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WvW Quality of Life Requests

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Here are a few…


-remove those stupid dredge turrets


-create option for party members in squad to have a different color then other people in squad.


-remove miniature dots on minimap, add option to autohide minis in wvw


-WvW lobby


-Fix the fake queue bug


-Give us an option to have a reward track automatically repeat upon completion, so it does not go to a random one and have to be manually reactivated.


-Allow stacking of gear boxes from dungeon reward tracks.


-Add a reward track to earn exotic weapons with HoT/PoF stats, similar to the triumphant track. Skins are not necessarily important, these are really useful for theory crafting on builds before committing to getting an ascended set.


-For tracks like the Triumphant reward track, separate the gear box from the rest of the rewards (clovers/mats etc) so we can get those items without having to choose a piece of gear.


-Change the price for items like Memory gobbler and Mists Capacitor. The capacitor requires 250 memories of battle per use as opposed to only 100 unbound magic for its PvE counterpart. Memory gobbler should consume badges of honor instead.


-Add shield generators to Siege boxes.


-Make the armor from Crystal Desert Reward track salvageable. Make Mursaat Broguns account bound like the other armor pieces from living story reward tracks.


-Option to randomize preferred Finishers, for example if you have 10 unlocked but only want to randomize between 5 of them. Kind of like a favorites list.


-Allow players to purchase Badge's of Tribute from a vendor on a WvW map, currently you need to have access to a guild hall to use the vendor.


-Reduce Visual clutter with nameplates. I don't need to see what banners and boosters people are using. Just show me what is relevant like boons, conditions, skills, traits.


-Add WvW specific enrichments.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Oh just so it's not posted here a bunch: We will be adding the typical vendor you see in WvW spawn areas to OS. The spawn area has been expanded slightly and the vendors have been added there. Now there is an easy place to pop in to do some WvW housekeeping without needing to join one of the main maps.

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Lunar New Year, Halloween, and Winterfest decor at all three spawn points and in all 12 keeps, please.

Disable minis in WvW. Period.

Having separate keybinds for location markers and target markers (alt 1 to 5, alt+shift 1 to 5) is kind of a pain. Does anybody use all 10 markers? It'd make it a lot easier for squad leaders to call targets if they could alt-1 as easily as they ctrl-T and have it mark the ground if nothing is targeted, mark the person or object if something is targeted.

Please don't count pets or minions against the mesmer portal limit.

Even if you limited it to raptors only, I think we should be able to use mounts anywhere we can currently use gliders.

Stretch goal: a slash command, or ideally a checkbox, that commanders can use that blocks anybody in the squad except the tag from dropping siege.

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Can you expose if a player is tagged up + squad size, the color of the tag and which map they are on in the API? This would allow communities to have automatically changing sites to show who is tagged where in real time.


/v2/session (as in play session)


character : character_name,

tagged : true/false,

tag_color: null/blue/red/etc,

group_size: 1 - 50,

map: Red BL/Gandaran Fields/etc....



would be a very useful endpoint.

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1) Party nameplate colour change when in squad, to yellow or something very clearly distinct. Maybe have option menu checkbox to change it back to what it is currently if some people don't see a use for it. It's a massive QoL for support classes.

2) Build templates.

3) OS being on a global channel system that all guilds can choose from - say 5 to 10 instances initially (and none of that GH nonsense with having to open it up for more than 5 players which is partly why everyone hates it. The instances should be always available). If you've played other mmo's this channel system will be familiar. Now we don't have to go to eotm to scrim and get shot by that damn cannon. Will also pre-emptively solve any issues with setting up fights when the new alliance system is introduced.

4) Remove the auto cannon from the eotm scrim spot. Just select it and hit delete. Easiest QoL ever.

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1. Shrines added to Alpine and Eternal Battlegrounds so people can capture them and catch up with the front lines by unlocking the jumpad-like transportation devices. For example, something like this:

* Alpine: Alpine shrines would work like Desert shrines: 1 and 2 shrines unlock effects within a territory, a 3rd unlocks the jump pads.

* West keep:

* These shrines would be guarded by Ice Elementals.

* The north shrine will be where a pack of minotaurs lurk. The south shrine would be south of the keep were griffons lurk. The east one would be where a bunch of moas stroll by the water.

* 1 shrine would add slippery ice patches scattered within the territory of the keep that give superpeed to allies, but slow down enemies by 10%, and difficult the movement of enemies who stand on them (like the slippery ice in SAB). There will be only be a few patches and they would not be big , but they would by placed in a few strategic locations that can be easily avoided but will punish being careless and rush in blind.

* 2 shrines would create 2 ice bridges over the water that are also slippery ice patches. The north bridge goes from the north gate to the shrone near the northern exterior gate. The south bridge would go from the south interior gate to the pier with the wooden stairs up to the wall.

