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make the classes fun


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I agree with the other posters, except the OP: I have a lot of fun with most of the specializations.


> If the OP doesn't find playing any of the profs fun, then what keeps the OP from moving on to another game? Is there something that is fun left?


im sinking my time because i cant live without mmos till a new classic combat mmo comes out but i think gw2 would be a lot cooler with a hybrid model instead of everything is instant cast full action combat

i played age of wushu that had hybrid style combat between action and classic ,it was 10 times better than gw2 but unfortunately it went full pay to win after

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Let me summarize: You spend lots of time playing a game that gives you no fun at all? And then, instead of doing the only sensible thing and just straightaway leave and never come back (MMO-addiction or not), you ask ANet to change everything about their game to suit your needs?


Good luck with that, I guess. THAT's what I call optimism =)

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> @"UnboltedDrkness.1569" said:

> @"jihm.2315" , may I ask a simple question?

> I'm sure you've played other games before. Can you at least show a video of a class from another video game that you actually do like?

> I'm just wondering where the unfun-ness is in GW2 that you found in a later or earlier or recent game.


ok just a small sample if you asked for it

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> @"jihm.2315" said:

> everything being instant cast lead to extreme homogenization


Huh? TONS of skills have 1/2, 1, 2 sec cast times, it's called activation time in GW2, check wiki to see the list. Example here: [Ele skills](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_elementalist_skills "Ele skills"). I'm actually glad we don't have longer cast times, I prefer fast-paced combat.

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> @"jihm.2315" said:

> > @"UnboltedDrkness.1569" said:

> > @"jihm.2315" , may I ask a simple question?

> > I'm sure you've played other games before. Can you at least show a video of a class from another video game that you actually do like?

> > I'm just wondering where the unfun-ness is in GW2 that you found in a later or earlier or recent game.


> ok just a small sample if you asked for it


It's hard to really tell what's going on in a game I've never played, but that combat looks very slow and floaty to me. I love GW2's combat system because it plays fast. I'm not sure why long cast times and floaty movement are desirable, but to each their own I suppose.

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> @"jihm.2315" said:

> > @"costepj.5120" said:

> > I think you're playing a different game to me. Structured PVP perhaps? I play all classes in PVE and WvW because I find them all fun.

> i play all game modes from wvw pvp to even pugging high lvl fractals, no class is actually fun



GW2 has arguably developed to have more challenging content over the years but it hasn't changed so much that it has ceased to have some resemblance to the original at launch 2012.

If you find yourself comparing mechanics to ones you find in other MMOs, then perhaps the solution is to go an enjoy those alternatives.

It's not my intention to sound harsh here but it's highly unlikely there will be any drastic changes made in the direction of slowing down or adding many long cast actions.


With all due respect, I'm going to presume you could be part of the older generation, used to a certain style in MMOs, however the current demand seems to be for faster and harder gameplay and that is the direction where things are moving.

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> @"jihm.2315" said:

> > @"UnboltedDrkness.1569" said:

> > @"jihm.2315" , may I ask a simple question?

> > I'm sure you've played other games before. Can you at least show a video of a class from another video game that you actually do like?

> > I'm just wondering where the unfun-ness is in GW2 that you found in a later or earlier or recent game.


> ok just a small sample if you asked for it


Ugh. Those chain stuns look infuriating and the cast times excessive at best. I always thought the ranger's hail of arrows had too long a cast time--I'm usually interrupted or have to dodge halfway through-- but it's nothing compared to this.

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GW2 is the first game where I can play solo and have a blast.

