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Templates Release

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Inbefore Illconceived: No No, Anet has other priorities, and creating build templates would take away resources from more important stuff. Also, it's really complicated.


In reality, they have lots of resources at hand to do this, but for some reason, decide to put them to work on fixing a class that nobody thought needed fixing. Many hours have been put into changing mesmer, and many more hours will be put into balancing it again.


Please nobody ever say something cannot be done because other things are more important. Thank you


Until they implement a build change feature, you can test the one that's in arcdps. I tried it but it made my client crash. Also, it only changes traits, no gear or skills.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> Inbefore Illconceived: No No, Anet has other priorities, and creating build templates would take away resources from more important stuff. Also, it's really complicated.


> In reality, they have lots of resources at hand to do this, but for some reason, decide to put them to work on fixing a class that nobody thought needed fixing. Many hours have been put into changing mesmer, and many more hours will be put into balancing it again.


> Please nobody ever say something cannot be done because other things are more important. Thank you


> Until they implement a build change feature, you can test the one that's in arcdps. I tried it but it made my client crash. Also, it only changes traits, no gear or skills.


Although its been out awhile I heard it still has issues and every time Anet does an update it messes up these add on's. Maybe it's different with arcdps I don't know. How did a user make this already and Anet did not...that's the other thing that does not make sense to me.


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The other resources argument is debatable considering Diablo 3 got build templates implemented years after release. I am also fully aware they may be different games and different game engines involving different technical limitations (D3 is not a MMO). Even still...it was implemented late into GW1, so it might be implemented in GW2 late too. That's if we assume their engine is the updated GW1 engine. However I bet the accretion design philosophy has caused many headaches in regards to this.



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It's not a priority for me. When I'm changing my build it's either because an update has come out or because I'm doing something that needs very specific traits/skills (like a Season 2 achievement where you had to stop enemies stealing boons from you - so I removed all boons from my build). I can't imagine I'd know in advance I'd need to make those changes so I wouldn't have a template set up, and because it's either a one-off or a permanent change (if it's because of an update) I'm not likely to need to switch it again in the future, so there wouldn't be any point saving it as a template.


I know other people want it, and I'm not opposed to Anet adding it, but it's certainly not more important to me than anything else they could be doing.

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> @"Risensoul Shockwave.1564" said:

> > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > Inbefore Illconceived: No No, Anet has other priorities, and creating build templates would take away resources from more important stuff. Also, it's really complicated.

> >

> > In reality, they have lots of resources at hand to do this, but for some reason, decide to put them to work on fixing a class that nobody thought needed fixing. Many hours have been put into changing mesmer, and many more hours will be put into balancing it again.

> >

> > Please nobody ever say something cannot be done because other things are more important. Thank you

> >

> > Until they implement a build change feature, you can test the one that's in arcdps. I tried it but it made my client crash. Also, it only changes traits, no gear or skills.


> Although its been out awhile I heard it still has issues and every time Anet does an update it messes up these add on's. Maybe it's different with arcdps I don't know. How did a user make this already and Anet did not...that's the other thing that does not make sense to me.


Maybe when Anet tried they had the same issues?


A 3rd party add-on can get away with only mostly working, or breaking every time there's a patch. An official tool built into the game cannot. How would people react if every time there was an update the LFG tool stopped working? Or if it constantly had problems which weren't fixed? (Actually I know the answer because my other MMO has exactly that problem - people are furious and hold it up as an example of the companies utter incompetence, whether that's deserved or not.)

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> Inbefore Illconceived: No No, Anet has other priorities, and creating build templates would take away resources from more important stuff. Also, it's really complicated.


What I actually say is that I don't understand why they didn't include this when the game launched. They said they wanted us to focus on the game, not the UI and several other things that ... and even if those things made sense at the time, circumstances have changed. ANet has said that it's more complicated than we think, but they haven't been clear about why that is.


More importantly, they haven't explained why they can't offer us any compromise alternatives.


"Templates" can come in several forms:

1. Snap shots, which simply show you what the build was. This is already done by 3rd party sites like [GW2 Skills](http://gw2skills.net) and GW2 Efficiency.

2. Simplistic load outs, which save the non-gear elements of a build and allow you to load them onto your character.

3. Full load outs, which also save and swap gear.

4. Complex load outs, which can also swap stats on legendary gear and replace runes & sigils & infusions.


It's easy to see that full load outs (options #3-4) can get tricky, what with the different ways that we store gear and having to be careful about economic impact of replacements, plus the various sorts of "oops didn't mean to do that" moments.


It's less easy to see why simplistic load outs (option #2) are any more difficult for ANet than for ArcDPS' programmer, aside from the fact that ANet has traditional gotten stuck over UI changes generally. And it's really difficult to see why the game can't simply store an image of our builds (option #1).


It's true that Anet has other priorities. What I've never understood is why build templates haven't ever been one of them.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> Inbefore Illconceived: No No, Anet has other priorities, and creating build templates would take away resources from more important stuff. Also, it's really complicated.


> In reality, they have lots of resources at hand to do this, but for some reason, decide to put them to work on fixing a class that nobody thought needed fixing. Many hours have been put into changing mesmer, and many more hours will be put into balancing it again.


