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Anyone notice an increase in hackers?


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idk if its just our current match up or what but it seems like today has been crazy one guy was so obvious he went up on a wall of a tower that wasnt his then tried to tell me it was lag ;p also there have been druids hacking into fire mes getting into everything including smc from under the map so random.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> hope they patch it since god mode is op.

If it was just a matter of a "patch" it would have been done long ago. Cheat tools are designed to cheat, thats the point. They arent easy to stop, as evidenced by every single game in existance.


Unless you are refering to druids as mentioned in the first post, then yes.

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The hacking software absolutely breaks the game.. specially in PvP/WvW

Can increase your default runspeed to cross maps in seconds, can fly anywhere, break through the map at any time, make yourself immune to CC effects..

I'm amazed Anet haven't done anything about this..


When I reported a gold generator I found years back Anet had it shut down within days.. this hacking tool has been around for months.. and so many people have reported people clearly using it.


I'm not much for PvP or WvW but I am looking forward to the upcoming WvW changes and considering playing regularly after they've been implemented.. but not while this tool is being used.

I absolutely despise people who cheat in online games.. and I will not play with them whether they be friend or foe.

Anyone I see using it will be getting reported even if they are guildmates or real life friends.. I have a zero tolerance policy for cheaters and until recently I thought Anet did too.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> The hacking software absolutely breaks the game.. specially in PvP/WvW

> Can increase your default runspeed to cross maps in seconds, can fly anywhere, break through the map at any time, make yourself immune to CC effects..

> I'm amazed Anet haven't done anything about this..


> When I reported a gold generator I found years back Anet had it shut down within days.. this hacking tool has been around for months.. and so many people have reported people clearly using it.


> I'm not much for PvP or WvW but I am looking forward to the upcoming WvW changes and considering playing regularly after they've been implemented.. but not while this tool is being used.

> I absolutely despise people who cheat in online games.. and I will not play with them whether they be friend or foe.

> Anyone I see using it will be getting reported even if they are guildmates or real life friends.. I have a zero tolerance policy for cheaters and until recently I thought Anet did too.



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i am sure if they got enough evidence they do ban people. there are far more cheating accusations thrown around then actually people cheating. i rarely can play a week active in WvW without being accused of cheating at least once by someone who simply lacks knowledge about the game. not sure if they all actually report me or just whisper.

i dont know if anet does check log files for every report they recieve, if they do then they are probably pretty busy and waste alot of time on wrong reports.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> i am sure if they got enough evidence they do ban people. there are far more cheating accusations thrown around then actually people cheating. i rarely can play a week active in WvW without being accused of cheating at least once by someone who simply lacks knowledge about the game. not sure if they all actually report me or just whisper.

> i dont know if anet does check log files for every report they recieve, if they do then they are probably pretty busy and waste alot of time on wrong reports.


I don't believe there is an actual report option for cheating either..

Botting, Gold Selling, Spamming etc but nothing for hacking or cheating.. or AFK farming.


I've called for more report options in the past myself to more accurately report people for certain things but clearly that's never been considered.

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Yeah we had someone yesterday on our server [dragonbrand] tag up, and then teleporting people in. The first time I didn't notice because I thought they were already inside from before, but the second time they put a portal outside sm and tp'ed straight up the wall. Many people noticed at that moment and did not want to be any part of it and I'm certain that person got reported as well. We called out the hack in /m and they changed maps and started doing it to enemy t3 keeps and other people started mentioning it in /t.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> Yeah we had someone yesterday on our server [dragonbrand] tag up, and then teleporting people in. The first time I didn't notice because I thought they were already inside from before, but the second time they put a portal outside sm and tp'ed straight up the wall. Many people noticed at that moment and did not want to be any part of it and I'm certain that person got reported as well. We called out the hack in /m and they changed maps and started doing it to enemy t3 keeps and other people started mentioning it in /t.


nooo keep your server clean. we have fun fighting

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > Yeah we had someone yesterday on our server [dragonbrand] tag up, and then teleporting people in. The first time I didn't notice because I thought they were already inside from before, but the second time they put a portal outside sm and tp'ed straight up the wall. Many people noticed at that moment and did not want to be any part of it and I'm certain that person got reported as well. We called out the hack in /m and they changed maps and started doing it to enemy t3 keeps and other people started mentioning it in /t.


> nooo keep your server clean. we have fun fighting


I agree. It is unsettling though because I think the hacks are spreading - it's also on one of our enemy servers that I won't mention but I think it's about time to do something about these hacks.

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Dunno if old hacks get pacthed and new ones get created or ANet just never managed to get it patched out but these types of hacks has been around for ages. Forum threads on these topics are also usually deleted to stop potential hack users from picking them up, probably to also preserve GW2's image / reputation.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > i am sure if they got enough evidence they do ban people. there are far more cheating accusations thrown around then actually people cheating. i rarely can play a week active in WvW without being accused of cheating at least once by someone who simply lacks knowledge about the game. not sure if they all actually report me or just whisper.

