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why does all armor in GW2 Look like shit?


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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > If you asked me, I'd love to see they made an overhaul for their armor tools so the creation is easier and we can see more of high quality full armor sets instead of outfits.


> If they could modify the technology used to make armor better, I'd be in agreement. As is, however, I don't think it's possible. They kind of overstepped their own expectations and now making the different skins with different mesh types make the overall creation process a nightmare.


> Perhaps if they just made the armor just 4 pieces (head and shoulders being 2, upper body and lower body being the other) instead of 6, that would alleviate some of the composition issues? But as is, I feel them needing to create different design pieces that can be blended is just too tough...just imagine if, instead of 6 armor parts, we had 10? Helmet, face, neck, shoulders, sleeves, torso, wrists, belt, legs and feet. How much of a nightmare would that be to design a set like that?


Theres an easier solution. Delete charr.

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Highly subjective opinion made out as fact - This thread in a nutshell.


Sorry, that is not quite a way to start a discussion when starting to trigger the swearword filter in the thread title already...


I am fine with my two combinations. Who changes the look of his character and thus his or her personality every few minutes?





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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> I am confused. I posted in this thread, people quoted me but my post disappeared without notification.


Your comment (# 393978) is a comment of yours in this thread that was a response to my first comment, which contained too much cynism for some forum member.

Maybe that's why your inbox is telling you stuff that is not there anymore. I've reposted mine above, let's see if this is stays this time . . .

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> new team, new ideas.

> i am still in favor to bring back all the GW1 armors to mend the train wreck they made in GW2.

I like most of the gear in GW1 so much better than the gear in GW2. I would love to see much more of it make it to this game- as straight up ports (as much as possible) without added buttcapes, spikes, etc. I have a terrible time finding anything I like the look of here and sometimes just give up trying, putting some characters on the shelf until/unless some armor/outfit gets added that would make it work. I just don't enjoy playing a character I don't like the look of.

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I would be much happier with armor in this game if we could get more non long coat armor for medium, less skirt and butt flap and cod flap for heavy, and possibly medium style legs for light.


And stop super scaling armor for norns that look good on humans. Tired of trying an armor setup that I think would look better on my norn female but end up scraping it because the shoulders have to be super sized compared to human.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > If you asked me, I'd love to see they made an overhaul for their armor tools so the creation is easier and we can see more of high quality full armor sets instead of outfits.

> >

> > If they could modify the technology used to make armor better, I'd be in agreement. As is, however, I don't think it's possible. They kind of overstepped their own expectations and now making the different skins with different mesh types make the overall creation process a nightmare.

> >

> > Perhaps if they just made the armor just 4 pieces (head and shoulders being 2, upper body and lower body being the other) instead of 6, that would alleviate some of the composition issues? But as is, I feel them needing to create different design pieces that can be blended is just too tough...just imagine if, instead of 6 armor parts, we had 10? Helmet, face, neck, shoulders, sleeves, torso, wrists, belt, legs and feet. How much of a nightmare would that be to design a set like that?


> Theres an easier solution. Delete charr.


Yes, that is also a possible solution, just as removing voice acting would free up resources to make character creation and story telling much easier for more variety. I believe it'd be an interesting subject to poll posters on: what aspects would you be willing to give up to add or improve other aspects?


I wouldn't want to give up Charr, but instead add Kodan, Tengu, Skritt, Grawl, Centaur, Hylek, Krait and Largos as playable races. I'd give up armor (using only outfits) and character voice acting as I feel GW2's strength is how unique, interesting and fleshed out the races' and their characteristics are. When it comes to customizing characters, if I cannot customize the character fully (i.e. what abilities I have, what they look like, what weapon, if any, I use, etc), customizing clothing is literally only a minor distraction that exists to get you to spend money or time.

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> @"DiogoSilva.7089" said:

> I pretty much can't play male human mages in this game due to their horrid wardrobe choice. I just spent an hour yesterday looking at all possible sets, and I wasn't able to truly enjoy a single one. My friend who plays female sylvari ranger also hates the armor choices available to her, and resorts to outfits to look good.


When you say you looked at all possible sets, do you mean you only looked at armor sets as a whole all together? Like all of the flame legion set, all of the bladed set, all of the leyline set, etc? One of my favorite things about the sets in this game is that I don't have to use them together, and I generally try not to use a full set if I can help it as I prefer to mix and match using different pieces, weapons, and dye combos to create my own desired look. I play fashion wars a lot in this game, its the only reason I have 41 characters to be honest, and I often help out friends with finding desired looks for their characters either from scratch or based around a central theme/skin that they choose and while its true some looks are harder to build around than others there are tons of great combinations out there. I never understood peoples inability to find looks they enjoy in this game, or the obsession people have with using full sets or outfits instead. I hate outfits with a passion honestly. Most every outfit that comes out has pieces I like, and pieces I don't, and I would absolutely love to be able to take some of them. The shoulders from the ice encasement outfit, the helm from the lich and forged outfits, the chestpiece from the lunatic guard and grenths regalia ones, ah so many pieces I would kill to get my hands on and add to my designs but that are tragically unavailable.


