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Karl Mclain wrote about coming balance


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Karl McLain.5604

January 23, 2018


We are planning PvP/WvW splits, changes to the Confusion condition, regeneration effectiveness prioritization, boon/condition conversion table changes... PLUS MORE!! There are some mesmer changes we're excited about and hope to talk them about in more detail as we draw nearer to the update. Stay tuned!

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That sounds more like:

We are planning pvp/wvw splits: necro gets nerfed

Changes to confusion condition: mesmer hets buffed

Regeneration effectiveness: weaver and firebrand get even more tanky

Boon/condition conversion table changes: necro gets nerfed even further


There are some mesmer changes we are excited about: mesmer gets buffed even more


:tired_face: :trollface:

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> Right now, might corrupts to weakness and protection corrupts to vulnerability. I can see the two conditions being swapped. Might is as weak and plentiful as vulnerability.


If this happens I'm calling this now:


" necro generates too much vuln. I'm constantly walking around at 15+ stacks and taking so much extra damage.


They even have a trait that makes chill apply vuln And reaper procs this so much. And guess what..it stops me from removing other important conditions!!! When I remove them all they just apply more!


Please need boon corruptions and necro vulnerability generation. "



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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> That sounds more like:

> We are planning pvp/wvw splits: necro gets shafted

> Changes to confusion condition: necro gets shafted

> Regeneration effectiveness: necro gets shafted

> Boon/condition conversion table changes: necro gets shafted


> There are some mesmer changes we are excited about: necro gets shafted


> :tired_face: :trollface:


I edited your post to reflect how my mind read it.

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It is like the people of ANet have never been in an actual fight. You only get confused once or twice max in any fight regardless of how long it goes on. You get confused once, it only accomplishes one thing...focuses you like a razors edge the moment you get past it. So confusion should be a rare debuff that is as short lived and hard to use truly effectively like fears.

Lacking that, confusion shouldn't be able to cause damage for weapon skill use. Anyone that has been in combat as much as our characters have been in have such dedicated muscle memory that our weapon skills are instinct bypassing active thought, thus unconfusable.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> That sounds more like:

> We are planning pvp/wvw splits: necro gets nerfed

> Changes to confusion condition: mesmer hets buffed

> Regeneration effectiveness: weaver and firebrand get even more tanky

> Boon/condition conversion table changes: necro gets nerfed even further


> There are some mesmer changes we are excited about: mesmer gets buffed even more


> :tired_face: :trollface:


Lol, that is how I felt when I read that statement. I cannot imagine Mesmer is getting buffed further, I mean Mirage damage/evades is ridiculous and Chrono's even with the alacrity nerf are still in a really good place.


With all the outcry I know Scourge is getting hit, I just hope it doesn't spill over to Reaper or else I shall just permanently move to my Guardian and park Necro for the foreseeable future.

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What I read:

"You guys need hype and hope, so I'm saying that I'm really excited about the change that are to come! Seriously feel my hype! It will be fabulous! awesome change! Everything you dreamt off and more!"


What I expect:

Minors change that do nothing in the end. The more they talk about a profession the less the patch impact it so mesmer should escape from the predicament unscathed. Boon/condition table change... Weakness is now tied to a scarce boon in PvP/WvW, probably aegis, maybe vigor or quickness. Regeneration? Reduce base heal, increase healing power effectivness on it. Confusion? No longer stack in intensity in PvP/WvW, the foe take a full hit each time it attack or use a skill, remove 1 stack when this happen, which make confusion... somewhat ok against players.

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > Right now, might corrupts to weakness and protection corrupts to vulnerability. I can see the two conditions being swapped. Might is as weak and plentiful as vulnerability.


> If this happens I'm calling this now:


> " necro generates too much vuln. I'm constantly walking around at 15+ stacks and taking so much extra damage.


> They even have a trait that makes chill apply vuln And reaper procs this so much. And guess what..it stops me from removing other important conditions!!! When I remove them all they just apply more!


> Please need boon corruptions and necro vulnerability generation. "




This is not meant to critisize the posters of this quote, just the endless Nerf Scourge THreads.

I can turn this around the other way.

Berserker or Marauder Holo hits me hard, I go Invuln he stuns me I have to stunbreak.

He dmgs me again Invuln is on cd I can`t knock him down cause of Stability Boonspam a.s.o. After I get Dmg directly again and go down every survival skill on cd.

POWER SPAM is so hard and I´m so bad Condiplayer I often don`t even have Invuln and stability and wait my Movementskills have short duration and suck.

I die to power Core Thief, Warrior, Holo whatever.


