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World Restructuring

Gaile Gray.6029

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I they give titles to people based on what server they are on when the current system closes, I hope all servers open up and transfer costs are eliminated a week or two before the new system is implemented allowing a migration back to people's home servers. Lots of people consider a server they are no longer on as their "home server" despite having transferred off to play with friends or a guild that left. Many people are on lower tier servers because of their pairings rather than having any relationship with that server itself. If there is a title to recognize the server we are on at the time of the retirement of the current server, it would be nice if they remove the restrictions (and costs) allowing people to return to their home servers for the final days. Just because a Canadian might be living and working in the UK it doesn't mean they don't consider themselves Canadian.

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Brilliant news. There will be issues of course, but this feels well-considered and long overdue.


Will there be systems in place to stop commanders and their core followers from bandwagoning the minute the season starts to create super-servers?


Will there be new WvW reward tracks in line with PvP rewards and raids, giving us loot proportionate to our play time?

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Just when I've begun to understand and enjoy WvW, it's all about to change. Sigh! Okay, lemme see if I'm getting this right. There are no more set worlds... wow, BG can't be happy about that. Now guilds can group up. Okay. But they can't choose they worlds I'm guessing. That would mean similar guilds/alliances are all put on the same world, which means big fight big, small fight small?


And by the same token for individuals, all players of similar stats face off each other on the same server then?


If that's the case, I think I'm going to really miss some good commanders. But on the flip side, it looks like this might provide an opportunity for others to shine.


So then how about if I want to play alongside my friend say who's really good and I'm not? From what's mentioned, we have to be in the same guild, but if he's in a good WvW guild that won't take me and he needs to rep them all the time, I don't get to play alongside my friend, do I?


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When I joined Tarnished Coast server (transferring from another) it was because of the role playing kind of diversity and inclusive warmth and humour of the people who were attracted to that server, not because of WvW. Won't this new WvW change break up that community even more than the 'megaservers' did? While I enjoy casual WvW, I enjoy more meeting TC people outside WvW. Is there any thought of introducing new alliances of guilds or some other kind of world/server structure to permit like minded individuals and guilds to band together for experiences outside WvW? Then alliances would serve a greater purpose than just WVW, as they did in GW1. The only thing better than that for me would be to bring back GW1 'International' instances (for towns and guild halls at least), so that I can meet up once again with old buddies from across the US/EU rift.

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I find it ironic that for 4+ years WvW folks have been railing against the 'eotm' zone, how the lack of servers promote k-training, unbalanced fights, etc. And here we have the borderlands morphing into EotM and everything is claiming it as the game modes savior. You people are fickle.

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So these are my current concerns:


1) Community. While this does not directly apply to me, I have seen it mentioned in this thread a lot. While yes, there could theoretically just be a guild/alliance based around a server to hold onto that server identity and community there is a reason this probably won't happen for most servers. You will have a lot of people scrambling to try and make these guilds, everyone will be trying to be **the** guild for that server. Most will fizzle out and die. People will be confused and conflicted about which of these server guilds to join. The fighting for the title and confusion this generates will kill most of the community and connection people felt.


2) Playing with friends. This is the part that affects me the most. I do a lot of PvE and so I have all my guild slots full of guilds meant for the different varieties of PvE content. I have made many good friends in these guilds, but no single guild holds all my friends. By pure luck most of my friends were all on the same server, so I gave some money to be on that server as well. Now I have a dilemma. I would have to be in a guild with all my friends if I wanted to play WvW with all of them. My options seem to be either abandoning one of my guilds which is a hub of content that I enjoy in order to either make or join a WvW guild which may or may not have all my friends in it, or convincing the PvE guilds I am in to label themselves as WvW guilds and then trying to get them to form alliances (or at least convincing one so that my friends in that one can play with me). Overall I am kind of stuck in a bad situation. I didn't join the guilds I am in for no reason, they all have a purpose, I do not want to abandon any of them, but I also don't want to be thrown into WvW without my friends.

