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Are you going to purchase the 3rd expansion?


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nope, tired of the recycled content and bland storyline. Guild Wars 1 was a masterpiece, the amount of build making you can make, story progress keeps getting better and better as you go on. Here? Gw2 is a joke, i feel that ANet is focusing on skins all the time, newly released maps are just like the previous ones with stupid daily hearts, currencies and achievement points ( what is there to achieve anyway? ). I expected Kourna like it was with Nightfall, my god it is extremely stale.


Within the skin making , in half that time that is used, the storyline could be at least be 10x better than this crap with Braham the whiny norn and 2 lesbian characters that dont add much. I played Guild Wars 1 with so much fun back in the old days, the story has been instilled into me and kept there for MANY years because I enjoyed the content. This game doesn’t live up as a successor.

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Yeeeees, certainly! (provided I have enough money heh) I'm still a fresh player so I still have the thrill of so much to do, so a new expansion will be more wind in my sails. Also eager to see where the story's gonna go. (if it's about Kralkatorrik I'm gonna be hyped) Just kind of hope they don't push a new gimmick out personally (like glider and mounts), cause I feel like there's more than enough at the moment in the game, just a nice, sweet xpac.

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No, apart if the next extension is about norn of charr (since the beggining of living season and extensions, we never spoke about them.) Sylvaris already been covered with HoT, PoF is mostly humans. The only choices remaining are Asuras (dephts of tyria), charrs and their homelands or norn with deldrimor facades ( extension "Frozen Journey") I don't care about cantha, I want to learn more about the others races! (Note that I'm still okay with an asuran story where we have to reclaim for them the underground, loved rata novus) And I want new WORLD BOSSES, like in core tyria, that worth their places in event timers.

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Im un decided. Im still pissed about hots release....they promised legendarys when hot droped and 2-3 years later we still dont have them all....and Most of them are really lame...come on flames of war..a candle stick? You kidding me? Some people like shushadoo, but i for one think a fish tank shield is retardedly stupid.

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Yes, Elite Specs seem to be the only way we as players can get new Skills. New Skills is the best part of the game. I would hope for more Meta Events that are large and cool and on the timer as well, but PoF didnt do that.


Also mounts was a good addition. Would like Housing now. New Weapon Types would be welcome as well.

I am not too excited for new Racess, because I feel that doesnt really add much to the gameplay factor, especially if it wind up being a race like Charr with all the poor art designs to armor models. Besides Revenant cant use Racials, so new Races wont benefit people that like that class.

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> @"Plautze.6290" said:

> I tend strongly towards yes, but only time will well. The question is whether a next expac is sensible ATM.

> For now, focusing on listening to the players and improving the existing content where needed could prove more beneficial.

> This will of course not attract new players, but will perhaps keep veteran players from leaving as they're tired of 6 years asking for the same thing and never being heard?


I dont know about that. People always say this about focus on improving what is here, and we had that for the first few years before HoT. Many people left. People like new things. Old things become old, and boring after long periods of times (years,, like we saw with Vanilla, HoT and Now PoF soon). I rather get new things than just for developers to fix up the stuff they already done.

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1) Childish story with a sarcastic douchebag for main character

2) Awful game balance

3) Point and click web browser sort of pve ...grindy, repetitive with dumb HP sponges for enemies

4) lack of communication and interaction

5) The standards are way below GW1


gave them 2 chances...I am done

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Probably not, maybe when it is on sale dirt cheap. I feel they are more interested in putting more effort into their CS than the game itself.

Though PoF was a big improvement on the mess that was HoT it's not really got the pull it had back when it originally came out.

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> @"SidewayS.3789" said:

> YES, but only if they next expansion will be for another races (i had enough of the human crap stories). I would like to go north, with the kodan and norn fighting Jormag, or on Charr. If they will put Cantha, i will not buy it.Like i said, i'm tired of this human centric stories.


Weird, I am waiting for an expansion where the focus is not on non humans. So much of the content, nearly all really, of late has focused on non human characters.