* East Keep:

* These shrines would be guarded by war beast elementals.

* The north shrine would be behind the elevated area between the keep and the camp. The south shrine would be on the rock wall behind the wall with the vista. The west shrine would be below the elevated area where it says "Sharadan Hills" in the map.

* 1 shrine would give access to a War Beast transformation that can attack with a melee attack, throw boulders and heal with a skill similar to conjure earth Fortify. The war beast also has a 'Fall Like a Rock' effect that reduces fall damage triggers a skill on fall damage that causes damage and knockdown on enemies, and gives barrier to self, but ends the transformation if it hits any enemy

* 2 shrines would unlock 3 tunneled holes around the keep that allow quickly going up to the keep from the lowest level, but are 1-way only.

* The 3rd set of shrines would not be around the Garrison. They would instead be centered around the north supply camp and the citadel, but they will still require owning the Garrison to work.

* These shrines would be guarded by a toned down version of the magma elementals from Siren's Landing.

* The North shrine would be all the way to north from the camp, where the Orb of Power used to be. The east and west shrines would be south of the side gates of the Citadel.

* 1 shrine would create a fog around the citadel that slowly extends from the north all the way to the northeast and northwest towers, covering the road. This fog will be very faint for allies, but thick for enemies, making it hard to see for them.

* With 2 shrines the fog also triggers every 10 seconds an effect that removes 1 condition from allies for every 4 conditions on them.

* Eternal battlegrounds: There would only be 3 shrines in the whole map placed around stonemist castle, , allowing to quickly jump around clockwise or counter-clockwise with 2 sets of jump pads. They will not have any bonus shrine powers, and they will just allow jumping between any controlled shrines without having to control all 3, but they will still require control of either Stonemist Castle or the corresponding closest keep for the jumpads to work.

2. Extended Team Colors setting. With this setting enabled, most model and UI elements attached to players and their pets will be changed to the team color based on the team color setting ("Everyone", "Enemies Only", and "None"). This setting will change dyes, health bars and nameplates into the color of the team instead having all enemies red. For enemies that are not part of any of the world teams, the name would be changed to gray for critters, white for non-hostile NPCs, and yellow for hostile ones. This setting would also be usable in PvP.

3. Extend alliance functionality to share guild mission participation. Any player from any guild in an alliance would be able to join and earn credit from a guild mission started by another guild in the alliance, as long as the guild starting the mission enables an "allow allies to join" checkbox in their mission panel, and the same mission is also available in their guild (e.g.: if one guild is set as WvW and the other one as PvE, they may not have the same missions).

4. Allow visiting other alliance's guilds in the guild roster, and have a setting to allow alliance members to use one's guild services, including donating at the Treasurer panels. The ranks will have a "Alliance members" check to set a rank that will be virtually granted to alliance members in the guild hall to set their permissions. A 'guesting' system could also be done by allowing guilds to invite any player as a guest to their guild hall. A guest invitation would last only for 1 day.

5. Add mount 'rental' at the bases that allow leaving the bases faster. The mount would have no special powers, no evades, no engage skill, and it won't jump higher than characters. It would just have faster speed similar to jackal run speed. Any attack by enemy invaders or NPCs in a WvW team or part of an event would force the player to dismount, but not attacks from roaming wildlife. The price would be cheap. Something between 5-10 silver and 1-5 badges of honor but it would last just a few minutes, 5 or so. It would be possible to mount again if the timer didn't expire, but it would only be possible to mount while out of combat and within controlled territories. The mount rented could be a jackal with the Mistfire Wolf skin or a blurry cloud that uses the jackal rig. The skin used could also be made available as an expensive skirmish ticket reward. There could be a mastery to unlock this ability, that may require PoF, at higher rank, the ability could allow renting mounts at any controlled sentry post with a live sentry by using an item next to the heal kit.

6. Next Halloween, replace the appearance of WvW NPCs with the Mad King's minions (green), Blood Prince's Lunatic rebels (red), and Palawa Joko's awakened (blue). Their skills and abilities would be the same as usual, only the appearance would change.

7. And let's monetize the hell out of this thing! Siege skins. These skins would be selectable in a siege customization section in the equipment tab. You'd pick the siege machine (they'd be in 3 for for normal, superior and guild or in a single row for each type of siege), and choose to the left the skin you want for it . The skin chosen will replace the skin of a siege machine when placed. The default skins would be made available for all. Guild skins will be made available after joining a guild who has that guild siege recipe available. Festival skin will be earnable by playing WvW during that holiday from the holiday WvW track. An unique set will come from a WvW reward track always available. The rest of the skins will come from gemstore. To let people tell them apart other than by their yellow names, siege skins applied to guild siege will look smaller than when applied to normal siege, while skins applied to superior siege will look larger, and may have slight differences in textures and colors.


