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Enough with the "New Race"

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Introduce a new race without all the bells and whistles then. Introduce them like how WoW did Death Knights/Demon Hunters, by making them start at a higher level. For Dragon's Watch, have your character be a "Commander" that Dragon's Watch ends up fighting under for some reason and then you get recruited in for whatever reason and start the story from there with some different reactions when necessary. Have all previous story content in sepia tone like Old Lion's Arch and have it clearly state that you're just reliving someone's past in the Mists with a randomly generated NPC that uses the current lines.


For the orders, you pick an order story to relive and get locked to that path. Since there's barely any race specific content there, it should be fine using the above method.

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> @"ImTasty.2163" said:

> > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > tl;dr - Gimme burbs.

> >

> > We could start by having a Tengu join Dragon's Watch. Gets us familiar with having one around, and at least integrates them into the story before releasing them as playable. And it's not like the story cared when Revenants were released.


> Difference though is that one is a profession that doesn't affect the story, while your race does. Anet has already gave their statement about a new race anyways. They have said it's not impossible but it most likely isn't coming due to story issues.


what story issues?? they didnt see any problems spawning enemy land troops on a flying airship

its a matter of resources, nothing else

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Personally, as often said already, I believe it is technically close to impossible due to the incredibly huge amount of work that it needs. To integrate a new race into the game content would mean - if we just try to start a list of things to do: Add a new town, add a new storyline, add all features related to race (cultural armors.....), add new NPCs of that race everywhere in the world, upgrade main storylines and all its connections to integrate that of the new race, upgrade living stories to include the new race, upgrade all interactions at all levels, and so on... The list is never ending and the amount of work - if possible at all - would be a crazy invest of hours, meaning huge invest of money that could probably hardly be amortized ever. I tend to believe that it could hardly be a valid business case for Anet.


One question: Since all the time this issue of a potential new race is ongoing, did Anet ever say anything about it? Officially I mean?

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> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > @"ImTasty.2163" said:

> > > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > > tl;dr - Gimme burbs.

> > >

> > > We could start by having a Tengu join Dragon's Watch. Gets us familiar with having one around, and at least integrates them into the story before releasing them as playable. And it's not like the story cared when Revenants were released.

> >

> > Difference though is that one is a profession that doesn't affect the story, while your race does. Anet has already gave their statement about a new race anyways. They have said it's not impossible but it most likely isn't coming due to story issues.


> what story issues?? they didnt see any problems spawning enemy land troops on a flying airship

> its a matter of resources, nothing else


Actually the story was one of the issues Anet said they would have if they introduced. Basically saying that they would need to create both a new PS that involves the new races introduction, along with its own city and starting, and going back a readjusting NPC interactions for dealing with this new race. You may not notice it but there are plenty of special racial interactions between various NPCs and objects. A good example of this is in the asuran starting zone there is a heart where you can repair golems. If you do this with an asuran you are given a list of technical options while someone like Charr get "pull the blue thing".


Add in the fact they would need to redo all armor pieces, new racial skills, new VAs for both female and male player characters along with a few for various NPCs that would be introduced in the story because they will have to make at least one new race character to join the main cast, and you are left with a lot of work that Anet would need to do for a not so big pay off.


This does not mean that they never will introduce a new race, it's just that there are a length of cons that make a new race very improbable. As for the whole argument of "that's what they said about mounts" that's not actually true. Anet has never said they will never do mounts. That's something the player base said. Anet themselves are actually saying why we most likely will not see a new race.

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> @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> Ok let's assume we get a new race like Tengu, so how are we going to introduce them to the story now?


You don't. There's all kinds of ways you can deal with this problem, from the "These events happened before your arrival..." that Factions added to GW1 where your race and role are ignored, to actually blocking you from playing historical story chapters on that race and requiring you to reach a certain threshold on another character to unlock Tengu.


