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New Springer Mount Is A Satanic Symbol?

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> @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> The newest springer mount looks way to much like Baphomet. You will find this symbol and idol in old religions like Baal Worship, and Church of Satan.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/Gwk78Uu.png "")


> " It was this image that was later adopted as the official symbol—called the Sigil of Baphomet—of the Church of Satan, and continues to be used among Satanists"


> Here is the Wiki for a basic run down.


> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baphomet#cite_note-churchofsatan.com-66


Lets get this clear.. the one on the right is a goat...


![](https://i.imgur.com/fW9DbDV.jpg "")


the one on the left, is a Gazelle.


![](https://i.imgur.com/j26mFGZ.jpg "")


Can we please stop all the nonsense in regards to these mounts.

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and the American flag has 50 pentagrams on it.

(sadly, i've actually heard that argument before)


i'm a Christian... and i can see this is no satanic symbol. it is quite obviously an imaginary animal that draws inspiration for it's design from horned animals like goats, springboks, and addaxes... on a body that is largely (aside from the antelope/goat cloven hooves) a kangaroo's.


any remote similarity to Bahomet is simply because both share goat-like features.


also, you missed the bus.. the time to complain was last month with the DEMONIC skimmer skin.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> > The newest springer mount looks way to much like Baphomet. You will find this symbol and idol in old religions like Baal Worship, and Church of Satan.

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/Gwk78Uu.png "")

> >

> > " It was this image that was later adopted as the official symbol—called the Sigil of Baphomet—of the Church of Satan, and continues to be used among Satanists"

> >

> > Here is the Wiki for a basic run down.

> >

> > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baphomet#cite_note-churchofsatan.com-66


> Lets get this clear.. the one on the right is a goat...


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/fW9DbDV.jpg "")


> the one on the left, is a Gazelle.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/j26mFGZ.jpg "")


> Can we please stop all the nonsense in regards to these mounts.


I was waiting for this post ;)

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> ![](https://i.imgur.com/j26mFGZ.jpg "")


See the flies? This is obviously Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies. Another Satanic symbol.




Edit: Religions have been around for so long and used so many and varied symbols to represent the many ideas, deities and other minor demons/spirits/angels/etc that many innocent pictures can be used as props for claiming some religious aspect. But claiming doesn’t mean correct. You need to use some common sense when making claims of this nature.

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Do people even understand Modern Satanism, when they come up with this bull, methinks not.

‘Satan is viewed as a positive archetype representing pride, carnality, and enlightenment. He is also embraced as a symbol of defiance against Abrahamic religions which LaVeyan Satanists criticize for suppressing humanity's natural instincts and encouraging irrationality.’

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Simple in that the OP's picture is a representation of Baphomet or any pagan religion that simply uses a goats head on a man's body. It's a goats head and nothing more and to look at it any further is silly imo. The goats head generally has ears that point at an outward downward angle so the goats head fits into a pentagram with the ears, horn and face/chin.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> Do people even understand Modern Satanism, when they come up with this bull, methinks not.

> ‘Satan is viewed as a positive archetype representing pride, carnality, and enlightenment. He is also embraced as a symbol of defiance against Abrahamic religions which LaVeyan Satanists criticize for suppressing humanity's natural instincts and encouraging irrationality.’


Plus, modern Satanism can be summed up as "think before coming to a conclusion" and "don't be a dick."

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As I already said once. People will soon start to get offended by air.


It looks almost nothing like it, ears are not the same, it doesn't have the torch thing on top and goats in general have same horns so just because it's a goat doesn't mean its a symbol for Satan.

By that logic, we should then just go and point at all the people who own goats and call them Satanists.

I hate how nowadays you can't do anything because it has been used for or portrayed as something bad.


Edit: plus to me it looks like mix of goat and gazelle or an antelope

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The ties of goats etc to the christian myth of satan are nothing but propaganda designed to discourage thought and investigation of old gods and native religions. This particular example sprung up from a series of idiotic and ignorant misunderstandings. The gods being discouraged included the horned gods Herne the Hunter, a god character popularised by Shakespear but who may have come from an earlier myth and the Ancient Greek god of the wild Pan both of whom inspired many stories, tales and legends across Europe. Much to the chagrin of the tyrannical and controlling christian church, which to this day fails to vanquish the memories and stories of our pre-christian heritage. The Green Man yet walks abroad.








Even ignoring all of this, the idea that goats and horns somehow represent the devil is a fantasy. The devil isn't even a character in the old testament, it's invented whole cloth in the apocrypha and then expanded upon by authors of fiction such as Dante, who's work is almost the primary source of modern christian ideas of satan and hell.




In short, there's no such thing as satan or the devil. They're just characters invented from misquotes and the imaginations of story-tellers, used by priests to terrorise little kids into blind faith. Depictions of herd animals are not depictions of demons. They're just goats.

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> @"wolfyrik.2017" said:

> The ties of goats etc to the christian myth of satan are nothing but propaganda designed to discourage thought and investigation of old gods and native religions. This particular example sprung up from a series of idiotic and ignorant misunderstandings. The gods being discouraged included the horned gods Herne the Hunter, a god character popularised by Shakespear but who may have come from an earlier myth and the Ancient Greek god of the wild Pan both of whom inspired many stories, tales and legends across Europe. Much to the chagrin of the tyrannical and controlling christian church, which to this day fails to vanquish the memories and stories of our pre-christian heritage. The Green Man yet walks abroad.


> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Man


> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herne_the_Hunter


> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan_(god)


> Even ignoring all of this, the idea that goats and horns somehow represent the devil is a fantasy. The devil isn't even a character in the old testament, it's invented whole cloth in the apocrypha and then expanded upon by authors of fiction such as Dante, who's work is almost the primary source of modern christian ideas of satan and hell.


> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devil


> In short, there's no such thing as satan or the devil. They're just characters invented from misquotes and the imaginations of story-tellers, used by priests to terrorise little kids into blind faith. Depictions of herd animals are not depictions of demons. They're just goats.


There is also no such thing a god. This thread is about symbolism.

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> @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> The newest springer mount looks way to much like Baphomet. You will find this symbol and idol in old religions like Baal Worship, and Church of Satan.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/Gwk78Uu.png "")


> " It was this image that was later adopted as the official symbol—called the Sigil of Baphomet—of the Church of Satan, and continues to be used among Satanists"


> Here is the Wiki for a basic run down.


> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baphomet#cite_note-churchofsatan.com-66


First, I thought "Satanism" was a fake religion designed to poke fun at Christianity and combat attempts by overzealous Christian groups to inject themselves into public spaces in violation of the Constitution (e.g. Proposing statues of goat men on government land when Christians propose monuments be built on government property.).


Second, is this a joke?

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