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amala seems way overpowered.


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The strategy is learn to read the mechanics and don't stand inside the indicators. From time to time use the special action key. Pro-Tip: Bind it to the keyboard and don't use the mouse for skill activation.

If you are using ranged weapons it could become a little bit easier but you won't receive all the buffs from your party resulting in a longer fight. Overall she is not very hard and ez pz if there's a healer within your group.

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The problem is:she spamms like aoes and floor attacks so often you got no room to attack, and i'm ultra slow.1 attack insta downs you and she puts a million things on a floor hten does aoe spam then floor and before you know it your dead instantly.The worm things are ridiculous too as they fill you with more condis than you can cure and die instantly.


twighlight oasis while cool level is the hardest level i've done yet.

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It's really quite a simple fight once you've done it a few times. Phase 1: Mark the target, just DPS. If you have debuff don't put it near anyone - avoid the aoe. Interrupt her when she bubbles, jump and kill adds, go back and dps, avoid ground aoe, rinse until dead.


Use your special action a lot, one mistake is people don't use it enough. Don't just use it for the earthquake aoe and fear walls. If you're caught without a dodge and are about to eat like a lightning, quake, flame etc then pop it. Other than that, you can melee her and just avoid anything on the ground. It's unforgiving if you get hit over and over and have no sustain in the group.


The problem lies simple with people not moving out of aoe and having people do at least average dps so the fight doesn't drag on. Don't be afraid to change your talents, people seem to think you have to have just 1 set of skills, change them to suit the fight.

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Focus on avoiding the skills that is lethal. For that encounter; the bigger the AOE markers = the more dmg, and get ready to dodge when you notice she draws in this wind/pulse indicating she will unleash a pulse wave shortly after.


Watch out/ **hit the special action** key when :

She draws in this wind/pulse

**Melandru** - The golem will throw GIANT boulders to the person marked.

**Dwayna** - Listen to the crackling lightning sound.

**Balthazar** - Watch out for big circles (both indicating Balthazar's leap & meteor which will create a knockdown wave.)


Most of the "small" AoE marked on the ground tickles as said (will cripple/knockdown and causes hamstrung). Kill vindicators asap to prevent a domino effect.

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She's not as tough as she seems, I even did it without a druid (honestly I find druid overrated) on the last daily. Observing and learning her attacks is one of the most important key factors, secondly it's important that you take the fractal potions and some form of food. Sometimes the highest damage is not the most important, you need to survive, consider taking some food that increases HP (Mango Pie is one of my favs, 700hp boost + regen) and if you have any legendary items you could change the stats to a defensive one.


Balthazar is a bit tricky because his attacks come with an after-effect (the fiery wave), learning his attacks is important.


Profession Tips:


**Ranger** - Stone Spirit gives protection on hit and with the trait even passively.

**Guardian** - The elite "Signet of Courage", passive healing and brings the entire group to 100% hp when activated, why don't I see many guards use it? I've saved my group countless times with it.

**Warrior** - Banner of Defense 170 Toughness + 170 Vit (that's 1,700HP more).


Personally on my guard I never run Berserker's stats, instead I go for Marauder's which does slightly less damage but offers some HP. I for one don't wish to see this made easier, it would remove the little challenge this game has left.

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Number 1 reason to fail in shattered observatory and/or in Twilight oasis is:


People don't use the special ability correctly or at all.


Reasons for that?

- People don't read or can't remember the tool tip for these abilities

- People have not bound the ability to an easily reachable key to use and try to klick on it whilst being nuked by aoe fields in mid combat


Look at the special ability of Shattered observatory, it:

- deals damage

- has 2,000 range

- gives you Aegis

- can be used mid air

- is a blast combo finisher

- is a stunbreak

- deals hard cc (if everyone uses only this skill on boss, the breakbar would be almost immediately at 25%, without having used a single class skill)

- has its cd reset when getting hit by the blue ball


There are tons and tons of ppl out there running around in shattered observatory pug groups that don't use that skill at all, or only to get to boss platform. They don't use it to break stun when getting feared, to get into dome, when they have bomb, when they need to reach the white circle for the blue ball. Then they fail and go around telling everyone that this fractal is impossible without heal druid and chrono mesmer.


Same thing with Twilight oasis. You can almost evade 100% of the damage by using a dodge here and there, rearrange your position accordigly to the aoe fields and use the special jump to evade serious ground shock waves or other super huge aoe boss skills that would otherwise hit like a truck.


Number 1 to get good in new fracs is to rebind the special skill and to read the tooltip.