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I never understood the complaints of GW1 vs GW2 armour. All i ever heard, day in and day outback then in guilds and forums was how awful many of the GW1 armours were, especially on professions like the ele. Sure that wasn't all quite true, but the options and variety we have now are certainly more than what we had compared to the limitations of GW1

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> @"Moonlit.6421" said:


> When you say you looked at all possible sets, do you mean you only looked at armor sets as a whole all together? Like all of the flame legion set, all of the bladed set, all of the leyline set, etc? One of my favorite things about the sets in this game is that I don't have to use them together, and I generally try not to use a full set if I can help it as I prefer to mix and match using different pieces, weapons, and dye combos to create my own desired look. I play fashion wars a lot in this game, its the only reason I have 41 characters to be honest, and I often help out friends with finding desired looks for their characters either from scratch or based around a central theme/skin that they choose and while its true some looks are harder to build around than others there are tons of great combinations out there. I never understood peoples inability to find looks they enjoy in this game, or the obsession people have with using full sets or outfits instead. I hate outfits with a passion honestly. Most every outfit that comes out has pieces I like, and pieces I don't, and I would absolutely love to be able to take some of them. The shoulders from the ice encasement outfit, the helm from the lich and forged outfits, the chestpiece from the lunatic guard and grenths regalia ones, ah so many pieces I would kill to get my hands on and add to my designs but that are tragically unavailable.


I've tried different combinations, yes.


My problem with GW2 armor pieces is that I like them grounded but still stylish, symetrical and not over-detailed. GW2 offers the exact opposite in the vast majority of cases. Most grounded, "simpler" armor is low-level, meaning it looks bland and boring. Most high-level armor is ridden with countless unnecessary details, as if Anet's designers believe that quantity = quality.


I actually found some male heavy armor combinations that I really enjoy (usually using a mix of guild armor, seraph, mystward, and a few others), but doing the same for male light armor is a near impossible task. First, I dislike the skirt asthethic, so I'm forced to ignore 90% of the leg pieces, leaving me with several mediocre pants and one or another that is decent. I've tried to mix them with "lordly" or "noble" body pieces, but they all suffers from having ugly details that cannot be removed (examples: the assymetrical metal plate in aetherblade, the jewelry in several others, or random ass spikes). Interestingly, medium armor seems to have some really good stuff there in that regard, but there's no medium-armored mage.


Alternatively, I've tried to go for a more high fantasy spellcasting approach, but it's all incredibly childish and ugly. Again: too much assymetry, random spikes and skulls everywhere, boring and repetitive baseline models.


I believe the best combos I've found of for light armor are those that mimic heavy, for a battlemage style. But then if I want an aesthethic that fits with glasses headgear, it kind of sucks.


It's not that GW2 does not offers the styles I want. It does, but it's all so ugly.


> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> I never understood the complaints of GW1 vs GW2 armour. All i ever heard, day in and day outback then in guilds and forums was how awful many of the GW1 armours were, especially on professions like the ele. Sure that wasn't all quite true, but the options and variety we have now are certainly more than what we had compared to the limitations of GW1


GW1 armors for male elementalists were indeed GW2-levels of ugly for a long time. However, nightfall offers two quality ones (a scholarly set and a wizardry one) and Eye of the North another (a lordly set). Factions also has some interesting ones, depending on your taste. Everything else consists of reskins with random crap added into them, not unlike 90% of GW2's wardrobe.

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> @"DiogoSilva.7089" said:

> > @"Moonlit.6421" said:

> >

> > When you say you looked at all possible sets, do you mean you only looked at armor sets as a whole all together? Like all of the flame legion set, all of the bladed set, all of the leyline set, etc? One of my favorite things about the sets in this game is that I don't have to use them together, and I generally try not to use a full set if I can help it as I prefer to mix and match using different pieces, weapons, and dye combos to create my own desired look. I play fashion wars a lot in this game, its the only reason I have 41 characters to be honest, and I often help out friends with finding desired looks for their characters either from scratch or based around a central theme/skin that they choose and while its true some looks are harder to build around than others there are tons of great combinations out there. I never understood peoples inability to find looks they enjoy in this game, or the obsession people have with using full sets or outfits instead. I hate outfits with a passion honestly. Most every outfit that comes out has pieces I like, and pieces I don't, and I would absolutely love to be able to take some of them. The shoulders from the ice encasement outfit, the helm from the lich and forged outfits, the chestpiece from the lunatic guard and grenths regalia ones, ah so many pieces I would kill to get my hands on and add to my designs but that are tragically unavailable.

