

It makes no sense at all.

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> @"sniperman.1738" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > > There will most likely be a patch tomorrow, it will just be underwhelming in scope, and out of touch in direction like every patch since PoF has been.

> >

> > There is no balance patch tomorrow. There is currently a balance patch in the works for mid-season.


> if there is no balance patch tomorrow and we will have to wait can I say this, enough with the nerfing instead of nerfing classes just buff others to bring them up to par with classes that are currently at a higher league of play than the other ones, so that way more builds/ profession styles will be viable. Its better at this point with how nerfs have been going to look at how the ones falling short can be buffed. And lets be honest the Reaper shroud/Vanilla shroud change was a bad idea for duration wise. This goes for PvE wise and PvP wise enough nerfing lets talk about buffing the weaker ones.


That is exactly what should NOT happen. What we need are massive nerfs across the board.

Example? Take revenant. With that latest patch it is now possible to have 25might almost instantly without heavy investment or effort. It shouldn´t be possible to achieve that for any class without heavily traiting into such stuff and have a trade-off (druid to have higher might uptime should mean grace of the land is necessary, so you would have to decide weither more might or CC with ancient seeds)

Other example is thief flanking strike. Having BOTH flanking strike and larcenous strike unblockable is simply to much stacked on that two skills. Furthermore it invalidates the use of timed blocks. On larcenous you know that the thief has it ready as you can see a buff. And you couldn´t have it instantly as you need to hit flanking first. Far better would reduce amount of block uptime on classes and reduce unblockable skills.

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It's months that people claim to nerf that freaking scourge, not days. And Anet keeps delaying the nerf I dunno why.


It is not an healthy class for pvp.


No class should make you avoid it completely to that point.

Firebrands, bunker druids... ok they are broken too but firebrand simply cannot be killed because he bunker himself in a node and okay you can avoid him, but he won't kill you either, just survive skills for himself.


Scourge is a stupid bunker plus with all the damage can rekt you in a couple of seconds. And the only way is avoid him completely or 2vs1 all the times, and against a good scourge even 2vs1 can be a mess.


It is not healthy and it is months it needs to be fixed. Just do it without too much delay.


Another season with control points completely full of condis that you can't go melee range it is a cancer.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"dagger dave.5201" said:

> > Mid season makes a lot of sense lol


> The competitive team has been pushing to get more frequent balance patches, but we've also decreased the off-season time from 4 weeks to 2.


> In the end, we decided that getting more frequent balance is worth the mid-season shake-ups.


That's fair.

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I think the real problem is that it's not about patches being released but having significant results from them.

Anet; the community need significant results; having no exceptions, having no bias, taking our positive healthy feedbacks into consideration, that's our concern, that's what matters.


No classes should be exempted from balance patches.



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Imo you should have major balance changes between seasons to shake things up and keep the game interesting and then you should have minor balance changes early in the current season to adjust over performing builds. Having major balance changes mid season as we had them with PoF is horrible and extremely frustrating, as it potentially invalidates all efforts that people have made earlier in the season.

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> @"Devilman.1532" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > > There will most likely be a patch tomorrow, it will just be underwhelming in scope, and out of touch in direction like every patch since PoF has been.

> >

> > There is no balance patch tomorrow. There is currently a balance patch in the works for mid-season.


> ARE YOU KIDDING? Lol you must be trolling us at this point. I mean I really hope you're kidding... I know sadly that you aren't. Because dropping a "balance" patch was a real great idea mid season last time you did that lol... I guess PvP in this game is pretty much over/on maintenance mode.


Wasnt the last time that happened the release of the expansions? So basically when all the gamechanger elite specs dropped?

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The good old Anet hypocrisy at its finest, first you say you wont do a patch mid season for reasons like not change the actual balance, now you say you will only do at mid season for the same reason.

I tought theres was a line in incompetence for gamedesign, but alas, you guys always push the limits of human reason!


Congratulations! Here 2 greens and a blue.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:


> This is much easier said than done.


I understand this.


> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"dagger dave.5201" said:

> > Mid season makes a lot of sense lol


> The competitive team has been pushing to get more frequent balance patches, but we've also decreased the off-season time from 4 weeks to 2.