Normal Thief is great already, Daredevil a tad better but Deadeye is incredible outstanding. I never even looked for anything else and it'd be the last profession I might play in that game (never say never, eh?). But I also had great fun with (core) Engineer, but disliked Scrapper, so I ditched him. Sometimes I have the feel to try a mage, but then I see my Deadeye in the character selection screen and forget that. Before going fot Thief I tried Necromancer,


What I enjoy most is that each class is not only well-made in audio-visual terms, but they all are different and have a unique feeling and HUD to them. In FF14 for example, I the Bard also had a MP bar for no reason and the Blackmage a TP bar that did nothing but was there. Here you got your initiave, or your toolbelt skills, or, uh, "Necromancer ghost thingy HP bar". With a little more colour-coding all these classes are standing out - similar to the mounts HUD background (e.g. the springer has two bunny ears in the background of the skill bar, the raptor has the scales,...) All of them go so well next to each other and all of them feel very, very well. Thief for example always felt "mean", I mean, dual-pistol unload action right in your enemies face or now sniping down as Deadeye. Charr engineers are incredibly cool and Warriors do their job as expected. And that's fun not only on the mechanics (how you press your buttons) but also audio-visual and all.


If one game has the powerful mix of beautiful species to play as and professions that cover everything - from steampunk over classic mage action to warrior to archers with micro-management - then it's GuildWars 2.



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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"jihm.2315" said:

> > > @"UnboltedDrkness.1569" said:

> > > @"jihm.2315" , may I ask a simple question?

> > > I'm sure you've played other games before. Can you at least show a video of a class from another video game that you actually do like?

> > > I'm just wondering where the unfun-ness is in GW2 that you found in a later or earlier or recent game.

> >

> > ok just a small sample if you asked for it


> It's hard to really tell what's going on in a game I've never played, but that combat looks very slow and floaty to me. I love GW2's combat system because it plays fast. I'm not sure why long cast times and floaty movement are desirable, but to each their own I suppose.


Floaty is likely the desired feel as Age of Wushu is inspired by the popular "wire-fu" type of action in Chinese and some American martial arts films.


To me, I don't see it as "slow", per se, just "deliberate". Each of your actions has a commitment to it and using the wrong skills or not canceling at the proper time can be far worse than the enemy getting a few shots in.


Not that GW2 is bad, it's just different. Most skills can be performed while moving which can be seen as a good thing, has its own consequences (people complain about PvE being too easy, it's because you can so easily out-maneuver foes while completely destroying them). It's fun, to me, but it has its downsides.


Also, having less "deliberate" skill animations hampers the variety of animations. I was really disappointed with the Soulbeast animations but also knew if they had true unique and interesting animations, it would require animation times and possibly character rooting but in this game, that's a death sentence in this meta.

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Spellbreaker is fun.

Soulbeast is fun.

Deadeye is fun (in pve).

Mesmer is fun (I prefer chrono though).

Necromancer is fun (you could substitute easy for fun, and I love reaper, not so much scourge).


That being said: if they really wanted to make the game "more" fun, they need to:

1. Bring back monk. I mained one in GW1, I miss it.

2. Mail me free gems every day, cause "why not".

3. Guess they could mail me free gold too, since we're doing this.


Seriously though, if you are not having fun playing a game, stop logging in for a while or find another game. If it seems more like work than play, you're gonna have a bad time.


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> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> GW2 is the first game where I can play solo and have a blast.

> Normal Thief is great already, Daredevil a tad better but Deadeye is incredible outstanding. I never even looked for anything else and it'd be the last profession I might play in that game (never say never, eh?). But I also had great fun with (core) Engineer, but disliked Scrapper, so I ditched him. Sometimes I have the feel to try a mage, but then I see my Deadeye in the character selection screen and forget that. Before going fot Thief I tried Necromancer,


> What I enjoy most is that each class is not only well-made in audio-visual terms, but they all are different and have a unique feeling and HUD to them. In FF14 for example, I the Bard also had a MP bar for no reason and the Blackmage a TP bar that did nothing but was there. Here you got your initiave, or your toolbelt skills, or, uh, "Necromancer ghost thingy HP bar". With a little more colour-coding all these classes are standing out - similar to the mounts HUD background (e.g. the springer has two bunny ears in the background of the skill bar, the raptor has the scales,...) All of them go so well next to each other and all of them feel very, very well. Thief for example always felt "mean", I mean, dual-pistol unload action right in your enemies face or now sniping down as Deadeye. Charr engineers are incredibly cool and Warriors do their job as expected. And that's fun not only on the mechanics (how you press your buttons) but also audio-visual and all.