> > i dont know if anet does check log files for every report they recieve, if they do then they are probably pretty busy and waste alot of time on wrong reports.


> I don't believe there is an actual report option for cheating either..

> Botting, Gold Selling, Spamming etc but nothing for hacking or cheating.. or AFK farming.


> I've called for more report options in the past myself to more accurately report people for certain things but clearly that's never been considered.


i do think it is good that you cannot report for cheating ingame. because the ingame report system doesnt offer you to add a line to your report, that would explain your report and also doesnt require such. therefor it is too easy to report someone without much thought to what really happend. if you need to tap out and write an email, you more likely are certain, that the person really cheated. i dont think you can see who is cheating easily in the logs or anet would probably use a script to detect cheaters instead of havin to bother with reports. so if you then got to look for 'something' for every single false report, because you dont have the option to say what you think was cheated - that can take ages.

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What do you expect when the company is seen in the eyes of many to not do much about people who exploit? This all stems from people who do things that are 100% against ToS, are repeat offenders and get away with just a slap on the wrists and in some cases stayed twitch partners. If the company is seen to have a tough stance and swift action on people exploiting then the message rings loud and clear.



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People have been using this cheat tool since launch. It's never patched out, they never fix it (I don't even think they have tried). They literally wait for us to report players and send in video, but even then, most of those people claim they "lagged" and are still logging in. It's sad.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> The hacking software absolutely breaks the game.. specially in PvP/WvW

> Can increase your default runspeed to cross maps in seconds, can fly anywhere, break through the map at any time, make yourself immune to CC effects..

> I'm amazed Anet haven't done anything about this..


> When I reported a gold generator I found years back Anet had it shut down within days.. this hacking tool has been around for months.. and so many people have reported people clearly using it.


> I'm not much for PvP or WvW but I am looking forward to the upcoming WvW changes and considering playing regularly after they've been implemented.. but not while this tool is being used.

> I absolutely despise people who cheat in online games.. and I will not play with them whether they be friend or foe.

> Anyone I see using it will be getting reported even if they are guildmates or real life friends.. I have a zero tolerance policy for cheaters and until recently I thought Anet did too.


Anet needs to slow down thegame pace overall, and creaty a sytem that alerts "strange behaviors"

Everything is so fast and macroable, done with poor care, that sometimes i wonder if dev's really care about cheats, i ment, i never saw a cheater soloing a pve boss so cheat must be balanced right?

They also akoledge on the old forum that players glitching Ac's LoS were players improved their gameplay, how stupid of a dev u must be to do this afirmation?


> @"apharma.3741" said:

> What do you expect when the company is seen in the eyes of many to not do much about people who exploit? This all stems from people who do things that are 100% against ToS, are repeat offenders and get away with just a slap on the wrists and in some cases stayed twitch partners. If the company is seen to have a tough stance and swift action on people exploiting then the message rings loud and clear.


> https://kotaku.com/h1z1-cheaters-publicly-apologizing-for-chance-to-get-un-1705865079


IT is a game build from lamers to lamers... dont expect much, besided OMG Shinnyyy and damage output creep stuff to profrit.



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HoD BL has seen an increase in ranger class glitching into keeps, has been reported but nothing done to stop it. Last night 2 of us chased a mes from NET, then a few minutes later same mes jumped over the mountain form nec to net. He then jumped back up and vanished. When I did manage to fight him no condis would take on him . Can't imagine how gameplay like that can be fun, but guess when you really suck at gaming cheats make you feel better.

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Desert BL still has spots that some classes than skip some outers/inners with. Lot of these cases aren't hackers most likely, just people who saw vids on YouTube/server forums about it. Someday there was 2 druids constantly skipping Rampart inner + outer with their staff skills and then we killed them at lord.


Its funny that it is the desert map because there's almost no1 there that bothers scouting so its hard to spot them.


Alpine BL had some spots also, like you could skip Garri, SWT and hills inner gate with a leap which has been fixed already as I know. Think mesmers can still get in bay lord room with some underwater glitch.


Also atm the EB map seems little glitchy. You can just drop through the map (apparently when you loot an enemy) and end up in water below the map. It has happened to me twice in past month or so. I was swimming around a bit and it doesnt seem you can do much from there. Theres some potential to hit enemies above you with your underwater skills and tagging some keeps/towers but otherwise you cant do much. Guess you could port your zerg in the water if you ended up there as a mesmer by waypointing after placing portal and do some funky stuff like PVDing from below map with weapon skills. Obviously it would get you banned so I didnt do anything harmful to the enemy, just gathered information.

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