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I hate getting mesmers in my spvp team


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> @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

> The thing that a lot of people find the most challenging about playing spvp (particularly if you have never played objective based team pvp before) is changing their mindset. When you were leveling up your character you were taught to kill anything that you see in front of you. However, in spvp killing the enemy players are just a means to an end. If you watch high end spvp you will see that hardly anyone dies at all, because they understand that they don't need to kill each other to win. Your team could have a lot more kills than your opponents and still lose if they are better at playing the map and getting the objectives than you. What you'll find in lower tiered matches is that players spend a huge amount of time chasing each other around the map trying to get kills, while the capture points remain undefended and uncontested. If you want to improve I suggest you focus on learning how to move effectively around the map and surviving than trying to get kills.

> Again, if you watch a high level player doing their placement matches for ranked at the beginning of a season, you will see that what pisses them off the most are players who just wander around aimlessly looking for kills. Learn to play your class and you'll only be able to play that class, but learn to play the map and you will be effective no matter what class you play.


This, so much this. I have seen players who chase THIEVES around the map when enemy have 2 caps. I have seen this as high as diamond (maybe they are not diamond?).

Seriously if you want a roaming build play wvw. A kill nets your team 5 points while in that time you could lose 50 points to enemy if they have 2 caps.

I mostly play druid and when my team has 2 points i often go camp enemy spawn and it almost always put smile to my face when 3 enemy players chase me (which is more often then you think)

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"MrMojoRisin.7364" said:

> > So... I’m new to Mesmer so I’m not allowed to play with you? I don’t really want to anyways. You sound like an elitist jerk. I’m just here to have fun.


> You will show respect to Duke Amiel Du Hardcore, sir! RESPECT!


I see i may have hit a nerve. Glad i will never have to group up with you because you are probably still stuck bronze trying to get gud on your mesmer.

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> @"Oneira.7691" said:

> > @"Wandering Mist.2973" ; @"Dawdler.8521"


> Thanks to both of you for the advice. Yes I am beginning to learn what really is the strategy of an spvp game, and now I can see why bunker builds are so effective. I have not mastered the mesmer portal around tactic as yet, but that will be my next project. I tend to use Blink + Phase Retreat to get around. That's as far as I've progressed.


It takes a while to learn even a small part of it, haha.



"Here") is a spur of the moment example video where after the scuffle at mid I decided to do my darndest to annoy the crap out of the enemy team at their home. Not necessarily cap and hold, just keep them occupied so they cant focus their efforts and give our team the chance the push them. I'm not a pro mesmer, I'm not particularly good and people can probably point out a thousand mistakes and hilariously bad portal locations - this was my 10th placement match and it's a miracle I even ended up in gold. I included the last stupid death just to show that lol :expressionless:
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> @"Pridedemon.3041" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > @"MrMojoRisin.7364" said:

> > > So... I’m new to Mesmer so I’m not allowed to play with you? I don’t really want to anyways. You sound like an elitist jerk. I’m just here to have fun.

> >

> > You will show respect to Duke Amiel Du Hardcore, sir! RESPECT!


> I see i may have hit a nerve. Glad i will never have to group up with you because you are probably still stuck bronze trying to get gud on your mesmer.


Nope. I don't PvP. But I did do one season on my ele and ranked platinum. So keep on thinking you're "gud", bro. Even a noob can do what you do!

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Oneira.7691" said:

> > > @"Wandering Mist.2973" ; @"Dawdler.8521"

> >

> > Thanks to both of you for the advice. Yes I am beginning to learn what really is the strategy of an spvp game, and now I can see why bunker builds are so effective. I have not mastered the mesmer portal around tactic as yet, but that will be my next project. I tend to use Blink + Phase Retreat to get around. That's as far as I've progressed.

> >

> It takes a while to learn even a small part of it, haha.


> [Here](

"Here") is a spur of the moment example video where after the scuffle at mid I decided to do my darndest to annoy the crap out of the enemy team at their home. Not necessarily cap and hold, just keep them occupied so they cant focus their efforts and give our team the chance the push them. I'm not a pro mesmer, I'm not particularly good and people can probably point out a thousand mistakes and hilariously bad portal locations - this was my 10th placement match and it's a miracle I even ended up in gold. I included the last stupid death just to show that lol :expressionless:


nice vid. I learned some good things from it. Two things: I noticed you took Ilusionary Ambush. That came as a surprise to me. how useful do you find that? Also, no Blink and your using GS, not staff, so no Phase Retreat. Man, Blink is my major means of getaway and getting around. Is IA really worth it rather than Blink?

