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Gem Store Items to support WvW mode


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Additional revenue could help the WvW game mode a lot, especially if those are usable only or mostly in WvW. Post your ideeas here.

These should be items & features that won't turn the game into P2W, and beyond being useful, are ways to show support for the WvW game mode.


Mine would be:

1. Gem Store based, WvW Gear Set Wardrobe: Weapon, Armor, Accessories, all existing current and future stats, including sigils and runes. This will be useful for those who don't already own an ascended set, this will be an equivalent - but usable only in WvW.

There could be multiple packs:

a. Permanent Unlock, for 50$ or so (equivalent in Gems)

b. Temporary version, for 50 Gem 1 day

Edit: or just multiple packs, and new stats included in separate upgrades: Base Pack (Vanilla GW2), HoT WvW Wardrobe Upgrade, PoF WvW Wardrobe Upgrade


2. Inventory Manager (not just WvW exclusive, but it's the worse when inventory full during WvW), an automated script that is executed with a single button click, that could do these:

a. delete items marked for deletion (minor sigils, other things you choose so when marking), useful when you are far from a vendor and inventory full

b. sell all marked items

c. eventually delete certain items as soon as they are looted


3. Cloaks and other skins

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Though these are good for practical purposes, for cosmetic I always thought that if you dealt the final blow to an enemy player (whether by condi tick or power damage) it would play some sort of animation similar to a finisher. These animations can vary from Joko's hand coming out and snatching the player's soul to a bunch of quaggans playing a sad violin theme around the corpse...all for the small price of 600 gems. Of course these finishers or "executions" would probably add to visual clutter but it would bring some fashion wars to a zerg v zerg fight where there's a lack of stomping.

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I mean, wvw-specific boosters used to be a thing.

Why not bring those back?


I've had [my own thoughts for inventory management](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/20706/streamlining-the-inventory "my own thoughts for inventory management") in the past, but these are some good ideas.


As of right now, I have a dedicated bag at the bottom of my inventory that accumulates all of those items I don't feel like dealing with every time one drops.


~ Kovu

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Objective decoration packages tied to an individual that when they claim an objective (regardless of represented guild) it styles it based on what they have unlocked.


* Unlockable locations: Camps, towers, keeps, SMC


* unlockable tiers


* unlockable styles


Create some fancy wardrobe wvw panel for it.

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If there would be ways for guilds, alliances, even worlds (this should be able to dynamically change & update) to have some skins looking more like the loading screen for WvW, instead what we have, looking more like a medieval army, though some fantasy elements are fine, many would like to get one.


But what is most important, is that a constant revenue from WvW (without making it P2W) could ensure constant improvement & updates, useful & needed improvements, and WvW deserves it, because it is already great fun at times, and could have a future as entry level Realm vs. Realm game mode, for future generations as well.

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No. Never.


Worst idea ever to add actual items to the gem store. This, in principle, adds to the P2W factor in a game even if we're talking about ascended, or any type of armour/weaponry.


Anything that does not influence the game anyhow (skins) is OK, any real item (weapon, armour, sigil, rune) is a NO-GO and should never be added to a gem store. These practices ensure the swift downfall of any game.

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> @"Inoki.6048" said:

> No. Never.


> Worst idea ever to add actual items to the gem store. This, in principle, adds to the P2W factor in a game even if we're talking about ascended, or any type of armour/weaponry.


> Anything that does not influence the game anyhow (skins) is OK, any real item (weapon, armour, sigil, rune) is a NO-GO and should never be added to a gem store. These practices ensure the swift downfall of any game.


You are saying that vs. the WvW Gear Set Wardrobe ideea only, I hope. That is just one example, and the ideea is to provide additional revenue, that clearly shows support to WvW game mode. I would like subscription, but that ideea is a bit late already, most players expect to play this forever without paying again. Of course P2W must be avoided, including lottery & RNG based "monetization". The WvW Gear Set would just add something similar, but different - to what sPvP has (is that P2W? of course not), allowing to skip gear grind (which is not that hard doing anyway with the ticket system), not usable outside of WvW, and could be useful to have.


I would rather show support buying something that is needed, but I won't be against buying a WvW focused DLC either, but that would be a big problem with those who don't want to or can't afford to pay.

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WvW specific skins.. would be nice.


Dolyaks that look like Oliphants, camp and guard skins...


Would be kinda cool. Pointless mostly, but cool.


@"Loosmaster.8263" I think part of the thought was depending on purchase and use, it would show how people enjoy the mode.


But yeah, it's a little hard to feel that things are being put into WvW after how most people view how our mode has been ignored.

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It's understandable if at this point not many WvW players are willing to "show support", but if the restucturing goes ahead and will be improved, then more would. I paid for HoT and PoF solely to support WvW, I don't care about anything else, but WvW got worse since HoT and PoF, so there it is the reason why many would think twice before doing it again.


Still, if they keep improving & updating WvW properly, I would pay again, even as way to say goodbye to GW2 one day, because the fights were fun many times, despite the problems.


So just please keep giving ideeas about things that could be sold through Gem Store and would show support for WvW.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> Objective decoration packages tied to an individual that when they claim an objective (regardless of represented guild) it styles it based on what they have unlocked.


> * Unlockable locations: Camps, towers, keeps, SMC


> * unlockable tiers


> * unlockable styles


> Create some fancy wardrobe wvw panel for it.


This would hit hard on the alliance cosmetics

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Yeah, no p2w and then add actual items with the best stats to the gem store. And how and why would they only "function" in wvw? And why wouldn't this take away resources from the rest of the game or wvw?


Anet always tells us it's not worth for them doing entire armor sets for the store. So if the 80% of the community that play mostly PvE aren't even enough to get the resources for a single armor set in the store, how do you think it would work out for them when they start making exclusive armor sets for the relatively small community (compared to the overall playerbase) that plays mostly WvW ?


