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make the classes fun


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at the time almost no class is fun the game is too fast everything is instant cast theres no cast bars an nothing gives the flavor that you play a particular role in an mmorpg.


support even though its kind of useful it passes unnoticed and people just qq about your dps at the end even though you might saved them countless times.


the only actual fun i see comes from boss mechanics and not the classes but classes have to be fun first before anything else ,thanks for reading if you did.

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> @"costepj.5120" said:

> I think you're playing a different game to me. Structured PVP perhaps? I play all classes in PVE and WvW because I find them all fun.

i play all game modes from wvw pvp to even pugging high lvl fractals, no class is actually fun

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If everything has stopped being fun for you, it sounds like you need a break from the game. I didn't enjoy engineer for a long time, but recently it has become my go to character for a lot of content. Mesmer is probably the only class I don't play much, but I'm sure there's plenty of folks out there who think differently.

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> @"jihm.2315" said:

> > @"costepj.5120" said:

> > I think you're playing a different game to me. Structured PVP perhaps? I play all classes in PVE and WvW because I find them all fun.

> i play all game modes from wvw pvp to even pugging high lvl fractals, no class is actually fun


You should change game then :lol:

Not a flame, but since you are playing all game modes and you are not having fun with any class... why are you still playing? i would have dropped the game earlier.

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Combat is one of the best parts of this game :) I've never been a fan of channeled skills in any game, so GW2 has been refreshing for me. I can't see how adding channeled abilities to any class would make the game more fun. If anything, you'd end up a sitting duck in pretty much every combat situation.

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everything being instant cast lead to extreme homogenization in my opinion instant casts have always being part of mmos but also hard casting has being also just wanted to remind this to them

also if you ask why i still play its because you compare the pros and cons of a game and gw2 has a lot positives but i dont find classes being one of them

it has great engine ,good graphics environment its not pay to win etc


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> @"jihm.2315" said:

> at the time almost no class is fun the game is too fast everything is instant cast theres no cast bars an nothing gives the flavor that you play a particular role in an mmorpg.


> support even though its kind of useful it passes unnoticed and people just qq about your dps at the end even though you might saved them countless times.


> the only actual fun i see comes from boss mechanics and not the classes but classes have to be fun first before anything else ,thanks for reading if you did.


Let me see...

Guardian - Sure as fun to play for me. Greatsword, Hammer, Longbow, Sword, Torch, Axe are all that I use on Guardian (not sure if I left anything out). Truly amazing class to me.


Ranger - Soulbeast with twin daggers, twin axes, longbow, shortbow, and torch in there somewhere is a lot of fun. I also like my pets that follow around.


Thief - Core or Deadeye with Twin pistols, Twin daggers, a mixture of the two (pistol/dagger or dagger/pistol), rifle and shortbow are a lot of fun for me. Really enjoy the class.


Necro - Core or Scourge with sceptre, torch, axe, focus, staff are a lot of fun for me on the class. The minions are also a ton of fun to me when I'm in open world as well.


So the 1st part about "no class is fun" is wrong and just your specific opinion.


Not sure what you mean the game is too face and "Everything is instant cast", because that sounds like you haven't played many of the weapons or classes.

Like on Guardian the hammer's 3rd attack takes a while to hit, the longbow is reaaally slow on some attacks, the torch as well and many other things to give an example.

Certain attacks even lock you in place before the attack is done which has a little bar to show how long it takes to finish (you see the same thing when you're gathering from nodes usually).


If you mean you want like those certain games out there where it takes like 10 seconds to cast one thing... no thank you. I didn't like it on White Mage/Black Mage/Whatever Mage in FFXI (I will assume it's in FFXIV, but I won't know).

All I see those things do is just adds waiting time which is boring (in my opinion).


As for the last part, I think the problem is you just don't like "action RPGs" which is how GW2 kind of acts and plays.

Not every genre out there is for everyone.


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> @"jihm.2315" said:

> > @"costepj.5120" said:

> > I think you're playing a different game to me. Structured PVP perhaps? I play all classes in PVE and WvW because I find them all fun.

> i play all game modes from wvw pvp to even pugging high lvl fractals, no class is actually fun


It's funny how people don't realize that what they find fun isn't universal. ACtually, it's funny, but in a sad funny way, not a haha funny.


Listen ... if the game isn't fun for you, there isn't some quick fix to address that for you. You're option is a very real one; stop playing. Requesting that just somehow, Anet make the classes fun , FOR YOU, is not realistic.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"jihm.2315" said:

> > > @"costepj.5120" said:

> > > I think you're playing a different game to me. Structured PVP perhaps? I play all classes in PVE and WvW because I find them all fun.

> > i play all game modes from wvw pvp to even pugging high lvl fractals, no class is actually fun


> It's funny how people don't realize that what they find fun isn't universal. ACtually, it's funny, but in a sad funny way, not a haha funny.