> If one game has the powerful mix of beautiful species to play as and professions that cover everything - from steampunk over classic mage action to warrior to archers with micro-management - then it's GuildWars 2.


> Excelsior.


As a mostly solo player, I completely agree! When you step back and don't get caught up in the meta, there are some really enjoyable non-meta ways you can play this game. Of course, you can have fun playing the meta, too (see the previous video of Mirage, for example!). The thing is, the more organized group play you participate in, the more it pushes you toward the meta (for reasons already explained). It's just one of many reasons I think GW2 does open world play better than any game out there. You really can play it your way and still do some pretty great things! It's all about finding that build that speaks to you!


Here's another video, this time of my celestial tempest taking on a rather nasty bandit champion, Ruye the Crimson. Yeah, my mirage can do the same boss in half the time, but who cares? I think the tempest looks better doing it!



Edit: Hey, I just remembered! Tempest has plenty of cast times! Look at all the overloads and that churning earth cast after I stun the boss! Have you tried Tempest yet, OP? Maybe it's closer to what you're looking for?

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Zedek.8932" said:

> > GW2 is the first game where I can play solo and have a blast.

> > Normal Thief is great already, Daredevil a tad better but Deadeye is incredible outstanding. I never even looked for anything else and it'd be the last profession I might play in that game (never say never, eh?). But I also had great fun with (core) Engineer, but disliked Scrapper, so I ditched him. Sometimes I have the feel to try a mage, but then I see my Deadeye in the character selection screen and forget that. Before going fot Thief I tried Necromancer,

> >

> > What I enjoy most is that each class is not only well-made in audio-visual terms, but they all are different and have a unique feeling and HUD to them. In FF14 for example, I the Bard also had a MP bar for no reason and the Blackmage a TP bar that did nothing but was there. Here you got your initiave, or your toolbelt skills, or, uh, "Necromancer ghost thingy HP bar". With a little more colour-coding all these classes are standing out - similar to the mounts HUD background (e.g. the springer has two bunny ears in the background of the skill bar, the raptor has the scales,...) All of them go so well next to each other and all of them feel very, very well. Thief for example always felt "mean", I mean, dual-pistol unload action right in your enemies face or now sniping down as Deadeye. Charr engineers are incredibly cool and Warriors do their job as expected. And that's fun not only on the mechanics (how you press your buttons) but also audio-visual and all.

> >

> > If one game has the powerful mix of beautiful species to play as and professions that cover everything - from steampunk over classic mage action to warrior to archers with micro-management - then it's GuildWars 2.

> >

> > Excelsior.


> As a mostly solo player, I completely agree! When you step back and don't get caught up in the meta, there are some really enjoyable non-meta ways you can play this game. Of course, you can have fun playing the meta, too (see the previous video of Mirage, for example!). The thing is, the more organized group play you participate in, the more it pushes you toward the meta (for reasons already explained). It's just one of many reasons I think GW2 does open world play better than any game out there. You really can play it your way and still do some pretty great things! It's all about finding that build that speaks to you!


> Here's another video, this time of my celestial tempest taking on a rather nasty bandit champion, Ruye the Crimson. Yeah, my mirage can do the same boss in half the time, but who cares? I think the tempest looks better doing it!




> Edit: Hey, I just remembered! Tempest has plenty of cast times! Look at all the overloads and that churning earth cast after I stun the boss! Have you tried Tempest yet, OP? Maybe it's closer to what you're looking for?


might give it a shot but wanted to remind the devs that hardcasting could have room in the game also :dizzy:

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> @"jihm.2315" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > @"Zedek.8932" said:

> > > GW2 is the first game where I can play solo and have a blast.

