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Ever going to fix Berserker?


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Can't tell if this is a joke thread, the OP is willfully ignorant, or this is some radical definition of "dead" I have never heard of before. Judging by that nonsensical signature, I would have to guess it's a mixture of the above.


Anyway, Berserkers are fine. They do good DPS while providing powerful unique buffs. Primal Burst being considered as a single Adrenaline bar use has absolutely nothing to do with the strength of the specialization.

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The problem with Power Warrior is that you pretty much need Strength for Berserker's Power in order to get any kind of damage and the nerf to Primal Bursts hit that hard - and Discipline is an all-around more useful third traitline since it allows you to pump out more Bursts in general, thus keeping Berserker's Power (and Adrenal Health if you go for it) up at max stacks 24/7.


Berserker just cannot compete with that.

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> @"TheSlothArmada.6709" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > Please define _dead_


> Power berserker



You mean my greatsword plus hammer berserker statted berserker with lots of power?

Which pumelled balthazar into the ground with no sweat?

(Given, we had a special sword then, but i also pumelled everything from thr amnoon oasis to his stage into the ground)


Hence, there's nothing dead about the power berserker but your personal desire not to play it

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> The problem with Power Warrior is that you pretty much need Strength for Berserker's Power in order to get any kind of damage and the nerf to Primal Bursts hit that hard - and Discipline is an all-around more useful third traitline since it allows you to pump out more Bursts in general, thus keeping Berserker's Power (and Adrenal Health if you go for it) up at max stacks 24/7.


> Berserker just cannot compete with that.


So much truth

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It still has great offense and so it still finds a place in PvE. But nerfing the bursts to only tier one crushed both AH and CI - important defensive traits for PvP and WvW. Also, Burst Mastery no longer works when in Berserker mode (they broke it in the same patch with the big nerf). I'm very sad my Berserker is no longer competitive in WvW. So please Warriors, at least keep testing and reporting the Burst Mastery bug. It hasn't even been acknowledged by ANet.

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i mained power berserker in pve for a long time, using axe/axe axe/mace, just because its pretty enjoyable, fast pace, fast ramp, very reliable multiple hard cc... but it just doesn't compete condi at all and you need to invest into a lot more selfish or less effective traits to be "optimal".


i sadly recently changed to condi and its depressingly better... WARRIORS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE RAW BRUTE DAMAGE, not waving a wand around shooting fiery pixie bolts.


fyi, raiding is not even an option for me as power... not that im keen on raiding anyway, t4 fracs is the extent of my pve'ing and even then people have hissy fits if you're not condi


if the coming patch buffs power on par with condi, im making no hesitation to return

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> The problem with Power Warrior is that you pretty much need Strength for Berserker's Power in order to get any kind of damage and the nerf to Primal Bursts hit that hard - and Discipline is an all-around more useful third traitline since it allows you to pump out more Bursts in general, thus keeping Berserker's Power (and Adrenal Health if you go for it) up at max stacks 24/7.


> Berserker just cannot compete with that.


But with Berserker's Power on Strength, if you take Bloody Roar on Berserker, you get a flat 24% damage increase instead of the normal 21% from BP when you use your Primal Bursts. Plus the fact that Fatal Frenzy + Blood Reaction would see you hit for much stronger crits, assuming you're using Berserker stats. How can that not compete with a slightly higher uptime on Berserker's power?

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  • 4 months later...

> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"TheSlothArmada.6709" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > Please define _dead_

> >

> > Power berserker

> >


> You mean my greatsword plus hammer berserker statted berserker with lots of power?

> Which pumelled balthazar into the ground with no sweat?

> (Given, we had a special sword then, but i also pumelled everything from thr amnoon oasis to his stage into the ground)


> Hence, there's nothing dead about the power berserker but your personal desire not to play it


comparing open world pve to anything else lul m8 good joke


berserker is dead in pvp and wvw since those changes and all those ppl saying its still alive have never played those modes before and/or are only caring about condi pve meta (its viable there, ok)


> @"Gandrogh.1530" said:

> Why dead ? in PVP ? PVE ?

> You get so much F1 spam in Berzerker mod that you alway get the 3 stacks of Berserk Power.


> And for PVP I agree it's a nerf but if you want your lvl3 burst then run core warrior. As simple as that.


great argument, instead of fixing an entire espec for which we paid, mind you, just play the core variant...thank god you arent in the balancibg team

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > @"TheSlothArmada.6709" said:

> > > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > > Please define _dead_

> > >

> > > Power berserker

> > >

> >

> > You mean my greatsword plus hammer berserker statted berserker with lots of power?

> > Which pumelled balthazar into the ground with no sweat?

> > (Given, we had a special sword then, but i also pumelled everything from thr amnoon oasis to his stage into the ground)

> >

> > Hence, there's nothing dead about the power berserker but your personal desire not to play it


> comparing open world pve to anything else lul m8 good joke


> berserker is dead in pvp and wvw since those changes and all those ppl saying its still alive have never played those modes before and/or are only caring about condi pve meta (its viable there, ok)



You can only cram so much ignorance into a single post before people start to think you’re trolling.