> @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> **But even if somehow we could solve all those continuity problems there would still be other problems.** Like the new race would require their own starter areas i.e. a new city and a 1-15 level area of their own **which would have to become part of current central tyria map.** Also all armour sets would need a redesign to accomodate the new race.3

> **Not to mention all the voice acting that would have to be done and redone just for it to work.**

> You are basically asking ANET to flip the whole game upside down just because you want a new look, despite the fact all 5 races have only a cosmetic difference really.

> **So a new one would be the same and you expect ANET to go through all those problems just for that.**


Dominion of Winds is already there, and voice acting only needs to be added for new content. The biggest problem would be the armour skins, which for something like the Tengu isn't actually that bad because they're based on the Charr rig with a much shorter tail. It might be wise to do a new pass on clipping for these skins, but let's be honest, they haven't finished that with Charr skins either so I doubt that's a priority.


There are some races (e.g. Quaggan, Largos, Centaur) which would have huge issues with armour. Tengu actually looks very doable from an outsider's perspective, provided you steer clear of the retconned content trap. The main difficulty would be VA and localisation.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> > > OP, people said the same thing about mounts.

> >

> > > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > > A new race would need a lot of work. It is true. Make it happen anyway.

> >

> > It's not just a lot of work though. It's more than that. It's a lot of work, a lot of money/time and it means other features/things are not going to be made while that a lot of work is happening. So the question isn't about whether a new race would be cool or whether you'd enjoy it. It's about what percentage of the population finds this to be an issue worthy of attention particularly because it would be hard and expensive. Redoing the story with a new voice actor alone is going to cost bucks.


> The way I see it, people complain about lootboxes and I don't ever tell people to stop complaining about lootboxes, I tend to argue about the value of the loot in said boxes.


> The OP seems to target the expressed desire for a new race which would be akin to "Lootboxes will always be there and is necessary, it would sacrifice too much revenue to get rid of them". Whether that's true or not doesn't dismiss the relationship between the player and the publisher and the methods of acquiring money from those players. Sure, lootboxes may not go away but other avenues can be sought to strengthen the player/publisher relationship.


> Same with new races. It may be difficult, costly, time consuming, etc, but that doesn't dismiss how it could enrich the game's story, improve our relations with the game, improve customization options, etc. Anything worth doing isn't going to be easy and even if they are picking simple low-hanging fruit, they can still have long-term projects to add in as well.


> Besides all that, other aspects should be discussed about what sacrifices could be made to help things along without hurting the quality, like the main issue brought up is voice actors and there are MANY solutions to smooth over that. Story? That's also a simple solution....



You say story is a simple solution. I disagree. If people get a new race, they're going to want to have all the trimmings of a new race too. That means dedicated weapon and armor skins that fit that race's theme as well as voicing as well as a personal story. Anet might skimp on some things but they're not going to put a race in without story, or without gear that matches the racial theme. They don't do stuff like this.


Also I wasn't replying to the OP, my comment was a reply to someone else. I don't believe the OP is correct in asking people not to request a new race. But he is correct in believing there's not going to be a new race any time soon, if ever...in my opinion.


As for you,. you seem to say I want a new race no matter how they skimp on it Anet won't go for that.


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> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > @"ImTasty.2163" said:

> > > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > > tl;dr - Gimme burbs.

> > >

> > > We could start by having a Tengu join Dragon's Watch. Gets us familiar with having one around, and at least integrates them into the story before releasing them as playable. And it's not like the story cared when Revenants were released.

> >

> > Difference though is that one is a profession that doesn't affect the story, while your race does. Anet has already gave their statement about a new race anyways. They have said it's not impossible but it most likely isn't coming due to story issues.


> what story issues?? they didnt see any problems spawning enemy land troops on a flying airship

> its a matter of resources, nothing else


Story issues as in every single race has a personal story. From level 30 on that story coalesces with others, but before that there are unique racial stories, six in fact for each race. That takes work That needs to be voices. In addition all the other stories, later on, need to be voiced for the new race as well.

