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What kind of armors would you like to see from now on?


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More cultural armor.....i mean: soo much new maps with sooo much new materials / plants and monsters...and no race had the idea of making at least 1 new cultural armor for each map? I am a mesmer (Sylvari) and if i wear my cultural armor i just have the choice between skirt, skirt aaaannnd skirt....all long skirts not even one short (ok i just know 1 short skirt...)...also i really like the orchid top...just not the wings on the back (clipping with GS and staff)...the other 2 tops are not soo my favorite but the only choice when i want to wear full cultural armor.... ok there is one more plant armor from one dungeon...but...well that is not my style.... the outfits are nice (cook and wedding) but there i can not mix the pieces....

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- Fewer spikes

- Fewer butt capes

- Stop with the male-body-part-looking things hanging down in front. Seriously, the obsession with them is juvenile. I can't unsee that thing on Grenth's Outfit.

- More tight-fitting armor that isn't necessarily skimpy, although....

- Skimpier options for male toons

- Shorter coats/jackets, fewer trenchcoats

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* As mentioned by others, less Human focused armor; more Norn, Asuran, Charr, and sylvari armors.

* For heavy armor I would like to see more armor with no sleeves, similar to the Kodan heavy armor from HotW

* No more trench coats for medium classes. Anet cant keep hiding behind the excuse that players,newer ones, while not be able to distinguish the class of a PC because if this. If that were true then why would they have implemented outfits in the game?

* For light armor characters I would like to see more vest-like armors. It does not have to be skimpy, but just something to show off more of the arms and a bit of the chest as well

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Like several have mentioned I would like to see simpler designs that were more practical. I hate bulky, over complicated armor that always has clipping issues. A great example of some of my favorite armor from GW 1 is the Norn Ranger armor. It looked great on male and female models, and it looks like something a ranger might actually wear in the wilderness.

![](https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/5/5b/Ranger_Norn_armor_f.jpg "")


Another great example is the Vabbian necromancer armor from Nightfall. it has some flair but it isn't cluttered with pointless elements.

![](https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/b/b0/Necromancer_Vabbian_armor_f.jpg "")


Also I play a Sylvari ele as my main and I would really appreciate it if Anet added some more cultural sets to the game for all races. I love the Sylvari cultural armors, they have some of the best design in the entire game, and it would be great to see more of it.


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-No more shiny stuff, the game is loadded with visual clutter... it has already to much of it >_>

(no more shyny flying things, wings or wathever , i hate when i need to look of the monitor due the visual noise (gw2 is full of visual noise/clutter))

-Small pauldrons.

-Decent arms for heavy armors...

-More normal look alike armors would be apreciated, so people can mix it .


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1. Less trenchcoats

2. Less exposed skin

3. More simplistic armor silhouettes-none of those spikes or sharp pointy things jutting out from the body

4. No floating bits such as crystals (looking at you legendary armor)

5. On humanoid females, less high-heels and chest armor shouldn't outline each single.... tata

6. In short, closer appearance parity between male and female armor art. The biggest letdown for me was the phalanx armor set and the differences between the male and female versions, to me, were appalling.

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Woow, i just love whatg I'm reading here.

I'm just so happy that many of you agree on:

"NO MORE WINGS" (especially dis...)





i'd also love some light armor trench coats as one poster said. Overall i dont mind bulky. I'd love to have more bulky shoulders.

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* Armours that show more skin - especially in charr and norn (tattoos, fur-pattern... hello)


* Pyres armours from gw1


* Sylvari-themed armours (poor plants are lett with almost nothing to choose from)


* Less medium trenchcoats


* Less oversized shoulders and gloves


* More cultural atmours


* Hideable shoes (most shoes look silly on charr)


* More nature details such as feathers and leaves.

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I'm all for more **simple**, **reasonable**, and **realistic** armor pieces. A benefit? Mixing and matching should seemingly have a lot less clipping issues, no?


+1 for Symmetric Shoulders as others have mentioned.


No more spikes, feathers, glows, auras, neon flashing signs, oversized shoulders and gloves, "butt capes", skimpy, more-skin-than-protection gear. We have enough of them already.

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i'd like variety, some big bulky armour, some s3xy simple armour,

i've noticed there wasn't a single piece of s3xy armour in this expansion (or the last) which is very disappointing,

my femme human thief has been stuck with cultural tier 3 since release because there aren't really any other options for a s3xy look.

this expansion currently doesn't have anything appealing imho, atleast last expansion had Bladed armour for my norn male!


side note: new forum, same nonsense filtering, s3xy is censored lol...



Variety, but definitely some skimpy simple armour.

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