I have a necro Main in Pve(used to pvp but got boring due to bad class balancing) but prefer to play Mesmer any build in PvP and Guardian in WvW.

In pvp im no pro, but since Iplay condi (in Pvp since Beta and Pve since Condi Dmg introduction).

I always trait clears and one skill to remove condi, so it works good for me.

I always hear Necro is so op. What about Firebrand healing up all Dmgspecs and dealing nice Dmg too, Holo Good boons+insane direkt Dmg.

2 Necro (Scourge so bad) and what about 2 warriors (or every Powercreep) jumping in invuln spinning grinding you too death if you do not react in an instant.

This results in instadeath not slowly ticking down and beeing able to clear some or all of the dmg.

So pls stop whining(cause thats what it is) to nerf everything, because except some of broken specs which don`t work properly the game is balanced quite good, compared to any other MMO.

What you have to learn is that when 2v1, 3v1 if you don`t play bunker builds you die very often if you can`t retreat.

People think by playing a Dps spec with low life and no clears to be in Godmode. Wake up this isn`t Hello Kitty.

Joggle around with runes and amuletts to find the right combination.

I don´t think any higher ranked takes metabuils without adapting it to their taste.

So its sadly true think out of the box and practice and experience. It took me 1 year to become decent in Spvp with my Mesmer(only recently Mirage cause its fun2play before shatter and mixed builds).

Most of the complaints are actually coming from core Necro sinergizing very good with Scourge in Pvp.

So nerfing Scourge would still making corrupts work well since many come from traits and Necro was a condi Class from Beta, with little to nothing Power Meta.

Only now it is a bit better with reaper Buff in Powerbuilds, still crappy in Pvp though.

Maybe it would be best to learn how the class works before yelling Op since then you now what to avoid and what to react to and how(this works for any class and nearly every MMo Pvp game.

I find it funny how I feel like playing a piano session while on my Scourge and Mesmer, compared to how easy Power builds are.

In Pvp its always know your enemy or die!

Best tactic for Scourge is stay at range let him blow his cds and lure him away from his shadow (or multiple) his own shadow has a very small range easy to kite.

And don`t forget it´s just a game.


About "We are planning PvP/WvW splits" its ok,

but whats even more needed is "We are planning PvP/PVE splits. Because players who do Pvp for fun and play PVE most of the times are sick of getting their classes nerfed into the ground because of Pvp whining Nerf everything.

Pls split Pve Balance off completely from SPvp and Wvw so we can have a normal MMO experience. Only then you can Balance all classes accordingly.

Pvp Moderate Dmg with balanced skills a.s.o.

And in Pve leave us our Dmg as released with good dps and sustain (Condi like before Nerf, only working like this in Pve).

Otherwise we will soon be back to Berserker Meta which is fun for some Content, but so boring after playing for 6 years now.

Sry for harsch comments, but im tired of reading 100 nerf threads after 3 extreme Dmg Nerfs, while Powercreep is still in Pvp/Pve Meta nearly untouched.


I exspect nothing good from this may be push Guardian,Holo and Weaver into Oblivion. Nerf to Necro so it will be garbage as in BersiMeta phase.

Condi rework to total ridicolous uselessness in Pve. Be fodder for the Boonspam Powercreep in Pvp(as Warrior,Guardian,Holo,Weaver a.s.o).

Nothing is meant personal.

Hf and peace out ;) B)

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> That sounds more like:

> We are planning pvp/wvw splits: necro gets nerfed

> Changes to confusion condition: mesmer hets buffed

> Regeneration effectiveness: weaver and firebrand get even more tanky

> Boon/condition conversion table changes: necro gets nerfed even further


> There are some mesmer changes we are excited about: mesmer gets buffed even more


> :tired_face: :trollface:


> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> +5% axe auto damage

> then some nerfs. spectral skills now have 80 sec cd. shroud depletes 50% faster. new useless trait. lich form reworked again, still useless. bone minion deals 5% more damage.


> just the usual


We have here experienced prophets, it looks sad... but its truth... maybe some dagger +6% dmg on 2nd skill :D and maybe some useless skill in death magic make about 10% less useless.... and here you have it... buffs :D

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Most likely, we won't see any changes for boon/condition conversion so far as what each one converts to, but, for example, Might will probably convert to a much shorter Weakness (3-5 seconds) rather than its current 10. While that is a heavy nerf to Necros, I feel something like that is honestly for the best for the game overall.


Most of the other conversions are fine, but Might -> 10 seconds of Weakness base is absurd.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> There are some mesmer changes we are excited about: mesmer gets buffed even more

> :tired_face: :trollface:


Around-the-Houses™ design methodology prohibits solving of problems ... AT ALL! They never address a problem directly, if Scourge cripple is a problem, something else will get nerfed. Go figure, as the americans say.