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Simple, just dont give a shit like they did with Rev. The tengu were apart of the war from the start with Zaithan, you cant tell me one adventurous person in their species did not decide "Fuck it Im doing it". How about enough of you people telling them it's ok to be lazy and not do what EVERY other game seems to be capable of doing, hell wow is adding a pluthera of new races and most of the stuff people have been asking for seemingly for a long time. Mounts were never possible, but they made it possible via "lets milk the community with mount skins". Infact I promise if races had the potential to make the money mount's and their skins currently can bring in, then I can almost without a shadow of a doubt say they would do it like yesterday.


Yea it can happen just like new class's outside of the elite specs could happen and the Rev is living proof of that, is it the best class? No not right now. Was it cool when it came out? Yes it freaking was. Did it get people pretty pumped myself included, hell yeah it did because it was made to be cool and had I feel the coolest "Concept" of all the class's in the game. They did not give a damn about the lore then when they had a rev going and fighting from the start when in the lore it states rytlock is the first, hell they did nothing to even explain away how the rev even happened. We still dont know fully how rytlock managed to become one outside of glint teaching him, so if your worried about lore and immersion its long gone. I cant be immersed in a game where people shoot rainbows or glow like a living Neon doll that is just an eyesore to behold, the immersion to this game has long since been dead even before HoT launched.


That does not however mean I dont want another race to be added, Infact that is the only thing that will keep me in this game at this point because no crappy overhaul or stupid Time sink is gonna do it. I come for the living story and to do the things I desire, which at this point is not much as I dont see the point of continuing to grind in zones I hate. I never once step foot in the vanilla zones, and the only reason I play HoT's content so much is because its required for the gen 2 legendary weps. At this Point the PoF zones do NOTHING for me outside of annoy me at how blatant they butchered everything about the original theme of guild wars. Id rather them spend their time making new races with new models and nice aesthetics than more partical effects and legendary weapons, we have enough of that crap as is. I want my tengu, my kodan and hell why not even my quaggan....


You tell us to stop but people whined about mounts for years and now they are here, Arena-net will fold if it offers compensation so vote with your wallet. If you want a new race people STOP BUYING the expansions unless it has it in there. They dont listen nor care about us, but they do care and listen to money.... and money talks the language of which they can understand.

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I have a way more practical reason to not **want** a new race: Development time.


That is to say: Look just how much the devs clearly struggle with the existing models already. Seen the clipping issues on Asura feet/ears and Charr everything, lately?

Do you **really** want them to spread their time even thinner, and make everything look even worse on non-humans? Because my main issue in the past 5+ years has been quality and speed of ongoing support, not overall game health / status. The game does **not** suffer from not having 6+ races. It does suffer from extensive clipping issues, a horribly outdated engine, inconsistent texture effects and maps, limited character rigging forcing trenchcoats on medium armor, nevermind non-art/-modelling issues such as few and small balance changes, unwillingness to throw away old elements/design/systems or rote content design.


The last thing I would want the devs bogged down by is having to provide something which just adds a host of new issues, fixes none, and doesn't even provide value for the majority of characters (as 5 out of 6 characters would not be of the new race, if they were all created evenly).

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> @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

Ok let's assume we get a new race like Tengu, so how are we going to introduce them to the story now?

> Assuming a new race is intoduced after LW4 with EXPAC3 how is a Tengu character suppose to correlate with the story from that point?


How different is that with the revenant being 'discovered' between LW2 and HoT, but still being playbable since the start


The thing is. that as long as you don't play the new race, your Destinies edge will not have a leader that is the new race. Nobody is forcing you to do so. Just do not make a character of that race.


Immersion is bad allready based on your assumptions as we allready have million's different versions of Destinies edge running around.


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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > > @"ImTasty.2163" said:

> > > > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > > > tl;dr - Gimme burbs.

> > > >

> > > > We could start by having a Tengu join Dragon's Watch. Gets us familiar with having one around, and at least integrates them into the story before releasing them as playable. And it's not like the story cared when Revenants were released.