This will never happen and imo all this "exclusive" stuff needs to stop, we don't need more exclusivity, we need more for everyone.

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alright cool thread, ill throw some ideas from the top of my head into the mix:


purely cosmetic:

building/repairing animations

siege skins/animations

entire wvw map skins (lol that would be awesome)



"Your message was suppressed due to excessive messaging." bypass for typemanders (you can still block them)

extra wvw only bag and slot for siege, food, and the like

overhead and minimap siege type and timer display


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> @"Adenin.5973" said:

> Yeah, no p2w and then add actual items with the best stats to the gem store. And how and why would they only "function" in wvw? And why wouldn't this take away resources from the rest of the game or wvw?


> Anet always tells us it's not worth for them doing entire armor sets for the store. So if the 80% of the community that play mostly PvE aren't even enough to get the resources for a single armor set in the store, how do you think it would work out for them when they start making exclusive armor sets for the relatively small community (compared to the overall playerbase) that plays mostly WvW ?


> This will never happen and imo all this "exclusive" stuff needs to stop, we don't need more exclusivity, we need more for everyone.


There is no post in this thread about "entire armor sets". What was proposed is a different thing, you can go to sPvP and check it there, just for WvW will use same stats as before, i.e. not all accesories on a single amulet and so on. Also the sPvP wardrobe can't be used outside of that game mode (I'm sure you can guess why)


Instead of "this will never happen" comments, please submit something that could happen, exclusiv or not.



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> @"Tiawal.2351" said:

> > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > Yeah, no p2w and then add actual items with the best stats to the gem store. And how and why would they only "function" in wvw? And why wouldn't this take away resources from the rest of the game or wvw?

> >

> > Anet always tells us it's not worth for them doing entire armor sets for the store. So if the 80% of the community that play mostly PvE aren't even enough to get the resources for a single armor set in the store, how do you think it would work out for them when they start making exclusive armor sets for the relatively small community (compared to the overall playerbase) that plays mostly WvW ?

> >

> > This will never happen and imo all this "exclusive" stuff needs to stop, we don't need more exclusivity, we need more for everyone.


> There is no post in this thread about "entire armor sets". What was proposed is a different thing, you can go to sPvP and check it there, just for WvW will use same stats as before, i.e. not all accesories on a single amulet and so on. Also the sPvP wardrobe can't be used outside of that game mode (I'm sure you can guess why)


> Instead of "this will never happen" comments, please submit something that could happen, exclusiv or not.




Even if there would be no p2w aspect. The majority of resources for this project would've to be spent before anet is seeing a single cent. Balance the items in wvw, restructure loot, vendors, rewards, making the UI and integrating it in the rest of the game with all the spaghetti code they claim to have.


This would also mean that a considerable amount of time is spent by the small WvW team on a project, that could easily not be profitable and /or not be accepted by the playerbase. This means WvW would get even less updates/work in other areas until this project is completed and even less players would play or like to support it when after 1 year all they get is essentially a "cash shop" where they're now asked to spend money.


Also, what many people don't seem to realize: It's common practice in mmos to have tools that allow the company running the game to identify player behavior, such as played hours in game modes, specific maps, weapons, classes, money spent in cash shop etc.


Why do you think it's needed to get an exclusive WvW "cash shop" just to show that WvW players spend real life cash? Why do you think that money would then be used for developing the WvW game mode? And if that's not what your project is about, if showing support for WvW mode is all you care about, then the tools that anet already has should be sufficient enough to identify WvW players that spend real life money on their game.

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I have an issue in game, i bought gems paying cash to trde for gold, which now it wont let me do. i get a system error saying check internet connection. which is working fine due to the fact that everything else in the game is working, i can even use gems to buy items the error only happens when i try to buy gold.

i have submmited tickets about this issue and recive no responce from support team. anyone ever had this issue? i need a solution give that support cant be bothered... F Y I

im new to the game with a fully paid account not free player cant imagine that this is what support is in this game for anyone let alone paying players

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> @"Adenin.5973" said:


> Also, what many people don't seem to realize: It's common practice in mmos to have tools that allow the company running the game to identify player behavior, such as played hours in game modes, specific maps, weapons, classes, money spent in cash shop etc.


> Why do you think it's needed to get an exclusive WvW "cash shop" just to show that WvW players spend real life cash? Why do you think that money would then be used for developing the WvW game mode? And if that's not what your project is about, if showing support for WvW mode is all you care about, then the tools that anet already has should be sufficient enough to identify WvW players that spend real life money on their game.


- It's unlikely that Gem Store items are developed by the WvW team.

- This isn't about an exclusive WvW cash shop.

- This isn't against any other game mode, it's just support for WvW

- ArenaNet can use the money as they want of course.


They have detailed tracking, but none of those can show if one enjoys that content or where they desire the team to focus.

I already paid for HoT & PoF, and they have no way to guess that I did that for WvW only. I don't hate the other game modes though, just don't enjoy anything else but sometimes WvW.


This isn't here to hurt anyone or any game mode. Anet can decide alone if they need from us a show of support for WvW, or just simply consider what we pay in a percent of where we spend our time. Still WvW could use extra premium features, like these or anything else, and would be an extra money source as well.

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> @"Nightfox.5249" said:

> I have an issue in game, i bought gems paying cash to trde for gold, which now it wont let me do.


Wait for support to answer, could take some time.

Internet connection used for Trading Post, Gem Store, multiple databases, is different to what is used for map data and login, the IP and the servers are different, they could have technical problems or your firewall or something could block those. I don't know exactly, but you can try to get help at




Support can take 24-48h or more.


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