> > > Normal Thief is great already, Daredevil a tad better but Deadeye is incredible outstanding. I never even looked for anything else and it'd be the last profession I might play in that game (never say never, eh?). But I also had great fun with (core) Engineer, but disliked Scrapper, so I ditched him. Sometimes I have the feel to try a mage, but then I see my Deadeye in the character selection screen and forget that. Before going fot Thief I tried Necromancer,

> > >

> > > What I enjoy most is that each class is not only well-made in audio-visual terms, but they all are different and have a unique feeling and HUD to them. In FF14 for example, I the Bard also had a MP bar for no reason and the Blackmage a TP bar that did nothing but was there. Here you got your initiave, or your toolbelt skills, or, uh, "Necromancer ghost thingy HP bar". With a little more colour-coding all these classes are standing out - similar to the mounts HUD background (e.g. the springer has two bunny ears in the background of the skill bar, the raptor has the scales,...) All of them go so well next to each other and all of them feel very, very well. Thief for example always felt "mean", I mean, dual-pistol unload action right in your enemies face or now sniping down as Deadeye. Charr engineers are incredibly cool and Warriors do their job as expected. And that's fun not only on the mechanics (how you press your buttons) but also audio-visual and all.

> > >

> > > If one game has the powerful mix of beautiful species to play as and professions that cover everything - from steampunk over classic mage action to warrior to archers with micro-management - then it's GuildWars 2.

> > >

> > > Excelsior.

> >

> > As a mostly solo player, I completely agree! When you step back and don't get caught up in the meta, there are some really enjoyable non-meta ways you can play this game. Of course, you can have fun playing the meta, too (see the previous video of Mirage, for example!). The thing is, the more organized group play you participate in, the more it pushes you toward the meta (for reasons already explained). It's just one of many reasons I think GW2 does open world play better than any game out there. You really can play it your way and still do some pretty great things! It's all about finding that build that speaks to you!

> >

> > Here's another video, this time of my celestial tempest taking on a rather nasty bandit champion, Ruye the Crimson. Yeah, my mirage can do the same boss in half the time, but who cares? I think the tempest looks better doing it!

> >

> >

> >

> > Edit: Hey, I just remembered! Tempest has plenty of cast times! Look at all the overloads and that churning earth cast after I stun the boss! Have you tried Tempest yet, OP? Maybe it's closer to what you're looking for?


> might give it a shot but wanted to remind the devs that hardcasting could have room in the game also :dizzy:


It sort of goes against the concept of "action combat", which is what many of us love about the GW2 combat system. Attacks like churning earth have a place, but you'll notice this skill sees relatively little use. In the video I use it a couple of times, but only after I stun the boss by breaking her defiance bar. In PvP, it's impossible to pin players down long enough to land this attack. So generally what players do is begin casting churning earth and then use a teleport to blink onto enemy players just before the cast completes, essentially turning into an instant attack!


In the case of overloads, they have a 4s cast time and obvious telegraphs. But they still allow the caster to move while casting. Still not ideal, especially in PvP, but it works out okay for Tempest.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"jihm.2315" said:

> > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > > @"Zedek.8932" said:

> > > > GW2 is the first game where I can play solo and have a blast.

> > > > Normal Thief is great already, Daredevil a tad better but Deadeye is incredible outstanding. I never even looked for anything else and it'd be the last profession I might play in that game (never say never, eh?). But I also had great fun with (core) Engineer, but disliked Scrapper, so I ditched him. Sometimes I have the feel to try a mage, but then I see my Deadeye in the character selection screen and forget that. Before going fot Thief I tried Necromancer,

> > > >

> > > > What I enjoy most is that each class is not only well-made in audio-visual terms, but they all are different and have a unique feeling and HUD to them. In FF14 for example, I the Bard also had a MP bar for no reason and the Blackmage a TP bar that did nothing but was there. Here you got your initiave, or your toolbelt skills, or, uh, "Necromancer ghost thingy HP bar". With a little more colour-coding all these classes are standing out - similar to the mounts HUD background (e.g. the springer has two bunny ears in the background of the skill bar, the raptor has the scales,...) All of them go so well next to each other and all of them feel very, very well. Thief for example always felt "mean", I mean, dual-pistol unload action right in your enemies face or now sniping down as Deadeye. Charr engineers are incredibly cool and Warriors do their job as expected. And that's fun not only on the mechanics (how you press your buttons) but also audio-visual and all.

> > > >

> > > > If one game has the powerful mix of beautiful species to play as and professions that cover everything - from steampunk over classic mage action to warrior to archers with micro-management - then it's GuildWars 2.