They've been putting on the pretence of TRYING to balance the game since 2012.


Finally people are getting wise, EVERY Balance patch is just a PR exercise.

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I'm just here waiting for the next story element. I've been so dissatisfied with the game that I haven't picked it back up for more than 5 minutes at a time. And I've only been logging in every couple of days. It just... Doesn't seem worth it anymore. I want to enjoy the game, but I have too many complaints to really list here. Necro is only a drop in the bucket in those complaints. I hardly care about the coming nerfs which will happen because why should anyone play necro in any game mode?


Hardly switching up the skills on my necromancer because the best skills on necromancer have always been the best skills and everything else feels and plays like trash. Yay! I get to play the same build I played on Scourge as I did on reaper as I did on core necromancer with only 1 maybe 2 different skills than normal on my utility bar! How exciting! *Hard core sarcasm*. Have a fun minion build that was good for a while? Nerfed into the ground, screw minions ever being good. Have a fun power b-phff HA HA HA! I can't even say that with out bursting into laughter since power on necromancer has always been behind. Condi seems great, bring epidemic 100% of the time since the DPS is borderline at best. Oh hey! resource management, the thing that necromancer of GW1 loved? Nerf using it effectively into the ground because the "Stacking bug" was bad gameplay or something... Yeah, no. Core is ignored, Axe is getting damage buffs when it needs a complete skill overhaul, Staff could use some work, off hand dagger as well and focus. I mean.... Whats good on the necromancer is good. What's bad on the necromancer is almost unusable. Its grown stagnant.


Let me make this perfectly clear. **THE NECROMANCER IS STAGNANT!** And because we at the necromancer forms love death puns. It is a bloated, rotting, festering corpse. Its a Lich with depression sitting alone in its room surrounded by flies and garbage. Its become boring to play, boring to craft for, boring to theory craft with... It has stagnated for me... You might be wondering.. "Why not play a different profession?". I do, when I get the chance. But I don't have nearly the experience with them and since I've been away for so long It'd almost be like having to relearn their quirks. And at that point I feel I might as well start playing a new game entirely. I'm invested into the necromancer and its gameplay is rotting.


So yeah... GW has become a Story Updates only game for me. And that can't last too much longer.... I'm certainly not buying anything else without some major work done in PvE open wold. We need new world events not just on new maps but old and without a full resurrection of the necromancer. I really needs to be let out of its tomb in PvE. Which is a shame, I don't want to go the way of Bawb and a few others, but I can see the corporate and lazy decision making and I could see it for years, but I trusted the individual passions for the game. Well, I had passion too. And now my passion for it is dying... Like the slow but inevitable struggle to keep my GW1 minions alive as their health degenerates faster and faster.


I'm sorry if this seems ranty and complainy... And you're right it is.. But you have to understand. I have a lot invested into this game and I don't want to just give it up. I want to keep playing, but I'm just not seeing much of a point.

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same for me> @"Lily.1935" said:

> I'm just here waiting for the next story element. I've been so dissatisfied with the game that I haven't picked it back up for more than 5 minutes at a time. And I've only been logging in every couple of days. It just... Doesn't seem worth it anymore. I want to enjoy the game, but I have too many complaints to really list here. Necro is only a drop in the bucket in those complaints. I hardly care about the coming nerfs which will happen because why should anyone play necro in any game mode?


> Hardly switching up the skills on my necromancer because the best skills on necromancer have always been the best skills and everything else feels and plays like trash. Yay! I get to play the same build I played on Scourge as I did on reaper as I did on core necromancer with only 1 maybe 2 different skills than normal on my utility bar! How exciting! *Hard core sarcasm*. Have a fun minion build that was good for a while? Nerfed into the ground, screw minions ever being good. Have a fun power b-phff HA HA HA! I can't even say that with out bursting into laughter since power on necromancer has always been behind. Condi seems great, bring epidemic 100% of the time since the DPS is borderline at best. Oh hey! resource management, the thing that necromancer of GW1 loved? Nerf using it effectively into the ground because the "Stacking bug" was bad gameplay or something... Yeah, no. Core is ignored, Axe is getting damage buffs when it needs a complete skill overhaul, Staff could use some work, off hand dagger as well and focus. I mean.... Whats good on the necromancer is good. What's bad on the necromancer is almost unusable. Its grown stagnant.