> Please nobody ever say something cannot be done because other things are more important. Thank you


> Until they implement a build change feature, you can test the one that's in arcdps. I tried it but it made my client crash. Also, it only changes traits, no gear or skills.


You seem to have intimate knowledge of how much resources Anet has on hand.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > Inbefore Illconceived: No No, Anet has other priorities, and creating build templates would take away resources from more important stuff. Also, it's really complicated.

> >

> > In reality, they have lots of resources at hand to do this, but for some reason, decide to put them to work on fixing a class that nobody thought needed fixing. Many hours have been put into changing mesmer, and many more hours will be put into balancing it again.

> >

> > Please nobody ever say something cannot be done because other things are more important. Thank you

> >

> > Until they implement a build change feature, you can test the one that's in arcdps. I tried it but it made my client crash. Also, it only changes traits, no gear or skills.


> You seem to have intimate knowledge of how much resources Anet has on hand.


No, that part was irony. The point is that we really don't know about Anet's internal decision making process. Some people keep saying these things as response to valid suggestions from players though.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> The point is that we really don't know about Anet's internal decision making process. Some people keep saying these things as response to valid suggestions from players though.


Some people keep pointing out that ANet has said these things about suggestions, some of which seem valid to players. And often, there's all sorts of issues that we can identify for ourselves.


Regardless, the issue here is build templates and what ANet has said about them. They have said they are considering them and they have said it's more complicated than we think it is. Then again, they've said much the same thing about templates since launch, so all I think we can really discern is that they aren't enough of a priority to have done something... yet.

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If guys from arcdps could do build templates plugin working even with legendaries now and runes in leg armor, then surely it shouldnt be too hard for Anet, right ? : p

You can actually swap gear, traits, skills, stats on legendaries and runes in armor now. I think its all we need. I love that thing.

I have no idea why the other guy here said you cant. You could swap all besides legendaries for months now.

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Just for anyone who doesn't know: there is a third party addon you can get which provides a working build template system. I have been using it for months and it has dramatically improved my QoL. There are some people who scaremonger that it could "delete your gear" or some such. I've never had any issue like that, and I have about ten builds on my warrior I swap between daily.


Some guy said you can only swap gear with it - wrong, not only can you swap skills and traits, but now even legendary stats. As for the matter of crashes: you will need to redownload and repaste updates from the addons site when big patches are released or it may cause the game to crash.

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I see how gear with swappable stats and swappable runes/infusions on legendary armor... not weapons yet, which is sad... have pushed build templates that change your gear even farther to the edge of the table. I can only imagine how these items would complicate inventory management and implementing templates. Templates for traits and skills seem to work just fine in the game. If you look how entering WvW or PvP zones changes them and going back to PvE changes them back, it's just not a thing in PvE with multiple options to choose from, sadly.

Templates could also **$ $ $ GENERATE INCOME $ $ $**. I'd settle for 2 template slots for everyone and additional ones on the GemShop. Slots should be account wide, meaning that I buy the upgrade to my account and all my toonsget an additional template slot, much like the additional crafting licenses. I'd probably buy 2 additional slots, to get a template for each; open world(whatever's fun to me), fractals(a solid build with the appropriate AR), raid1(cDPS, DPS...), raid2(Heal, Support, Kite...).

I can't source it, but hasn't there been a recent post where Anet stated that they're working on swappable sigls/infusions for legendary weapons but want to fix/improve/implement other tech first? Ppl speculated the other tech would be build templates iirc...


Anyway...why argue like a reasonable being...

Build-Templates, when? Swappable Sigils/Infusions for Legendary Weapons, when? You have time and resources to do [enter here whatever aspect of the game you like the least], why not this? 99.999999999% of the players want this and the ones who don't are wrong. ANET PLOX! ;)


(You're doing a great job with the game. I'm loving it or else I wouldn't be playing. But these QoL improvements feel due and necessary, seeing how balancing in this game asks for new builds every two months and offers a variety of solid builds for every class.)

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> I see how gear with swappable stats and swappable runes/infusions on legendary armor... not weapons yet, which is sad... have pushed build templates that change your gear even farther to the edge of the table.


I am under the impression that swaping full ascended set is faster than changing stats and runes on full legendary set. And yes, you are right. Build templates are free money for anet. Just make them like additional inventory, skill and trait slots in our hero panel. Give 1 for free (as addition to already existing one) and sell more.


I know recently one of devs said that making changes to UI is difficult, I understand, not their fault and they need to deal with technical limitations every time when they need to implement something cool.


But COME ON, this has been 6 years already. Build templates really should have come with HoT already when new specs multiplied available build range. Not mentioning new stats.


Anet, plz, tell us build templates are in the works as I refuse to believe you ignored this feature for so long.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > I see how gear with swappable stats and swappable runes/infusions on legendary armor... not weapons yet, which is sad... have pushed build templates that change your gear even farther to the edge of the table.


> I am under the impression that swaping full ascended set is faster than changing stats and runes on full legendary set.


