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Downed player resurrect after killing a foe - very bad concept imo


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There are 100 situations where this is bs. In particular in team fights; a friend goes early down, the team downs 2 players, they target the downed one - kill him - both resurrect - great.

This happens so often i want to point this out.


This post is only for devs. I personally wont look into this thread again.



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GW2 redefined the entire genre and blew away all competition by removing the holy trinity remember?

Downed state was the amazing new innovation to provide a superior form of gameplay compared to the same old healers with rez spells.


Really though, its a holdover mechanic built for PVE that does not translate all that well into an arena format. I just don't see how stomping an injured person to death is connected to instantly curing critical injuries on multiple people nearby who just happen to be on the opposing team.

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> @"Jacobin.8509" said:

> I just don't see how stomping an injured person to death is connected to instantly curing critical injuries on multiple people nearby who just happen to be on the opposing team.


Do you want to play a game or do you want just a real life brawl to the death with swords, that's over in a single swing?


Downstate is one of the most interesting moments in PvP, you have to make some very fast decisions on how to deal with it or you lose a fight you were winning/win a fight you were losing. Pressure's on, sorry if you can't handle it.



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> @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> > @"Jacobin.8509" said:

> > I just don't see how stomping an injured person to death is connected to instantly curing critical injuries on multiple people nearby who just happen to be on the opposing team.


> Do you want to play a game or do you want just a real life brawl to the death with swords, that's over in a single swing?


> Downstate is one of the most interesting moments in PvP, you have to make some very fast decisions on how to deal with it or you lose a fight you were winning/win a fight you were losing. Pressure's on, sorry if you can't handle it.




You are responding to perceived elimination of downstate. OP was referring to multiple rallies off of one kill. They changed rallying to one kill=one rally in WvW, they could (and should) change it to be the same in PVP. Too many rely on glass burst faceroll attacks and then rallying. Poor play like that should not be rewarded. Personally, I would prefer no rallying but still have downstate in some form, but others would not. Some compromise seems best for now.

One kill=one rally should be applied, then we can see if any other adjustments can be made. This will not change many rally situations, but will prevent multiple downs from instant rallying, which looks and is ridiculous.


Not sure why it was not done a long time ago

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> I also don't have issues with this mechanic.

> However, the fun fact is sometimes i happen to rally and be full of conditions before i can dodge ( and as a thief, sometimes happens that i die few seconds after the rally ).


thx to scourge not only tiefs have this problem

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> @"darwinslittlehelper.7182" said:

> > @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> > > @"Jacobin.8509" said:

> > > I just don't see how stomping an injured person to death is connected to instantly curing critical injuries on multiple people nearby who just happen to be on the opposing team.

> >

> > Do you want to play a game or do you want just a real life brawl to the death with swords, that's over in a single swing?

> >

> > Downstate is one of the most interesting moments in PvP, you have to make some very fast decisions on how to deal with it or you lose a fight you were winning/win a fight you were losing. Pressure's on, sorry if you can't handle it.

> >

> >


> OP was referring to multiple rallies off of one kill.


Ya me too.



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In WvW, 1:1 was needed because when you go down in a zerg, you cant affect crap. Often you wont even see what you go down on, could be stepping in a single circle that turned out to be 50 circles (and 3 fears) or it could be the entire rev backline dropping the hammer on your head all at once. With the powercreep it just became more and more frustrating. Once you do go down, your skillset is irrelevant no matter the class. There is little you can do against 50 people at 1200 range.


In PvP, I would argue that 1:X is... another thing. You're *supposed* to see attacks and respond accordingly, when you go down you are supposed to use your skills at the right moment and your teammates are supposed to know when to stomp and when to res. You're not gonna suddenly vaporize because 15 melee ran over you. As such, I would argue this is incentive to play well, not go down and if anyone do go down use your skills to stomp or res because they could potentially res two or more enemies downed. It increase the importance of supporting your teammates in terms of how the battle can swing. It's like yeah you can bring the best dps in the world that can go 1v5 and bring down everyone but if he cant heal a friend ressing them all... tough luck. He should have thought of that.


That said, I wouldnt mind 1:1 in PvP either.

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> I also don't have issues with this mechanic.

> However, the fun fact is sometimes i happen to rally and be full of conditions before i can dodge ( and as a thief, sometimes happens that i die few seconds after the rally ).


I would say the latest is indeed bigger issue than anything. I rez my teammate (in stealth), he instantly drops before his spell bar even shows up because of condi overload, i rez him again, he instantly drops again before he can even control his character because of scourge. They seriously need to look into it, it is probably biggest bs as far as rezzing is concerned.

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Downed state is as integral to gw2 pvp strategy as rotating captures, and knowing your class.

The fact that you lost because your team didn't finish properly just shows that it's working. It's one of the ways that a team can make a comeback.

I remember in one of the early world championships. One of the teams was losing, and they pretty much turned the game around by not finishing several of the other team's players that were downed at once and using that time to establish, and later maintain, map control.

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> @"Wolfric.9380" said:

> But again the question: What would happen if rally is removed and you need to rezz. Shure it will change the "Gameflow". No sudden comebacks after 3 went down but one oponent got killed to rally the team .... But that is not needed and also not quite logic ...


It would take a way a strategic element of the game and make it more dull.

I remember when people would go down state on purpose with necros for the extra damage boost.

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