> In the end, we decided that getting more frequent balance is worth the mid-season shake-ups.


I understand this as well. And as bitter a choice as that is, I would rather that than the alternative by a fair margin.


I am aware that I do not have the perspective that I might require to evaluate the balance team, and I also am aware that I may not be as good as I think I am, when it comes to sPVP. With that in mind, I will let upcoming actions dictate whether or not I return to the game mode. I am hoping that the next balance patch provides a step in the right direction. I'd really like to take pvp seriously again.


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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> I think the real problem is that it's not about patches being released but having significant results from them.


^ That, exactly that.


Those of you saying more frequent balance updates are a good thing need to consider the track record of the team behind them. If you've been disappointed by their work so far, you're now just going to feel that same disappointment more frequently. These updates could come out once per year for all I care, just as long as the changes made in them actually addressed things which are under/overperforming.

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> @"Patrick.2987" said:

> So last small changes, which left the game kinda uneffected was more than one month ago. This means on a 40hrs week 160hrs per member of the balance team to create some meaningfull changes. Since pof realese it has been about 4 months, still most of these specs remain untouched with an amazing powercreep. If i would work like the balance team does i would have to search for a new job in less than one month. This is really disappointing and not a serious work. And i guess balance team is more than a onemanshow.


The balance team has always been very, very bad. It's almost certainly a management problem.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"dagger dave.5201" said:

> > Mid season makes a lot of sense lol


> The competitive team has been pushing to get more frequent balance patches, but we've also decreased the off-season time from 4 weeks to 2.


> In the end, we decided that getting more frequent balance is worth the mid-season shake-ups.


They are... But is a mid season patch (as in ~one month from now) making it more frequent? Because it kinda isn't...

Why don't you guys push for smaller changes, but weekly or every two weeks?

I'ts way easier to achieve balance with smaller tweeks than with over-arching huge changes.

Also mid-season upsets makes sense on stuff on games that actually have seasons... I mean, sorry but two months isn't a proper competitive season. It's a farm window.

And its costing you more players than it's attracting. I'm surprised you didn't learn that this kind of intensive content just discourages players, from season 1 of the living story.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > @"dagger dave.5201" said:

> > > Mid season makes a lot of sense lol

> >

> > The competitive team has been pushing to get more frequent balance patches, but we've also decreased the off-season time from 4 weeks to 2.

> >

> > In the end, we decided that getting more frequent balance is worth the mid-season shake-ups.


> They are... But is a mid season patch (as in ~one month from now) making it more frequent? Because it kinda isn't...

> Why don't you guys push for smaller changes, but weekly or every two weeks?

> I'ts way easier to achieve balance with smaller tweeks than with over-arching huge changes.

> Also mid-season upsets makes sense on stuff on games that actually have seasons... I mean, sorry but two months isn't a proper competitive season. It's a farm window.

> And its costing you more players than it's attracting. I'm surprised you didn't learn that this kind of intensive content just discourages players, from season 1 of the living story.


Thats a good Idea. Small changes every 1 or 2 Weeks will work better than big changes all 3 Months. And ArenaNet... pls... FIX YOUR CLASS BUGS! Spells since 4 Weeks useless after the 12. Dec 2017 Patch and still not in the Bugtracker. (But a Few Times in the Bug Forum...) Feels bad, makes no fun.

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I want to get it out there, but I'm actually _really_ happy that we now get more frequent balance patches ... imo it actually does mean that ANet is listening to us (or at least a large part of us). I would even go one step further, and throw out a guaranteed balance patch every month (or even better: every 2 weeks), really getting more into a Flavor of the Month (FotM) rotation instead of a sitting META all the time ... Imo, this also means that they could go nuts with those balance patches as well. it would definitely spice things up (moreover if it's mid-season :) )! For me it's even a comforting idea that your favorite class/build might not be the most optimal one right now, but this could well be completely different a few weeks from now ... I like that idea! Also in PvE (raiding/fractals) btw!


Anyway, for now: thanks ANet!

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