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Matches Are Too Long


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The problem with a 10-15 minute match with a solo que only system is that 9 times out of 10 you're stuck with idiots for WAY longer than you should be. This gets frustrating quickly.


GW2 needs 2v2 and 3v3 modes. Deathmatch style. No points. 2 minutes per round. First to win 3 rounds wins the match. If no one dies, stalemate. If no one dies after 3 rounds, it goes into sudden death. Sudden death disables healing and the team who kills the first person wins.


= Faster ques, if you get stuck with bad people, it doesn't last for long.

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Deathmatch will be a focus feast with no skill.

That's why some would like to see this implemented.


However i do agree with Dawdler


> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> 10-15m? O.o


> All my matches are about 8-12m (can go even lower if its a blowout) and I dont really see an issue with that. The length is fine.


Sometimes it happens that a game lasts till 15 mins, but it's rare.

Most of the times is around 10 m.


I would change only 1 thing... let the preparation starts before joining the game.

Something like


* Click accept!

* Select Map!

* Map randomly chosen

* **You Now have 30 sec to check your build before battle begins ( you won't be able to change class ).**

* Then, once inside the game, the game starts in 10 sec.


To me 10 min per game ( given that specific game mode ) is fine, even though sometimes happens that the enemy team ( or you team ) stomps... but this happens in every single game.

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I think you guys are missing the point. 10-15 minute matches with BAD teammates is torture and a result of the solo que only system. The game isn't fun when you que for 4-6 minutes and get matched with people who can't rotate/fight for 10-15 minutes with no surrender button.


It's quite common knowledge among top players that winning matches in legend/high plat come down to luck rather than skill. You have to hope that the enemies baddies are worse than your baddies. Otherwise, you'll lose.


There's no way for a single person to carry a match, that's an issue this game has. The only snowball mechanic lies in teamplay. Thus, by removing teams, you remove any ability for people to actually win games based off their own skill.


Hence, why everyone quit. Conquest obviously isn't working. New gamemodes would bring people back. I'd suggest bringing back 5 man ques because whoever came up with this current system is insane. It killed off PvP. If they don't bring back 5 man ques, make the matches shorter so us good players aren't stuck with baddies for longer than we want.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> I think you guys are missing the point. 10-15 minute matches with BAD teammates is torture and a result of the solo que only system. The game isn't fun when you que for 4-6 minutes and get matched with people who can't rotate/fight for 10-15 minutes with no surrender button.


> It's quite common knowledge among top players that winning matches in legend/high plat come down to luck rather than skill. You have to hope that the enemies baddies are worse than your baddies. Otherwise, you'll lose.


> There's no way for a single person to carry a match, that's an issue this game has. The only snowball mechanic lies in teamplay. Thus, by removing teams, you remove any ability for people to actually win games based off their own skill.


If a match is taking 15 minutes to complete, then that's a pretty competitive match, perhaps your so called bad teammates are not as bad as you think they are.



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@shadowpass.4236 Odd I could have swore I saw a while back in some of your previous posts implying you had uninstalled the game? while I am not looking to disagree with your title regarding this thread or derail to a different topic I am merely just confused.


My confusion mainly stemming the thought process of if one has openly quit the game and uninstalled why they would be concerned with how the current game is proceeding? unless they have returned or are planning to return Granted if you reinstalled I can completely understand you might want to give the game another chance either way some clarification regarding this might be insightful that way I can contribute to the actual thread w/o said confusion.


Also for point of reference to recall 1 of the times I am mentioning 2-3 months ago you dueled a Mirage by the name of Shadowplane in 1 of the duel rooms while you were on a druid as I was physically watching in the room needless to say shadowplane won with a minor amount of effort you proceeded to imply you would go to the forums to cite mirages broken capability *which I agree mirage does need some adjustments* And sure enough you did make a post regarding mirage and its capability shortly after that duel which also implied you would uninstall/quit the game due to certain issues.


Also in a post after that assuming I am not incorrect you proceeded to imply again that you had indeed quit/uninstalled the game and merely for my own sanity I am just attempting to understand without biased thoughts if in fact you have returned to give the game another shot which I can surely understand or in fact something else has happened and you are just merely here to comment on said game even though you don't play it anymore?



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> @"Luciferior.4802" said:

> @shadowpass.4236 Odd I could have swore I saw a while back in some of your previous posts implying you had uninstalled the game? while I am not looking to disagree with your title regarding this thread or derail to a different topic I am merely just confused.


> My confusion mainly stemming the thought process of if one has openly quit the game and uninstalled why they would be concerned with how the current game is proceeding? unless they have returned or are planning to return Granted if you reinstalled I can completely understand you might want to give the game another chance either way some clarification regarding this might be insightful that way I can contribute to the actual thread w/o said confusion.