> Listen ... if the game isn't fun for you, there isn't some quick fix to address that for you. You're option is a very real one; stop playing. Requesting that just somehow, Anet make the classes fun , FOR YOU, is not realistic.


^^ This. I think the official line is suck it up or as we say in the UK, lump it! Other games exist - the only thing they DON'T have is WvW. That's GW2's USP, not some godawful, nonsense story about a bunch of no-mark characters that half of the community wants to see burn in hell.


So if you're suffering in WvW, welcome to the club, we're all praying for a new game with similar payment mode that has both a management team and a development team that actually give a monkey's about quality and who want to constantly improve it. Sadly, it seems we've Jumped the Shark with PoF.

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I really enjoy playing all classes except thief (I just don't enjoy the Thief archetype in this game, usually rogue-like characters are my go-to but in GW2 I don't seem to have fun playing thief, maybe next Elite Spec, we'll see).

And most of all I enjoy Elementalist with all kinds of builds and Weapons, the only Weapon that I haven't enjoyed much yet is sword but mostly because I feel like it doesn't really have a place in the game yet - in WvW I feel like all other Weapons are better although Sword does add a lot of survivability, in PvE all other Weapons are far superior to sword and sPvP isn't really my thing (atleast not in a competitive sense, I like playing it for fun but that usuall leads to everyone else hating me).


If you really don't enjoy any of the 9 classes then you should try some new builds maybe, try and mix it up!

The best build is not the one that does the most damage or whatever, the best build is the one you enjoy playing - and when you've found a build you enjoy playing THEN you can start optimizing to tickle some more dps out of it!

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sounds like op needs to find a new game !!

According to OP, I'm not having fun at all. or enjoying the fun of getting every thing i am getting from the game


op is taken things so seriously and thinks every one should be the same way

with all this so no class at all or too fast everything is instant cast and between


no cast bars or particular role or support but yet op

finds that boss mechanics is fun sure does not have a clue at all about pve !!


op is so worried over DPS and thinks every one should be worried about DPS too

it is PVE for a reason and not EVERY ONE cares about DPS in PVE


yup op needs to find a new game . cause all that stuff he is saying means noting at all in pve

but some will never get that idea ever

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> @"jihm.2315" said:

> at the time almost no class is fun the game is too fast everything is instant cast theres no cast bars an nothing gives the flavor that you play a particular role in an mmorpg.


> support even though its kind of useful it passes unnoticed and people just qq about your dps at the end even though you might saved them countless times.


> the only actual fun i see comes from boss mechanics and not the classes but classes have to be fun first before anything else ,thanks for reading if you did.


That depends on the support. Nobody complains about builds like chronomancer or druid played properly as support. They're quite popular in raids/fractals and, in fact, you might even call them essential! However, because there are no defined class roles in GW2, there are very few "support" builds that are actually more useful to a group than a damage build from the same class.


There seems to be a lot of confusion about this. Many players think that by using skills that provide some area boons/healing and wearing gear that makes it more difficult for them to die that they are providing useful support. The trouble with this logic is that providing this often sporadic, low-benefit "support" comes at a huge cost to your damage output. Unless you're playing one of those chosen few builds that can actually support, you'd be a lot more useful to any group by dealing a lot more damage.


Please understand that I'm not against support builds. I'm mostly a solo player and I tend to play what I like rather than adhering to the meta for content that I generally don't participate in (Raids/fractals). My two favorite classes are my Mirage (which does use an adaptation of the raid DPS build) and my Tempest, which is more of a PvP-style tanky healer type. However, in my experience it is much easier to "carry" squads in open world with the Mirage because what causes squads to fail in these scenarios is almost always lack of damage output.


To illustrate the point, I just recorded this video of a small pickup squad (8-10 players) I formed by tagging up and announcing in map chat. We successfully completed the three legendary bounties in the Crystal Oasis map (Choya, Yidaxu, and Facet), but it was Yidaxu that ended up providing an example where I would not have felt confident about our success if I had been playing my Tempest rather than my Mirage:


I apologize for the low quality, and in case you can't read it in the youtube video, arcdps shows 49.8% damage contribution from my mirage at the end:


Don't read too much into that. There were a few players present but not in squad and arcdps is not 100% accurate. But it seems likely that this squad would have struggled without a strong damage dealer present. That is the point I'm trying to make here and why, I think, non-meta support builds catch a bad rap in this game. They may be fun to play (I love my tempest!), but often what the group desperately needs is more damage, not more healing/support (especially in open world where players typically don't/can't stack - see the video!).


As for what's fun? I really can't help you there. "Fun" is completely subjective and, for me, has nothing to do with whether I'm playing support, heals, or DPS.



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> @"jihm.2315" said:

> > @"costepj.5120" said:

> > I think you're playing a different game to me. Structured PVP perhaps? I play all classes in PVE and WvW because I find them all fun.

> i play all game modes from wvw pvp to even pugging high lvl fractals, no class is actually fun


no class is actually fun **for you**.

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