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Are you going to purchase the 3rd expansion?


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For me, HoT was like a poison to GW2, it destroyed many of things that made GW2 a great game, from the way Elite Specs were added, to raids, to those hideous maps, to needing mastery lines and meta events to get around, was just like an injection of everything I could hate into a single expansion, and eroded what was once a really unique and wonderful game. I cannot put to words how much I would like to have removed HoT from this game, and because of that, I almost didn't buy PoF. I bought it, but reluctantly an then only the smallest pack.


PoF was in every way what GW2 should have had for a first expansion. But, it's also lacking, it has limited legendary weapons linked to it, very little in way of fluff and cosmetics, so it feels incomplete truth be told.


With that put out, chances are, and it's a pity because this really is a great game, but, there is a better then good chance that I'll have moved on to something else before the next expansion comes out. But you know, if it's something really spot on.. I might come back for it. Who knows.

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Probably, if it continues to improve the way PoF did (aside from WvW where it put the final nail in the coffin for me). On the PvE side, for sure, there were some missteps in PoF, but they're relatively few and I find all of the maps enjoyable. By comparison, the only one I liked much from HoT was Auric Basin.

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At this point, due to the statements, behavior and direction of the company, I do not plan on purchasing another expansion or providing them with any further financial support.


However, I will consider possibly purchasing a future expansion at some point after its release at an appropriate price if a new playable race that I desire to play is locked behind its purchase. This is the only feature that could cause me to consider purchasing another of their products.



My GW History: GW1 Beta > GW1 > All GW1 Expansions > GW2 > ~~GW2:HoT~~ > GW2: PoF


I did not purchase HoT.

Due to my being uninterested in the Revenant profession it adds, disliking the implementation of elite specializations, my feelings regarding the quality and direction of the story, as well as disliking _everything_ about the areas it offers, I do not plan to ever purchase it. Gliding would be a nice function to acquire, but not at the cost of an expansion I wouldn't play, which is something I would be required to do just to unlock the gliding - ensuring that I would not purchase it even to simply unlock gliding.


I did purchase PoF.

I really enjoy the design of most of the maps, as well as most aspects of how mounts function and behave. However, I am unable to appreciate the maps or even be motivated to spend any time in them due to the incredibly dense enemy population and aggro range preventing me from being able to enjoy adventuring in the areas. If density and aggro range were lessened to be closer to core Tyria, I would be playing every day and loving it.





As of 2018, June 29 (post-LW S4 E3 and all other happenings with ArenaNet and GW2 in the past 5 months):

**No**, I would still not purchase a third expansion. I will also continue to withhold providing them with any financial support.

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I will buy the third expansion.

GW2 wasn't as good a game as it could have been at the beginning, for me that's most likely because I compare it to GW1 too strongly, but season after season and xpac after another the quality and lore of the game has skyrocketed from what it used to be. The game still hasn't reached its full potential, but ArenaNet has proved to me that each new addition does progress the game closer and closer to it. They clearly work hard to achieve it.

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During the days of Guild Wars, here's what we got:


- Factions: New continent, two new professions

- Nightfall: New continent, two new professions


With Heart of Thorns we got: four maps, with one only fully accessible during a meta, one profession. With Path of Fire we got 5 maps an no new profession. Yes, there were mounts but it's like a restaurant saying, hey, our coffee tastes mediocre so we've filled half the cup with sugar. There's no denying the expansions of the original game brought a lot more value for the dollar than the current ones.


Other factors in my decision; the story, which I hope will adopt a more mature tone because as it is, the storyline appears to have been written by high school students gunning for their first D&D session while drinking too much energy drinks. Have the devs play and study other games (Dishonored, Witcher 3, Mass Effect 2, Knights of the Old Republic, Horizon Zero Dawn, NieR: Automata, to name a few) in order to learn about great story telling. Make the commander less of a passenger on a dialog track he/she does not have any other choice but to choo-choo along the storyline. Also, the gameplay mechanics that are still on the juvenile Super Mario/Mega Man level along with way too much fireworks/light show during battles.


This time around I will await and see what the expansion is all about before forking a single of my hard earned dollars.

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I tend strongly towards yes, but only time will well. The question is whether a next expac is sensible ATM.