> > >

> > > Difference though is that one is a profession that doesn't affect the story, while your race does. Anet has already gave their statement about a new race anyways. They have said it's not impossible but it most likely isn't coming due to story issues.

> >

> > what story issues?? they didnt see any problems spawning enemy land troops on a flying airship

> > its a matter of resources, nothing else


> Story issues as in every single race has a personal story. From level 30 on that story coalesces with others, but before that there are unique racial stories, six in fact for each race. That takes work That needs to be voices. In addition all the other stories, later on, need to be voiced for the new race as well.


i know, and im still saying its a matter of resources=more money

besides , they have no issues wasting resources on other stories..LW, expansions stories

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> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > > > @"ImTasty.2163" said:

> > > > > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > > > > tl;dr - Gimme burbs.

> > > > >

> > > > > We could start by having a Tengu join Dragon's Watch. Gets us familiar with having one around, and at least integrates them into the story before releasing them as playable. And it's not like the story cared when Revenants were released.

> > > >

> > > > Difference though is that one is a profession that doesn't affect the story, while your race does. Anet has already gave their statement about a new race anyways. They have said it's not impossible but it most likely isn't coming due to story issues.

> > >

> > > what story issues?? they didnt see any problems spawning enemy land troops on a flying airship

> > > its a matter of resources, nothing else

> >

> > Story issues as in every single race has a personal story. From level 30 on that story coalesces with others, but before that there are unique racial stories, six in fact for each race. That takes work That needs to be voices. In addition all the other stories, later on, need to be voiced for the new race as well.


> i know, and im still saying its a matter of resources=more money

> besides , they have no issues wasting resources on other stories..LW, expansions stories


With most of the population at 80, a new story is for pretty much everyone that plays story. Starting a new story over isn't someone everyone is going to be willing to do. And LS chapters and even expansions are shorter than the original personal story.


Edit: I should mention I'm not at all against a new race. I simply don't think Anet will create one.

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> @"ImTasty.2163" said:

> > @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > > @"ImTasty.2163" said:

> > > > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > > > tl;dr - Gimme burbs.

> > > >

> > > > We could start by having a Tengu join Dragon's Watch. Gets us familiar with having one around, and at least integrates them into the story before releasing them as playable. And it's not like the story cared when Revenants were released.

> > >

> > > Difference though is that one is a profession that doesn't affect the story, while your race does. Anet has already gave their statement about a new race anyways. They have said it's not impossible but it most likely isn't coming due to story issues.

> >

> > what story issues?? they didnt see any problems spawning enemy land troops on a flying airship

> > its a matter of resources, nothing else


> Actually the story was one of the issues Anet said they would have if they introduced. Basically saying that they would need to create both a new PS that involves the new races introduction, along with its own city and starting, and going back a readjusting NPC interactions for dealing with this new race. You may not notice it but there are plenty of special racial interactions between various NPCs and objects. A good example of this is in the asuran starting zone there is a heart where you can repair golems. If you do this with an asuran you are given a list of technical options while someone like Charr get "pull the blue thing".


> Add in the fact they would need to redo all armor pieces, new racial skills, new VAs for both female and male player characters along with a few for various NPCs that would be introduced in the story because they will have to make at least one new race character to join the main cast, and you are left with a lot of work that Anet would need to do for a not so big pay off.


> This does not mean that they never will introduce a new race, it's just that there are a length of cons that make a new race very improbable. As for the whole argument of "that's what they said about mounts" that's not actually true. Anet has never said they will never do mounts. That's something the player base said. Anet themselves are actually saying why we most likely will not see a new race.


and all of that can be done, if you just hire the crew to do do it

1: they dont have enough paying players left , to fund it

2:they have painted themselves in the corner with all those unique armor skins, imagine having to resize all those for a different body type

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > > > > @"ImTasty.2163" said:

> > > > > > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > > > > > tl;dr - Gimme burbs.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > We could start by having a Tengu join Dragon's Watch. Gets us familiar with having one around, and at least integrates them into the story before releasing them as playable. And it's not like the story cared when Revenants were released.

