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Please adjust the price of gen 1 Legendary Weapons.


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Precursor's price on TP is way lower than doing the full collection (it should be the opposite since collections also require work), I know it's a known fact for every weapon but I can only speak about The Colossus (hammer) since I compared only its price recently: actually its TP's price is around 200g (176-210) while doing the collection costs more than 400g (only the 2nd tier is 330g if you buy materials straight from TP), more than double of The Colossus's price! That's absurd and need a fix on collection's required quantity of materials.

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Crafting was added so people could progress towards their goal by playing the game and not by lucky mystic toileting or handing your gold to another player who happened to be favored by RNG. The crafting of precursors are not supposed to be price competitive and they’re not going to adjust (and readjust) the cost due to trading post prices.

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> @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> TP prices are set by supply and demand of players, not by Arena Net. Cost of materials for the collection are also set by supply and demand of players, not Arena Net. So what you're asking for is not going to happen.


But you can't deny that a difference of more than 100% is not normal, putting aside all that crap about demand.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> Since you already know buying directly is cheaper why not just go and buy if your goal is getting it for the cheapest? Some collections also provide some extra bit of stuff. Colossus' collection happens to be one of those.


If fact buying it on TP it's what I'm gonna do, I was just arguing the price of the collection which, IMO, is out of the world...

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > Since you already know buying directly is cheaper why not just go and buy if your goal is getting it for the cheapest? Some collections also provide some extra bit of stuff. Colossus' collection happens to be one of those.


> If fact buying it on TP it's what I'm gonna do, I was just arguing the price of the collection which, IMO, is out of the world...


That’s because you’re basing it on the wrong reason. It never was based on current trading post prices but was a way to earn by playing and not paying or gambling.

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > TP prices are set by supply and demand of players, not by Arena Net. Cost of materials for the collection are also set by supply and demand of players, not Arena Net. So what you're asking for is not going to happen.


> But you can't deny that a difference of more than 100% is not normal, putting aside all that crap about demand.


Suggesting that supply and demand is "crap" just shows that you legitimately have no idea how the auction house works and are simply making demands because "I want, I want, I want!"

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> Precursor's price on TP is way lower than doing the full collection (it should be the opposite since collections also require work), I know it's a known fact for every weapon but I can only speak about The Colossus (hammer) since I compared only its price recently: actually its TP's price is around 200g (176-210) while doing the collection costs more than 400g (only the 2nd tier is 330g if you buy materials straight from TP), more than double of The Colossus's price! That's absurd and need a fix on collection's required quantity of materials.


So don't do the collection.

Market values aren't absurd; they are simply market value. If you don't value the couple of AP plus the fun of doing the collection (maybe it's not even fun for you), skip it.


The fact is that all sorts of markets are depressed (for a variety of reasons) and there's no way for ANet to rebalance net prices today in a way that ensures that they'll be balanced tomorrow or six months from now. As long as rares are super cheap (and they will be for a while), gen 1 precursors are also going to be super cheap, too. (Since a huge supply comes from people forging rares.)

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> @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> TP prices are set by supply and demand of players, not by Arena Net. Cost of materials for the collection are also set by supply and demand of players, not Arena Net. So what you're asking for is not going to happen.


Haha, good one, now please explain to me how the people who literally utterly and solely control how many of X items appear in the world per Y amount of players, do not completely control supply of said items.


GW2 does not have a player driven economy by any stretch of the imagination, that was a load of nonsense made up by the games (thankfully) ex-economist.


That being said, the devs already stated long ago that TP prices are supposed to be lower because it's a consistent method for obtaining the item, and you don't have to pay for it in one lump sum but instead over the course of the legendary journey; it's always more expensive to pay for something over time than all at once.

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> @"Conncept.7638" said:

> > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > TP prices are set by supply and demand of players, not by Arena Net. Cost of materials for the collection are also set by supply and demand of players, not Arena Net. So what you're asking for is not going to happen.


> Haha, good one, now please explain to me how the people who literally utterly and solely controlhow many of X items appear in the world per Y amount of players, do not completely control supply of said items.


> GW2 does not have a player driven economy by any stretch of the imagination, that was a load of nonsense made up by the games (thankfully) ex-economist.


> That being said, the devs already stated long ago that TP prices are supposed to be lower because it's a consistent method for obtaining the item, and you don't have to pay for it in one lump sum but instead over the course of the legendary journey; it's always more expensive to pay for something over time than all at once.


It is a player driven economy based on supply and demand that's set by ANet. ANet has an idea of what price range they want specific items to be (ie: the more rare they want the item, the higher the cost for example) and they adjust supply and/or demand accordingly when those prices get out of those ranges.


Like their decision to not let certain PoF materials be automatically deposited in order to get more players to sell on the TP when clearing their bags to keep the common PoF material costs down on the TP instead of the high costs that they saw the common HoT materials go to when HoT launched.


ANet doesn't directly control the prices. They can only influence them by adjusting supply (increasing/decreasing the drop/salvage rates) and/or demand (changing/adding recipes). But ANet has no idea the exact price things will balance out to. They just hope it lands within their range of acceptable.

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> @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> TP prices are set by supply and demand of players, not by Arena Net. Cost of materials for the collection are also set by supply and demand of players, not Arena Net. So what you're asking for is not going to happen.


This is exactly why a company cannot allow a player driven economy, or allow it to run wild without regular interventions. What we see now in game is a classic example of why it doesn't work. The cost to buy "said" pre-cursor is considerably cheaper than crafting it yourself. Now if somehow there was a sudden influx of a particular precursor which dropped it to say 50g, and to craft that same pre-cursor is say 500g (10x the price), it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize something is amiss here. The cost to crafting it will always be more expensive unless Anet actively monitors the materials needed for the pre-cursor and adjusts them on the fly all day ever day.