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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"Tyyphoon.5301" said:

> > Please reincorporate _crafting stations_ back into WvW. That was a QoL feature much missed. With all the mats generated from the massive bag farms I get the opportunity to participate in on Maguuma, I constantly find my mats at x250 limits sitting in my inventory and crafts bank. This limits my additional bag farm potential. But having crafting stations in WvW would let me compact my mats by promoting them to higher tiers and thus, allowing me to reclaim much needed bank and inventory spaces (I have maxed inventory and both salvage-o-matics, and still lack space during WvW fights) without having to exit WvW to Lion's Arch or MistLock to use crafting stations.

> >

> > The arguments made about WvW queues caused by crafting stations are fallacies. Desert BL rarely has any queues on Mag (and probably most other servers) outside of reset night. I can remain in WvW and continue to craft and still engage in team chat, without disturbing the flow of other players.

> >

> > Thanks again for thinking of us WvW players regarding QoL changes. Much appreciated.


> This belongs in OS if anything. They do not belong in the main areas, there were times when crafting stations had 20+ people doing nothing helpful at spawn.


Agreed! However now we have 20+ people afk at spawn letting pips run down!!

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Changing reward tracks to either:


A. automatically repeat if possible.

B. have a que that can be set up by the player.


This whole "You completed this reward track! Now you're advancing a random one!" is not appreciated. Yeah, it's better than no track being active, but people really want to be able to decide what happens after completing their current track.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:


> -create option for party members in squad to have a different color then other people in squad.


I would like to highlight this suggestion , from a guardian perspective, for example, it would help a lot seeing where exactly your party is so you can break stun, clear condis and give stability in a more efficient way, i believe.


I've been dreaming with this change for quite some time, but of course there are a lot of more important stuff with high priority in the wvw fix list, lol.


Its nice to see other people also consider this change, hope anet gives this little detail some attention anyway, thanks and sorry about my english.



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1. Commander tags visible only to squad.

2. Condense siege into superior only. Give us the option to double-click (or right-click consume all) old 'blue' siege into sups, using the same mystic forge conversion rate.

3. Give us more options for using tickets. WvW minis, or tonics, or .... hell, idk. Anything.

4. This might be something only I like, but I doubt it: make the golden glow you get from Presence of the Keep into an aura. Have it use tickets to obtain, or just make it a rare drop.

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> @"Galmac.4680" said:

> And hopefully commander tags that can be seen only inside a squad, for guild stuff where we don't want to pull other players (also for PvE maos of course). Often required here.


I've tried to tell people how to do this, and no one seems to read my posts.


If someone creates a squad with a catmander tag, then passes the tag to someone who has a regular commander tag, the tag goes invisible. Then you can put a squad marker on the driver.

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Ben, Raymond and Anet WvW Team,


Thanks A LOT for working on improving WvW!!! :smiley: In an effort to try to keep to the theme of QoL WvW changes that I hope wouldn't be too programming intensive, I've put together the below list. NOTE: some (or even...**ALL**) of these may have already been mentioned. :tongue:


1) **DEFAULT** Reward track option, i.e. - a check box next to the reward track we want to default. (Yeah, I know this has been mentioned :lol:)


2) Seeing Reward Track and Pip Track progression (Mist War Icon) on top of mini-map while in OS. This'll promote people leaving EBG and BL's when they're just draining their participation


3) Make it so I can see what the max queue is while I'm in queue for the map I am queued on.

So if I'm in queue for EBG and I'm in position 5, it would be nice to know what the max queue is for EBG so if I leave queue, I know where the back of the line is. (And why would I drop out of queue? See #4 below :wink: )


4) Make it so switching characters doesn't drop a person out of queue. :+1:


5) Fix the staircase in Air Keep, north side so walking up the top stair doesn't stop the player's progression up the staircase like (most/all) other staircases. (This one seems like an evil prank from the Art Dept. I know it's there, and I still occasionally get stuck on this dang thing! haha! :lol:)


6) Move the tactivator closest to the corner node over some so it's not so easily activated by accident when a player is trying to use the node, i.e. - Bravohost and Langor have this situation.


Thank you for your consideration! :smile:

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Build templates would be the best possible QOL addition. Ideally it would include armor/weapons/trinkets, but even just having trait templates available for us to save would be greatly appreciated. And if deemed necessary to stop OOC Swaps before your opponent knows whats happening - we can have it so you can only activate your template within your own territory, or inside a structure you own. Or...even just in spawn would be better than nothing!

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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> Oh just so it's not posted here a bunch: We will be adding the typical vendor you see in WvW spawn areas to OS. The spawn area has been expanded slightly and the vendors have been added there. Now there is an easy place to pop in to do some WvW housekeeping without needing to join one of the main maps.




Will you also be able to see skirmish track progress?


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