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Why Dragon Ball Sucks So Hard

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Dragon Ball sucks. We all know it. Not because of the design of the event itself, per se, but because of the rewards associated with the activity.


Here's how your typical match of Dragon Ball goes. Sooner or later, usually fairly early on, one team will establish a dominant lead of say 100 points or so. Once the lead appears insurmountable, many of players who see they're on the losing team will just ditch the match. Of course the game will pull in new joins to fill the empty slots, but few of them will stick around once they see they've been added to a team that isn't going to win. This usually results in the losing team having a rotating roster the entire match and finishing a man down. I do this when I see I'm on the losing side, and I'm not even a little bit ashamed to admit it, nor do I blame any other player for doing the same. The fault is ANet's for designing the event the way they have. The rewards for the activity _encourage_ unsportsmanlike conduct.


Wins and wins alone count towards the Dragon Ball Champion achievement, which gives you the Token of the Dragon Ball Champion, which allows you to purchase more Divine Lucky Envelopes per day. Unless a player just finds Dragon Ball to be an exceptionally fun way to pass the time (why?), I'm willing to bet that most people are playing a match to get that Token.


Fixing Dragon Ball would be simple, and the fix would not, and _should_ not, involve punishing people who exit the match early. It should reward you simply for playing a match to completion, win or lose (and no, the daily Dragon Ball Participant achievement doesn't count). If you earned progress towards that Token and associated Divine Envelope just by completing a match, rather than exclusively winning, you'd see a LOT more players sticking around for an entire game, and being more easygoing about doing so. Double the amount of matches that it takes to reach it if you must, and go ahead and give Little Lucky Envelope rewards only to the winning team. But until players are rewarded for _participation_ rather than exclusively _winning_, Dragon Ball will continue to suck.

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Ignoring the frustration of constant uneven numbers on a team; which seems to plague every team based mini game in GW2 and is something the Devs are apparently unable to find a solution for, it's quite enjoyable mini game.


But with no rewards for playing (a single game) - no rewards for participation - no related Achievements that award AP, it's as if Anet is trying to discourage players from wanting to participate - very strange.

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Grrrr that Dragons Gaze skill is so annoyingly troublesome to actually get to land and count.. the camera goes dolaly in the tighter areas.. every shot seems to be obstructed out of range, skills don't activate quick enpugh when moving.. god forbid you just touch a wall or something and it fails to activate at all cos the camera has zipped anywhere except where your aiming :)..

With no real incentives to stay in a game when being ported in at 450 -0 on the wrong colour.. and auto rebalance when you have got to 450-0 and loose out on the win for no fault of your own.. yeah, no thanks.

I prefer to go watch paint drying.

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> @"sablephoenix.1593" said:

> Dragon Ball sucks. We all know it. Not because of the design of the event itself, per se, but because of the rewards associated with the activity.


Nah, it's BOTH rewards AND design, and I mean the design of the skills AND the map.


For a start, there's only one map, and it's small, and it's a SEWER. Sure, it's a nostalgic reminder of 90's game design when almost every game on the market had to have a sewer level, but after playing the same sewer map for several years... it's a little boring. And I always feel like there should be a barrel of toxic ooze or something in every corner that you can shoot to explode.


And the skills.... meh. They're so boring I'm too bored to write any more. Keep your dragonball. I'm going to farm my home instance for fun.

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Just grant a win to a player regardless of the result of the match, if they press that 'volunteer' button.

Its not like having a couple extra wins a few matches sooner breaks the economy in any way.

You can still grind out those other achievements even if you're on the losing team.


I personally enjoy Dragon Ball, though I do wish there were a couple more stages. I guess its hard to justify investing more time and resources into something that only shows up a couple weeks of the year.


~ Kovu

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What I love most is when I'm on the winning team and then I suddenly get dragged to the losing team via auto-balance (more often than not while having most kills - maybe that's related?), just because the team members of the opposing team started leaving the game. I wasted an hour on 2 wins just because of this "mechanic" yesterday.


Pressing "volunteer" does nothing in this situation, otherwise I probably would. I think that some improvements to match making and team auto-balance could make this mini game much more enjoyable.


I'm still trying to figure out what about this year's skill rebalance was supposed to be the improvement for Dragon Kick (if that's the name of the stun skill). To me it feels even more broken/difficult to land than last year...

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> @"Tolmos.8395" said:

> For me, the biggest help for dragon ball would be if the matches only went to 250 points vs 500. These games can be LONG

I actually like Dragon Ball. It's not the greatest thing ever, but I get ten wins per day for the first token and that doesn't feel particularly burdensome. And while I have seen some pretty spectacular late game comebacks I agree that a lower score to win would be welcome. Maybe not 250, but a little lower than 500 would be nice . . .

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1) theres only reward for winning.

Not for participating. Hence many people leave of success isn't likely to happen.


2) no new parties after every match.

You're stuck with the same people, against the same people.


3) extremely bugged. Enemies can throw u-turning curveballs, while others will see "obstructed" after a straight line impact.


4) leaving the base is terrible. The jump height is about equal to what you need to get out. Hence its often faster to wait to be teleported in order to get out.


5) no punishment for leaving ongoing matches, strengthening the behaviour of (1)

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It's also boring if you don't want to leave the instance but you want to let it finish asap. Few days ago my team was like 350 v 0 with only 2-3 players left. To finish the match (since it was useless for me to fight against a zerg) I had to continuously use that bugged jumping platform and wait in the middle for the other team to kill me. And repeat, until they arrived to 500. That was boring, I wished I could have voted for the defeat within my team.

As said somewhere else for all of these pvp instanced events, I'd like a cooldown of 2-3 minutes for the people who leave during the match.

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I have fun once in a while.

The real problem, as for everything in this game ( and any other game ), is the moment you decide to hit one achievement.


Achievements are meant to let you play, not to have fun ( even though we do have exceptions ).

Imho the sooner you realize that you have to play in order to have fun and not to bend and complain about things like this, the better.

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