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This seems too good to be true, I couldn't have come up with a better idea!

One thing remains unclear to me (and I apologize if this has already been answered, I did not read through 14 Pages.) Do I, as a player see my personal WvW "Tier" which determines what kind of World I'll be put into? And as the Leader of a WvW Guild, would I see the Tier of my Guild / my Guild mates?

And are there any requirements to make a Guild a "WvW Guild"?


> @"McKenna Berdrow.2759" said:

> Guilds will be able to set their language. An alliance will take the language of the guild that created it. If you aren't playing with a guild then the system will use whatever language you set the game as to sort you into a world that is that language.


I think we should be able to set "preferred languages" rather than one language for our guild, in my guild for example everyone speaks English, the majority of players in my Guild also speaks German and a minority speaks Norwegian, Polish and French so we would like to set "preferred languages" to English and German as most of us have been playing on a German server so far but none of us would mind beeing on an English speaking World.

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> @"Xtc Soul Dragon.2067" said:

> In your initial post you blatantly display whom your ire and dscrimination is aimed at, and that is my home server, since prerelease, of Blackgate.


They mentioned Blackgate in one paragraph merely as an example of how world linking is too blunt an instrument to allow them to balance coverage.


As you have apparently missed it, population/coverage imbalances have been an issue since day 1, if you had frequented the forums then you'd remember that soon after launch there was a "nightcapping" megathread precisely because of how those imbalances basically rendered WvW has a competition meaningless.


> Favoritism will determine who is tier 1, not skill or dedication or hours or sacrifice.


I hate to break it to you, but part of the reason WvW needs a change and part of the reason it has died off to the extent it has, is "winning" is meaningless, no one with an ounce of logic cares less about "winning" in a game mode that is a joke as a competition, precisely because all that really counts is population/coverage. A WvW matchup is akin to having a sports match where after half time only one team comes back out and are able to score freely with no opposition, that is not competitive or skilled in the slightest.


> Go ahead and replace the failed Edge of the Mists experiment; the lacklust rewards of that gamemode will not be missed. Do not delete 5 years of WvW rivalry and identity for shallow and foresight-lacking purposes, you as the developer do not write the history of your game, the players do.


Maybe this is the only game you've ever played, but servers are merely a grouping, people can have "pride" or "community" around different types of grouping, take EVE Online that is based on alliances made up of corporations (guilds) and to be blunt that game has a far deeper, stronger community than GW2 will ever have, the notion that servers are the only way those things can be achieved is nonsense.


> ...the moment you expunge that from the game is the moment that WvW ceases to have a reason to exist in a lot of our hearts and minds.


Really maybe you should look outside your own stacked T1 server, and over both EU and NA, WvW is in a really bad state, which is why most of the actual WvW players have either left or barely play anymore.


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Sounds awesome to me, excited to see how this plays out. People talking about server pride are literally talking about how they enjoy feeling prestige over a concept rather than having an actual community of friends. They talk about community and in the same breath they explain how the people they enjoy being around wouldn't want to be in an alliance or guild with them or each other. It's incredibly obvious that what they're really talking about is some of the conveniences they've found in their current circumstance. I don't have respect for people that use deceptive wording to get sympathy. I feel like they're insulting everyone elses intelligence with comments as contradictory as that. Furthermore, when they're not talking about how they'll be torn apart from their community of people that wouldn't want to be associated with them; they talk about how disadvantaged they might be as a pug in fights..... in a new system that's meant to address imbalance much more strongly than before, and creates multiple organized small groups over just huge centralized ones.

It's like those crazy political talks where someone's using every single "good" word to describe something that in reality represents no human value.


Not talking about Tarnished Coast being regarded as the go to RP server though, that's a valid concern, depending on how many rp-ers there are.


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Thanks a lot for letting us know about the path you're following and your goals on those topics. It's very much appreciated.


I'm overall really interested in this new mechanic. I think it's fair to give the players the opportunity to organize themselves in Guilds and Alliances and overall gather with anywhom they want to play with. To all of those fearing for random players out of guilds, this is a genuine concern, but we can't forsee its extent since we don't really know the fraction of a server's population that is "random player out of guild" vs. "player in a WvW guild".