> Also for point of reference to recall 1 of the times I am mentioning 2-3 months ago you dueled a Mirage by the name of Shadowplane in 1 of the duel rooms while you were on a druid as I was physically watching in the room needless to say shadowplane won with a minor amount of effort you proceeded to imply you would go to the forums to cite mirages broken capability *which I agree mirage does need some adjustments* And sure enough you did make a post regarding mirage and its capability shortly after that duel which also implied you would uninstall/quit the game due to certain issues.


> Also in a post after that assuming I am not incorrect you proceeded to imply again that you had indeed quit/uninstalled the game and merely for my own sanity I am just attempting to understand without biased thoughts if in fact you have returned to give the game another shot which I can surely understand or in fact something else has happened and you are just merely here to comment on said game even though you don't play it anymore?




Okay I know you're trying to sound smart by adding in a bunch of extra words but it really doesn't come across that way. You basically quadrupled the length of your post and made it harder to read when you could've just said, "I thought you said you uninstalled the game, why does it seem like you still give a d*mn?"



The answers:

* I did uninstall. I haven't reinstalled.

* Last night I decided why not check out GW2's Twitch to see if there have been any improvements. Lo and behold, there was none. I watched Naru's stream for a little while. (It was _his_ first game back after a long break.) I talked to him and several other top players who were watching about the state of the game. The general consensus was that it is still completely dead and nothing has been done to try and revive it. I watched Naru talk about how bad his teammates were every match, as well as the others who decided to give GW2 another shot that night.

* That duel with Shadowplane was half-hearted. I logged on for the first time in about 2 months, decided to go into a dueling server to duel a bit. My first duel was against a Mirage while I ran longbow sword/dagger _soulbeast_, and it reminded me of why I took a break in the first place.


In conclusion, without adding a ridiculous amount of fluff to my post, I no longer care if this game does well or remains dead anymore. I am only posting to give my suggestion(s) as to how PvP can be improved and I don't need you to question it just because I no longer play the game. If by some miracle, the February 6th patch were to completely, and I mean _completely_, change the game and improve it drastically, I do not see myself reinstalling any time soon.



Do these answers, _"Proceed to cleanse the implications you garnered from your thought processes after having been concerned by your confusion stemming from my previous posts which merely attempted to surely clarify completely my feelings on the state of the game due to certain issues?"_


If that was hard to read, that was exactly how I felt trying to read what you wrote.

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@shadowpass.4236 "Do these answers, "Proceed to cleanse the implications you garnered from your thought processes after having been concerned by your confusion stemming from my previous posts which merely attempted to surely clarify completely my feelings on the state of the game due to certain issues?""


Negative I found them to be reasonably understood though next time I will be sure to use more memes and attempt to use slightly smaller more commonly used words. Alas I admit I'm not big on social media nor could I claim to be smart or even attempt to sound as such as it simply isn't true in my case but I would rather sound competent vs the opposite just a personal preference.


Thank you for clarifying my confusion though I admit I was unsure if you had actually uninstalled and if so why bother be concerned about how the game is still going granted I could have gone about it a better way with a lot less words but every time I post on a thread these days Arena Net seems to have an issue with how I "word" things sending me repeated warnings so I figured I would take the safer route if such a choice existed.


I my self am in a similar situation regarding the game though I consider my current status to be taking a break and this coming balance patch will likely decide if I attempt to rejoin the community on guild wars 2 or do I simply move on to a different game like Neverwinter or Elder Scrolls Online as I have dabbled a bit in both games of late they do seem to be better maintained the release of content is much more often it seems to be worth while and I have encountered far fewer bugs in both games content as opposed to guild wars 2 not to mention different PvP modes/systems are always worth trying out.


While guild wars 2 has had some good times imo this balance patch will decide for the few who still play whether they will continue to play or they move along to better things as the game has had plenty of time to turn things around yet has not managed to do it while leaving the remaining diehard players that came over from guild wars 1 looking to fill the void with a different game or maybe even return to guild wars 1 as I have witnessed such posts suggesting people are starting to do that.



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> @"Luciferior.4802" said:

> @shadowpass.4236 "Do these answers, "Proceed to cleanse the implications you garnered from your thought processes after having been concerned by your confusion stemming from my previous posts which merely attempted to surely clarify completely my feelings on the state of the game due to certain issues?""


> Negative I found them to be reasonably understood though next time I will be sure to use more memes and attempt to use slightly smaller more commonly used words. Alas I admit I'm not big on social media nor could I claim to be smart or even attempt to sound as such as it simply isn't true in my case but I would rather sound competent vs the opposite just a personal preference.


> Thank you for clarifying my confusion though I admit I was unsure if you had actually uninstalled and if so why bother be concerned about how the game is still going granted I could have gone about it a better way with a lot less words but every time I post on a thread these days Arena Net seems to have an issue with how I "word" things sending me repeated warnings so I figured I would take the safer route if such a choice existed.


