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No, means no. (squad invites)

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I don't think there is a way to disable them.


> If someone tries to get me to join a squad or party I don't want to be in I refuse the 1st time and the 2nd time I just ignore it. It's annoying because it leaves the invite up on the screen but it means they can't keep re-sending it, and it actually seems to get the message across more effectively than rejecting it.


> And before anyone says anything I'm talking about times when I'm just roaming around the open-world not doing meta-events or world bosses or anything else that needs a squad and someone invites me totally out of the blue without saying a word to me about what they're doing or what they expect me to do as part of this group. I tend to assume they're used to games where you get bonuses if you're in a party with people on the same map and want to party up then carry on doing map completion, but whatever they case I don't want to participate so I refuse/ignore them. If it's a group activity then I often appreciate the invite rather than trying to click the commander.


There is a workaround though. If you are already in a squad they shouldn't be able in send the invite.


1) Open LFG

2) Click on Open World -> Central Tyria - Squads

3) click on advertise

4) click on remove ad


Now you are in your own 10 person tagless raid squad. This works on a free account so it should work for everyone.


As for difficulty clicking on the commander ... you can just click on the tag on your map or minimap to join.

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> @"Neural.1824" said:

> > @"Shirlias.8104" said:


> > But don't pretend to be right.


> He *is* right. You do not get to dictate why he uses the commander tag.



That's why because of few many are not allowed to have Nice things.


Why do you take your commander Tag if you are not doing events/wvw lead?


Because i paid for it and it can use it thr way I want.




It's not an order from above.

More likely Common sense.

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I've had times I've been countlessly invited to squads up until I just leave those things on the side opened.

Many times I would be in a party with 2 or 3 more people and everyone is on a different map/region/whatever.


The reason we're in party is usually to talk and chat, which would not work in Squad as people would wonder why we're talking amongst ourselves and then everyone I'm in the party with, chances are would be kicked for not being on the same map.

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> @"Offair.2563" said:

> Theres a work around to stop this. Tag up, invite a friend, set squad to open join, leave, and rejoin.


This is what I would recommend doing. This has two main advantages over blocking:

1. You are safe from other squad invites and have no commander tag yourself, so there is no tradeoff where you waste other people's time when they come looking if you do proper squad stuff that they might want to join. (While people are certainly free to do with their tag as they wish, it is still quite inconsiderate unless you are in a city or other area with no real squad activities.)

2. You do not block the wrong person. When you get an invite the name you see is not necessarily the name of the person inviting you. If you get five invites to a squad they might come from five different people and the name you see next to it might belong to none of those five people. So, blocking that person would probably not even fix your problem unless you are willing to block each and every person near you who might belong to that squad. ^^

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> @"Ayumi A Spender.5172" said:

> I've had times I've been countlessly invited to squads up until I just leave those things on the side opened.

> Many times I would be in a party with 2 or 3 more people and everyone is on a different map/region/whatever.


> The reason we're in party is usually to talk and chat, which would not work in Squad as people would wonder why we're talking amongst ourselves and then everyone I'm in the party with, chances are would be kicked for not being on the same map.

While being on different maps would probably lead to kicks, the talk thing isnt an issue. Squads have both squad and party chat. Just be in your own party in the squad and use party chat.


Well if the commander let you, most wanna "organize" (ie set up meta firebrand/rev/scourge/warrior parties and dump the rest in the trash party).


Personally whenever someone pester me with invites and I really dont wanna join I tag up instead so that I can laugh at peoples scrunched up faces for the **sheer audacity** of there being two tags on the same map.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Ayumi A Spender.5172" said:

> > I've had times I've been countlessly invited to squads up until I just leave those things on the side opened.

> > Many times I would be in a party with 2 or 3 more people and everyone is on a different map/region/whatever.

> >

> > The reason we're in party is usually to talk and chat, which would not work in Squad as people would wonder why we're talking amongst ourselves and then everyone I'm in the party with, chances are would be kicked for not being on the same map.