> >

> I've tried different combinations, yes.


> My problem with GW2 armor pieces is that I like them grounded but still stylish, symetrical and not over-detailed. GW2 offers the exact opposite in the vast majority of cases. Most grounded, "simpler" armor is low-level, meaning it looks bland and boring. Most high-level armor is ridden with countless unnecessary details, as if Anet's designers believe that quantity = quality.


> I actually found some male heavy armor combinations that I really enjoy (usually using a mix of guild armor, seraph, mystward, and a few others), but doing the same for male light armor is a near impossible task. First, I dislike the skirt asthethic, so I'm forced to ignore 90% of the leg pieces, leaving me with several mediocre pants and one or another that is decent. I've tried to mix them with "lordly" or "noble" body pieces, but they all suffers from having ugly details that cannot be removed (examples: the assymetrical metal plate in aetherblade, the jewelry in several others, or random kitten spikes). Interestingly, medium armor seems to have some really good stuff there in that regard, but there's no medium-armored mage.


> Alternatively, I've tried to go for a more high fantasy spellcasting approach, but it's all incredibly childish and ugly. Again: too much assymetry, random spikes and skulls everywhere, boring and repetitive baseline models.


> I believe the best combos I've found of for light armor are those that mimic heavy, for a battlemage style. But then if I want an aesthethic that fits with glasses headgear, it kind of sucks.


> It's not that GW2 does not offers the styles I want. It does, but it's all so ugly.


> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > I never understood the complaints of GW1 vs GW2 armour. All i ever heard, day in and day outback then in guilds and forums was how awful many of the GW1 armours were, especially on professions like the ele. Sure that wasn't all quite true, but the options and variety we have now are certainly more than what we had compared to the limitations of GW1


> GW1 armors for male elementalists were indeed GW2-levels of ugly for a long time. However, nightfall offers two quality ones (a scholarly set and a wizardry one) and Eye of the North another (a lordly set). Factions also has some interesting ones, depending on your taste. Everything else consists of reskins with random crap added into them, not unlike 90% of GW2's wardrobe.


Have you tried the ascalon performer pants for male light armor?


Simple pants, some detail, but not excessively so.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:


> Have you tried the ascalon performer pants for male light armor?


> Simple pants, some detail, but not excessively so.


They're pretty nice, I agree, but I have a hard time fiding a good fit for the chest. Aetherblade is a good (and popular) combination, as long as the user doesn't mind the metal plate, and other noble-ish pieces also suffer from random details that bring the whole style down.

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For the most part armors in GW2 are overdone, overstuffed with non-essential and trivial elements. They are highly impractical, plagued with clipping problems and inconsistent in their design, meaning that many pieces from different sets are incompatible or just plain look silly/ugly when paired. the people who design these armors seem to focus only on flashy, cumbersome looks. And don't start me on female armors with prominent breasts (hint: [female plate armors don't have boobs](https://imgur.com/gallery/SXqji "female plate armors don't have boobs")) or skimpy attires straight out of a Victoria's Secret catalog. If you want to know/learn what great armor designs looks like just play The Witcher 3.

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> @"DiogoSilva.7089" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> >

> > Have you tried the ascalon performer pants for male light armor?

> >

> > Simple pants, some detail, but not excessively so.


> They're pretty nice, I agree, but I have a hard time fiding a good fit for the chest. Aetherblade is a good (and popular) combination, as long as the user doesn't mind the metal plate, and other noble-ish pieces also suffer from random details that bring the whole style down.


I use the conjurer shirt, or the vigil's honor vest myself.

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I wonder if they'd let us do a Go Fund Me for them to assign/hire a team to overhaul/rebuild their armor system. Not because I dislike their armor overall, but because they've stated themselves that their system makes it very time consuming for them to make armor. Also, it might allow them to add more variety into their styles.


The best part about it, would be that it would allow them to improve their armor without taking away from other projects.

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> @"videoboy.4162" said:

> I wonder if they'd let us do a Go Fund Me for them to assign/hire a team to overhaul/rebuild their armor system. Not because I dislike their armor overall, but because they've stated themselves that their system makes it very time consuming for them to make armor. Also, it might allow them to add more variety into their styles.


> The best part about it, would be that it would allow them to improve their armor without taking away from other projects.


Anet is AAA established company. Start up programs are not for them. I don't think it's reasonable to make them comfortable with a thought that you want to pay additional money for stuff they fail to implement. They should have overhauled armor system long time ago, it's their own fault creating new armor skins is such a problem.


As with most things in GW2, the problem origins at design stage. They didn't thought out their systems, now they are saying they have problems using them to create new skins. Same goes for engine, UI, dungeons etc. Everything is "so hard" people already excuse Anet for everything. Because it's hard. So redesign your systems. Not our fault your design process is lackluster.

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