Also, about the metrics, I think it's a good thing to cater with playtime and participation during that playtime, because there're a lot of playstyles. Any policy saying : "we'll be doing metrics on the amount of supply spent on build sieges for associations" would be a clear flag of "what to do". You think it's ridiculous to use an example with building siege ? Well... It's just as ridiculous as doing metrics like "player killed" or "damage delt".


This is why I'd like to suggest an additional way to assign players : asking them to sort their favorite roles. Some times ago (I think it was in the previous forum), there was a really interesting thread about roles in WvW, so I think it's be nice to add somewhere in the WvW panel a question : "What do you like to do in WvW ?" with answers like : "Large scales battles" (aka blobbing), "Objectives management and scouting", "small scale roaming and encounters", etc. This may sound anecdotical, but it also may prevent some situations like the well-known ever-blobbing k-train server, or the world famous siege construction team, while allowing players with their favorite playstyle to enjoy or more "flavoured" experience.


I'm not really sure about the impact these informations should have, especially given all the already stated criterias, but it may be worth considering.

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Congratulations Anet, for being brave enough to start this. There will be problems, but if you keep improving on these ideeas, WvW will live, and will be a great alternative to any other team based PvP game out there.


If you can achieve this, you deserve our monetary support as well. Adding Gem store based WvW custom skins and other things that the community can propose is one way, far better than income from transfers, that is part of why the game mode got in so bad state. Many of us understand that a game has to make revenue, and if we really want a fun WvW, making it very profitable should be our aim as well.

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A bit unrelated to wvw and probably already asked, but is there a way or plans to use the alliance guild system for guild missions?? Some missions like bounties, challenges and treks are not shared across all guilds and I feel it would be nice to have an allience to do guild missions once for 3 or 4 guilds because dropping & switching guilds is a bit inconvinient with the current system.


Thanks for reading this <3

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> Does Anet have plans to add in-game voice communication so that our squads can talk to ourselves and allow commander chat between tags?


> This is an important feature that will prevent this change from becoming a new version of EotM


Takes 5 seconds to have a discord link posted in team chat with API verification already being a thing anet doesn't have to add in-game voip.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> Btw nice job anet listening to the elitist crowd so they can have their own private playground.


> I am curious how do you think you can achieve any semblance of population balance, when a bunch of guilds that play in one timezone can stack a new server each time, capping the population, keeping out anyone not in the guild, and not having anyone from different timezones to fill in the coverage gaps?


> How long do you think it will take before server A starts complaining wvw is dead because server B doesn't have anyone on at the same time?


> How long do you think it will take before it turns into a EoTM style ktrain, because you took away any meaning to matches since everything will just reset every other month, therefore you are only playing for personal rewards...hmmm does scouting, defending, roaming, small team play give more rewards or blobbing up and ktraining?


> Oh and I really love the part about ''evaluation''. Forget about being able to jump into wvw anytime you want, the game will now judge you based on how long and how much you play!



You need to take a deep breath and really think this whole thing through. Explain each part of your thought process -- why do you think "a bunch of guilds that play in one timezone can stack a new server each time, capping the population, keeping out anyone not in the guild, and not having anyone from different timezones to fill in the coverage gaps?"


How do you think they can do that? Which timezone can they do that in? Can they pull that off in tier 1 with a bunch of big alliances from BG, Mag, JQ, etc.? Unless you can explain how they can outstack the other alliances/guilds, you're just being dramatic.

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> @"Vermillion.4061" said:

> > @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > Does Anet have plans to add in-game voice communication so that our squads can talk to ourselves and allow commander chat between tags?

> >

> > This is an important feature that will prevent this change from becoming a new version of EotM


> Takes 5 seconds to have a discord link posted in team chat with API verification already being a thing anet doesn't have to add in-game voip.


Discord does not support commander chat, problem remains

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