> Let me make this perfectly clear. **THE NECROMANCER IS STAGNANT!** And because we at the necromancer forms love death puns. It is a bloated, rotting, festering corpse. Its a Lich with depression sitting alone in its room surrounded by flies and garbage. Its become boring to play, boring to craft for, boring to theory craft with... It has stagnated for me... You might be wondering.. "Why not play a different profession?". I do, when I get the chance. But I don't have nearly the experience with them and since I've been away for so long It'd almost be like having to relearn their quirks. And at that point I feel I might as well start playing a new game entirely. I'm invested into the necromancer and its gameplay is rotting.


> So yeah... GW has become a Story Updates only game for me. And that can't last too much longer.... I'm certainly not buying anything else without some major work done in PvE open wold. We need new world events not just on new maps but old and without a full resurrection of the necromancer. I really needs to be let out of its tomb in PvE. Which is a shame, I don't want to go the way of Bawb and a few others, but I can see the corporate and lazy decision making and I could see it for years, but I trusted the individual passions for the game. Well, I had passion too. And now my passion for it is dying... Like the slow but inevitable struggle to keep my GW1 minions alive as their health degenerates faster and faster.


> I'm sorry if this seems ranty and complainy... And you're right it is.. But you have to understand. I have a lot invested into this game and I don't want to just give it up. I want to keep playing, but I'm just not seeing much of a point.


Same for me, only open world and blobing in wvw with scourge is little usefull and fun. I play other characters, they are better at everything and so universal. Necromancer for PvP is squishiest class(my opinion : never played thief so maybe). And build diversity :D haha joke. So using necro only if have 10 friends on wvw and for "cosmetic stuff".

It feels like every other class is 1/3 faster(omg these castbars on everything ugh)


It is supportive class? where

its tanky class? where?

its pure dps? ??

its healer kind a class? need talk to someone what role necro have? cuz for my point of view just every other class is better in everything

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> I'm just here waiting for the next story element. I've been so dissatisfied with the game that I haven't picked it back up for more than 5 minutes at a time. And I've only been logging in every couple of days. It just... Doesn't seem worth it anymore. I want to enjoy the game, but I have too many complaints to really list here. Necro is only a drop in the bucket in those complaints. I hardly care about the coming nerfs which will happen because why should anyone play necro in any game mode?


> Hardly switching up the skills on my necromancer because the best skills on necromancer have always been the best skills and everything else feels and plays like trash. Yay! I get to play the same build I played on Scourge as I did on reaper as I did on core necromancer with only 1 maybe 2 different skills than normal on my utility bar! How exciting! *Hard core sarcasm*. Have a fun minion build that was good for a while? Nerfed into the ground, screw minions ever being good. Have a fun power b-phff HA HA HA! I can't even say that with out bursting into laughter since power on necromancer has always been behind. Condi seems great, bring epidemic 100% of the time since the DPS is borderline at best. Oh hey! resource management, the thing that necromancer of GW1 loved? Nerf using it effectively into the ground because the "Stacking bug" was bad gameplay or something... Yeah, no. Core is ignored, Axe is getting damage buffs when it needs a complete skill overhaul, Staff could use some work, off hand dagger as well and focus. I mean.... Whats good on the necromancer is good. What's bad on the necromancer is almost unusable. Its grown stagnant.


> Let me make this perfectly clear. **THE NECROMANCER IS STAGNANT!** And because we at the necromancer forms love death puns. It is a bloated, rotting, festering corpse. Its a Lich with depression sitting alone in its room surrounded by flies and garbage. Its become boring to play, boring to craft for, boring to theory craft with... It has stagnated for me... You might be wondering.. "Why not play a different profession?". I do, when I get the chance. But I don't have nearly the experience with them and since I've been away for so long It'd almost be like having to relearn their quirks. And at that point I feel I might as well start playing a new game entirely. I'm invested into the necromancer and its gameplay is rotting.


> So yeah... GW has become a Story Updates only game for me. And that can't last too much longer.... I'm certainly not buying anything else without some major work done in PvE open wold. We need new world events not just on new maps but old and without a full resurrection of the necromancer. I really needs to be let out of its tomb in PvE. Which is a shame, I don't want to go the way of Bawb and a few others, but I can see the corporate and lazy decision making and I could see it for years, but I trusted the individual passions for the game. Well, I had passion too. And now my passion for it is dying... Like the slow but inevitable struggle to keep my GW1 minions alive as their health degenerates faster and faster.


> I'm sorry if this seems ranty and complainy... And you're right it is.. But you have to understand. I have a lot invested into this game and I don't want to just give it up. I want to keep playing, but I'm just not seeing much of a point.


Completely agree. It has gotten really boring and tired of struggling against other professions with better skills and dps.

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