The warrior, even in power, is still very viable in PvP, and WvW, if you so much spend half as much time practicing the class as you do rolling on the forums

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> great argument, instead of fixing an entire espec for which we paid, mind you, just play the core variant...thank god you arent in the balancibg team


This. I played berserker after HoT release. It loved it, but eventually I quit playing gw2 for several months. When I returned a few weeks ago (and bought PoF before trying things out like a dunce) and got back on my warrior I was more than a little ticked off to find out that the spec I payed money for had been nerfed into the dirt to make room for spellbreaker. Oh sure, I CAN play beserker ANYWHERE if I want and eventually get decent at it if I put lots of time into it. I payed extra money for it though, I want it to be on par with the other elite specs and core and not just be "good 'nough".


The real issue is that if the game is f2p then the core variants have to be able to stand on par with especs or players will feel like the game is pay to win. On the flip side people that DO pay for especs expect them to at least be as viable as the free core specs if not a tiny bit better. I can pretty much run core warrior anywhere and do very well, it's still top tier. Aside from open world (where you can play whatever, doesnt matter) and raids(which a smaller part of the population plays), there is no reason to play berserker. You can play it (like you COULD play condi scrapper) but for something I payed what I consider to be a lot for money for I expect better balance. I don't want it to be 'op' but just as on par with core, if not a slight bit better. I don't want to have to put it twice as much work as everyone else to play a profession I paid for just because anet can't balance things well. Just my opinions on it.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > > @"TheSlothArmada.6709" said:

> > > > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > > > Please define _dead_

> > > >

> > > > Power berserker

> > > >

> > >

> > > You mean my greatsword plus hammer berserker statted berserker with lots of power?

> > > Which pumelled balthazar into the ground with no sweat?

> > > (Given, we had a special sword then, but i also pumelled everything from thr amnoon oasis to his stage into the ground)

> > >

> > > Hence, there's nothing dead about the power berserker but your personal desire not to play it

> >

> > comparing open world pve to anything else lul m8 good joke

> >

> > berserker is dead in pvp and wvw since those changes and all those ppl saying its still alive have never played those modes before and/or are only caring about condi pve meta (its viable there, ok)

> >


> You can only cram so much ignorance into a single post before people start to think you’re trolling.

> The warrior, even in power, is still very viable in PvP, and WvW, if you so much spend half as much time practicing the class as you do rolling on the forums


ive put more than 5,5k hours into this game, modt of them on warrior (like 4k) and of that time ive spent most of it in wvw zerging and roaming.

ive never said that power warrior isnt viable, i said power berserker isnt viable in those modes, you should spend more time reading other ppl posts

everybody who spent just a few hours in pvp can tell you why adrenalin tier nerfs (also casttime nerf on headbut and other small changes) on berserker killed it mostly

its just not rewarding enough anymore to go into berserker mode, you fill up all your adrenalin and are patient to not use any bursts, enter berserker, lose 2 adrenalin bars without getting any of the benefits that comes with traits for spending adrenalin (adrenal health, cleansing ire, berserkers power for example) and even if ppl say "but oh its so spammy in berserker" you still will have a hard time stacking your regen up

you know, ppl in pvp tend to dodge, block, blind your f1's, unlike your open world pve mobs

you lose one measly condition with cleansing ire, after you made no use of it while stacking up your adrenalin to enter berserker

there is no reason to go berserker when you can go strength instead, get around the same dmg modifiers and even more survivability with mmr


jfyi metabuilds for pvp modes almost all include disci and defense, leaving one other choice open there is just no space for berserker, when strength and sb are superior in almost every way

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > > > @"TheSlothArmada.6709" said:

> > > > > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > > > > Please define _dead_

> > > > >

> > > > > Power berserker

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > You mean my greatsword plus hammer berserker statted berserker with lots of power?

> > > > Which pumelled balthazar into the ground with no sweat?

> > > > (Given, we had a special sword then, but i also pumelled everything from thr amnoon oasis to his stage into the ground)

> > > >

> > > > Hence, there's nothing dead about the power berserker but your personal desire not to play it

> > >

> > > comparing open world pve to anything else lul m8 good joke

> > >

> > > berserker is dead in pvp and wvw since those changes and all those ppl saying its still alive have never played those modes before and/or are only caring about condi pve meta (its viable there, ok)

> > >

> >

> > You can only cram so much ignorance into a single post before people start to think you’re trolling.

> > The warrior, even in power, is still very viable in PvP, and WvW, if you so much spend half as much time practicing the class as you do rolling on the forums


> ive put more than 5,5k hours into this game, modt of them on warrior (like 4k) and of that time ive spent most of it in wvw zerging and roaming.

> ive never said that power warrior isnt viable, i said power berserker isnt viable in those modes, you should spend more time reading other ppl posts


So do you, because I was explicitly talking about wvw and pvp.

I’ve also put in a small 4k, in PvE, WvW, raids, PvP, so I’m prety sure I know how to handle a warrior in difficult situations


> everybody who spent just a few hours in pvp can tell you why adrenalin tier nerfs (also casttime nerf on headbut and other small changes) on berserker killed it mostly


Which makes it less good in top tier PvP and WvW, but still viable for low gold, and roaming in WvW


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