> > > > >

> > > > > Difference though is that one is a profession that doesn't affect the story, while your race does. Anet has already gave their statement about a new race anyways. They have said it's not impossible but it most likely isn't coming due to story issues.

> > > >

> > > > what story issues?? they didnt see any problems spawning enemy land troops on a flying airship

> > > > its a matter of resources, nothing else

> > >

> > > Story issues as in every single race has a personal story. From level 30 on that story coalesces with others, but before that there are unique racial stories, six in fact for each race. That takes work That needs to be voices. In addition all the other stories, later on, need to be voiced for the new race as well.

> >

> > i know, and im still saying its a matter of resources=more money

> > besides , they have no issues wasting resources on other stories..LW, expansions stories


> With most of the population at 80, a new story is for pretty much everyone that plays story. Starting a new story over isn't someone everyone is going to be willing to do. And LS chapters and even expansions are shorter than the original personal story.


> Edit: I should mention I'm not at all against a new race. I simply don't think Anet will create one.


that is the big problem here.."with most of the population at 80"

if you only make end game content, you will end up with only end gamers left

and they clearly arent enough to fund a big mmo by themselves

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> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > > @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > > > > > @"ImTasty.2163" said:

> > > > > > > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > > > > > > tl;dr - Gimme burbs.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > We could start by having a Tengu join Dragon's Watch. Gets us familiar with having one around, and at least integrates them into the story before releasing them as playable. And it's not like the story cared when Revenants were released.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Difference though is that one is a profession that doesn't affect the story, while your race does. Anet has already gave their statement about a new race anyways. They have said it's not impossible but it most likely isn't coming due to story issues.

> > > > >

> > > > > what story issues?? they didnt see any problems spawning enemy land troops on a flying airship

> > > > > its a matter of resources, nothing else

> > > >

> > > > Story issues as in every single race has a personal story. From level 30 on that story coalesces with others, but before that there are unique racial stories, six in fact for each race. That takes work That needs to be voices. In addition all the other stories, later on, need to be voiced for the new race as well.

> > >

> > > i know, and im still saying its a matter of resources=more money

> > > besides , they have no issues wasting resources on other stories..LW, expansions stories

> >

> > With most of the population at 80, a new story is for pretty much everyone that plays story. Starting a new story over isn't someone everyone is going to be willing to do. And LS chapters and even expansions are shorter than the original personal story.

> >

> > Edit: I should mention I'm not at all against a new race. I simply don't think Anet will create one.


> that is the big problem here.."with most of the population at 80"

> if you only make end game content, you will end up with only end gamers left

> and they clearly arent enough to fund a big mmo by themselves


Actually, not making the content that some people specifically want has nothing to do with not enough people to fund content. Every single MMO in the history of MMOs doesn't do something that someone wants. WoW doesn't have housing, or at least didn't for ages. But no one says it's because they didn't make enough money.


A percentage of people want a new race, but no one can say how big that percentage is. All businesses make these types of decisions even the largest ones. Nothing at all to do with how robust or healthy the game is. It's a benefit vs cost analysis. This won't benefit most of our existing players. It probably won't bring many new players to the game. Therefore it's not worth doing.

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> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> Personally, as often said already, I believe it is technically close to impossible due to the incredibly huge amount of work that it needs. To integrate a new race into the game content would mean - if we just try to start a list of things to do: Add a new town, add a new storyline, add all features related to race (cultural armors.....), add new NPCs of that race everywhere in the world, upgrade main storylines and all its connections to integrate that of the new race, upgrade living stories to include the new race, upgrade all interactions at all levels, and so on... The list is never ending and the amount of work - if possible at all - would be a crazy invest of hours, meaning huge invest of money that could probably hardly be amortized ever. I tend to believe that it could hardly be a valid business case for Anet.