This obviously isn't an option, so the next logical step is, make the pre-cursor available through game-playing and various missions and tasks completed, completely absent of collecting materials. Unless the materials are special materials exclusively dropped or awarded from completing missions or tasks that are account bound. That way obtaining the pre-cursor is completely absent of the market. Has to be earned in-game, nothing about it crafting it is trade-able. That is what they should do.


Of course the players that will have a problem with this are the ones with pre-cursors sitting on the TP, but it's a case of too bad so sad; it's a better scenario to screw over a few players to help many, rather than screw over many to help a few.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> Crafting was added so people could progress towards their goal by playing the game and not by lucky mystic toileting or handing your gold to another player who happened to be favored by RNG. The crafting of precursors are not supposed to be price competitive and they’re not going to adjust (and readjust) the cost due to trading post prices.

Actually, they were made with price in mind, there was a dev comment about that when HoT launched. The dev's objective was exactly to make them cost rougly as much as their price at the time of release. Problem is the precursor price for a lot of them dropped **a lot** since then.

There's several exceptions, it's about half and half right now for the ones that are cheaper than buying. Unsurprisingly the precursors for the most used weapon types (Greatswords, swords, staff, scepter and shield) are the ones that are cheaper to craft than buy: [https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/legendaries](https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/legendaries "https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/legendaries")

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> please explain to me how the people who literally utterly and solely control how many of X items appear in the world per Y amount of players, do not completely control supply of said items.

They don't control how often people farm nor what people farm. They don't control what people want to craft or buy off the TP. Obviously they influence the markets, but the supply that makes it to the TP and the buy offers on the TP, those are all player driven.


In fact, some of the most annoying markets were caused by ANet attempting to directly alter markets using heavy-handed tactics rather than to use soft strategies to slowly move markets.


> GW2 does not have a player driven economy by any stretch of the imagination,

No, only by a stretch of imagination could you call it anything other than a player-driven economy.


> that was a load of nonsense made up by the games (thankfully) ex-economist.

Actually, pretty much everything that works well about the GW2 economy is in place because John Smith helped set things up so they would run smoothly, as long as ANet stuck to some core principles. And it's even possible that Smith still consults for GW2 or that there's a new economist in place. We don't know the names or titles or job descriptions of more than a handful of people there.



> That being said, the devs already stated long ago that TP prices are supposed to be lower because it's a consistent method for obtaining the item, and you don't have to pay for it in one lump sum but instead over the course of the legendary journey; it's always more expensive to pay for something over time than all at once.


No, they never said anything of the kind. They said that they their goal was to set things up so that initially, the cost of precursor collections would be similar to direct-purchase prices (and they were) and so that people could make a choice between buying things in a lump sum or gradually working towards their goal (as some had requested). They never said that one way was supposed to be cheaper and they never promised that the costs would remain comparable — the couldn't, since the prices of the mats and the precursors are driven by player supply and demand.




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> @"Conncept.7638" said:

> > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > TP prices are set by supply and demand of players, not by Arena Net. Cost of materials for the collection are also set by supply and demand of players, not Arena Net. So what you're asking for is not going to happen.


> Haha, good one, now please explain to me how the people who literally utterly and solely control how many of X items appear in the world per Y amount of players, do not completely control supply of said items.


> GW2 does not have a player driven economy by any stretch of the imagination, that was a load of nonsense made up by the games (thankfully) ex-economist.


> That being said, the devs already stated long ago that TP prices are supposed to be lower because it's a consistent method for obtaining the item, and you don't have to pay for it in one lump sum but instead over the course of the legendary journey; it's always more expensive to pay for something over time than all at once.


As other have already pointed out, you're wrong. Unless there's an Arenanet employee holding a gun to your head behind your computer, what you choose to spend your time farming, putting on the auction house, and what price you decide you are willing to sell and purchase things for on the auction house are all 100% dictated by you. Its nice that you think Arena net are forcing you as a player to make individual choices, but I assure you, you do in fact still have free will.

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It seems a little absurd to argue supply and demand are entirely controlled by either the players or the company. Players decide what they want, obv, and what they are willing to farm vs what they prefer to buy, etc. but the company influences supply by deciding what drops from where and it what quantities, and influences demand when they decide what items are required for new recipes. Arguing it's either one or the other seems like arguing for argument's sake . . .

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> Well, Bolt for example is twice as Cheap in the Collection than from the TP.

> Not sure about Other Precursors.


Well not quite. Crafting is 70% the cost of buying ... but only assuming you are also crafting the timegated items and waiting through the timegating. If you buy those items instead crafting is 99% the cost of buying.

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> Precursor's price on TP is way lower than doing the full collection (it should be the opposite since collections also require work), I know it's a known fact for every weapon but I can only speak about The Colossus (hammer) since I compared only its price recently: actually its TP's price is around 200g (176-210) while doing the collection costs more than 400g (only the 2nd tier is 330g if you buy materials straight from TP), more than double of The Colossus's price! That's absurd and need a fix on collection's required quantity of materials.


First, that's the colossus. If you'll look at other precursors, you will see that it varies. Some are cheaper to craft, others cheaper to buy.

Second, 200g tp price is recent. I do remember there was a time when the TP cost was at least 3x more than that. Would you prefer that?


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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > TP prices are set by supply and demand of players, not by Arena Net. Cost of materials for the collection are also set by supply and demand of players, not Arena Net. So what you're asking for is not going to happen.


> But you can't deny that a difference of more than 100% is not normal, putting aside all that crap about demand.


I don't see how that matters. People post items on the TP for the prices they want it for, likewise for buy orders at the price they are willing to pay. Normal is irrelevant. Any idea there is a 'normal' price indicates you don't really get how the TP works in the first place.

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