Taimi and her Asuran pals, Braham, Rytlock, Canach....nearly all of the driving forces of the game currently are non humans.

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:



> 1) Childish story with a sarcastic kitten for main character

> 2) Awful game balance

> 3) Point and click web browser sort of pve ...grindy, repetitive with dumb HP sponges for enemies

> 4) lack of communication and interaction

> 5) The standards are way below GW1


> gave them 2 chances...I am done


Ah yup forgot all that thanks! So simple for me: Will buy EXPAC 3 IF:

1- Not Human or sylvari or gw1

2- Quality is as awesome as living season 1 (no unfinished work like gandara EVER again, plz)

3- Real interaction with devs about the episodes/extensions feedbacks (AFC where half the subjects are answered not only 5 thanks.

4- A solid story WITHOUT ANY PLOT HOLE or incoherence from the past episodes with a serious commander.

5- No stupid farms for nothing like FTT turrets or stupid rare map token (hello shards).

6- A serious addition better than mounts and gliders. (I may reconsider if housing is added, or many decos)


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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"SidewayS.3789" said:

> > YES, but only if they next expansion will be for another races (i had enough of the human crap stories). I would like to go north, with the kodan and norn fighting Jormag, or on Charr. If they will put Cantha, i will not buy it.Like i said, i'm tired of this human centric stories.


> Weird, I am waiting for an expansion where the focus is not on non humans. So much of the content, nearly all really, of late has focused on non human characters.


> Taimi and her Asuran pals, Braham, Rytlock, Canach....nearly all of the driving forces of the game currently are non humans.


True, but the story has been taking place in primarily human populated areas (aside from Sandswept isles) with the Path of Fire expansion, and I think that's where people are coming up with the human centric comments.

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I'm prepurchasing 100%. I enjoyed both HoT and PoF. I love new spec flavors, new masteries. I also love how maps are themed and unique. HoT was dense and complex and made me feel lost and adventurous. Pof on the other hand felt more like a vast desert with beautiful vistas, and it was much more relaxed pace but equally enjoyable while exploring. Cant wait to see what type of maps we get next.


I have to agree with most people here, I would prefer if it was not human centric. As a main charr, I would love to meet my kind, to visit my homeland, to learn of their politics and ways etc. I wouldn't mind norn based expansion either, cause they need some love too.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > I tend strongly towards yes, but only time will well. The question is whether a next expac is sensible ATM.

> > For now, focusing on listening to the players and improving the existing content where needed could prove more beneficial.

> > This will of course not attract new players, but will perhaps keep veteran players from leaving as they're tired of 6 years asking for the same thing and never being heard?


> I dont know about that. People always say this about focus on improving what is here, and we had that for the first few years before HoT. Many people left. People like new things. Old things become old, and boring after long periods of times (years,, like we saw with Vanilla, HoT and Now PoF soon). I rather get new things than just for developers to fix up the stuff they already done.


Perhaps a middle ground would be smart solution?

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Voted "No", because it is how I feel right now about the game and because how the current state of the game interacts with my game time / ability to play.

Reasons (you might share, or not)

- Power creep & balance is off the rails since PoF in WvW (the competitive mode I like to play) and I don't think that Anet's Devs are on the right path for fixing that.

- Too much main story and LS4 things are way too dependent on "play it when its hot" to be able to enjoy and finish collections, APs etc (e.g. Serpent's Ire is not happening or succeeding in Vabbi for the Inquest back, which collection you can only do in order). There seems to be a trend towards those things that can be enjoyed only on those peek times (which e.g. you can't attend because of RL when they are new)

- Formerly fun things like "home instance cats" turned into huge material or money sinks are the tip of the iceberg of "more sinks everywhere"

- The need for "sinks" is currently encouraged, because everything is connected to "more loot" for players. Unless you play the farm and loot game, you are left behind.

- Raid content (which I don't play) is so high on Anet's priority list, that it dominates too many other aspects of the game.

- WvW content, balance and everything else in that game mode is neglected and I don't see a change coming up with Expack 3.

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