> I my self am in a similar situation regarding the game though I consider my current status to be taking a break and this coming balance patch will likely decide if I attempt to rejoin the community on guild wars 2 or do I simply move on to a different game like Neverwinter or Elder Scrolls Online as I have dabbled a bit in both games of late they do seem to be better maintained the release of content is much more often it seems to be worth while and I have encountered far fewer bugs in both games content as opposed to guild wars 2 not to mention different PvP modes/systems are always worth trying out.


> While guild wars 2 has had some good times imo this balance patch will decide for the few who still play whether they will continue to play or they move along to better things as the game has had plenty of time to turn things around yet has not managed to do it while leaving the remaining diehard players that came over from guild wars 1 looking to fill the void with a different game or maybe even return to guild wars 1 as I have witnessed such posts suggesting people are starting to do that.




I'm not trying to be rude but I started reading the first paragraph and stopped because there are way too many unnecessary words. You need a tldr if you're going to type like that. No offense.


Also, you really need punctuation. All of those "paragraphs" are really long, run-on sentences. I seriously do not feel like reading something that comes across as someone trying to sound smarter than they actually are by adding in as many buzz words as possible but still failing to utilize grammar properly. Again, no offense, but it seems like you're just rambling on and its really hard to get through.


I've been playing Smite and that game is great because the game actually gets balance patches every 2 weeks which is about 10x faster than what we get in GW2. I don't know what else you said so I'll just leave it at that.

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Games should end at 250 points based on that one thread survey which looked at the win rates of matches which cross that point threshold. This isn't a 5 capture point mode in which there is a level of consistent flow and tension to a match and interesting movement or team coordination at all times. The 3 nodes to 10 players drives a slogging mire of a game mode in which one team gains the upper hand and generally keeps it (something like 87% of the time according to that "who wins after 250 points?" thread). Players will end up standing around not knowing what to do because it would be suicide to fight or because there is nothing more valuable than standing on "that circle over there" for 30s to a minute. This conquest mode has zero flow. Shorter games means less suffering, and if you're that upset about the idea of improving the quality of life in such a manner, your little ATs can be a best-of-three per round (if anet is even capable of coding that properly).

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> @"Swagg.9236" said:

> Games should end at 250 points based on that one thread survey which looked at the win rates of matches which cross that point threshold. This isn't a 5 capture point mode in which there is a level of consistent flow and tension to a match and interesting movement or team coordination at all times. The 3 nodes to 10 players drives a slogging mire of a game mode in which one team gains the upper hand and generally keeps it (something like 87% of the time according to that "who wins after 250 points?" thread). Players will end up standing around not knowing what to do because it would be suicide to fight or because there is nothing more valuable than standing on "that circle over there" for 30s to a minute. This conquest mode has zero flow. Shorter games means less suffering, and if you're that upset about the idea of improving the quality of life in such a manner, your little ATs can be a best-of-three per round (if anet is even capable of coding that properly).



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How do bad team mates maintain points long enough for a match to last that long? Anytime I've had games last max time, even more, on any map it was due to how close it was. Won a few by simply 1 point before. The only changes I would like to see for pvp are actual penalties for afkers/people who give up, and being able to surrender. Being forced to wait out a match when 1-2 people chose to give up is a complete waste of time.

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I'm sure there's something that could be done to speed up blowout matches that have little to no comeback potential. Maybe they could add bonus points to 3 caps. This would also reward comebacks without ruining any chance of one when you've been with only 1 point for most of the game. I've seen games won by teams losing by 200+ points, and they've won with a 3 cap too. It would reward good playing, or if no good playing is possible, end an unfun game sooner. Temple is a great map for ending blowout matches because you can double the rate of your point gain.

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> @"Ledavi.1803" said:

> IMO match length is just right - not that other options like 2v2 or 3v3 are bad ideas. And I would suggest that one can use even lopsided matches to try to improve your own gameplay so it isn't a waste of time.



Match length would be alright if we were able to que with 5 people. I'm not sure if you realize how frustrating it is when YOU know what you're doing, but get matched up with 4 people who seem like they have no clue how to PvP. Reducing match time means less suffering.

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> @"Taltevus.3289" said:

> Man...I hope people don't take this seriously...Don't give them any ideas. It's a joke...


Yep. 100% a joke. In actuality, I really enjoy:


1. Only having 1 officially supported gamemode to play since GW2 came out SIX years ago.

2. Wasting 15-20 minutes of my life (5 minutes in que, 10-15 minutes in match) when I get paired up with people who are nowhere near competent enough to be on my team.

3. Playing by myself because of a stupid, STUPID solo que only system.

4. Etc. etc.

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