> One question: Since all the time this issue of a potential new race is ongoing, did Anet ever say anything about it? Officially I mean?


I'll address your points with possible solutions:


1. **Add a new town** - Not really an issue at all. We got a new town when we came to Elona, several actually. If a new expansion were to be introduced and a new race along with it, the story can simply hit on that new race's interaction with the story and thus their home town or whatever hub city the story takes place in. This is so much not an issue, I'm surprised people bring this up.

2. **New storyline** - Not exactly sure how this is an issue since the purpose of PvE content is to give players more story, more lore, more options. But it would be a wholly static amount of work. They can even tailor it so that it is the same amount as the core races' story which is the instances before choosing an order, which is not that much. They can further trim it down by offering fewer branching options since, ultimately, they don't impact much...a simple 1-branch story, perhaps slightly longer than a single branch of the core race story but less than the sum of the multiple branches of the core races would be best. You can even start introducing some of the main cast (Canach, Jory, etc) to the character during this time.

3. **All features related to race** - You only state cultural armor which is likely the smallest portion of work in the entire suite of racial additions. Not sure if this is an actual point since everything above and below this point can fit into race related features but to springboard off this point, this is where we can talk about things willing to be cut to save on time/resources. One obvious choice would be cutting pre-present story content, i.e. a new race wouldn't be able to participate in the old story/LS/HoT/PoF story without joining a party of someone who can. This is to cut the extra voice acting involved and uphole lore continuity. To aid in bridging this limitation for players, lock the new race behind an achievement that requires the player to have a level 80 character and completed the core story content before they can create a character of the new race. The expansion content is already exclusionary so not really a strong point against the suggestion.

4. **Upgrade main story, living story, interactions** - And with my other above points, I've already solved this point. I didn't even mean to do that because I was responding to your points as I was reading your post.


I think the time investment for a new race wouldn't be insignificant, but it's far from insurmountable. And that's the issue I have with many on the forums, they look at problems as "problematic" rather than as challenges. You're not going to solve anything ever across whatever platform you want to discuss about if you're not willing to take each point of a problem and LOOK for a way to fix it.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > > > @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > > > > > > @"ImTasty.2163" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > > > > > > > tl;dr - Gimme burbs.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > We could start by having a Tengu join Dragon's Watch. Gets us familiar with having one around, and at least integrates them into the story before releasing them as playable. And it's not like the story cared when Revenants were released.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Difference though is that one is a profession that doesn't affect the story, while your race does. Anet has already gave their statement about a new race anyways. They have said it's not impossible but it most likely isn't coming due to story issues.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > what story issues?? they didnt see any problems spawning enemy land troops on a flying airship

> > > > > > its a matter of resources, nothing else

> > > > >

> > > > > Story issues as in every single race has a personal story. From level 30 on that story coalesces with others, but before that there are unique racial stories, six in fact for each race. That takes work That needs to be voices. In addition all the other stories, later on, need to be voiced for the new race as well.

> > > >

> > > > i know, and im still saying its a matter of resources=more money

> > > > besides , they have no issues wasting resources on other stories..LW, expansions stories

> > >

> > > With most of the population at 80, a new story is for pretty much everyone that plays story. Starting a new story over isn't someone everyone is going to be willing to do. And LS chapters and even expansions are shorter than the original personal story.

> > >

> > > Edit: I should mention I'm not at all against a new race. I simply don't think Anet will create one.

> >

> > that is the big problem here.."with most of the population at 80"

> > if you only make end game content, you will end up with only end gamers left

> > and they clearly arent enough to fund a big mmo by themselves


> Actually, not making the content that some people specifically want has nothing to do with not enough people to fund content. Every single MMO in the history of MMOs doesn't do something that someone wants. WoW doesn't have housing, or at least didn't for ages. But no one says it's because they didn't make enough money.