> While being on different maps would probably lead to kicks, the talk thing isnt an issue. Squads have both squad and party chat. Just be in your own party in the squad and use party chat.


> Well if the commander let you, most wanna "organize" (ie set up meta firebrand/rev/scourge/warrior parties and dump the rest in the trash party).


> Personally whenever someone pester me with invites and I really dont wanna join I tag up instead so that I can laugh at peoples scrunched up faces for the **sheer audacity** of there being two tags on the same map.



I understand why you'd do that, but it is really confusing for people arriving later who need to know which commander is actually leading the event and which one/s just have their tag up for the sake of it.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Ayumi A Spender.5172" said:

> > > I've had times I've been countlessly invited to squads up until I just leave those things on the side opened.

> > > Many times I would be in a party with 2 or 3 more people and everyone is on a different map/region/whatever.

> > >

> > > The reason we're in party is usually to talk and chat, which would not work in Squad as people would wonder why we're talking amongst ourselves and then everyone I'm in the party with, chances are would be kicked for not being on the same map.

> > While being on different maps would probably lead to kicks, the talk thing isnt an issue. Squads have both squad and party chat. Just be in your own party in the squad and use party chat.

> >

> > Well if the commander let you, most wanna "organize" (ie set up meta firebrand/rev/scourge/warrior parties and dump the rest in the trash party).

> >

> > Personally whenever someone pester me with invites and I really dont wanna join I tag up instead so that I can laugh at peoples scrunched up faces for the **sheer audacity** of there being two tags on the same map.

> >


> I understand why you'd do that, but it is really confusing for people arriving later who need to know which commander is actually leading the event and which one/s just have their tag up for the sake of it.


People really should just ask at that point. (If the commanders themselves wont advetise it already)

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Ayumi A Spender.5172" said:

> > I've had times I've been countlessly invited to squads up until I just leave those things on the side opened.

> > Many times I would be in a party with 2 or 3 more people and everyone is on a different map/region/whatever.

> >

> > The reason we're in party is usually to talk and chat, which would not work in Squad as people would wonder why we're talking amongst ourselves and then everyone I'm in the party with, chances are would be kicked for not being on the same map.

> While being on different maps would probably lead to kicks, the talk thing isnt an issue. Squads have both squad and party chat. Just be in your own party in the squad and use party chat.


> Well if the commander let you, most wanna "organize" (ie set up meta firebrand/rev/scourge/warrior parties and dump the rest in the trash party).


> Personally whenever someone pester me with invites and I really dont wanna join I tag up instead so that I can laugh at peoples scrunched up faces for the **sheer audacity** of there being two tags on the same map.



Actually, talking in party while in squad is sent to the whole squad.

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> @"UnboltedDrkness.1569" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Ayumi A Spender.5172" said:

> > > I've had times I've been countlessly invited to squads up until I just leave those things on the side opened.

> > > Many times I would be in a party with 2 or 3 more people and everyone is on a different map/region/whatever.

> > >

> > > The reason we're in party is usually to talk and chat, which would not work in Squad as people would wonder why we're talking amongst ourselves and then everyone I'm in the party with, chances are would be kicked for not being on the same map.

> > While being on different maps would probably lead to kicks, the talk thing isnt an issue. Squads have both squad and party chat. Just be in your own party in the squad and use party chat.

> >

> > Well if the commander let you, most wanna "organize" (ie set up meta firebrand/rev/scourge/warrior parties and dump the rest in the trash party).

> >

> > Personally whenever someone pester me with invites and I really dont wanna join I tag up instead so that I can laugh at peoples scrunched up faces for the **sheer audacity** of there being two tags on the same map.

> >


> Actually, talking in party while in squad is sent to the whole squad.