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> @"Oneira.7691" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Oneira.7691" said:

> > > > @"Wandering Mist.2973" ; @"Dawdler.8521"

> > >

> > > Thanks to both of you for the advice. Yes I am beginning to learn what really is the strategy of an spvp game, and now I can see why bunker builds are so effective. I have not mastered the mesmer portal around tactic as yet, but that will be my next project. I tend to use Blink + Phase Retreat to get around. That's as far as I've progressed.

> > >

> > It takes a while to learn even a small part of it, haha.

> >

> > [Here](

"Here") is a spur of the moment example video where after the scuffle at mid I decided to do my darndest to annoy the crap out of the enemy team at their home. Not necessarily cap and hold, just keep them occupied so they cant focus their efforts and give our team the chance the push them. I'm not a pro mesmer, I'm not particularly good and people can probably point out a thousand mistakes and hilariously bad portal locations - this was my 10th placement match and it's a miracle I even ended up in gold. I included the last stupid death just to show that lol :expressionless:


> nice vid. I learned some good things from it. Two things: I noticed you took Ilusionary Ambush. That came as a surprise to me. how useful do you find that? Also, no Blink and your using GS, not staff, so no Phase Retreat. Man, Blink is my major means of getaway and getting around. Is IA really worth it rather than Blink?

Cant have all the skills I'm afraid. I run power so definetly no meh staff. The greatsword is required for good bursting. I opted to bring cleanse mantra over another teleport or stun/dmg, ambush is more random but lower cd, 1s evade and a deception skill, so an extra clone. Sometimes it kills me but hey, got to live dangerous ;)

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> IA enables you to land simultaneous burst more consistently as it ports all your illusions and you In the same distance to target. I’d still go with blink though.


IA is especially awesome in wvw as it can be so many things:

- detarget to buy a few seconds (yes it works, especially in outnumered small scale or 1vX). That few seconds allows other cooldowns to recharge and can be a life saver.

- evade frame

- instant cast

- random reposition - yes it can put you in weird position but at the same time the opponents take a moment to figure out where you have moved to which supports the detargeting mechanic.

- all the above makes it a damn good panic button.

- amazing at chasing fleeing enemies - many times now I have caught runners by IA/Jaunt/Blink/Axe3 combos, the chase mobility is fantastic.

- free one off "Infinite Horizon" - it can help to setup a big burst, especially with axe ambush into things like axe3.


Yeah, IA is, aside from Jaunt, the best deception utility we've got from Mirage.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Oneira.7691" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"Oneira.7691" said:

> > > > > @"Wandering Mist.2973" ; @"Dawdler.8521"

> > > >

> > > > Thanks to both of you for the advice. Yes I am beginning to learn what really is the strategy of an spvp game, and now I can see why bunker builds are so effective. I have not mastered the mesmer portal around tactic as yet, but that will be my next project. I tend to use Blink + Phase Retreat to get around. That's as far as I've progressed.

> > > >

> > > It takes a while to learn even a small part of it, haha.

> > >

> > > [Here](

"Here") is a spur of the moment example video where after the scuffle at mid I decided to do my darndest to annoy the crap out of the enemy team at their home. Not necessarily cap and hold, just keep them occupied so they cant focus their efforts and give our team the chance the push them. I'm not a pro mesmer, I'm not particularly good and people can probably point out a thousand mistakes and hilariously bad portal locations - this was my 10th placement match and it's a miracle I even ended up in gold. I included the last stupid death just to show that lol :expressionless:

> >

> > nice vid. I learned some good things from it. Two things: I noticed you took Ilusionary Ambush. That came as a surprise to me. how useful do you find that? Also, no Blink and your using GS, not staff, so no Phase Retreat. Man, Blink is my major means of getaway and getting around. Is IA really worth it rather than Blink?