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For PUG groups, always ask for a healer when attempting T4 Twilight Oasis (assuming this is where you're having problems with). The ability to keep topped up in that fight is crucial as taking damage will snowball your problems dramatically, if left unchecked. That is to say, when you take damage, you will receive additional DoTs from Afflicted, which slow you down even further because of Hamstrung, causing you to take more damage and conditions, and when you finally get Downed, a Fractal Vindicator is spawned, which further exasperates the situation.

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You slot differently for this fractal than for others. Get a stun break, condi cleansing, self heal. A lot of the damage can be avoided by simply moving one step aside. When it was recommended daily at Tier 3 recently, we just had a pick up group without healer, and it was a cake walk. Haven't tried T4 without healer, but if everybody sets up their build accordingly, I don't see a problem with it. I'm playing a squishy thief.

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > So if Elon Musk can fund his own rocket to space, people have no excuse to be poor?


> this "analogy" is completely unrelated to the context of my message and you failed at mocking me.


I think he's mocking me and my skills.

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > So if Elon Musk can fund his own rocket to space, people have no excuse to be poor?


> this "analogy" is completely unrelated to the context of my message and you failed at mocking me.


This analogy shows a problem with your argumentation. You can't use an example of exceptional individuals (as by GW2 standards) who are soloing top tier group content as a standard for whole community. We are talking about the game, where players are clicking endurance bar to dodge. What is floor for those top players is usually a ceiling for whole groups. Often not even that, as you see here. I think trying to belittle players who have problems with completing content is immature and only pushes the view of your side of our playerbase as toxic and unwelcome.


> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > So if Elon Musk can fund his own rocket to space, people have no excuse to be poor?

> >

> > this "analogy" is completely unrelated to the context of my message and you failed at mocking me.


> I think he's mocking me and my skills.


I have no idea who you are.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:


> This analogy shows a problem with your argumentation. You can't use an example of exceptional individuals (as by GW2 standards) who are soloing top tier group content as a standard for whole community. We are talking about the game, where players are clicking endurance bar to dodge. What is floor for those top players is usually a ceiling for whole groups. Often not even that, as you see here. I think trying to belittle players who have problems with completing content is immature and only pushes the view of your side of our playerbase as toxic and unwelcome.


It doesn't reflect on my argumentation, because your analogy is about financial status and getting rich which has a lot of different factors like luck, birthplace, family and many more. Not dying to Amala is about physical reflexes, ability to press buttons on a keyboard.

While there are certainly players who are unable to deal with combat because of their health, I made the assumption that this player has the default human capabilities (since they're not complaining about Ensolyss, Arkk, Bloomhunger and such). Fractal also has the option to toggle difficulty tier, so summing these things together and knowing Amala T4 can be (and was) soloed (which btw isn't top tier group content, this fractal doesn't even have CM and was designed to be easy), made me say that there is no excuse to complain about Amala's difficulty - specifically in 5/5 party (that's why I used the soloing example - to accentuate the actual simplicity of this fight). In my judgment, OP's issue is lack of understanding of the boss attacks/mechanics, which is why I added three useful tips in order to appear welcoming and mature as a member of this community.

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I've done this fight in two different ways. The first is doing it the "right" way, avoiding all the AoE (especially using special action which I have bound to F6) and finding ways to minimise damage and maximise DPS, the second is that we just brought healers and facetanked it.


I think the difficulty is okay right now..

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:


> > This analogy shows a problem with your argumentation. You can't use an example of exceptional individuals (as by GW2 standards) who are soloing top tier group content as a standard for whole community. We are talking about the game, where players are clicking endurance bar to dodge. What is floor for those top players is usually a ceiling for whole groups. Often not even that, as you see here. I think trying to belittle players who have problems with completing content is immature and only pushes the view of your side of our playerbase as toxic and unwelcome.


> It doesn't reflect on my argumentation, because your analogy is about financial status and getting rich which has a lot of different factors like luck, birthplace, family and many more. **Not dying to Amala is about physical reflexes, ability to press buttons on a keyboard.**


Which also is about luck, family (genes) and training (time/money).

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how convenient to ignore the rest of my message, and put on display a piece of it that seemingly allows you to do a comeback.

I already explained how I assumed this person had the default human reflexes. If OP truly has problems with health/reflexes then it's not Amala's design fault - it's the sickness. Fortunately, T1 is designed for less abled players to have fun and if you still can't kill it... well maybe it's just not for you

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> @"Kheldorn.5123"

> how convenient to ignore the rest of my message, and put on display a piece of it that seemingly allows you to do a comeback.

> I already explained how I assumed this person had the default human reflexes. If OP truly has problems with health/reflexes then it's not Amala's design fault - it's the sickness. Fortunately, T1 is designed for less abled players to have fun and if you still can't kill it... well maybe it's just not for you


I didn't read your message after first paragraph so I couldn't ignore it when replying :)

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