And you are very right about it. ;)

Changing stats, runes and infusions for 6 pieces of legendary armor will take 36 clicks(double click to change stats, once to chose, confirm, switch rune and switch infusion, per piece) while changing between 2 ascended armors with their respective runes/infusions will only take 12. You get a bit more out of the legendary aspect of the armor if you a)like the look(fashion wars) and/or b)like to experiment more with runes and stats, where you'd have to switch around more than between 2 complete sets.


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it would be alot lesser of a problem, if Anet would get rid finally of this stupid element of GEAR STATS. this woudl solve also many other issues and make the game in certain points simpler for th player..

Yes, the economy would get a hit with that, but nothing, which can't get compensated with new demands for materials with something else new implmented that requires then the materials that have been used ealier for other craftign recipes for stat stuff..


if there would be finally no gear stats,m then woudl become this game also finalyl again as multi character friendly, how the game was before the implementation of ascended stuff.. sttats should be 100% character progression, that you earn by just levelign up your character from 1-80. In this case it would be even good, if anet just reduces the level cap from 80 to 50 and rebalances the scaling and values accordingly on the maps to that new reduced cap that provides uthe player now a faster character progression with the same amount of stats that aren ow earned then 30 levels faster than before..

Due to gears having no stats anymore, they can be easily reworked to that rebalance change for PvE. 50 sounds anyway for this game better as level cap (if there is no 100, then it should be rather 50, than 80). PvP is anyways uneffected by this, due to you anyways havign there always max stats, regardless if the cap is now 80 or 50 then.


If there is no gear stats anymiore, then its alot easier for a Build Template System to swap out builds because the only things that would need to be considered by the feature are:


- ID code of the Equipment you wear that decides over the look of your character

- ID code, that is attached to the Gear Code, which idents for the game the used Upgrades/Infusions

- Utility/Healing/Elite Skill IDs saved up

- Traits IDs saved up

- Weapon Skill (Sets) ID(s) saved up

- Stat Build Setting saved up, from how you setted your Stat Build by distributign your Stat Points from the levelign of 1-50 to your Attributes of Power, Vitality ect.


When the build template system has all this saved up information, it creates with a button clikc in the Build Template Menu for your accoutn then a "Meta ID Code", which connects all th other ID Codes named up as a String Code, where each part of it is assigned to a certain position in the build template menu, so that the game knows, which part of this Strign Code is placed in the buildfd where, so that the game doesn#t confuse for example the Skill ID of a healign Skil lwith a Trait ID, what would lead otherwise naturally into an error/bug and the template not working like it should due to wrong informations - the game naturally needs to know whre it has to put the saved up infor, when you request it as a player.


And this request for the Meta ID String Code is given to the game, by clicking in the Build Template System onto a saved Build Slot Button in the Template Menu, which the playr can give a Name, so that the player knows also visually, what was again behind that build, by rememberign what name was used for which build - so that you are able for example to save up a build in the template menu and call it explicitly for example "Farming Build",, or "PvP Build" or whatever you want to call your builds with a certain letter limit of say 19 letters like our character names.


So what would idiealyl under my scenario happen:


Player X has currently equipped his Farmign Build and decides to want to play PvP now, due to gettign a request from friends to help them out getting a complete team...

Player X presses now the Character Menu, where has been added the Menu "Character Templates" as sub menu in the area, where players also change their Traits either, or as a Main Menu Point put somewhere along the others like , but i think the first option makes more sense to put it in there...

Once having pressed that new menu option, Playxer X gets a new sub window opend up which shows him the x amount of Build Slots you currently have for your Account per Character...

Each Character woudl start with 3 free Build Slots there, but like individualyl per Character per account how it works with inventory Bags, the player can buy more Build Slots for each Character Individuall for say 400 to 600 Gems via the Gemstore, if you want to have more for your characters and you think 3 Build Slots aren't enough for one of your Characters, what might become sooner or later the case, if anet keeps on implementing more and more Elite Specializations especially....

Player X presses now onto the Build Slot "PvP Build" and the game will ask the player then, if he wants to swap out the current used build with the clicked new build that is saved up there. Yes or No. He presses Yes and confirms it a last time (if neccessary for whatever a reason it might be) and then the game automatically starts the to that Build Slot linked Meta ID String Code which tells the game, the various saved up ID codes of your "Build", where it should replace the previous used ID Codes with the new ones from the requestd Meta ID Code that consists of the new replacing ID codes inside from thwe various values that are part of the saved build.

player X runs a few seconds later then his PvP Build and joins his friend, without havign to do by himself all the clickins manually, which would cost alot more time (and nerves), than if the game woudl do all this for Player x in an blink of an eye!!


Thats called a quality of life improvement - players saving time and nerves, due to good and needed game mechanic automatics and we stay healthier, due to havign to click alot lesser - lesser clicking = lesser carpal tunnel syndroms in this world ;)


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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> It's not a priority for me. I'd rather resources are spent on something else.

> **Regardless, I believe the Devs have stated they are working on it, or investigating how to implement it, so that should please those that desire such a feature.**


> Good luck.


Lol they’ve been saying that since at least 2014. It’s ridiculous to say people should be happy just because they give some lip-service occasionally.



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