> > > >

> > > > Excelsior.

> > >

> > > As a mostly solo player, I completely agree! When you step back and don't get caught up in the meta, there are some really enjoyable non-meta ways you can play this game. Of course, you can have fun playing the meta, too (see the previous video of Mirage, for example!). The thing is, the more organized group play you participate in, the more it pushes you toward the meta (for reasons already explained). It's just one of many reasons I think GW2 does open world play better than any game out there. You really can play it your way and still do some pretty great things! It's all about finding that build that speaks to you!

> > >

> > > Here's another video, this time of my celestial tempest taking on a rather nasty bandit champion, Ruye the Crimson. Yeah, my mirage can do the same boss in half the time, but who cares? I think the tempest looks better doing it!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Edit: Hey, I just remembered! Tempest has plenty of cast times! Look at all the overloads and that churning earth cast after I stun the boss! Have you tried Tempest yet, OP? Maybe it's closer to what you're looking for?

> >

> > might give it a shot but wanted to remind the devs that hardcasting could have room in the game also :dizzy:


> It sort of goes against the concept of "action combat", which is what many of us love about the GW2 combat system. Attacks like churning earth have a place, but you'll notice this skill sees relatively little use. In the video I use it a couple of times, but only after I stun the boss by breaking her defiance bar. In PvP, it's impossible to pin players down long enough to land this attack. So generally what players do is begin casting churning earth and then use a teleport to blink onto enemy players just before the cast completes, essentially turning into an instant attack!


> In the case of overloads, they have a 4s cast time and obvious telegraphs. But they still allow the caster to move while casting. Still not ideal, especially in PvP, but it works out okay for Tempest.


action combat does not necessary mean everything is instant cast i have played other mmos that have hardcasting and charged skills combination with aimed combat TERA is like that


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1- Not everything is instant cast. Most skills have a time before executing, a time which varies and influences the game, and where you can actually interrupt them.

2- The professions are fun TO ME, and to a lot of people. They maybe aren't fun TO YOU. Subjective, don't forget it.

3- One of the things I love of GW2 is the game doesn't have those boring cast bars I despise. I think my opinion balances with yours then.

4- Plase stop trying to make GW2 more similar to other MMORPGs. If we were interested in playing those games, we will be doing it. The point in playin GW2 is that it plays like GW2, not like Tera, WoW or any other. If YOU would rather be playing a different style of MMORPG: please do so.

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I have to agree with the above, if you aren't enjoying the class mechanics then that could be a problem. But if insta cast is the only issue I don't see how that would make class mechanics more fun by adding more delays. I think the inverse that it would impact combat balance in a negative way. That said, suggest away, sometines its a matter of people conceptualizing ideas and maybe you are picturing something we are not. To me what makes the classes fun are the way that there are synergies among trait lines and abilities and a lot of combinations. Also the more fluid abilities and combat styles can be quite fun, example the thief staff DD, Engi of all three types, the rotations of the ele, the dodge and weave of the mez, teh shadow stepping in and out of the thief and more. Its also fun to find build classes the synchronize and compliment with a guild mate. But that's the way I see it and I admit I am a build junkie, so 25 toons and building.

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well Svarty i never used macros cause i dont use gaming mouse but it can easily be done for lazy reasons i guess just put you basic weapon rotations in two buttons and your done.


and Grimm no game will be ever be balanced with hardcasts or not its just a thing that maybe devs forgot or ignored to to add, instant casts should be utility spells and hardcasts the strong spells ,anyway speed ticket for gw2 :tired_face:

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the problem is that combat is a mess and worlds feel dead, i think what he needs is more structure and a living breathing world which we all need.

play any area with big group combat (like world events), loony toones episodes are more structured than this combat.

the world is another thing entirely, the world depends on events and hearts, when you finished the hearts and there is no event you like it's a dead world.


i think that, personally, that's the problem in this game.

it needs structure and more life, i think that this is the main reason why it becomes a "no fun" part for the OP.

i know it takes quite some work to get this game that far and it might probably be years if not a decade before it can get that far, for now this is what the game is.

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