For now, focusing on listening to the players and improving the existing content where needed could prove more beneficial.

This will of course not attract new players, but will perhaps keep veteran players from leaving as they're tired of 6 years asking for the same thing and never being heard?

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I'd like to think I'm going to hem and haw. Then engage in lots of angst and overthinking because it won't be casual or solo-friendly just like the last two weren't. Then, after all that, decide not to buy it. That's what I thought I was going to do with PoF.


I bought it anyway. So I'll probably do the angsting all over again and buy it like last time.


I'm still going to hold out hope that I'll like the next xpac's elite specs, even though I can't stand firebrand or soulbeast. I'll probably grit my teeth through the story instance bosses and get irritated at non-explorable gimmick maps like the Desolation and Vabbi or the poison areas in HoT. And I'll grumble a lot. And I'll love the music and beautiful scenery and whatever new Core Tyria enhancing feature Anet adds. Such is life =)

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I've voted yes but only if they stay on course.

GW2 wastes a lot of good potential, but i still love it despite its flaws. As long as the expansion gives me plenty to do, and my friends stick around as well, i have no reason not to get exp.3.


But i have serious concerns on the story writing.

There was no build up in the story.

Balthazar died almost as soon as he appeared.

When you compare him to Abaddon, the big bad behind the shadows in three expansions, never shown until the last fight.

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Yes, because I have been playing GW's since 2005 and the company puts out terrific gaming experience. I've played many games since the first year of WoW and both GW's remain a go to after breaks fave. I only wvw when I HAVE to for legends, so that aspect is of no difference to me whether its improved or not.

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> @"MrMojoRisin.7364" said:

> > @"akenoyuki.8210" said:

> > \*coughunderwaterexpansionpleasecough\*


> you're insane!


B-But... I really want to hanging around in underwater city, doing underwater mount race and underwater world boss, and [bubbles](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deep_sea_dragon "bubbles"), yes [bubbles](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deep_sea_dragon "bubbles ") :'(


![](https://i.imgur.com/ka2SfYW.jpg "")



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> @"Alga.6498" said:

> > @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > Nope, mainly because the game mode I mainly play (WvW) has lost too many people. That and it's not a good sign when the HoT expansion has more players than PoF. I'm not really sure what they could do or expand on at this point.


> Agreed. WvW is not at all what it used to be a few years ago, I keep wondering if WvW's fate will be better in time or not. I felt this too regards HoT vs PoF. There was alot more players who did indeed purchase HoT as it was the 1st expansion. I remember the price fiasco too. Maybe I am wrong but is the game dying after all? Only time will tell... I guess.


You mean there aren't the endless 200 man karma trains running across the maps.. yeah must be hard to having to go back and play a little smarter.


I took a break from WvW for a few months, having been in there from before day 1 and tbh the only drop off I have seen since jumping back in recently is on desert BL's .. which from my own personal taste isn't a surprise to me. EB and Alpine maps still have decent levels of fun going on, with commander tags throughout the day. Desert seems to be more sporadic but still more than enough to be competitive. Perhaps it's more to do with your particular server or the staleness of some of the tiered matchups, or maybe players just don't like wvw without running in a 200man zerg.


One thing I can get behind is PoF seems to of lost it's shine a lot quicker than the HoT maps leaving certain achievements and such harder to obtain with the lack of groups. Thankfully I got most of mine out the way early but there is still plenty of scope for expansion imo.

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> @"Alga.6498" said:

> > @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > Nope, mainly because the game mode I mainly play (WvW) has lost too many people. That and it's not a good sign when the HoT expansion has more players than PoF. I'm not really sure what they could do or expand on at this point.


> Agreed. WvW is not at all what it used to be a few years ago, I keep wondering if WvW's fate will be better in time or not. I felt this too regards HoT vs PoF. There was alot more players who did indeed purchase HoT as it was the 1st expansion. I remember the price fiasco too. Maybe I am wrong but is the game dying after all? Only time will tell... I guess.


Actually, I'm relatively sure that deliberate design decisions keep more people in HoT, nothing to do with the quality of the new expansion. They want people in HoT because HoT needs people to function. The new expansion needs considerably less people. Anet is much better at directing traffic than people give them credit for.

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