This would solve most of my issues if we could remain in our party, join the squad and still have our own party chat but generally speaking this friend I'm in party with is a work mate and we talk shop too much, hence why we don't join the squads even after they have spammed us 20 times...

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This happens a lot to me in WvW. Sometimes I'm just there for the dailies or I'm running around with a small group of friends and we occasionally do the same target as a tag. Without fail there will be repeated requests to join the squad and often it gets to the point where I just stop declining until I've left the vicinity of the tag. It's annoying for sure, but nothing game changing. I'm glad it's not the random guild invites many games are plagued by.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Ayumi A Spender.5172" said:

> > > I've had times I've been countlessly invited to squads up until I just leave those things on the side opened.

> > > Many times I would be in a party with 2 or 3 more people and everyone is on a different map/region/whatever.

> > >

> > > The reason we're in party is usually to talk and chat, which would not work in Squad as people would wonder why we're talking amongst ourselves and then everyone I'm in the party with, chances are would be kicked for not being on the same map.

> > While being on different maps would probably lead to kicks, the talk thing isnt an issue. Squads have both squad and party chat. Just be in your own party in the squad and use party chat.

> >

> > Well if the commander let you, most wanna "organize" (ie set up meta firebrand/rev/scourge/warrior parties and dump the rest in the trash party).

> >

> > Personally whenever someone pester me with invites and I really dont wanna join I tag up instead so that I can laugh at peoples scrunched up faces for the **sheer audacity** of there being two tags on the same map.

> >


> I understand why you'd do that, but it is really confusing for people arriving later who need to know which commander is actually leading the event and which one/s just have their tag up for the sake of it.

Yeah I know I've seen that before.


Its like "omg there is a blue tag *and* a pink tag, do I join the blue tag with 40 people running on him or the pink tag that just took off alone for a camp, what is zerg,*I dont know what to do* **please tag off aaaaaaaargh**".



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I'd love a way to block squad invites, and it isn't just because I'm antisocial. I've joined a squad a few times, for a cross map bounty train, and in WvW when I'm otherwise alone. However, I'll join the tag myself if I'm looking for that.


It doesn't matter if the person inviting is blocked, you still get the invites whether party or squad.


But I'll put it a bit bluntly. You don't need a tag to hold your hand to go to the bathroom... they are not needed for everything. Yes it is an MMO, but not being in a squad doesn't somehow make it no longer an MMO. Sure, it gives a rallying point on the map, and is useful to coordinate random people, but some people spam squad invites on every person not in the squad constantly, had it happen in a number of maps as well as WvW. Some people will invite, kick the invite, and invite again over and over. You can't do anything about it. And asking them to stop gets more spam invites at times (trolls ya know)


I get part of the appeal, but if I am in party with someone, I don't want to be in the squad. If I'm only following a tag for a little while and then will be off to do my own thing for a bit, then following tag again ganking or whatever, I'm not going to join the squad, and I've heard that some kick if you do things like that anyways.


I can see where the tag is without it just fine, I don't need squad chat to know what the commander is doing at the moment, and I can anticipate what they are likely to do. Besides, in the case of WvW, they are likely on voice and not giving every little command in chat anyways. Not being in squad does not mean that somehow you are not allowed to follow a tag or are too stupid to do so or unable to survive if you aren't in it. Sometimes it seems the opposite...

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I do wish we could make parties private. Such that no outside invitations of joinings could happen. The only way to get in the group is if you are invited by one of the group. My husband and I cruise around together. We don't want anyone else to join, and we don't want to join your squad. It is one thing I miss about Warhammer:Age of Reckoning. The ability to make our group private. It could be seen, but not joined.

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:


> There shouldn't be a way to disable em, since we are talking about a MMO.

> But a way to make them less invasive could be appreciated:



Rubbish. MMO does not mean I have to play with everyone else playing the game, it simply means there are other people also playing in the same world. There should absolutely be options to disable invites from randoms, bonus points would be an option to see invites from guild members or friend list only.




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