> Cant have all the skills I'm afraid. I run power so definetly no meh staff. The greatsword is required for good bursting. I opted to bring cleanse mantra over another teleport or stun/dmg, ambush is more random but lower cd, 1s evade and a deception skill, so an extra clone. Sometimes it kills me but hey, got to live dangerous ;)


I recommend you take a look at Jazz's Power Block build... streamlines sw/t more than GS.

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Oneira.7691" said:

> > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > @"Oneira.7691" said:

> > > > > > @"Wandering Mist.2973" ; @"Dawdler.8521"

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks to both of you for the advice. Yes I am beginning to learn what really is the strategy of an spvp game, and now I can see why bunker builds are so effective. I have not mastered the mesmer portal around tactic as yet, but that will be my next project. I tend to use Blink + Phase Retreat to get around. That's as far as I've progressed.

> > > > >

> > > > It takes a while to learn even a small part of it, haha.

> > > >

> > > > [Here](

"Here") is a spur of the moment example video where after the scuffle at mid I decided to do my darndest to annoy the crap out of the enemy team at their home. Not necessarily cap and hold, just keep them occupied so they cant focus their efforts and give our team the chance the push them. I'm not a pro mesmer, I'm not particularly good and people can probably point out a thousand mistakes and hilariously bad portal locations - this was my 10th placement match and it's a miracle I even ended up in gold. I included the last stupid death just to show that lol :expressionless:

> > >

> > > nice vid. I learned some good things from it. Two things: I noticed you took Ilusionary Ambush. That came as a surprise to me. how useful do you find that? Also, no Blink and your using GS, not staff, so no Phase Retreat. Man, Blink is my major means of getaway and getting around. Is IA really worth it rather than Blink?

> > Cant have all the skills I'm afraid. I run power so definetly no meh staff. The greatsword is required for good bursting. I opted to bring cleanse mantra over another teleport or stun/dmg, ambush is more random but lower cd, 1s evade and a deception skill, so an extra clone. Sometimes it kills me but hey, got to live dangerous ;)


> I recommend you take a look at Jazz's Power Block build... streamlines sw/t more than GS.

Perhaps, problem is I dont really like sw/t and only use the sword out of neccessity (stun/tp is great for pvp). My preference is actually sc/sw for regular WvW runs (sPvP is like... 5% of my game time. Maybe less) but for the kind of offensive build I run in sPvP its hard to get synergy. Not impossible, I've ran illusion/inspiration before.


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> @"otto.5684" said:

> I could say the same about thiefs and revs. I actually think bad thief is the worst.


Rev is not viable in current meta. So playing rev especially when you are facing 2 scourges every match is intentionally gimping yourself and your team.

Thief is different, yes i have seen Rifle thieves as high as gold t3 but a thief can still be semi-useful in many scenarios. However the point here being is that mesmer profession has far higher skill cap then thief so its much more common to see absolute trash mesmers on either team then thieves.

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> Yes because every single noob who visit forums or metabattle thinks that taking mirage is an auto win considering how strong it is. Point of fact is that mesmer is the most difficult class to play and master, always was and always will be.


Not really, I hate to break it to you but GW2 is a relatively low skilled game (for something that is supposedly competitive) and really no class in this game is difficult (go see whichever Korean is currently best at SC2 for a game that requires things like real mechanically ability), furthermore the game has become less and less skilled as the game as gone on, Mirage is a fine example of that, it is so forgiving compared to back when people played core mes, it is frankly laughable.



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> @"Pridedemon.3041" said:

> Point of fact is that mesmer is the most difficult class to play and master, always was and always will be. True veteran mesmers can play mirage to totally OP mode but that doesn't mean everyone can.


No not at all.


It's not a Ranger/Warrior/Necro/Guard skill requirement i concede, but not the most difficult class to play

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let people play the game how they wanna play the game, dude. let newbies at a class be newbies, let them have fun and let them learn.


sometimes it takes doing something to learn, so some newbies learn better from having a go with a class they like or think is OP to help get them by, than just sitting and reading builds or playing as a class they don't like.


as i said; let people have fun. it's a game. games are meant to be played for fun.


Maybe instead of moaning about getting newbie mesmers on your team, maybe make a thread on how said newbies can get better? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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