> A percentage of people want a new race, but no one can say how big that percentage is. All businesses make these types of decisions even the largest ones. Nothing at all to do with how robust or healthy the game is. It's a benefit vs cost analysis. This won't benefit most of our existing players. It probably won't bring many new players to the game. Therefore it's not worth doing.


wow only had enough money, because they still had X million subs paying

and as soon , as blizzard saw the numbers dropping...BAM ...housing

im guessing at a half baked tengu in next expansion


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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> > > > OP, people said the same thing about mounts.

> > >

> > > > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > > > A new race would need a lot of work. It is true. Make it happen anyway.

> > >

> > > It's not just a lot of work though. It's more than that. It's a lot of work, a lot of money/time and it means other features/things are not going to be made while that a lot of work is happening. So the question isn't about whether a new race would be cool or whether you'd enjoy it. It's about what percentage of the population finds this to be an issue worthy of attention particularly because it would be hard and expensive. Redoing the story with a new voice actor alone is going to cost bucks.

> >

> > The way I see it, people complain about lootboxes and I don't ever tell people to stop complaining about lootboxes, I tend to argue about the value of the loot in said boxes.

> >

> > The OP seems to target the expressed desire for a new race which would be akin to "Lootboxes will always be there and is necessary, it would sacrifice too much revenue to get rid of them". Whether that's true or not doesn't dismiss the relationship between the player and the publisher and the methods of acquiring money from those players. Sure, lootboxes may not go away but other avenues can be sought to strengthen the player/publisher relationship.

> >

> > Same with new races. It may be difficult, costly, time consuming, etc, but that doesn't dismiss how it could enrich the game's story, improve our relations with the game, improve customization options, etc. Anything worth doing isn't going to be easy and even if they are picking simple low-hanging fruit, they can still have long-term projects to add in as well.

> >

> > Besides all that, other aspects should be discussed about what sacrifices could be made to help things along without hurting the quality, like the main issue brought up is voice actors and there are MANY solutions to smooth over that. Story? That's also a simple solution....

> >

> >

> You say story is a simple solution. I disagree. If people get a new race, they're going to want to have all the trimmings of a new race too. That means dedicated weapon and armor skins that fit that race's theme as well as voicing as well as a personal story. Anet might skimp on some things but they're not going to put a race in without story, or without gear that matches the racial theme. They don't do stuff like this.


> Also I wasn't replying to the OP, my comment was a reply to someone else. I don't believe the OP is correct in asking people not to request a new race. But he is correct in believing there's not going to be a new race any time soon, if ever...in my opinion.


> As for you,. you seem to say I want a new race no matter how they skimp on it Anet won't go for that.



So your argument about solutions to the story issue is that people will want "all the trimmings"? My answer to that is, make an argument for why. I'm not going to throw out my solutions for trimming extra work if you (or they) can't give me a proper counter for needing them. "Because I want it" or "Because what would be the point without it" are not proper counters.


Dedicated weapons and armor skins aren't the issue. Anet has no problems coming up with random weapon skins for no other purpose but to shove them into a BLchest or as garbage that no one will ever bother equipping. And a set of armor could be trimmed down to 3 if making 9 is too much. Compared to races like human or norn whose 9 sets of culture armor is multiplied further by sex, making 3-6 depending if you want to further divide armor for new races by sex, **IS* a viable solution!


Voice acting can be a bottleneck and when it comes to story, people speculate a lot. For instance, the main speculation is "to add a new race, they would need 2xall the other languages". That's false. In actuality, it would be more since the amount of voice acting involved in creating the stories isn't JUST the main character but the side characters, the no-named NPCs, the adversary NPCs, etc. I bring all that up because, voice actors don't just voice a single character but several. Adding another set of voices will require more revenue to be used in the Voice department, but again, it's not insurmountable. There will just be a few more people voicing more lines. Still, it can be a bottleneck of work (frankly, I feel that is just a flaw of the game, as more of the game is added, more lines must be voiced thus more contracts to keep voices consistent) but not insurmountable.


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