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WvW Quality of Life Requests

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Weapon sets you can swap to when OOC, like in GW1. So that you can have your warhorn on a different set and easily swap to that set when OOC for mobility without opening the inventory and actually changing the weapons, then trying to change back before you engage. Having two or more "sets" with icons for swapping them on the HUD would be great.

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I have this to add today:

Make Armours and Gears in WvW like PvP! PLEASE, everyone have the same level once entering this 2 places WvW and PvP. instant level 80 everything everyone same level. cannot have sneaky mesmer insta death anyone anymore thank you. or trolololo ranger running and kiting the stupid players while their zerg take all your stuffs away.

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Maybe someone mentioned it earlier but you should do something about the Outnumbered mechanic, it should work to promote fights between the servers with same activity, atm the ppt fanatics always go for karma train in empty borderlands instead fighting the other server who have people defending.


Also more incentive to people with outnumbered, the current buffs are a joke, add something better and remove the PPK from those who outnumbered.

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> @"Aenemius.7609" said:

> While it may not be a QoL request, some of us were discussing Pocket Raptors last night - a suggestion was made to bring them back to their former glory, but I have a better idea.


> *Pocket Raptor Patrol Pack Tactic!*

> Think about it. Chilling Fog is already a great tactic to throw down in a lot of cases because it slows enemy assaults and retreats. Just imagine a tactic that spawned a set number of pocket raptor packs (say 1 pack of 10 for small towers, 3 packs of 10 for keeps, 5 of 10 for garrisons, 10 of 10 for SMC) to patrol the area for a set time and harass any enemy players there! Cripples, tackles, loads more targets to diffuse enemy AoEs on (and, sadly, to let them rally on probably, but it'd be worth it).


> For serious though, when was the last update/change to Tactics? There needs to be some more variety.


AAAAHHHHHH, YES! This is absolutely a QOL change! We already have trained sharks, for heaven's sake; where are our little angry guardasauruses?!

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>@"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Hey folks!


> As you know, the World Restructuring plan we've been discussing is a fairly long term project. While we work on that, we might have a bit of bandwidth here and there to do some minor QoL stuff.


> We'd love your input on what you'd like to see. If we see an idea here we like, we'll get it on the backlog. No guarantee we get to it in a timely manner (or at all, for that matter), but I'd like us to have a nice list of community requests to pull from, should we find the time.


Enhance the pip system to give us gold and maybe 1 grandmaster crafting mark per week.


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1. Guild Bank access in WvW. I don't want to buy siege blueprints when I have oodles in a guild bank, or carry siege in my inventory when I prefer to stash it in the guild bank.

2. Skirmish Reward Chests/Pips in Edge of the Mists. I love playing WvW. I also love playing in EotM. But in the latter, every reward feels like a punishment ("How dare you play in this map?! Reduced points and no pips for you! Because we said so!"). Why not let us fully enjoy the same rewards in Edge of the Mists?


Thanks for considering. Guild Wars 2 is a great game.

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> @"mungnung.9784" said:

> 1. Guild Bank access in WvW. I don't want to buy siege blueprints when I have oodles in a guild bank, or carry siege in my inventory when I prefer to stash it in the guild bank.

> Thanks for considering. Guild Wars 2 is a great game.


You can access guild bank from the Guild Registrar at spawn, at least that's how I've been doing it.


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  • ArenaNet Staff

Thanks to everyone for your constructive input on this subject. While the team collates all your requests and goes over them as a team, then determines what they can add to the backlog, we'll close this thread. We may reopen in the future, but more likely at some point we'll kick off another thread on this subject, to gather feedback at a future date. Thanks again!

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